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Joshley Madison Pt 7: O Smuggar Where Art Thou?

happy atheist

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Grrrrrrrrrr, I need new Joshie news!!!!!!

DO YOU HEAR ME, UNIVERSE????? It's Sunday, I'm bored, send news NOW!!!!!!!!!!


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Stop clubbing baby seals.. vs

Stop clubbing, baby seals.

Please google that if you haven't already seen that picture... it's a riot. :lol:

*googles* Wow, such riot, many club, so seal! :D

Funny thing, that joke was in my mind recently because "You're a baby seal and it's clubbing season" was a question in a card game (Bucket of Doom) I watched a video of in the last week. (This video:

WARNING: CONTAINS Cards Against Humanity and many naughty words and inappropriate jokes! :o :shock: :pink-shock: :twisted: Not recommended for the Maxwell's game night :penguin-no: )
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My tip to reading mega threads is to skim each paragraph. If it's not interesting then go to the next post. No need to read each post fully, if you are not interested in any of the material in the post.

I do that, too. I also look for ones that belong to a chain of responses I'm not at all interested in. I skip those as well. It really helps. Though, sometimes, it's not enough to get me caught up. I still missed almost all of part 3 and 4 (probably 5 too) of these chains because I didn't devote my entire life to reading.

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Yeah I skim a fair amount too, though I do make sure to read anything that looks interesting. So most things, other than discussion of fingernails.

[snip]But I've now (thanks to my nephew) elaborated this fantasy about where Josh is.[snip]
I think that pretty much qualifies as 'fanfiction' which is forbidden by the rules of FJ.
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I'm not a stickler for grammar, but language has not evolved to create the phrase "tow the line". Some things are just wrong. This is one of them.

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I'm not a stickler for grammar, but language has not evolved to create the phrase "tow the line". Some things are just wrong. This is one of them.

I enjoy these things more than I am irritated by them. :D

My favourite mis-words are "wallah!" and "viola!" for voila. The accompanying exclamation marks just make my heart even happier. :lol:

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I get grammaticists and historians would want people to know the origins, but it is not as big a deal as people make it out to be.

It's not about the origins of a saying. It's a big deal because it's ignorant. In some cases, willfully ignorant. For those who have their diploma from the SOTDRT, maybe that isn't important. The "chronic lyricosis" defense can only take you so far.

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I enjoy these things more than I am irritated by them. :D

My favourite mis-words are "wallah!" and "viola!" for voila. The accompanying exclamation marks just make my heart even happier. :lol:

I just find "wallah!" being used by fundies especially funny because in Arabic, it means "I promise by God" (or more colloquially, "swear to God"). Considering how usually anti-Muslim they tend to be (and unaware of the existence of Arab Christians or the fact that Allah is not a separate deity and literally just means God in Arabic), it's just very ironic to me.

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was not able to tune in live to last night's RU Recovery program at North Love, but the comments from the live chat, some of the best snark I've ever read, must be preserved for posterity!

You have done a great service for the FJ community and I thank you. I wasn't able to watch the RU program but was reading the comments on FJ while it was occurring due to being away from home and limited bandwidth. When I was reading the comments last nightI laughed so hard I woke up my boyfriend. (He's very sweet but he doesn't get my happiness in seeing that karma hasn't forgotten the Duggars.)

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I skim. If I see, say, a reference to gel nails, I completely skip. I do not reread all the quoted stuff, and I WISH people would snip to make the point clearer as to what they refer in the quoted stuff.

toe the line



per se

and many, many more.

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I'm not a nice person. Yes, I'd regret it if Anna and her children were in need; ditto, the kids still at TTH. But I don't think I'd feel all that bad if, after gobbling up all the TLC money and the money from books, talks, and conferences, Jim Bob and Michelle got totally ripped off by their saintly, repentant oldest son.

Snipped for brevity.

First off, sorry about your nephew taking the money. That's awful.

Well, good to know that I am not a alone in my feelings that JB and J'chelle getting ripped off. I feel bad for Anna and the kids, plus the kids stuck at the TTH, but I don't have an ounce of sympathy for JB and J'chelle. I am enjoying watching those two squirm. They totally deserve it.

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If Josh is really at RU, he's either consumed with self-loathing or about to choke on his own resentment. I mean, of course this is conjecture on my part, but that's a reasonable response to expect of an adult who has been mostly autonomous and is then compelled to surrender that autonomy. I can't imagine, under any circumstances, agreeing to re-enter the fundie paradigm; I think it would break something in me that has taken years to rebuild.

I know he has acted monstrously any time he's given the chance, but honestly I can identify with him in a lot of ways. When you first start to break away, you may look functional and business-as-usual to the casual observer, but your inner landscape is volcanic and sooner or later it's going to erupt. I mean, lava is destructive, right? But it's also the bedrock on which new land is formed.

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Just a few comments that made me LOL.

Not once, but at least three times...



Well, now we know the inside joke on this one. A group from Previously TV was in the room.

