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Stanley family - Fundies have children removed


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If you want reliable reporting on this issue, don't expect it from Heathimpactnews. It's like believing the Family Research Council is an unbiased resource for information on same sex marriage.

I understand! I just can't help myself. I feel like every time I read a story on this topic it gets more and more weird. :pink-shock:

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I just have to wonder... if SWAT and snipers were really at the house, what in the world do they have on that family!? And a coroner!? What happened! What could those children possibly have said that didn't sound completely outrageous to warrant SWAT and snipers???

It doesn't take much to send out the police in full SWAT gear. The militarization of the US police has been happening for a while now. Police departments get the gear and it is expensive, so to justify the cost of their shiny new toys, they use it for all sorts of "raids" onpeople sleeping , people suspected of having pot (which is legal in several states,),people who turned themselves in when they were robbed, college parties, and many other incidents. I could do this all day, but I'm afraid the FJ will time out and erase this post before I get to hit send. It's really sad to me, because we are told that police are "heroes" and that "risk their lives" every day, and that using this equipment will keep them safer. But the truth is that police are just people doing a job. Some of them are heroes, but plenty of them are just under-educated men who want to make some money and be safe. Some are great, some are bad. I've had so many "bad" experiences with police that when I was pulled over because I forgot to turn on my headlights I nearly had a panic attack. And then was completely confused when I didn't receive even a ticket. For every person who complains about the police being militarized, there are two more people saying that the equipment keeps them safe and that they "need" it. Personally, I'd like us to train our police in other tactics, like being part of the community. Interacting with all types of people, so that people know the police aren't there to just arrest you for existing. But you know, that would involve breaking up the boys club.

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What Maggie Mae said.

Plus it's part of the funding realities of government and government contractors. The federal government takes on some initiative. Money and resources becomes available for something a department wants. In this case shiny fancy military type gear for local police.

Local police apply for $ and fancy equipment. Once they receive it they have to use it enough to show they need to keep receiving the money.

It's that way with pretty much everything. If you get a government grant for x service, you are committing to use it as intended within a certain time frame or you lose future funding. Sometimes your agency can legitimately use the money well ahead of schedule and could use tons more if it was available. Other times, for whatever reason, the specific circumstances just aren't happening in the time frame and you have to scramble to use the resource in time.

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the dad admitted to "spanning" the kids, even the teens. Because they were "rebellious" and wanted to go to school.

When teens are *wanting* to go (escape for 8 hours to) school and are willing to speak up about it even knowing they will be physically abused? Yeah... something is certainly happening in that house!

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I have spent some time reading through the supporting pages this morning. According to “Bring the Stanley Kids Home†two of the children are sick. The parents have not been able to talk to the sick children and were not allowed to present for the doctor visits. Many prayers. The mod, Kristy, of BTSKH is claiming this is an example of

“The term psychological abuse.â€
(Source: https://www.facebook.com/bringthestanleykidshome)

On the “Standing With The Stanley’s†Facebook page, there is a post that reads:

“Word has it that there has been some positive response from the Lieutenant Governor's office and a strong show of support would be essential.â€
(Source: https://www.facebook.com/standingwiththestanleys) More prayers for the family.

Both pages link to an interview with Hal Stanley. (Which I haven’t been able to listen to yet…) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dinarintel ... ry-19-2015

I continue to hope for the best outcome for the Stanley children. And I wish the children a speedy recovery from being ill.

Edited to Add: "Prayers for the Stanley Children" was created by a person banned from the other pages. https://www.facebook.com/groups/493358307471166/

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I'm gonna listen to the interview, but I HATE Magellan, he thinks he is all that and he also talks too much. He is also overdramatic. He has this dramatic music going on for the first two minutes of the show.

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I listened so you don't have to: Synopsis of the Magellan interview:

You can skip the first 10 minutes of Magellan talking to himself. Stanley comes on at 10.01.

