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Lori just doesn't get it, does she?

Students are not taught any of that, as far as I can see. I can't even bother to type any more about this. Lori is a dumb bunny. She's just so ignorant. And unwilling to learn or listen, or possibly consider that if everyone with an education is laughing at you, maybe you are saying something incredibly stupid.

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Yes, I have mentored women in difficult marriages so I always simply focus upon them, their behavior and drawing closer to the Lord, finding strength in Him. Then one day, their husbands will finally repent and call upon the name of the Lord!


(Comments: lorialexander.blogspot.com/2015/07/are-you-married-to-jackass.html#idc-container)

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(Comments: lorialexander.blogspot.com/2015/07/are-you-married-to-jackass.html#idc-container)

Because going around muttering prayers to God to strike your husband or at least totally change him while refusing to talk about things (aka "winning him without a word") is better than having an honest conversation, right?

Along the same lines, Lori has talked in the past about how expectations are bad and how important it is to respect your husband....and then goes and publishes stuff that shits on stay-at-home dads. Which is it, Lori? Because you cannot have it both ways. If expectations are bad, which is exactly what you say any other time a wife is unhappy and maybe expects that her husband will show a tiny bit of interest in the babies that he helped to bring into the world, then having an expectation that a husband will always be the sole provider is also bad. If you don't want to encourage women to bad-mouth their husbands and gossip, don't have this exchange in the comments:

Daddy's Girl · 1 day ago

I just met a lady last month that told me that her husband was a stay-at-home dad. I cringed! Even before I understood God's word about my role and my husband's role, I knew that type of arrangement wasn't right. I asked her why did they decide on that and she told me it was because she made more money...yikes!! She told me he shopped for grocery, cooked, cleaned and took care of the kids:( . A man cannot nurture like a woman. He is not designed that way. How does this work??? I would never want to put that burden on my husband. She was smiling but she seemed stressed on the inside. The stay-at-home dad arrangement has always been broken to me. I get that the man may be out of a job but I would rather him work at Mcdonald's than being at home.



1 reply · active 20 hours ago

Lori Alexander's avatar - Go to profile

Lori Alexander

· 20 hours ago

We weren't created to take on the opposite sex's role. One family close to us has done this and it's been extremely difficult on both of them. This is the risk women take when they pursue careers that make a lot of money. The husband may want them to continue working even after they have children.

You know, that would have been an excellent teaching moment. You could have told Daddy's Girl about judging others favorably and never jumping to conclusions. You could have mentioned a lesson about avoiding any possible comments to a husband or wife that could possibly promote gossip or cause bad feelings to grow between them. You certainly could have mentioned that it was not her place to put down another woman's husband and assume that he was incompetent in his tasks. You could even have reminded her that the discussion that took place between the couple may have reflected the wishes of the husband, and that there is no obligation to submit to the judgment of a random woman or even a nosy neighbor.

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Should Christians attend gay weddings? I don't think so. By attending, you are giving approval to two homosexuals who are committing to practicing homosexuality which God calls an abomination {Leviticus 20:13}. Will you go to a polygamous wedding, an incestuous wedding or bestiality one, since we should be able to marry anyone we love? If you want to go as Jesus, will you love them enough to tell them to go and sin no more? What about the last verse in Romans 1 where Paul describes the progression of sin and ends with this verse, "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have PLEASURE IN THEM THAT DO THEM." Also consider these verses if you're still not convinced, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me" {Psalm 101:3} and "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" {Philippians 4:8}. Yes, please love the homosexuals in your life, speak Truth to them, minister to and share the Gospel with them, but don't celebrate their sin with them, just as we shouldn't go to strip clubs, rock concerts or any place that condones sin and glorifies it.


I have had long, caring discussions with husbands who are sleeping with another man’s wife, with gays about the hardships of being gay, and enjoyed myself at gay parties that were quite ordinary.

For clarity:

Gay weddings: :snooty:

Gay parties: :dance:

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Lori just shared this from KVMinistries, whatever that is, with the photo from HONY that Hillary commented on blurred out below it:

SO many things are not only wrong but incorrect about that. :roll:

ETA: Lori actually edited the woman's exact words, which say this:

Not much better, but the point seems to be very different.

These people do not understand what gay means.

