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Caroling/Maxhell Christmas - MERGE


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You know, I spent the last two weekends with family - or, in Maxwell speak, relatives. We talked, joked, played games, ate, goofed off, drank beer, did shots, ate some more. Three generations worth.

It was fantastic. It was...what life is about. No rules. Everyone having their own lives, opinions, preferences. Everyone is individual so when we come together a few times a year, the experience is astonishingly overwhelming. So much love, concern, care, attention.

Why? Well, probably lots of reasons but I think the most relevant one is...we all live our lives as we see fit. When the time comes to be with family...um, er, relatives, we are all in our element. Those who love us best, accept us, encourage us, adore us.

I really do feel sorry for the Maxwells. All of them. With my family, we aren't always together but when we are, it's a total and complete choice. No pretending, no rules, no lies, not obligation. Our few times a year are far more fulfilling and successful and...godly...than the Maxwell 24/7 of everyone - and only everyone who has been Steve trained.

Their world is not only small, but so fucking sad and pathetic.

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And Jesse just looks so young. I can't imagine him getting married anytime soon. John, on the other hand, for sure. I always say this, and it may be tmi, but when you're not allowed any other sexual outlet, not masturbation, not even fantasizing, if you're not asexual and you're not willing to break the rules, what else are you going to do? You have to marry, and you'll want to do it pretty soon. I don't know how these guys are saving up enough money to buy houses debt free, but Joseph managed to do it a couple years ago, so John shouldn't have a problem.

mbe because Daddy's writing the paychecks? :roll:

btw some of the fundie guys i used to work with would brag about being debt-free or paying off a vehicle/house super fast and i always wanted to punch them. They strut around like they deserve applause while they are living in a bubble of security and easy church-provided jobs, writing their own disproportionate checks even as the families of their workers suffer. They're supported by free labor and unpaid help at every turn. These guys treat their wives like slaves. The women break their backs to save the husbands money: imprisoned at home, gardening, sewing, and stretching every penny. Church car insurance and church health insurance. Some even financed big purchases through wealthy out of state fundie friends and avoided excessive bank interest. The company i worked for took advantage of barely legal and illegal immigrants - they set up a system where ONE head Spanish speaking employee was paid a tremendous amount and passed that out to the other workers on the down low. They probably called that "contracting out" to ease their guilty consciences. They also hated to pay out workers' comp to injured employees. (i'm sure they've quit doing that because they have a lot of mistreated former employees who would love to tell that tale to the right ears) But these guys bragged about their lifestyle achievements as if it was from the sweat of their brows.


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This one was actually pretty hard:

Ah, I'm gonna take you to my home,

ah, the one I bought last week debt-free

Are you gonna cover it all up,

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round.

Hey, I was just a sinning lad, never knew no good from bad,

But didn't know no life before I courted you.

Left to hug those trouser-wearers, they were such the heathen sinners,

Hey, skirt-wearer, you made a godly boy out of me.

I've been singing with my band, wide-stance Jesse and the Helpmeets,

I seen every IFB girl on the way,

but their buttons that contrasted, were kind of lewd after awhile,

Take me to them Godly women ev'ry time.

Oh, won't you come out to my home?

Oh, the one I bought debt-free last week.

Oh, and you'll help me paint it beige

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round.

Hey listen here,

Now those mortgages for homes,

I got none of that right here.

Ain't no worldliness in this locality (I tell you)

Oh but I still get my pleasure,

still got my greatest treasure,

Hey skirt-wearer, you're gonna make a godly boy out of me. now get this:

are you gonna come out to my home?

ah the one I bought last week debt-free

Are you gonna cover it all up,

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round.

Get on your skirt and pray.

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John is pushing to set up businesses and he is an older reversal than Jesse. I would bet John goes before Jesse.

The sons have to go in order after all and Stevehovah is all about order.

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If the daughters have to go in order too, things aren't looking good for Anna and Mary.

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If the daughters have to go in order too, things aren't looking good for Anna and Mary.

When the girls aren't allowed to show any personality, any initiative, any independent thought, then it becomes ALL ABOUT LOOKS. Which is deeply ironic. Anyway, if that's all a guy gets to see then I'm sorry but they are going to be clamouring for Mary - she and John got all the good looks in that family.

