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Jessa Duggar Seewald is Pregnant - Part 3


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I used to be pretty obsessed with Myers Briggs stuff. I still think it's fun and maybe legitimate (certainly more legitimate than horoscopes, imo) but I try not to give it the weight I used to. But I'm always on the lookout for INTJs, heh.

Hey don't apologize for your interest. In grad school I had to the take the test in a class and MBTIs were discussed and brought up several times. Later during semester in partners we had a project that discussed amongst other things (i.e. learning types, roles etc) how our personality types helped or hindered the learning process (I had to teach her to knit) Later on a clinical placement, the clinical educator, had me take it again, as she felt it was important enough to impact a clinical placement.

For anyone that has an issue take the test (i.e. both answers could apply) the best advice I can give is don't over think it. It's one of those gut first choice things. And the test basically asks the same questions repeatedly just differently framed that it will catch and account for inconsistency of feeling. Just charge through it-- which I could see Jessa doing because she probably wouldn't give a crap... Ben I feel would take ages and ask if he could check yes for both options on questions. Or ask what a question really means. Oh Ben.

And I imagine Ben and Jessa both sitting doing their part of the ABOUT ME page. Jessa knocks it out quick while Ben talks about drawing pictures or whatever. He finally completes it, and first thinks wow Jessa is so fast. He tells her all about what he wrote (bc even he knows she won't read it) and she just replies oh that nice... I just updated a questionnaire I filled out when I was 12.

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Yeah it is, here is Jill


Does Derrick's face look different (as in mouth area) or is the angle? His lower half looks wider or something.

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Yes, he had jaw surgery and I guess he has an appliance, like an expander, to expand his palate. I am not sure of the necessity of this as I have not kept up.

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Hey don't apologize for your interest. In grad school I had to the take the test in a class and MBTIs were discussed and brought up several times. Later during semester in partners we had a project that discussed amongst other things (i.e. learning types, roles etc) how our personality types helped or hindered the learning process (I had to teach her to knit) Later on a clinical placement, the clinical educator, had me take it again, as she felt it was important enough to impact a clinical placement.

For anyone that has an issue take the test (i.e. both answers could apply) the best advice I can give is don't over think it. It's one of those gut first choice things. And the test basically asks the same questions repeatedly just differently framed that it will catch and account for inconsistency of feeling. Just charge through it-- which I could see Jessa doing because she probably wouldn't give a crap... Ben I feel would take ages and ask if he could check yes for both options on questions. Or ask what a question really means. Oh Ben.

And I imagine Ben and Jessa both sitting doing their part of the ABOUT ME page. Jessa knocks it out quick while Ben talks about drawing pictures or whatever. He finally completes it, and first thinks wow Jessa is so fast. He tells her all about what he wrote (bc even he knows she won't read it) and she just replies oh that nice... I just updated a questionnaire I filled out when I was 12.


Positive affirmations! Sort of. :lol:

The bolded is exactly how my sister reponded to the test, and I think she and Ben are the same type. Except she's less of a goober, but then she's not on an idiotic reality show. If she were, she might come off like a goober. :D

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Positive affirmations! Sort of. :lol:

The bolded is exactly how my sister reponded to the test, and I think she and Ben are the same type. Except she's less of a goober, but then she's not on an idiotic reality show. If she were, she might come off like a goober. :D

This is me. Multiple choice anything is like death. I can pull the answer out of my butt before I can correctly gauge multiple choice. Probably because I'm a gemini... That's what I read, anyway.

Also, if I were on a reality show, I'd be a cross between Jessa and Bin-Goob. Lots of make-up, apparent resting bitch face, super stoned/allergy eyes emphasized by my excellent cosmetology skillz, and goob-city.

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Yes, he had jaw surgery and I guess he has an appliance, like an expander, to expand his palate. I am not sure of the necessity of this as I have not kept up.

It's probably this, but his hair also looks different, which can tend to make a face look different. I think he looks better with long hair, but I tend to think that about all men. :mrgreen:

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I think Derick looks quite good here - ok, the smile is a teeny bit serial killer but it's probably just forced, they do take a lot of pictures...

Hes definitely lost weight but that's understandable after jaw surgery - he needs to lash into the TTC and he'll be back to himself in no time!!


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I had to do the Meyers Briggs test for a boss I had once years ago so he could figure out how to deal with his employees. :roll: (this was an IT job) I personally thought it was a huge waste of time and don't even recall what code I was given.

I know they are trying to be trendy, but why does it seem like they are always so unkempt? The guys often look like they just rolled out of bed and the girls, aside from the makeup and quickly running a curling iron through their hair, usually look the same.

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in the brand new picture that Jessa posted of them beaming into the camera

is it me or does Ben look different

yes no mustache and no glasses (thank goodness) I hate those glasses

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Probably an unpopular opinion here but I feel that everyone who is pointing out her puffy appearance is totally full of shit. Everyone carries differently, not everyone glows, and not everyone puffs noticeably. Jessa looks no different from her non-pregnant self in any of these photos, besides her belly.

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ben_seewaldThis morning, Jessa and I had the privilege of visiting the Institute for Creation Research! We got to tour and meet all the scientists there! Really cool!

Got to chat with Dr. Jason Lisle. He graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University where he double-majored in physics and astronomy and minored in mathematics. He earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado. Dr. Lisle specialized in solar astrophysics and has made a number of scientific discoveries regarding the solar photosphere and has contributed to the field of general relativity.

O look they went on a field trip! They met "real" scientist. :lol: In a few years they will be taking little Blessa jr. there!


samiller12Nice post Ben! You seem very grounded and have an open heart to all people.

Unless you are gay, a single mom, catholic, atheist, transgender etc.

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Bin and Derrick look like bums. And before humpers jump down my throat, yes, I know that's "a look". I still think they look like scruffy bums. At least Bin lost the backwards ball cap.

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Derrick needs a professional haircut bad. Ack. And this must be Jessa's favorite skirt, I've seen her wear this numerous times. /superficialobservation

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O look they went on a field trip! They met "real" scientist. :lol: In a few years they will be taking little Blessa jr. there!


Unless you are gay, a single mom, catholic, atheist, transgender etc.

Ah, the Institute for Creation Research! Why do I suspect it didn't take too long to meet all the "scientists" working there? :lol:

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I think Ben looks kinda studly in that first pic, but Derick's hair is just awful. And Jill's look continues to be so unflattering. She needs more modern in her modern modest.

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They look like a group of redneck slobs.

I can't believe they had to cancel the meet & greet due to the rain. I bet they just didn't want to get that personal with anyone. How long are they there? Was this just a one day paid gig?

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My totally speculative anecdotal observation is that Jill way overdid it in her early recovery from surgery. The slightly hunched over stance with a bit of a grimace looks like me in my photos after I healed badly from a c- section.

Running around all over so soon after the birth, likely combined with the incredible stress she's under -- not good.

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