J'Aja Smithson

I agree Faree! PTV

J'Aja Smithson

PTL! Oops! Lol


Faree Ginger

This song reminds me of Send in the Clowns, but without the secular nonsense. Praise the Lord for something so wonderful.

It does! The intro could have been to Send in the Clowns although before it was over I was thinking The Song that Never Ends. I kept waiting for her to find a stopping point, and it took a while.

The guy with the prayer request cards at the beginning? I wondered if he was going to go through the whole stack as the service would have lasted all night. He stopped about 8 or 9 in though.

I generally don't like to see people's physical traits snarked upon, especially innocent bystanders, but I'm sorry. I'm really not being snarky. It was just impossible not to notice. Did anyone see the woman in black seated on the far end of the 4rd or 5th row on the "organ side"? :pink-shock:


And now, a word shameless plug from our sponsor.

Faree Ginger

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North Love Ministries

You are welcome to use shop.reformu.com to find and purchase our curriculum. The core material is Steven Curington's book, Nevertheless I Live

North Love Ministries

To make group orders and for advice on which materials to purchase first, you can contact our sales manager at sales@reformu.com


I spit on my screen here.

Faree Ginger

Cisco was a router sending me the word of the Lord. Amen!

And again here.


Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..My friend Bobby said that.

Y'all are pure snarkalicious geniuses.

Jemima Jobs

Danica, what a lovely last name you have! Do you have French Huguenot roots? How terribly persecuted those people were.

The comments about the "hard" verses and "offending hands" and then "going deeper and longer" were comedy gold. Was the moderator really that thick, or did he just give up after a while?

Were there any not-so-subtle fundie/Duggar buzz words, current events, FJ and PTV references, and double entendres that didn't get worked into that discussion? Legos, bondage, GoFundMe, sin-pray-don't repeat, The Andy Griffith Show, guns, Satan's fortress, season, Gothard, "oh brother where art thou?", the Pearls and plumbing line, Rockford, Philadelphia, tipping, Chik-fil-A, pickles, Amarillo, and tater tot casserole plus several I'm sure I missed.

My hat's off to everyone who made me laugh harder than I have in a long, long time! :lol:

Next Friday, same time, same station? :romance-threesome: :popcorn2:

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 !  {TEXT1}:
Knock off the fanfic-level speculation bullshit. There's enough to talk about without inventing entire alternate histories and imagining farfetched scenarios.

And if there isn't - then it's time to stop talking. :roll:

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that's a reasonable response to expect of an adult who has been mostly autonomous and is then compelled to surrender that autonomy.

Except you're not talking about your average adult, here. Stunted is putting it kindly. Reasonable responses from a Duggar seems to be an oxymoron from what evidence I've seen.

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J'Aja Smithson

I agree Faree! PTV

J'Aja Smithson

PTL! Oops! Lol

What struck me about this name is that "ja ja" is the Spanish version of "ha ha." I don't know if that was the intended reference, but I think it is perfect.

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What struck me about this name is that "ja ja" is the Spanish version of "ha ha." I don't know if that was the intended reference, but I think it is perfect.

Aja is someone over at a website called Previously TV, she put the 'J' in front of it because you're not a duggar without a 'J'. the link to their forum discussion i think is at the end of part 6...

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I grew up in an apostolic Pentecostal church and I vividly remember one Catholic bashing service. The pastor went on and on about how we never depict Jesus on the cross like some religions. His rationale had something to do with not wanting to make an icon of a figure of Jesus suffering or something like that. I remember that even to my 13 year old mind it seemed crazy and so unchristian to be bashing the Catholics for simply believing differently. We did have a huge cross on the wall, just no Jesus on it.

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UGH I had a great post that got ate! Anywho, does Northlove live stream their Sunday services? Are we missing out on a snark fest this morning? Can we make up for it during the evening service? Do they only have one RU meeting a week?

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Lmao at Famy's "I won't be a Duggar much longer!" Didn't she just change her name to Duggar?

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Except you're not talking about your average adult, here. Stunted is putting it kindly. Reasonable responses from a Duggar seems to be an oxymoron from what evidence I've seen.

Point taken.

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I grew up in an apostolic Pentecostal church and I vividly remember one Catholic bashing service. The pastor went on and on about how we never depict Jesus on the cross like some religions. His rationale had something to do with not wanting to make an icon of a figure of Jesus suffering or something like that. I remember that even to my 13 year old mind it seemed crazy and so unchristian to be bashing the Catholics for simply believing differently. We did have a huge cross on the wall, just no Jesus on it.

I grew up Catholic, and attended Catholic schools from 6-12 grades. I attend a non-denominational church currently, but have attended several churches where the Catholic bashing occurred. Cannot stand when pastors do this. Do they really think they'll "win", or that they'll actually convert a Catholic to their way of thinking regarding matters of faith? :doh: :penguin-no:

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I grew up Catholic, and attended Catholic schools from 6-12 grades. I attend a non-denominational church currently, but have attended several churches where the Catholic bashing occurred. Cannot stand when pastors do this. Do they really think they'll "win", or that they'll actually convert a Catholic to their way of thinking regarding matters of faith? :doh: :penguin-no:

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