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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Part 12


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The irony of it all is that their show depends on the public (viewers), so they are just pissing in their own pool.

Another factor is that sponsors have pulled out. No company wants be seen as an entity that condones molestation and covering it up.

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Another factor is that sponsors have pulled out. No company wants be seen as an entity that condones molestation and covering it up.

It seemed like many sponsors were able to quickly drop advertising during 19kids and have their advertising dollars spent on other programs or networks. It makes me wonder how many of these companies truly did it as a reaction to the molestation or simply to appease the fans? I'm not saying they don't care, but I just wonder if in a years time or a little more, most people will forget and not care, thus they make their way back on TV....

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Nothing new, but more documented lies, this time under oath: http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/j ... ourt-case/

Jim Bob and Josh sued an insurance company in 2013. They were asked on paper:


Their answer:

Jim Bob also lied when claming he had not ever filed any other civil lawsuit. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/j ... ing-order/

Is this perjury?

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JB&M put it up, not Josh. You'd think if nothing else JB&M would want to stay out of the media for their daughters' sake until things settle. Let them get back to normal at least.

But I agree, whoever put it up is tone deaf and needs to get a clue.

Jim Boob is such a narcissist. :cray-cray:

I didn't know that he posted it. Thanks for that info.

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Nothing new, but more documented lies, this time under oath: http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/j ... ourt-case/

Jim Bob and Josh sued an insurance company in 2013. They were asked on paper:


Their answer:

Jim Bob also lied when claming he had not ever filed any other civil lawsuit. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/j ... ing-order/

I don't know about the civil lawsuit part but Josh was never charged or arrested. So I wouldn't say that was perjury

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I don't know about the civil lawsuit part but Josh was never charged or arrested. So I wouldn't say that was perjury

Actually, I think if you lie at all under oath, or during some legal proceeding where you must tell the truth, it is perjury. So, they may well have committed perjury RE the civil lawsuit, and RE not disclosing the police report, even though it was probably of little relevance...

http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/crim ... erjury.htm

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Josh does not have a criminal record. He was never even arrested. So that's not perjury. Did JB file another civil suit? I believe Josh filed one.

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I have to say, that it is good that JB 's hair turns gray. His hair is starting to look structured now and not like a single cell blob of hair..

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Since it was two seperate paragraphs i thought this: "Please produce copies of any reports, statements, or other documents provided from or to the Springdale Police Department, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, or the Arkansas State Police," meant they had to inform about the Washington County police report from 2006. If they only ask for documents related to a criminal record of his, then I agree it's not perjury since he didn't have one.

It was my understanding that Jim Bob filed a civil lawsuit against a tenant in 2003. http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploa ... dacted.pdf

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So I think a few pages back people were debating whether the Duggars read here. I pretty much took "Michelle's" father's day blog post as direct confirmation that JB does in fact read here. Has this been discussed?


Here are my reasons. About ten pages back in this thread someone pointed out that JB had no interests in high school and still seems to have no hobbies and some other highly critical things about JB.

But even so-called losers have interests. What did this guy do for hobbies? I'm guessing nothing more interesting than constantly humping on Meechelle, but before her, how did he amuse himself? Everything he talks about as his past was still POST Meechelle.

Ironically, it's Meechelle that shares a life before her headship whereas the headship doesn't seem to really exist until Meechelle sashays her pretty little cheerleading self into his life.

This was only a few days before Michelle writes this about Jim Bob as "tribute" for father's day: He has said for years, "My hobby is spending time with my wife and children." Much of this time has been learning to do important life skills together as a family, for example when he decided to build our own house together!

Then there is this example of from FJ among several other discussions about how JB has failed to teach his children to provide for themselves in the real world without the show.:

Well, in their particular brand of homeschooling, they don't like to teach their children anything particularly difficult or that would enable them to have the resources to escape (hence the clip we saw earlier of James doing 3rd-4th grade math when he is the age of your average 7th grader.) Of homeschooled kids I know, most were actually at or even ahead of grade level, and some did homeschooling with the goal of going to college a year or two early, for example.

But, I wouldn't even call what the duggars do homeschooling. Because that would involve actually teaching/schooling their children.

He is willing to help his children in anyway that he can but he is careful not to enable them.

I also think its interesting that "Michelle" mentions his love a broomball (which I believe commenters thought it was odd that the police report had all the kids mention this as their favorite activity since its not something that particularly stood out from the show). She then goes on to defend why Jill's interest in nursing was encouraged into "midwifery" - another oft discussed topic on FJ.

He laughs and cuts up with them. He loves spending time with his kids riding bikes, playing broom ball, camping, traveling, or doing something that is of interest to each of them, individually.

When some of our daughters wanted to obtain medical skills, Dad encouraged them to follow their dream. They enrolled in a first responders course, obtained the certification and have served on our local volunteer fire department and have gone on to gain midwifery and doula training.

