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Joshley Madison Part 5 - Rehab and women and porn - oh my!


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I heard the same "King David" comparisons for Doug Phillips is a Tool :music-tool: after his deeds were uncovered.

Seriously, any father that would be "OK" with this for his daughter has demonstrated himself incompetent IMO. Maybe he can't do anything about it, but that is no freaking excuse for saying it's OK. :wtf: :pull-hair: :angry-banghead:

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More tidbits from the rulebook:

Men must wear a suit to church (white shirt provided).

Women must wear the provided uniform to church.

Orange jumpsuits tailored to become a frumper-skirt?

Red letter A emblazoned on the front of a white blouse?

If anyone can find a photo of the "uniform" please feel free to share!

shop.reformu.com/product-p/wap-1.htm < THIS is for sale on their website, maybe this or a similar item? With a long modest skirt of course! :worship:

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So Josh is in one of those fake rehab places? I was afraid of that. He might have been better off doing construction work with a friend all summer again.

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My dad cheated on every wife he had (4 and he was waiting on divorce 4 to be final so he could remarry my mom when he died) but when I thought my husband was cheating on me Dad drove 3 hours to get to me and threatened to bury my husband. What the hell does Pa Keller have against his daughters? He could not have done worse by them if he tried.

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and I was so proud how most of the last 5 threads went....

I wouldn't wish HIV on Erika Shupe, and I wouldn't mind is she was run over by a train while unconscious.

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Amazon has a 5 lb bag.

(I would wish explosive, but not deadly, diarrhea on Josh Duggar. Not AIDS/HIV, a machete to the face, etc. Something that would make him uncomfortable for a short while, but not kill him or harm those around him.)

On a side note from all this disgraceful Smuggar business, the Amazon reviews for those bears are amongst the funniest reviews I have ever read for any product. And I quote from one titled Just don't. Unless it's a gift for someone you hate: "What came out of me felt like someone tried to funnel Niagara Falls through a coffee straw. I swear my sphincters were screaming. It felt like my delicate starfish was a gaping maw projectile vomiting a torrential flood of toxic waste. 100% liquid. Flammable liquid. NAPALM. It was actually a bit humorous (for a nanosecond)as it was just beyond anything I could imagine possible."

Hilarious. More here if any of you want some great laughs: amazon.com/Haribo-SUGAR-Classic-Gummi-Bears/product-reviews/B006J1FBLM

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Well done Josh and Pa Keller... you have somehow managed to make the Pecan Thief look like the most normal, mentally stable male member of your fundie-family. :cray-cray:

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and I was so proud how most of the last 5 threads went....

I wouldn't wish HIV on Erika Shupe, and I wouldn't mind is she was run over by a train while unconscious.

What, HIV is worse than being dead? Because that's what happens if one is run over by a train. We have light rail here, and just saw a train accident today on my way to the gym. It was pretty bad.

Really, I just want Josh to have some sort of daily reminder of his wrongdoing. Preferably an ironic one.

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I've been thinking about this a lot (then again, haven't we all) and I think it was a poor choice to send him to the fake rehab place for a multitude of reasons, but the one I haven't seen touched on this thread is because Josh is the only person who knows what he did. Who he did. None of the allegations can be confirmed or denied by him until he's out of fake rehab. Anyone could come out saying anything and it could make national papers, no matter the validity, soley because Josh cannot clear up or validate any of the encounters that I'm sure will leak within the next few weeks.

I agree that it's problematic he was sent since nobody knows what he actually did (I've said as much), but I don't think the national papers are dependent on Josh. All it takes is one statement from Mommy & Daddy thinly veiled as a "call from Josh" or the like, and boom- addressed.

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Frankly, as sweet as Amy seems, she's still pretty fundie. She's clinging onto that Duggar gravy train as long as it's still limping along, so any advice she gives will be tempered by her fear of losing whatever financial/career support she gets from Jim Bob. I would hope that she gives what she can: hugs, help with the kids, a listening ear. And considering how little she seems to know about holding down a job and making money on one's own, I don't think she'll have very constructive advice for her anyway.

She's not fundie, she's opportunistic. Big difference.

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I wish the government would shut down these hack rehab centers. I mean, if you're not getting any actual help based on sound, reasonable science and just want Jesus, then go on a spiritual retreat.

Physical labor won't cure his "porn addiction" or whatever you call it. It won't cure eating disorders. Heck, when my eating disorder reached its very worst, it was hard to stand up without almost fainting.

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Shit like this should be illegal. Joshie's desire to watch porn and have sex with more than one person in and of themselves aren't life threatening (though the physiological impact of this "method" could well be), but there are people who have serious, life threatening issues being sent to this place for help. There should have to be a giant disclaimer that these methods are not scientifically or medically recognized or approved and that no actual medical treatment will be given.

What a disgusting scam. Reminds me of the "preachers" featured on John Oliver's show a couple of weeks ago.

The "students" must sign a contract that states they understand that this program is not a medical facility and that they do not give medical treatment. Anyone that needs to go to the dr more than 1 or 2 times a month might not be accepted into the program.

I am not against addiction treatment that is not based on the 12 step model. In fact, there is quite a bit of debate about AA as an appropriate model for everyone.

So other models of treatment are ok---but this one is kind of scary sounding. It will only work for a particular set of people.

The application form does, however, carefully outline that they only want people in the program who want to be there. Anybody who wants to leave the program may leave. And if a "student" is not progressing in the program, they will be asked to leave. They say that they will not deal with anybody other than the applicant---so its not a case where Josh would have been dropped off against his will.

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I wish the government would shut down these hack rehab centers. I mean, if you're not getting any actual help based on sound, reasonable science and just want Jesus, then go on a spiritual retreat.