I am a lesbian. I had my first crush on a girl when I was 7. I didn't realise it as a crush as I didn't know that liking girls was an option. I had loads of friends who were girls, but she was different. I liked my friends, but being around her made me feel funny inside, like more than just a friend. Then when I was 8 or 9, I developed a crush on one of the staff at my school. I really didn't understand this, because I couldn't be her friend as she was an adult (she seemed so old at the time, but I am still in touch with her, and she was 19, lol). I mainly just liked seeing her around school, and would always shyly go up to her to say hi every afternoon as she came back to school from her lunch break. She was really nice to me and once helped me when I fell over in the playground. I thought she was really pretty and funny and I daydreamed about talking to her and didn't want to take days off because it meant I wouldn't see her.

My childhood crushes were never sexual, I didn't even really understand sex. I didn't want to see anyone naked, the words "vagina" "boobie" and "butt" were things to be giggled at, and thought kissing was gross. Same as any straight person who had their first crush in childhood.

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I knew we were tougher than Canadians! ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love her gloves.

Actually I thought maybe those were snowsuits, in the style of these: mjLhdLwLs6sI5mN_cex_lag.jpg

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Just saw this--it's a heart breaker.

"Teachers who aim to control students' behavior—rather than helping them control it themselves—undermine the very elements that are essential for motivation: autonomy, a sense of competence, and a capacity to relate to others."

The article is amazing. And hopeful. And joyful.

http://www.motherjones.com/politics/201 ... oss-greene

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These people do not understand what gay means.

I am a lesbian. I had my first crush on a girl when I was 7. I didn't realise it as a crush as I didn't know that liking girls was an option. I had loads of friends who were girls, but she was different. I liked my friends, but being around her made me feel funny inside, like more than just a friend. Then when I was 8 or 9, I developed a crush on one of the staff at my school. I really didn't understand this, because I couldn't be her friend as she was an adult (she seemed so old at the time, but I am still in touch with her, and she was 19, lol). I mainly just liked seeing her around school, and would always shyly go up to her to say hi every afternoon as she came back to school from her lunch break. She was really nice to me and once helped me when I fell over in the playground. I thought she was really pretty and funny and I daydreamed about talking to her and didn't want to take days off because it meant I wouldn't see her.

My childhood crushes were never sexual, I didn't even really understand sex. I didn't want to see anyone naked, the words "vagina" "boobie" and "butt" were things to be giggled at, and thought kissing was gross. Same as any straight person who had their first crush in childhood.

I identify as straight, but I ALSO had some similar non-sexual girl crushes. I had absolutely no interest in boys at all prior to puberty.

FWIW, I was also a fairly androgynous kid prior to puberty as well.

Puberty, with its rush of hormones, is a time of rapid change, both physical and emotionally. If her point was that it's really premature to stick a label on a child prior to puberty, I'd agree.

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Today Lori contradicts herself within the same post. First she condemns those who only have children when they "want" them.

Yet today, it seems most believe that they should buy homes and not dwell in them; women should leave their homes all day to work for somebody else. Only take a wife if you "feel" like it but it's better to test her out first by having sex and living with her, then have children only if you "want" them. Has God's Word to us changed? NO!

Next Lori tells us that it is good to have children if we want them:

God's Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When a godly man finds you and wants to marry you, marry him. As soon as you are married and you want to have children, have them. If you continue to have children and people mock you, know that you are pleasing the Lord and your children are blessings from Him.

Translation: To "want" children is bad but to want children is good.

Lori's logic. :?

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Here's a question I'd love an answer from Lori:

If Christians aren't supposed to gossip, how does that apply to reality TV stars? I look at it based on the old saying attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt: "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." I don't know that I'd consider reality stars so much actual people within their reality show settings as much as actors- we've had plenty of testimonies that say as much. So, are you a small mind if you discuss them? Are you gossiping? If so, that probably puts a damper on much of Lori's posts...

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Lori's (public) Facebook:

Women have mentioned to me that some women just are not cut out to be home full-time with their babies and children so they get jobs. How about asking the babies and children, "Would you rather a babysitter, childcare worker or mother be with you full-time?" How do you think they would answer? How come few women think about what their own children want when choosing to work outside of the home?