Starts with long rambling story about how Sheriff helped him retrieve a stolen pig when he was a kid. His family ate the pig in the end. Good Sheriff.

All changed on January 12th. Wife cooking Cajun food, visitors expected, at 4:30 pm knock on the door and parents asked to step outside. Armed officers and coroner there per Hal. Neighbor told him there was a sniper with gun on them. Search warrant - he says for MMS. Were kept outside (refused to sit in a van) for 2.5 hours while house was searched. Very emotional because children who were never sick and had never been to a doctor, always dressed undressed in private and so on, were examined. MMS won't hurt you!

Claims that DHS worker (Baptist man) not named told him everything was OK and no evidence of abuse of children were found. (Later interrupts himself to say that the DHS worker was "made to leave" before they took custody of children.)

Then claims that "seemed like 50" armed officers lined up and was told that children would be taken for 72 hour hold. He was upset, Mama was very upset. Children told to pack clothes for 2 days. Never had to pack before so he tried to help and was prevented. This is America!

When he asked who was responsible for decision Deputy Sheriff Mike Wright said it was his responsibility (" 'it's my decision and I'm proud of it' or maybe 'I'll stand by it.'"

Now two kids are sick and all kids traumatized. If they were sick before he would lay hands on them and pray over them. Now can't talk to them and pray over them.

Bible says that Daddy is the Head of the Family, mama is helpmeet and children are helpers, etc. Usual patriarchal rant.

Magellan says that this is why America was founded! Clarifies that Hal is an Air Force vet.

Persecution, Christianity and requests for help, etc. Stanley's part is then cut off short and Magellan rants to himself for the last 10 minutes. Predictable stuff.

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I listened so you don't have to: Synopsis of the Magellan interview:

You can skip the first 10 minutes of Magellan talking to himself. Stanley comes on at 10.01.

Starts with long rambling story about how Sheriff helped him retrieve a stolen pig when he was a kid. His family ate the pig in the end. Good Sheriff.

All changed on January 12th. Wife cooking Cajun food, visitors expected, at 4:30 pm knock on the door and parents asked to step outside. Armed officers and coroner there per Hal. Neighbor told him there was a sniper with gun on them. Search warrant - he says for MMS. Were kept outside (refused to sit in a van) for 2.5 hours while house was searched. Very emotional because children who were never sick and had never been to a doctor, always dressed undressed in private and so on, were examined. MMS won't hurt you!

Claims that DHS worker (Baptist man) not named told him everything was OK and no evidence of abuse of children were found. (Later interrupts himself to say that the DHS worker was "made to leave" before they took custody of children.)

Then claims that "seemed like 50" armed officers lined up and was told that children would be taken for 72 hour hold. He was upset, Mama was very upset. Children told to pack clothes for 2 days. Never had to pack before so he tried to help and was prevented. This is America!

When he asked who was responsible for decision Deputy Sheriff Mike Wright said it was his responsibility (" 'it's my decision and I'm proud of it' or maybe 'I'll stand by it.'"

Now two kids are sick and all kids traumatized. If they were sick before he would lay hands on them and pray over them. Now can't talk to them and pray over them.

Bible says that Daddy is the Head of the Family, mama is helpmeet and children are helpers, etc. Usual patriarchal rant.

Magellan says that this is why America was founded! Clarifies that Hal is an Air Force vet.

Persecution, Christianity and requests for help, etc. Stanley's part is then cut off short and Magellan rants to himself for the last 10 minutes. Predictable stuff.

Thanks for posting the synopsis Palimpsest!

I just finished listening. The one thing that stood out to me was when Mr. Stanley was talking about the search warrant. The police told him they had a "search warrant for your house" and the police "raddled of some stuff about MMS and a bunch of other junk."

I would love to hear about the "other junk" included in the search warrant.

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You are welcome! Yes, I want to know what the "other junk" was too. Educational and medical neglect? Hoarding? Corporal punishment?