She goes on to say how he's not a perfect dad and how great that he is since he doesn't make the kids feel like him spending time with them is an "interruption" :shock:

He often sets aside his own plans to be available for his children and he does this willingly with joy not making them feel that they are an "interruption" in his life, but his children know that they are the joy of his life.

Jesus said the greatest among you will be the servant.

Jim Bob is not a perfect Dad but he is a GREAT dad!

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:cracking-up: Hi JB!!! So tell us what you were like in high school. I'm sorry your hobby isn't spending time with your kids it's screwing your wife.

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Duggar sighting! My FB friend is at Silver Dollar City in Missouri today and said the Duggars are there. She said she doesn't see any cameras that shows they are filming. She took a picture of Josh and Anna. Anna looks very pregnant with a jumper that has a very loud pattern. The zig zag pattern. She saw 3 sisters with lots of makeup on and the long skirts set them apart from the crowd. She said it looked like they are divided up. Maybe so they don't draw attention to their family. She hasn't seen Michelle yet.

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Happy birthday Anna. Hope your present is yourself is caring more about your kids, than your perv husband & leaving him.

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Can someone please explain the girls' heavy makeup - and how JB permits this?

It was quite a shocker for most of us to see in the Fox interview Jessa so overly made up, enough to make Megyn look fresh-faced and wholesome.

Then there's Jinger, who looks comical nowadays in clown-liike makeup and bronzer.

Perhaps something to do with their only outlet for expression and creativity? Especially considering how spirited and spunky Jinger used to be, and how deadened she is now..

Duggar sighting! My FB friend is at Silver Dollar City in Missouri today and said the Duggars are there. She said she doesn't see any cameras that shows they are filming. She took a picture of Josh and Anna. Anna looks very pregnant with a jumper that has a very loud pattern. The zig zag pattern. She saw 3 sisters with lots of makeup on and the long skirts set them apart from the crowd. She said it looked like they are divided up. Maybe so they don't draw attention to their family. She hasn't seen Michelle yet.
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Can someone please explain the girls' heavy makeup - and how JB permits this?

I don't have a Jim Boob answer, but in one of the early specials, J'Chelle told us (while wearing some very bright red lipstick) that they keep modest with the way they dress and try to draw attention to their "countenance" or face. She says they they do this per the Bible...

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:cracking-up: Hi JB!!! So tell us what you were like in high school. I'm sorry your hobby isn't spending time with your kids it's screwing your wife.

While you're at it JB, tell us about your youthful indiscretions - it seems as though Michelle has many that we've heard about, but we would love to hear from you! Given your belief that we're all born sinners, I'm sure you must've done something ;) :shifty: ;) ;) ;)

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My friend did see Michelle and then got up the courage to take some pictures with them. Marjorie is wearing pants! Jill and Derick were there too.

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My friend did see Michelle and then got up the courage to take some pictures with them. Marjorie is wearing pants! Jill and Derick were there too.

Hopefully TLC wasn't filming?

Shouldn't some of these people be out looking for jobs instead of hanging out at an amusement park? Again.

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Duggar sighting! My FB friend is at Silver Dollar City in Missouri today and said the Duggars are there. She said she doesn't see any cameras that shows they are filming. She took a picture of Josh and Anna. Anna looks very pregnant with a jumper that has a very loud pattern. The zig zag pattern. She saw 3 sisters with lots of makeup on and the long skirts set them apart from the crowd. She said it looked like they are divided up. Maybe so they don't draw attention to their family. She hasn't seen Michelle yet.

John David Somebody flew to Branson this morning, too. I haven't seen anything on Duggar social media yet, except a happy birthday Anna post on FB featuring the zigzag dress you described.

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The older girls say in their book that 'some makeup' is okay, and that it should be worn to enhance their natural beauty, because (paraphrasing from memory at this point) it would be wrong not to appreciate the gifts God gave them. Basically, they make it clear it's okay to pretty up, just not okay to be obsessed with appearance, or to draw eyes to the body.

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I got curious about the trip to Silver Dollar City and poked around instagram a little.




Why does JB look different in his two pictures (these are all from different IG accounts)? I'm pretty sure the black polo is from today (or at least recent) because he had a haircut and maybe the same shirt in a father's day pic with Josh. ETA no he didn't but it still seems familiar, idk

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:cracking-up: Hi JB!!! So tell us what you were like in high school. I'm sorry your hobby isn't spending time with your kids it's screwing your wife.

Hey JB! We are so happy that you found your calling on top of Michelle, but before that crunchy hair goddess sashayed her pom poms into your life what did you do for fun? What was a typical Friday night for JB? How did you spend your free time?

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I think this photo was taken in April/May.

Thank you and I recognized JB's haircut and black polo from father's day.

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