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Joshley Madison Pt 7: O Smuggar Where Art Thou?

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I grew up Catholic, and attended Catholic schools from 6-12 grades. I attend a non-denominational church currently, but have attended several churches where the Catholic bashing occurred. Cannot stand when pastors do this. Do they really think they'll "win", or that they'll actually convert a Catholic to their way of thinking regarding matters of faith? :doh: :penguin-no:

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"I'm a lapsed Catholic who is still trying to figure out when and why Catholic-bashing became popular.

I have to say, I spent plenty of time in the church as a child. I said my prayers, I read my Bible, I learned to perform acts of charity, and to count my blessings. I may have done all these things somewhat differently in accordance with the standards of other churches and denominations, but I still learned them.

Frankly, anyone who says the words, "You're doing it wrong because you're not the same kind of Christian as I am" just comes across as a really ignorant asshole from where I'm sitting. A good Christian who tries to uphold the teachings and do the right things should not be criticized for enacting tenets of their faith differently."

I think it started with the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther and all that. Anyway, there has been a lot of history between then and now and most folks have gotten over it. But not the Fundies.

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UGH I had a great post that got ate! Anywho, does Northlove live stream their Sunday services? Are we missing out on a snark fest this morning? Can we make up for it during the evening service? Do they only have one RU meeting a week?
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I grew up in an apostolic Pentecostal church and I vividly remember one Catholic bashing service. The pastor went on and on about how we never depict Jesus on the cross like some religions. His rationale had something to do with not wanting to make an icon of a figure of Jesus suffering or something like that. I remember that even to my 13 year old mind it seemed crazy and so unchristian to be bashing the Catholics for simply believing differently. We did have a huge cross on the wall, just no Jesus on it.
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I was told by a fundamentalist christian that they would never display a crucifix because it depicts jesus inaccurately. Since jesus has risen she didn't think he should be shown on a cross. I couldn't care less either way. I had never heard such a thing.

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Oh the bashing does not stop at the crucifix, trust me. My SIL and soon to be ex niece are IFB and they would not shut up during my son's First Communion. Keep in mind they were sitting with a whole pew of Catholics (my family and MIL) and surrounded by Catholics. I had to hear how the crucifix was creepy and depressing, so was the statue of Mary, the holy water/baptismal font in the church was unsanitary, our music is "boring", why are women allowed to help with mass (Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors/Cantor) and wear pants in church, and so on. My SIL was raised Catholic and converted at 16, so we were most surprised by her bashing, she said nothing at either kids baptism or daughter's First Communion. It also has gotten her banned from all religious events for my family pretty much forever. Even my kids said if they have a Catholic wedding, she's not invited.

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Oh the bashing does not stop at the crucifix, trust me. My SIL and soon to be ex niece are IFB and they would not shut up during my son's First Communion. Keep in mind they were sitting with a whole pew of Catholics (my family and MIL) and surrounded by Catholics. I had to hear how the crucifix was creepy and depressing, so was the statue of Mary, the holy water/baptismal font in the church was unsanitary, our music is "boring", why are women allowed to help with mass (Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors/Cantor) and wear pants in church, and so on. My SIL was raised Catholic and converted at 16, so we were most surprised by her bashing, she said nothing at either kids baptism or daughter's First Communion. It also has gotten her banned from all religious events for my family pretty much forever. Even my kids said if they have a Catholic wedding, she's not invited.

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I grew up in an apostolic Pentecostal church and I vividly remember one Catholic bashing service. The pastor went on and on about how we never depict Jesus on the cross like some religions. His rationale had something to do with not wanting to make an icon of a figure of Jesus suffering or something like that. I remember that even to my 13 year old mind it seemed crazy and so unchristian to be bashing the Catholics for simply believing differently. We did have a huge cross on the wall, just no Jesus on it.
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Funny, I grew up Catholic, and recall several instances of anyone but Catholic bashing, not so much at mass, that was all prerecorded back in 1097. My family still thinks anyone who isn't Catholic is going to hell and is just horrible. It was very interesting when my husband and I got together. His cool AF grandma was VERY VERY anti Catholic, I am not Catholic and the church we were married in was just uncatholic enough to make them squirm. Our church has a huge cross 20 foot out front by the highway with Christmas lights on it year round. But it is far less intimidating than the guy across the street with his own cross, the American AND confederate flag and God gave America Guns sign. Add that to the tank and Bunker in his back yard, and everyone in town thinks the cross is pretty tame.

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My mom is from a huge Irish Catholic family. She went to Catholic school until she graduated. Anyway, she dated a guy who grew up pentecostal and he would tell her, jokingly, the stuff they would say about catholics during church. They told him we all got drunk and stock piled guns and my mom's response was "I wish that was true. I probably would go to church more."

Every youth group I went to, and I went to a lot of different denominations, had a weird Catholic bashing time. One youth pastor would dredge up an article about Catholic priests like every week and write his sermon around how wrong they are.

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One of my pet peeves is the overuse of a certain hymn - especially by the musically challenged. Thanks to the live chat I will henceforth think of the title being "Sufficient Grace" or perhaps "Barely Adequate Grace".

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I grew up Catholic, and attended Catholic schools from 6-12 grades. I attend a non-denominational church currently, but have attended several churches where the Catholic bashing occurred. Cannot stand when pastors do this. Do they really think they'll "win", or that they'll actually convert a Catholic to their way of thinking regarding matters of faith? :doh: :penguin-no:

No. They don't. The aim is more self-congratulatory than proselytizing.