I found him hard to listen to and abbreviated a lot in the synopsis because he rambled on so much. Very much the good ole country boy routine. The pig story was over 2 minutes long! But the pig lived a good life - until they ate him!

Other thoughts:

*I thought he was comparing his children to the pig until he finally clarified that the point of the story was to show that he had previously "liked" law enforcement.

* If you are talking to a sympathetic (good Baptist!) DHS worker who says that no evidence is being found - then you should really get his name.

* He caught himself and modified the quote from the Deputy Sheriff.

* First the children are never sick and then he prays over them when they are sick.

* Why was he cut off practically in mid sentence? Perhaps the crazy started showing too much?

Finally, I sort of want his wife's Gumbo recipe.

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Ok so the next four minutes were full of "um" "ah" "aaand" lots of pauses. Please dude, if your gonna have a radio show, learn how to speak on the radio. Apparently, he runs the Standing With The Stanley's page and he also has http://www.standingwiththestanleys.com

"Now we're going to take a short break, and come back to bring you this very. special. interview. Stay with us."

Ten seconds of silence

Sad music starts playing. A minute later we hear "Five to pause or resume"

Here is the transcript. I will be nice and not add in all the uh's and aaaaands. If you wanna hear those, listen for yourself, but I warn you, its very painful. I am also cleaning it up a little bit because the way he talks, there are no periods. I will add a period where it seems like one would fit to make it easier to read, but he talks like there are commas everywhere. And if I write like he talks, you all would scream at me.

"Hello everyone, I want to welcome you to this very special program. This is Magellan, this is the Magellan show. Aaaand this is the eighteenth day of February 2015, its Wednesday. Now, normally our program airs Sunday through Wednesday, Sunday for our inspiration broadcast, Monday through Wednesday for our political talk, on all different types of topics including currencies, and other issues as well. But from time to time, we have special interviews that may not be during our regularly scheduled programming, during the week and this is one of those times. I want to take an opportunity now to have a conversation and with me is Hal Stanley. Now, some of you may be familiar with Hal Stanley, I had the opportunity to interview his wife Michelle, Michelle Stanley a little over a month ago. This was before the uh the court case. Many of you have seen this all over the news. Their children were abruptly taken away from them on the night of January the 12th of this year. The children even now are still in custody being detained. The parents are separated from their children and all of this got started just because, as a way to remind you all, because of an alleged mineral substance in the home that is purely legal. And I wanna talk to Brother Stanley today because I believe that above all we are facing a situation in our country that is dire and very concerning. Religious persecution of Christians. What are our rights? Have some of our rights been trampled upon? And I want to connect that with this particular situation. My heart goes out to this family and so I wanna welcome Brother Hal for coming on the program today. We're just sitting here visiting and I just like for you to share from your heart how you're feeling. It's been over a month since this whole incident took place, there was of course a court hearing, it had gotten postponed to February the twelfth, however, I think its important for our listening audience to know, and some do, that there was no case on the twelfth of February but it got postponed. That's correct