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This one was actually pretty hard:

Ah, I'm gonna take you to my home,

ah, the one I bought last week debt-free

Are you gonna cover it all up,

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round.

Hey, I was just a sinning lad, never knew no good from bad,

But didn't know no life before I courted you.

Left to hug those trouser-wearers, they were such the heathen sinners,

Hey, skirt-wearer, you made a godly boy out of me.

I've been singing with my band, wide-stance Jesse and the Helpmeets,

I seen every IFB girl on the way,

but their buttons that contrasted, were kind of lewd after awhile,

Take me to them Godly women ev'ry time.

Oh, won't you come out to my home?

Oh, the one I bought debt-free last week.

Oh, and you'll help me paint it beige

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round.

Hey listen here,

Now those mortgages for homes,

I got none of that right here.

Ain't no worldliness in this locality (I tell you)

Oh but I still get my pleasure,

still got my greatest treasure,

Hey skirt-wearer, you're gonna make a godly boy out of me. now get this:

are you gonna come out to my home?

ah the one I bought last week debt-free

Are you gonna cover it all up,

long-skirted girls, you make the fundie world go 'round.

Get on your skirt and pray.

16strong, I salute you! When "Fat-Bottomed Girls" was suggested upthread, I immediately thought "Long-Skirted Girls," but couldn't remember enough of the melody to give it a shot.

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Can we branch out to Elton John?

I remember when we were young,

Me and Teri had so much fun

Drinking Pepsi, having friends

At sleepovers, then it ends

'Cause the biggest kick I ever got

Was controlling my own world

While the neighbour's were calling us a cult

I'm the only one who'se calling all the shots

... Okay, I'm out of ideas - feel free to continue as you please.

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:penguin-no: :penguin-no: Just what the world doesn't need, Stevehovah to loosen up and allow the chidults to release an album of Queen covers. I have been a HUGE Queen fan since I was 14. I even have a cat named Flash (after the Queen song from the Flash Gordon soundtrack) The idea of the Maxwells butchering Queen is too much for me to take. :(

But the lyrics are apropos.....

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Who knew there were so many Queen Fans in the USA! I know Bohemian Rhapsody finally got USA attention after Wayne's World, but still. Here's the story (I feel a bit like Sophia Petrillo of the Golden Girls here) and I hope it doesn't disappoint you.

Picture yourself: London, 1975. Palimpsest, a University student who just happens to be dating her roommate's brother, who just happens to be a small time DJ who is working his way up from Radio London to BBC proper.

He introduced me to many up-and-coming bands. I usually didn't like the rock he played as a DJ. I was more classical and folk music orientated. But then he discovered and played Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio (listened from loyalty) and I was blown away.

So, he decided to interview Queen on his minor Radio London progamme. Queen was controversial at the time and Bohemian Rhapsody was (believe it or not) not greeted by universal acclaim but my BF was rather cutting edge. I said, WOW! Can I be there because that is really good music! Can I meet this band? I'm a complete introvert but I'd so like to be there ...

I listened to the interview (boring) in the Green Room. They had a wine and cheese reception afterwards. My perceptions: Brian May was holding forth, intelligently and attractively, but arrogantly. What a guitar virtuoso though. Roger Taylor was being charming. What a great songwriter and excellent voice. A nice person. (Hindsight: They were deliberately deflecting attention from shy Freddie.)

I (the very shy introvert) was huddled in a corner watching the greatness and wondering where Freddie was when I suddenly realized that he was hiding right beside me. Such a shy woodland creature. We made eye contact and he said, "Hello." I just burbled something. I hope I said something about his voice and range being amazing, his genius in his musicality and the poetry being what it was all about.

He took my hand and kissed it gently. He said, "Thank you for understanding my music." There was something so very gentle, kind, shy, and appreciative about him. Not his onstage persona at all. A very sweet, modest, and self-effacing person.

DJ boyfriend and I broke up amicably a few months later. DJ ex-boyfriend came to my wedding in 1979 to Mr. P (DJ's sister was my bridesmaid) and we are all still friends and are all still major Queen fans!

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I looked up the property records in Leavenworth and he doesn't own anything. I even looked up some of the neighbouring counties and came up with nothing. I think I've reached the limit of my sleuthing skills and someone else is going to have to take over. :lol:

I checked yesterday as well. I found it interesting that Joe added Elissa as an owner of their house, as Nathan did with Mel long ago, yet Chris hasn't added Anna to their house.