Lori's blog:

Too many fathers are working hours every day for the almighty dollar causing their wives to raise the children {if the mother is even home. If not, nannies or someone else is raising them.}

Lori's real life:

Lucy was a Nanny sent from heaven who never wanted to let Cassi cry, so she held her hours a day.


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Lori's (public) Facebook:

Lori's blog:

Lori's real life:


I highly doubt if you asked Lori's children who they would have wanted with them full time, they would have said Lori. Same with the Maxwell children if they were unbrainwashed. Lori and Terri were both terrible mothers. No one wants to spend all day with someone who treats them like that, especially if they have loving options like Nannies. Based on what I've seen of the Duggars, I think some of those kids would choose their sister-mom over Michelle as well.

MOST children would want their mother, but MOST children don't have mothers that are as terrible as Lori and Terri. It's not a guaranteed answer.

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Lori's (public) Facebook:

Lori's blog:

Lori's real life:


BBM: That's rich coming from a woman who doesn't seem to've cared about anything her children ever wanted ... mama needs rest time? It's two hours silence in your room for you, kids! Mama wants the raisins picked up? Better do it or spend the next couple hours of your life being tag-teamed by your hitting parents.

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BBM: That's rich coming from a woman who doesn't seem to've cared about anything her children ever wanted ... mama needs rest time? It's two hours silence in your room for you, kids!


once they were toddlers and older, they had to rest several hours a day...for my sanity!

BUT, I am sure they had fun with Lori when they weren't locked in their rooms. Oh wait....

My mom never played with us. I never played with my children but we all turned out good.

I'm sure they didn't mind entertaining themselves, right?

Our children had very few toys

Well, at least she was there for comfort....or maybe not

If you keep consoling them, they will keep crying for more consoling.

Mothers hate letting their babies cry. I get that, but crying never hurt anybody.

But hey, Lori knows her kids, and I am sure she's right. They'd take her over a babysitter any.day.of.the.week.

My children definitely feared us growing up.

I think they were actually afraid of me, which I don't necessarily think is bad.
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My mom and dad hired a nanny for my brother and me and it was hands down the best parenting decision they ever could've made. I am so, so glad my mom didn't stay at home with us full time. She would've hated it, which would have made us miserable by extension. Just saying.

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Is Ken preaching at Lori this morning?

Let me {Ken} ask the question and see if I can get a thoughtful response. Do you respect your husband or do you just give him respectful behavior? ... With one, you are going through the motions of showing respect and with the other you actually believe your husband deserves or has earned your respect. The first responds out of duty and the later (sic) is motivated by respect.

I think we all know into which category Lori fits.

far too often (he) doesn't have a wife who truly respects him. She may show him respectful behavior most of the time, even claim that God demands of her to be submissive and respectful, yet she is far from a mindset of true respect for her husband.

The God of the Universe seems to command Lori to do a lot of things.

my wife changed into a godly and beautiful wife, giving up her need to be in control and instead, acting respectfully towards me.

ACTING respectfully. So even after all that, Lori still doesn't genuinely respect Ken -- she's just gotten better at faking it. Funny thing, Ken, I don't need God or anyone else telling me to respect my husband because *I already do*. And when one genuinely respects one's partner, there is no need for commands to act respectfully. It comes naturally.

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With Ken's post today, I couldn't help but wonder how he'd answer the same questions posed to him about his sex life, since he is so open about discussing the details of it.

"Do you truly make love to your wife, or do you just go through the motions seeking physical release? Do you equate sex with love or merely one more obligation your wife is biblically commanded to fulfill for you?"

Also, I love how he gave Debi Pearl top billing over God when talking about Lori's "transformation."

Those days are long gone and with a lot talking, help from Debbie Pearl and the Spirit of God, my wife changed into a godly and beautiful wife, giving up her need to be in control and instead, acting respectfully towards me. It is a wonderful, peaceful and fulfilling marriage to know that your wife is trying hard to please God, and in turn, pleases me.

I think the Alexanders have made an idol of The Pearls. Perhaps the view Debi as "the Goddess of the Universe" who has commanded Lori to....blah, blah, blah.

Finally, this seemed to be just another excuse to air Lori's past "sins" because we all know their marriage would have been perfect if not for her. Ken has NEVER made a mistake.