Hal: "Yes, they put if off for the 23rd of March and I'd like to begin by telling a little story. It's a true story. I was raised in South Carolina on a cotton farm and as a young boy we were daught diligence, to work, and I had pigs, I raised pigs to make some extra money. One of my pigs got out. Well, you know pigs have sharp hooves and they leave good tracks and I looked for my pig, and I looked for my pig and I tried to find my pig and I traced my pig a pretty good ways, he was an energetic pig. When I found my pig, he was in the lot in the backyard of a house and I (break) but I saw my pig in their pen. So I go up to the door and I knock on the door and I say "That's my pig in your pen!" And the lady said "No, thats not your pig in my pen, thats my pig. We've had that pig a long time. Well I simply went home, got on my bicycle, drove two miles to where the sheriff lived, and I knock on his back door, he said come in, and I came in, and he was sitting there eating breakfast. I said "Sir, I have a problem." he said "Sit down and tell me about it." And I said "This lady has my pig and she won't give him back to me." He finished eating his breakfast, he stood up, and said "Come with me" We went out the back door, got in the car, it was a baby blue DeSoto. I'll never forget it, and he said "Get in there" and boy I felt big in that fancy car. But we went out to this house where the pig was, we got there and he said "Stay in the... stay right where you are." and I stayed in the car, and he went up to the door and I saw him talking to the lady, and pretty soon he came back out and said "Go get your pig." Well, I jumped out, ran behind, and got my pig, but the pig was in the pig pen and pig pens are dirty. And so here I come around the house with this dirty pig in my hands and just looked at him because heres this nice pretty car and he said "Get in" and right there in the front seat, so I got out and said "Sir, you gonna get it all dirty." He said "Oh come on, it'll wash out, thats what I get paid for."