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I grew up Church of England which is basically Roman Catholic lite. The main difference is that Catholics believe in the miracle of transubstantiation at communion whereas CofE does not. So those with gluten allergies and those following the Atkins diet might get some benefits from Roman Catholicism over CofE but I suspect any Catholic bashing would encompass CofE bashing too.

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Wow. How I'll mannered. I'm not even catholic any more and that's upsetting.

I have attended events at my SIL churches and I kept my mouth shut most of the time. Even when someone told me I was going to hell for wearing jeans to a fun fair and I deserved to get food poisoning (which I did and reported to school) from said fun fair. I kept my mouth shut when they passed the basket at a school Christmas concert for the teachers' bonus and found out their teachers only make $20K at the time. I did open my mouth to SIL when the sermon/graduation speech by the lovely Jack Schaap turned into gay-bashing and I was told by SIL I "misinterpreted the message." No, I think it was very clear.

I have friends who are different religions and I am nothing but respectful when I am there, even when I don't agree. It's calling being a polite guest.

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Unread postAuthor: Snarkangel Gabriel » Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:24 pm

I grew up Church of England which is basically Roman Catholic lite.

Episcopalian here. There were some Episcopal churches I attended which were almost identical to what I have heard were RC - except for the Latin that is. I grew up next door to one with a huge cross complete with larger than life size JC. There was also a confessional and the minister (who was my godfather) conducted confession on Friday night. Although I don't think participants were given Hail Marys to do before they could take communion .

When that church moved to a bigger building my family attended a different church which was a little less "high church" however, I was taught during catechism class that the wafer and wine were indeed transubstantiated and were most holy. I do recall that there was an American flag but I don't remember whether it was part of the processional/recessional although it very well might have been.

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I have attended events at my SIL churches and I kept my mouth shut most of the time. Even when someone told me I was going to hell for wearing jeans to a fun fair and I deserved to get food poisoning (which I did and reported to school) from said fun fair. I kept my mouth shut when they passed the basket at a school Christmas concert for the teachers' bonus and found out their teachers only make $20K at the time. I did open my mouth to SIL when the sermon/graduation speech by the lovely Jack Schaap turned into gay-bashing and I was told by SIL I "misinterpreted the message." No, I think it was very clear.

I have friends who are different religions and I am nothing but respectful when I am there, even when I don't agree. It's calling being a polite guest.

I don't have all my names straight yet, but is that the same jack Schaap that wad involved in a scandal and has some kind of link to RU where josh is staying?

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I have attended events at my SIL churches and I kept my mouth shut most of the time. Even when someone told me I was going to hell for wearing jeans to a fun fair and I deserved to get food poisoning (which I did and reported to school) from said fun fair. I kept my mouth shut when they passed the basket at a school Christmas concert for the teachers' bonus and found out their teachers only make $20K at the time. I did open my mouth to SIL when the sermon/graduation speech by the lovely Jack Schaap turned into gay-bashing and I was told by SIL I "misinterpreted the message." No, I think it was very clear.

I have friends who are different religions and I am nothing but respectful when I am there, even when I don't agree. It's calling being a polite guest.

Oooh, has Jack Schaap's infamous "polishing the shaft" sermon been discussed anywhere on FJ? That was a good one which deserves it's own topic (although I'm sure it didn't go unnoticed by our FJ sleuths and has probably already been discussed at length somewhere). Schaap is now serving a 12-year sentence in prison for having sex with an underage girl.

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Jack Schaap is Jack Hyles' son-in-law. Hyles was the pastor of FBC Hammond, the largest IFB church in Indiana, and the "Hyles" in Hyles-Anderson College.

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I grew up Church of England which is basically Roman Catholic lite. The main difference is that Catholics believe in the miracle of transubstantiation at communion whereas CofE does not. So those with gluten allergies and those following the Atkins diet might get some benefits from Roman Catholicism over CofE but I suspect any Catholic bashing would encompass CofE bashing too.

My theology student friend who joined a liberal Episcopalian church (CoE in the US) after he'd had enough of Catholicism telling him that he was a horrible person for being gay (but he still loves the rituals) described Anglicanism as "The Reform Judaism of Christianity: all of the ritual and fun, but way less insufferable ideologically".

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My church (Episcopal) is having an interfaith picnic tomorrow, because we don't think we are the be all and end all of religion. It's a lot of fun.

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I don't have all my names straight yet, but is that the same jack Schaap that wad involved in a scandal and has some kind of link to RU where josh is staying?


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Oooh, has Jack Schaap's infamous "polishing the shaft" sermon been discussed anywhere on FJ? That was a good one which deserves it's own topic (although I'm sure it didn't go unnoticed by our FJ sleuths and has probably already been discussed at length somewhere). Schaap is now serving a 12-year sentence in prison for having sex with an underage girl.


[bBvideo 560,340:2nw9dk9z]


Ask and ye shall receive. Worth watching, although I find all fundie videos insufferable, no matter how LOLs-worthy (also, the whole thing's two hours long, but you get the idea quickly.)

*edited to snip some previous quotes

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I thought putting ;) was enough but I guess I need to actually type (sarcasm). I was funnin, well trying to. Thought that was clear, but it was funny that people took me seriously. Messed up sayings don't irritate me, usually I just wonder how people get them wrong.

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My church (Episcopal) is having an interfaith picnic tomorrow, because we don't think we are the be all and end all of religion. It's a lot of fun.

I'm methodist and we did that a few times :D

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