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Well, here are 2 posts for Ken to read again if he's wondering why on earth Christian women may be going through the motions without actually having any real respect for their husbands:



Lori's advice - backed up by Ken - is to act like a martyr and sacrifice yourself by making the supreme effort to put the toilet lid down yourself, after your husband forgets your instructions to do it. Both Lori and Ken seem to dismiss the suggestion in the comments that this is a trivial issue, and maybe the wife should think about the bigger picture and appreciate the other stuff the husband does.

She also thinks it's good to tell wives that submission means ducking so that God can hit their husbands. Yeah, lots of genuine respect there.

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Ken Alexander:

“No, I will not play this backward game anymore. You follow me as I am done following you, and let me model for you what true love looks like, and what respect and discipline look like." Instead of falling for the same old sin of the garden; Adam listening to his wife who is trying to make sense when God’s Word already said it was nonsense; a wife leading and a husband impotently following her lead to keep the peace, or to not lose out on intimacy.

***mutters about how grateful I am to have married a man who is NOT an asshole***

Ken Alexander:

When you go to him and say, "I have been thinking lately that I don't hold you in fear, awe or reverence you as God tells me to. I sass you when I don't like something you do, I talk over you when I should listen to you more, I pout when I don't get my way and let you lead. You need to call me on this when I do it to you and help me change it. Just by you telling me gently to stop being disrespectful will not only help change my bad behaviors, but will put you back as the head of our marriage. The one I need to learn to not just treat with respect but to respect, because I know you would save my life if you needed to, because you love me, and you are a man of character."

:? Yeah....no :doh:

Also, what's with him constantly prattling on about a husband "giving his life" or "saving her life"? I gotta ask...(besides The Godly Mentor) are there any wives here who wouldn't do whatever they had to do to save their husbands (up to and including sacrificing their own lives if need be)??? Because it wouldn't even be a question for me. I would do whatever I had to do for my husband without a second thought. Why is that such a thing to him??? Isn't that how most spouses feel about each other???

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Ken Alexander:

***mutters about how grateful I am to have married a man who is NOT an asshole***

Ken Alexander:

:? Yeah....no :doh:

Also, what's with him constantly prattling on about a husband "giving his life" or "saving her life"? I gotta ask...(besides The Godly Mentor) are there any wives here who wouldn't do whatever they had to do to save their husbands (up to and including sacrificing their own lives if need be)??? Because it wouldn't even be a question for me. I would do whatever I had to do for my husband without a second thought. Why is that such a thing to him??? Isn't that how most spouses feel about each other???

I think this video says it all:

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The word phobetai comes from the word phobos; to frighten or be alarmed, and it means by extension to hold one in awe or to revere. Now I know not many Christian wives hold their husband in awe or reverence. My wife was taught early in marriage by other wives that it was best to be sure to keep her husband’s ego in check, and each time he was successful at something, or deserved her praise, to help insure that he did not get prideful by teasingly putting him down in some way. Isn’t this a part of a wife’s role to make sure her husband doesn’t get a big head?

Who the hell did these people run around with?

For that matter, no matter how hard I worked, no matter how much I moved up in my profession, or earned more, bought her the bigger home, played more with the kids, you name it, I could not earn my wife’s respect, let alone her submission. Something held her back.
Probably because you were a jackass at home. I gather this post is a tit for tat for the "is your husband a jackass" post lori posted?

Long walks with long talks, emails back and forth, and many arguments, all ended with me scratching my head as to why, no matter how hard I tried, I could not get my wife to honor me for all I was doing for her and the family. Finally one day, I did something I thought I would never do. I played the submission card. I actually told my wife that God tells her to be submissive and respectful towards me. In return I got the retort, “I know, but you can’t make me!

I really think Ken and Lori will be picking at one another and dredging up the past forever because deep down and on the surface neither respects, loves or likes the other. I would hate to be on my death bed and thinking "I should have divorced the bitch/bastard!" which is what I see for each of them.

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By discipline, I'm really hoping he means "I'm so disciplined that I practiced the oboe for 8 hours until I got my song perfect" and not Christian Domestic Discipline...

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Someone is posting to the Always Learning fb page that they have been a member of the chat group since the beginning and would like to know why they were kicked out. Interesting. :think:

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