Well he took me back to my house and put the pig out and the pig lived happily ever after til we ate him. But you know, that was my impression of the sheriff. Nobody was honored and respected more where I grew up. was the sheriff, except the preacher. That was my understanding of a sheriff. Well I'll tell you, starting on the 12th of January I got a different view of the sheriff department. My wife was busy cooking supper for some guests that were coming to eat at 5:00 in the evening. She was cooking chicken sausage gumbo, and she's a Cajun woman, and you don't know food until you eat Cajun cooking. Well, it smells good too, so the whole house was a festive attitude, the children were thrilled, they loved to have company, and by the way I have nine children with Michelle, we have nine children and we still have seven of them at home, and so Michelle had been cooking, she had been getting all this going, cooking pies, and cooking bread, the house smelled wonderful. It was wonderful! And we were to eat at 5:00. Well, at 4:30 the doorbell rang and I went to the door, and there was a woman, and she was standing smiling and said "Sir, would you step out on the porch, I'd like to talk to you a moment." I said "It's cold out there, come on inside and I'll talk to you." And then Michelle ran over to see what was going on, and she said "Come in, its warm in here!" She said "No, we wanna talk to you, would you please step out on the porch?" Well, we're trusting people, its our front porch! We stepped out on the front porch, and lo and behold theres at least twelve vehicles out in our driveway, and in our yard, including the AMVET (???) and the coroner's car was there, and all of these armed police men was there all over the place, and a neighbor tells me that at the time there was a sniper laying in the ditch with a gun aimed at us, and she said "Would you come out here, we have a search warrant for your house." Well, she rattled some stuff off about MMS, and a bunch of other junk and I mean, I had sensory overload! With all the police, and all the people, and all these things, here's a search warrant for my house, and I'm thinking "What in the world has MMS got to do with a search warrant?" And suddenly, this deputy came forward from the sheriffs, said "Sit down" and my wife and me had come out from a warm house, cooking supper, and we said "Sir, we don't have coats, can we go get our coats?" They said "No, you can't go get your coats, sit down in that chair." and a deputy stood there the whole time and I can show you his picture, he had plenty of clothes on, he had a thing on his head, he was warm, but we were cold. And we said "Well, why can't we just go get our coats?" "Well, you can't do that." After about thirty minutes they did get us some coats, but we sat out in the cold, now this is on the twelfth, you can check the weather man, it was COLD that night, and we sat there for two and a half hours waiting for them to search our house. Well that was quite an ordeal. Because we could see in the house and they offered for us to go sit in a van, but my wife was wise and she said "No, from here we can see the children" The blinds were open in the house, so we could look in there and see that the children were there. The phone was ringing because neighbors were coming by, we're right on a corner lot, and everybody knew something was wrong, and as people were running up into the yard to find out what was going on, there was an armed man there telling them to get out of the yard. And so Momma began to holler "Somebody take some pictures!" By this time, we realized something was GRAVELY wrong. And I'm gonna give you the short story right now, although later we like to come back and go into some details, but we sat there about two and a half hours they let us go back into the house to get warm, but they was still taking the children. Now these were children who had never been to a doctor for sickness in their whole lives. None of them. They had never been examined by a doctor, these were girls that would not even change clothes in the presence of their sisters and would insist on going to the bathroom or somewhere to change clothes. These children were taken one by one into that amvet (??) and examined, and I understand examined (cut off here) Not been able to talk to the children about that so we'll find out later how that was but they supposedly were checking for evidence of abuse of MMS. Listen people, listen to me. MMS is water purification drops, it won't hurt anybody! You would have to grossly abuse it, like drinking bleach or something before you could get hurt on it. But they took each of my children without my presence, without my presence, without the presence of their mother, and examined them, if they want or need to be examined we had offered to do that. We did later offer to do that. But they took them in there, one by one, and we watched them. And then we watched them going back and forth to the refrigerator and they would go out to the van outside, go back and look in the refrigerator, and well to make a long story short, there was a man from the DHS there. And I knew him, talked to him, turned out he was a Baptist, and we just talked for about 2 1/2 hours and he said "Everythings fine here" he said "Do you smell anything?" No, nothing but gumbo. And he would get up and walk around the living room and he would look here, and look there, and he said "I don't smell anything, do you?" and I hear him talking on the phone and he's talking to someone in the office and he's telling them "The children are fine, their just jumping all over the place, everything looks good." Well, here was a DHS man saying "There's no reason to take these children, somethings wrong." But then after they had been there about 4 1/2, 5 hours, here come 8 or ten, looked to me like fifty, but I don;t know how many there were, I didn't count em, but they marched in there, fully armed, and they placed themselves along our walkway into our living room, and they said "We're taking the children for 72 hours" They used some word, to hold them for 72 hours. We heard the deputy say 72 hours. We couldn't understand why they would take our children for 72 hours but thats what they said. Immediately the children began to cry, we began to cry, and Mama got very upset but you take the cubs away from Mama Bear, she oughta get upset! we shoulda been more upset! But they came in there and they said "Okay, stop that. Stop that emotion (commotion?) Get two days clothing for the children. These children, they never packed two days in their life, they didn't know what it meant to pack two days. But the children were supposed to go and pack their own clothes in ten minutes to be taken out. When we started trying to help them, I went into the girls room and tried to help them and they ran me out! They wouldn't let me help them pack! And so when all of this was going on I stopped and said "Wait a minute! This is America! Who made the decision to take my children? Since I been sitting here, the DHS man right here has been telling me that the children were okay, that theres no danger in the house, theres no need to take these kids out of here! By the way, I didn't notice, but I later found out that they made that DHS worker leave before they came in to take the children. You know whats going on. I said "WHO made the decision to take my children?" And each one looked a different way like they was trying to pass the buck and finally this man raised his hand, his name is Mike Wright, he's a deputy sheriff, and he said "I made the decision and I'm proud of it" or "I stand by it" whichever way, whatever he said. And why do I name his name? Because that man made the decision to take my seven children from a perfectly safe home where these children have never been sick in their lives, they've never been sick enough to go to a doctor, they've never had an asprin, and that man made the decision to take my children, and that night, and the next day they were again examining from everywhere they could examine, they found NO evidence at all of abuse. But they took my children. And up til now, NOW what about it? Two or three of my children have been sick and have been to doctors. They're not eating the right diet, they're not being treated the right way, they're not secure, and you can definitely see signs of trauma in their lives! Am I sounding upset? Well you see back there when I had a pig the sheriff would leave his breakfast to protect my pig! Where was the sheriff to protect me and my rights? Right now... you wanna say something?

