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Children of gay parents hate gay marrage.


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I checked out two of the people in this article both are christian and bet evangelical christian. They have an agenda and I am sure they hate or at least don't talk to their parents. can you imagine how bad they feel with their kids saying these things? here is the page from one of the woman


https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/quart ... me-sex-mar

Katy Faust, Dawn Stefanowicz, B.N. Klein, and Robert Oscar Lopez, who were all raised by homosexual parents, each submitted briefs to the 5th Circuit opposing the legalization of same-sex “marriage.†Recounting childhood memories of households made deeply dysfunctional by their parents’ sexual appetites and the radical subculture that went along with their “gay†identities, all four argued that redefining marriage to include homosexual couples will likely lead to the exploitation and abuse of countless children for political and personal gain.

“I grew up with a parent and her partner in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,†wrote B.N. Klein of her lesbian mother and her series of live-in lovers. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publically [sic] displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.â€

“While I do not believe all gays would be de facto bad parents, I know that the gay community has never in my lifetime put children first as anything other than a piece of property, a past mistake or a political tool to be dressed up and taken out as part of a dog-and-pony show to impress the well-meaning,†Klein wrote. She added that as a child of a lesbian mother, she was pressured to pay “constant homage and attention†to her mother’s gay identity, taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,†and told that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’â€

While Klein classified her upbringing as abusive, Robert Oscar Lopez told the court that his own childhood upbringing by his mother and her longtime partner represented the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.†Even so, Lopez testified that the lack of a father figure in his life, combined with the influence of the radical gay culture in which he was raised, gave rise to a devastating confusion about his own sexuality and ultimately led to his becoming a homosexual prostitute in his teen years in order to fulfill his craving for acceptance and love from older men.

“Had I been formally studied by same-sex parenting ‘experts’ in 1985, I would have confirmed their rosiest estimations of LGBT family life,†Lopez wrote. “[but b]ehind these façades of a happy ‘outcome’ lay many problems.â€

“I experienced a great deal of sexual confusion,†Lopez wrote. “I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males … and wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.â€

“The money I received for sex certainly helped me financially because it allowed me certain spending money beyond what I earned with my teenage jobs at a pizzeria and in my mother’s [psychiatric] clinic. But the money was not as impactful as the fact that I needed to feel loved and wanted by an older male figure, even if for only as short as a half hour.â€

Lopez said that he has spoken to dozens of other adult children of homosexuals, and that many of them have similar stories of pain and damage inflicted by the absence of a biological parent and the unwanted “step-parent†type relationship demanded by their homosexual parents’ lovers. Lopez included testimonies from nine of them in his brief, but said there were many more who were afraid to speak out for fear that the homosexual lobby would target them for harassment like they have Lopez himself.

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I remember hearing this woman on a Catholic Answers podcast. Assuming her story is true (I say this because many speakers on the conservative Christian circuit turn out to be frauds, it doesn't invalidate the case for same-sex marriage. LGBT people can be good or bad parents, just like straight people. That some LGBTS are bad parents or bad spouses doesn't mean that no LGBTS should get married or have children. It would be like saying that straight people are too irresponsible to get married because of Kim Kardashian's reckless abuse of the institution.

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I remember hearing this woman on a Catholic Answers podcast. Assuming her story is true (I say this because many speakers on the conservative Christian circuit turn out to be frauds, it doesn't invalidate the case for same-sex marriage. LGBT people can be good or bad parents, just like straight people. That some LGBTS are bad parents or bad spouses doesn't mean that no LGBTS should get married or have children. It would be like saying that straight people are too irresponsible to get married because of Kim Kardashian's reckless abuse of the institution.

A friend of mine is having an issue with the guy she is dating because she feels he is addicted to relationships and does not understand that his 14 year old has spent his whole life watching his dad with a series of women. Every here is straight. I think we should outlaw straight marriage.

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Imagine how many kids of straight people you could get to testify that their upbringing was abusive. That would show that straight marriage is wrong, right?

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Robert Oscar Lopez isn't new to FJ. I don't even think his parents were bad. He blame them for his bisexuality :roll:

Eta: He says that in the article :doh: :

While Klein classified her upbringing as abusive, Robert Oscar Lopez told the court that his own childhood upbringing by his mother and her longtime partner represented the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.†Even so, Lopez testified that the lack of a father figure in his life, combined with the influence of the radical gay culture in which he was raised, gave rise to a devastating confusion about his own sexuality and ultimately led to his becoming a homosexual prostitute in his teen years in order to fulfill his craving for acceptance and love from older men.

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I mean sure, raising children as a gay couple is a bit more challenging for various reasons.

And yes, not all people are cut out to be decent parents, whether they are straight or gay.