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Edit- Actually, looks like thirded, and thank you for sharing. :D I will always love Queen.
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Palimpsest, that is a GREAT story! Easily one of my faves to come out of FJ.

ETA: One of my former professors "met" Jim Morrison (of The Doors). I say "met" because when he was introduced to the man at a house party, he was passed out cold on the floor. :lol:

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Must admit I too am amazed by the number of US Queen fans! Then again, FJ is the place to find people not totally outraged by such things as the "I Want To Break Free" video. Speaking of which, the beginning of that song is just perfect for one of the Maxwells to sing to Steve. No need to change the lyrics of this one...

I want to break free

I want to break free

I want to break free from your lies

You're so self satisfied I don't need you

I've got to break free

God knows, God knows I want to break free.

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Palimpsest, that is the greatest story! Freddie melts my heart. Coincidentally I was listening to a Freddie documentary yesterday while doing my holiday baking. It's unbelievable how a man who could hold all of Wembley Stadium in the palm of his hand was so shy in person.

Btw...Radio Gaga and Under Pressure are some of my favorite songs of all time. In general I'm a huge Queen fan.

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Palimpsest, I am nearly weeping with envy over your story. What a precious memory to treasure.

There are MANY Queen fans in the US. I have been one for as long as I can remember and I raised my kids to love them. Not an option in this house to love Freddie. Plus he was dear friends with Elton, who is my one and only. They had drag queen pet names for each other, Sharon (Elton) and Melina (Freddie).

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Another voice of reassurance here, on the subject of Americans appreciating Queen, including the younger generation.

My piano students are encouraged to request music they love for study -- it makes practicing more satisfying. I've had requests for Queen songs over the years, including fairly recently.

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Growing up in Israel, local radio stations played, on average, about 40% Israeli music, 30% American and 30% European. Queen songs were bread-and-butter, and WHAM!, and Alphaville, and many now-extinct French and German songs (99 red balloons, anyone?).

Not that the Maxwells will appreciate a diverse musical diet...

Thoughtful, can I PM you to ask something about music lessons?

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Who knew there were so many Queen Fans in the USA! I know Bohemian Rhapsody finally got USA attention after Wayne's World, but still. Here's the story (I feel a bit like Sophia Petrillo of the Golden Girls here) and I hope it doesn't disappoint you.

Wonderful story--

And, Queen was played extensively on the radio in the US in the 70s. Killer Queen was a top 100 song for the year in 75 and Bohemian Rhapsody was number 18 for the year in 76. Probably everyone I knew knew all the lyrics for it back then--and I lived in a small farming community in Kansas.

But, your comment led my husband and me to spend almost 3 hours in bed this morning, googling up h the top 100 songs of various years in the 70s on his phone and playing guess the artist--then either singing or listening to them on my tablet or both... An exercise I would heartily recommend to anyone.

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Maybe it's Jesse 'courtin! How old is he? 21, 23? A bit young, but if they do that "friend thing" for a year, he'd be ready. Considering how long it took Chris to marry, Stevie's probably pushing the reversals to start ASAP.

Nothing is better for the brand but "happy" marriages and more babies.... 'Course, he's going to have to do some real "spinning" on why none of his adult daughters are married. Even his leg humpers are going to wonder....

That's where Steve has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle.

His brand is all about those happy marriages and babies, babies, babies. And while he has no issues marrying off the boys (and let's be real, marketing John is not that difficult...), our theory that he can't let go of his daughters seems pretty solid so far. So what's better, no marriages at all to stop the gender gap where it is now, or more marriages, but a more noticeable division between sons/daughters? I'm curious to see what he does in the coming years.

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Another voice of reassurance here, on the subject of Americans appreciating Queen, including the younger generation.

My piano students are encouraged to request music they love for study -- it makes practicing more satisfying. I've had requests for Queen songs over the years, including fairly recently.

Yep, I had a car full of kids (my one and 2 different friends' three) a couple years ago heading to the park and "We Will Rock You" came on, and 7-9 year-olds were all singing along just as enthusiastically as they had been to "Sexy and I Know It." I was quite proud. Well, proud of half of that story anyway... :lol:

I'm surprised that US Queen fans is surprising. I've been a huge fan since my teen years, which is definitely not a rarity.

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