Magellan: "Yeah brother Hal I just wanted to, just make a comment, I mean theres so many things going through my mind right now, of course, the part that you said about the DHS worker making the recommendation that everything looks fine and the kids should remain in your home, not only that but they were cleared by medical personnel, but yet the deputy, Mr. Wright, takes it upon himself to legislate and to say "This is the way its going to be" But you brought up something else which is really a breaking story, that is that not on your watch, or your wifes, but on the watch of those who are taking care of your children, two of your children are sick.

Hal: Yes, can I speak again to that?

Magellan: Yes, absolutely, I just wanted to really, for those that are listening pay close attention because your children were fine when they were taken, but two of them are sick.

Hal: Yes, and I'm making the position right now that my Christian rights are being denied as of today. Yesterday, David, we were called and told that two of the children were sick. Now what would I have done in the days gone by? I would have gone in there, I would have laid hands on them I would pray for them that the Lord would heal them, if they needed comfort, we knew how to comfort them, if they needed any other help, we would do it, we would make sure the children got well. But yesterday, I could not even go see them, even when they were sick I could not go see them! I couldn't call them on the phone to encourage them and this is why I'm speaking tonight. I am upset. All my Christian rights as a Christian dad has been taken away by the decision of a deputy sheriff, who I don;t think he has that constitutional authority, but my children are there so today I cannot do what the Bible tells me to do what JESUS tells me to do to train up your child in the way he should go. I should be there taking care of my children. I should be meeting their need, and I've done it for all these years! And everybody knows it was all (???) but now my children are getting sick and theres signs of trauma in their lives. They don't have a Daddy anymore, they've got many bosses, they've got many authorities. The real abuse is going on and if I'm too strong here, just tell me. They have taken authority over my children and I'll tell you whats the bottom of it. The state wants to be the authority, but the Bible says that the daddy is the boss of the home and thats a real problem. The idea of the Christian structure of the home where the father is the head, the mother is the helpmeet, and the children are the helpers to carry out the message of Jesus Christ and to glorify him, that is the Christian home. I feel like what this is doing is taking away all of my rights, all of my rights to raise my family according to the precious word of God.

Magellan: And Brother Hal, this is really why America was founded. You know, you think about the men and women who fled Great Britain by divine call and inspiration you know, shook off the chains of tyranny, into this country got on their knees and declared this a Christian nation. But even now, even now and even to this day we have laws that protect religious freedom and liberty, even if I don't agree with a persons particular views, we can't go into communities for example, The Amish community or other communities for that matter, and say "We don't like the way you do things, so we're going to cause an upset, we're going to take away your children. No. We don't do that. If we did? If we did, well I believe there would be a lot of people that would be upset. We can't invade the homes and communities of those who are exercising their religious rights and practices, and what you shared with the listeners today is that you and your wife have Christian convictions, that may be different from others but the point is its yours, you live in the United States Of America, You fought, you were, uhahuhahhhhh you know in the air force, you're an American citizen, you have rights, and they've been trampled upon! Just to be uh, be uh very frank about it. And I just want to appeal to those who are listening right now, and I'm sure you do too, that this is not a time to remain silent. This is a time to let your voice be heard. And I can't emphasize that enough. I cannot because this situation has really, I mean you're not able to reunite with your children, your visits are supervised, you are the parent, your wife is the parent. Any other thoughts you wanna share, but we want to make it clear to those that are listening that this has become a real heartache to you and your wife.

Hal: We are very mindful that people from around the world are praying for us and that this has become an international situation I just urge you all to pray, love your families, get to the Bible, and get as close to the Bible as you can get, even though its going to cost us, I think that this is in fact Christian persecution. And if you love the Lord

It got shut off. I don't feel like typing up the last ten minutes of Magellan talking, or even listening to it. Hal got cut off the last two minutes. I'm sorry, I can't deal with Magellan, I typed up the above as a service to you guys.

EDIT: I just saw Palimpest did a synopsis while I was typing this damn thing up. Oh well, heres the transcript.

Doubt his crazy was showing, Magellan is just as crazy. There were a couple parts though that did seem to be clipped out and I wondered why.