However, various scientific studies have shown that gays generally are just as capable of raising children well as straight people are.


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So this man is claiming that being raised by lesbian parents drive him to be a gay male teen prostitute? I'm sorry, not buying it. That is radically disturbed behavior( not the gay part, the teen prostitute part). I wonder if there is much more to his story.

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Um, whether these stories and claims are true or not, they happened while gay marriage was illegal, no? So how is keeping it illgal going to help prevent it from happening again?

Not that I buy the argument that anyone one person is better suited for parenting based on sexual persuasion. It's absurd. And many of the same arguments (no live-in male role model for boys with 2 moms, for example) can be used aginst single parents.

Oh well, like it or not, everyone is going to have to adapt. Marriage rights have made a HUGE stride in the US in the past couple of years, and it's not going to stop. The 1/3 of the country that doesn't recognize same sex marriage won't be that way for long. :) The bigots are fighting a losing battle and they know it.

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Um, whether these stories and claims are true or not, they happened while gay marriage was illegal, no? So how is keeping it illgal going to help prevent it from happening again?

Not that I buy the argument that anyone one person is better suited for parenting based on sexual persuasion. It's absurd. And many of the same arguments (no live-in male role model for boys with 2 moms, for example) can be used aginst single parents.

Oh well, like it or not, everyone is going to have to adapt. Marriage rights have made a HUGE stride in the US in the past couple of years, and it's not going to stop. The 1/3 of the country that doesn't recognize same sex marriage won't be that way for long. :) The bigots are fighting a losing battle and they know it.

As I recall, Ms. Stefanowicz said that her father had a revolving door of boyfriends. He made no pretense of trying to have a marriage-like relationship so I'm not sure what this has to do with gay marriage. Her real argument is that gays shouldn't be parents, which is a bit different (albeit related to) arguing against gay marriage. But one could make the argument (and many have) that gay marriage would be a conservative force in the lgbt community and provide a more healthy framework for people to aspire to than random hook-ups.

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Children of hetero-marriages against marriage!

Are your parents a man and a woman? Have they ever argued? Do you feel traumatised? Want to save other children from that? Join me, so we can put an end to this horrific practice! :roll:

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A) Abusive or not has nothing to so with sexuality.

B) How much of their abuse do you think was really them seeing things filtered through the eyes of society telling them they were being treated wrong for having gay parents, and so believing they were being abused?

I think society in general having spent so much time looking down on the kids of gay people is extremely harmful, and that damage done gets displaced into the parents. "If only you have given me up for adoption so I could have a real mom and dad!" Even though that doesn't guarantee anything.

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As a general rule, most of the people that I know have at least a few complaints about the way they were brought up.....by their straight parents. There are plenty of bad parents out there and I'm not sure how their sexual orientation matters in it. The mom and her steady stream of partners? Her child probably would have had the same issues if the mom had a steady stream of male partners instead of female. It kind of reads like you have a group of people blaming their parents for something they are unhappy about it their own lives and going to the extreme to punish them in any way possible. I'm sure that there are plenty of people raised by gay parents who didn't like their upbringing but saying that gay people shouldn't be parents or be able to be married because this group of people had bad experiences is beyond stupid. If someone took a poll on how many people were unhappy about their childhood and had been raised by mothers with blonde hair, there would probably be a fair amount of them as well. Does that mean that blonde women shouldn't be mothers or be married because of that group of people? So stupid.

Hopefully this post makes sense. I literally had 3 hours sleep last night and my brain is foggy. So sorry in advance if it is all wonky. :?

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You know, if your mother's partner barely tolerates you and drinks a bottle a day, while your mother is doing other recreational drugs, you are going to have a shitty childhood even if they are an opposite sex couple.

No, not every gay couple will be like Cam and Mitch on Modern Family. True equality sometimes means having the right to be as messed up as everyone else, and judged by the same standards when you screw up.

There are many, many elements that go into making a parent good or bad. Most of them have nothing to do with sexuality, which is why most "research" on straight vs. gay parenting is useless. At the very least, you would have to compare children of gays conceived within a straight relationship to other children of relationships where the marriage broke up and there was infidelity. You'd also have to compare children of gay parents conceived using donors to children of straight parents who were conceived using donors. Having your parents separate and facing the shock of a parent coming out at the same time is itself traumatic. Having parents who intentionally conceived you is likely to give you an advantage over the 50% of naturally conceived children whose conception was not intentional

From what I've observed, the focus on gay marriage has been a conservative force within the gay community, and has even received some criticism because of it. I don't think you can draw conclusions about the gay community today based on observations from the 1970s. Quite frankly, tons has changed in all communities since then.

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