Physical labor won't cure his "porn addiction" or whatever you call it. It won't cure eating disorders. Heck, when my eating disorder reached its very worst, it was hard to stand up without almost fainting.

Ugh, I know! When I had one (but all okay, right, because I was overweight?) my BP would drop and I would stumble if I tried to stand up any faster than a 90-year-old in a nursing home.

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The food assistance release doesn't seem legal at all. Like using state funds to support a private/religious institution. I'll bet they don't take insurance; they would need some kind of accreditation to be eligible.

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On a side note from all this disgraceful Smuggar business, the Amazon reviews for those bears are amongst the funniest reviews I have ever read for any product. And I quote from one titled Just don't. Unless it's a gift for someone you hate: "What came out of me felt like someone tried to funnel Niagara Falls through a coffee straw. I swear my sphincters were screaming. It felt like my delicate starfish was a gaping maw projectile vomiting a torrential flood of toxic waste. 100% liquid. Flammable liquid. NAPALM. It was actually a bit humorous (for a nanosecond)as it was just beyond anything I could imagine possible."

Hilarious. More here if any of you want some great laughs: amazon.com/Haribo-SUGAR-Classic-Gummi-Bears/product-reviews/B006J1FBLM

Thanks for that link. I laughed until I was sick. The wedding story would make a great disaster movie. I see they are "not available at this time" at Amazon. Ha!

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Libertarian with a B.S. in Environmental Science here...

I also had know idea I was an offensive uptight asshole. Wow, what a waste of money that college tuition was since apparently I don't actually care about the environment. Huh.

Oh, for fucks sake, if you don't understand what I meant then yes, you're tuition might have been a waste of money. If you're not an asshole who likes to punch down, then I wasn't talking about you. Seriously, reading comprehension is important. Read what I wrote again. Look at what who I was referring to as uptight. Look at how i said there are assholes of all political stripes. Look at how very specific I was about the type of "humor" we were discussing and where it's most likely seen.

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Looks like the Duggars' BFF Joe is itching to get discussed by a tabloid again, talking about Josh:


joe_donaldson_1And to [1] , naturally I don't condone his past behavior!.. No one would! But I have no problem being seen with Josh... as if I can't forgive a friend for his mistakes & his decisions... Well I don't think I could call myself a Christian! It is now my responsibility as a Christian friend to love Josh & his family, to be there for them, & to use our friendship to add accountability to both our lives so that better decisions are made in the future! God Bless!

Why do grown men need other people for accountability in their sex lives? Hold yourself accountable, you stupid douchecanoe.

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We should send him the sugar free gummy bears from Amazon with all the hilarious reviews of explosive diarrhea.

Now this made me LOL. If we all do it or might become a People article. At the very least Radar Online :D

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My thoughts lean heavily towards vindictive, but I'm going to draw the line at permanent illnesses. HIV might not be the death sentence in the West it once was (people born with HIV have reached adulthood and have children of their own) but it's still a big fucking deal. It's absolutely not okay to wish that on anyone.

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I wish the government would shut down these hack rehab centers. I mean, if you're not getting any actual help based on sound, reasonable science and just want Jesus, then go on a spiritual retreat.

Physical labor won't cure his "porn addiction" or whatever you call it. It won't cure eating disorders. Heck, when my eating disorder reached its very worst, it was hard to stand up without almost fainting.

they can't even regulate the ones involving kids when religion is involved.

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Amy might, though she seems like she'd try to hang onto the gravy train as long as possible. These statements seem too mature for Jackson and Hannie (who are 11 and 9, respectively), so that narrows it to possibly Amy, possibly Joseph or Josiah, or possibly Jessa if she's finally decided that the unquestioning loyalty angle isn't working. Jana's too quiet, Jill is sticking her head in the sand and disengaging entirely (rightly so), JD is too media shy, and Jinger is probably under tight control. Though it could also be Mary finally having had enough of her son and grandson's bullshit.

Apologies. My reference to Hannie and Jackson was tongue and cheek. Michelle supposedly flipped out on her kids the other day when they were caught talking to someone who was on or near the compound.

I don't think anyone living in the Duggar household would dare step a toe out of line now. (Bible prison camp sounds pretty sucky). Assuming we're talking first degree relatives my best guesses on the options are - 1)Amy and Deanna. 2)Amy and Jessa. 3) Amy and her father. 4) Amy and A Son-In-Law.

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Apologies. My reference to Hannie and Jackson was tongue and cheek. Michelle supposedly flipped out on her kids the other day when they were caught talking to someone who was on or near the compound.

I don't think anyone living in the Duggar household would dare step a toe out of line now. (Bible prison camp sounds pretty sucky). Assuming we're talking first degree relatives my best guesses on the options are - 1)Amy and Deanna. 2)Amy and Jessa. 3) Amy and her father. 4) Amy and A Son-In-Law.

I very much think this is BJ.

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I'm seeing an article about amy "comforting" anna. Being amy grew up outside the duggar/keller religious world, I'm wondering if she could offer her some constructive help about info she may not be getting any access to......job training, std testing, finances, josh getting real help, etc. How many women can she really have access to outside her community? Josh may have disallowed it.

That is most likely Amy trying to get more publicity for herself. I have a bad feeling JB has Anna real REAL close. He will not allow anyone to bring any more ruin on his family, least of all some shameless woman.

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Family member #1's statement "Who have we grown up with" screams "Josh's sibling" to me. The second one is probably further removed though. Much more distant and vague statements.

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Family member #1's statement "Who have we grown up with" screams "Josh's sibling" to me. The second one is probably further removed though. Much more distant and vague statements.

Amy grew up with him too.

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