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I call BS on kids never being sick in their life. How long has it been since they were taken into custody? About 5 weeks. The flu is running rampant in my area and others around here have a cold of some sort. So the parents can't say exclusively they got sick because they are in foster care but I know school brings in a new set of germs but it doesn't mean the kids wouldn't have been sick if they were at home. This winter has been COLD! Miami was a high of 50 (IIRC) today- so the kids could be sick just because it's winter.

I really hope the kids are enjoying school and learning lots and having a very positive experience. If they are, they won't look at their old life the same again.

EDIT to say BRAVO FJismyheadship! :worship: :clap:

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I can pretty much guarantee Hot Springs didn't send out 50 armed officers. Their entire force is around 135.

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We have a nasty stomach bug going around, making people sick for a week. My daughters father has been laid up in bed for three days over this. My choir teacher, who never cancels for anything, came down with it and was laid up for a week... she tried coming in one day before she was completely recovered, and she had to sit the entire class. She hated it.

I bet the kids caught this nasty stomach bug, and next week they will be fine.

I did not know that Coconut Flan! Thanks! I don't know why that would be useful information, but I guess if I count 135 officers at my neighbors house that means I can go rob a liquor store hahaha

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I was surprised the force was large enough to even have a SWAT team. :) I wonder how often they've been activated. They may go out just for practice.

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I call BS on kids never being sick in their life. How long has it been since they were taken into custody? About 5 weeks. The flu is running rampant in my area and others around here have a cold of some sort. So the parents can't say exclusively they got sick because they are in foster care but I know school brings in a new set of germs but it doesn't mean the kids wouldn't have been sick if they were at home. This winter has been COLD! Miami was a high of 50 (IIRC) today- so the kids could be sick just because it's winter.

I really hope the kids are enjoying school and learning lots and having a very positive experience. If they are, they won't look at their old life the same again.

EDIT to say BRAVO FJismyheadship! :worship: :clap:

Well, if the kids have been kept isolated all their lives up till now, they may very well have rarely gotten sick. If they're now in public school and being exposed to a variety of other people and germs for the first time in their lives, they're probably going through what the rest of us get over with in preschool, or kindergarten at the latest.

I mean, when my oldest was two years old and going to daycare/preschool, he was sick every other week. By kindergarten, he hardly ever got sick. The immune system needs practice to work.

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This sounds just so exaggerated. I can understand CPS coming with police back up if they have reason to believe the parents would be armed or violent or something, or the police bringing CPS if they are searching for something dangerous and there are children in the house who may be at risk......but 50 officers? No need for that, Im sure there isn't even that many at the average bank robbery. Snipers? They are possible child abusers, not armed and dangerous terrorists. A coroner? Why? Nobody is dead. I don't even think they would bring a coroner to a potential murder suspect's house unless they had reason to believe that there were bodies in the house or garden. It just seems overblown. Next they will be saying there were helicopters flying overhead, and the army coming in with tanks.

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I'm going to have to agree with Jelly Beans here - this all sounds terribly exaggerated. A full SWAT team and the coroner - hokay. I think Hal feels he will get more support if he ups the ante as far as "persecution" goes. They can't just have a regular CPS visit/intervention, with one or two cops. Nope, there has to be every law enforcement officer in the county, because Christians have it sooooooooo bad.

Why would CPS allow the allegedly abusive parents to inspect their own children?! I don't doubt it was traumatic for the kiddos, though. I've had a rape kit done, and, while completely my choice and necessary (IMO), it felt like no less of a violation. I don't know if they actually did a genital exam, but for very sheltered kids to even have to disrobe into their underwear in front of a stranger must have been upsetting. I wish there were a better way:(

Sorry, Hal, but I'm glad you aren't able to make health decisions right now. Praying over your kid instead of taking him/her to the doctor, huh? :/

I do not blame the CPS worker for one second for saying "everything looks fine" to the parents. This is a potentially volatile situation. No decent social worker is going to antagonize the parents. However, those words mean nothing.

I sincerely wish those kiddos the best.

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To FJISMYHEADSHIP: :martini: or 2....or 3....

Yes, I cannot believe FJismyheadship had the intestinal fortitude to transcribe all of that!

:worship: :worship: :worship:

I crapped out less than 30 seconds into the pig story.

Yeah, a lot of exaggeration and self-serving stuff. IME when anyone says, "To cut a long story short" you know they can't!

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Yes, I cannot believe FJismyheadship had the intestinal fortitude to transcribe all of that!

:worship: :worship: :worship:

I crapped out less than 30 seconds into the pig story.

Yeah, a lot of exaggeration and self-serving stuff. IME when anyone says, "To cut a long story short" you know they can't!

I was wondering when we would get to the end.

Something I noticed. When Magellan interviewed Mrs. Stanley,he kept interrupting her. With Hal he only interrupted a couple of times, but overall let him speak.

My brother says the music he is using is from the recent Batman movie.

That Was hard. Really hard. It took me two hours. I don't know how anyone else does it. Lucky for me my daughter was at school.

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This sounds just so exaggerated. I can understand CPS coming with police back up if they have reason to believe the parents would be armed or violent or something, or the police bringing CPS if they are searching for something dangerous and there are children in the house who may be at risk......but 50 officers? No need for that, Im sure there isn't even that many at the average bank robbery. Snipers? They are possible child abusers, not armed and dangerous terrorists. A coroner? Why? Nobody is dead. I don't even think they would bring a coroner to a potential murder suspect's house unless they had reason to believe that there were bodies in the house or garden. It just seems overblown. Next they will be saying there were helicopters flying overhead, and the army coming in with tanks.

Well, to be fair, in that amazing transcript fjismyheadship provided, he just said it seemed like 50, not that there were actually 50 cops.

I think the snipers and swat team are likely just part of the whole militarized police force thing. Must be terrifying though!

I'm wondering with all the talk of the MMS and coroner and so many cops -- did they think the MMS was some sort of bomb making supply? I could see if they were hearing isolationist, and extremist and prepper they could go down that path.

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First off thank you to FJISMYHEADSHIP for taking one for the team and transcribing all that crazy.

Disclaimer- I am basing this off of very little and I am aware of that. Hop in the idle speculation bus here. This theory is based off the fact that the Father is a veteran and that AMVETS may or may not be involved in the situation. Also on the fact that my husband is a vet with PTSD.

It is entirely possible that the dad in this situation has PTSD from long ago military service. His age would put him, possibly (not 100% sure on his age) right in the Vietnam era. Many of the Veterans from this era who looked as if they had successful lives were actually managing symptoms by overwork. In other words they self medicated by becoming literal workaholics, working long hours or multiple jobs. Not that the Vietnam era guys are starting to retire their PTSD symptoms come roaring back full force. Huge numbers of guys are seking help for the first time and in numbers equal to or greater than the numbers of folks from the current conflict. Mr Goalie is in the 4th week of a PTSD inpatient program and 2/3rds of the folks up there are Vietnam guys.

It is entirely possible that the Father in the situation went to AMVETS for either help preparing a VA claim or for group counseling and talked about using the snake oil to treat his kids illness, or about his child rearing style (which I am willing to bet has more than a healthy dose of the Pearls), not taking the kids to the doctor (laying on of hands? What?), having guns around (just making a guess here) or any other manner of dominionist/ persecuted Christian nonsense and it pinged someone's radar. Nearly everyone involved in VSOs is a mandated reporter. And at least the VSOs around our location take that responsibility VERY seriously.

I don't think this is about alternative medicine in the slightest. Given the interview with the oldest (or at least older) son I strongly believe there is a whole lot more to the story, and that more than likely involved emotional and/or physical abuse.

Just my two cents.

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