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Ken: Women in the work force= Satan's design?

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I don't think many of his clients know about his internet life and beliefs about women. The only reason he came here was because he was terrified people were going to contact his clients.

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There's a part of me that wants to write views all over the internet with links to his most hateful posts.

Ain't nobody got time for that. But I want to.

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There's a part of me that wants to write views all over the internet with links to his most hateful posts.

Ain't nobody got time for that. But I want to.

I have thought about it as well. Or emailing the highlights to his French business partner.

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I don't think many of his clients know about his internet life and beliefs about women. The only reason he came here was because he was terrified people were going to contact his clients.

I remember someone brought that up in a thread sometime before he came here. Ken and Lori should have been cautious of about her blog in regards to his business. There was a mommy blogger in North Carolina who was a hot topic on GOMI, a couple of years back. The mommy blogger's husband and his family owned some kind of business. Some of the mommy blogger's activities on her blog and twitter caused problems for the husband's business. I can't remember all the details, but at one point the mommy blogger was banned from the office and she also said some shitty things about her husband possibly terminating employees due to Obamacare.

Lori is a fucking idiot about many things and I would love to see her explain her beliefs to Ken's female clients or the women that work in client practices. Like I said before, she doesn't realize that society runs as well as it does because of working women. Lori and Ken's daughter had a job at orthodontic practice. I recall, she was the treatment coordinator and she worked four days a week. They had to realize that the daughter was apart of that team and helping to keep everything running smoothly. I laughed recently when Lori did a blog posting in response to a Barbie book that involved women fixing computers or being computer engineers. She had to praise Ken and how he can fix computers and other things. I hope that moron has been to an Apple store or another computer repair place where women work alongside men. Lori will never imagine what the world would be, if she had to go into a hosptial for brain surgery. and there was a staff shortage due to women not working.

I suspect that Ken's business isn't doing as well as he and Lori make it out to be. As previously mentioned, not all orthodontists are going to hire consultants. There are some office/business managers that could probably handle aspects of running a practice without outside help. Also Ken has some good competition from other consultants.

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A few seconds of googling orthodontal practice mangement brought this:

http://leeannpenicheandassociates.com/m ... president/

Yes, a consulting firm with a female president, which also serves the San Diego area. I'm guessing that Ken thinks she's the Harlot of Babylon.

Unlike Ken's website, which shows a pen next to the schedule, her site mentions new technology. I'm actually floored that Ken's site doesn't mention a word about technology. When my husband's office switched to an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system, it was HUGE, and it affects every aspect of the practice management, since the office is now entirely paperless and absolutely everything links to the system. There's no way that you could ignore that aspect, and you need to partner with the companies.

ETA: In fact, it looks like LOTS of his competition is female. Some actually have relevant degrees (like an MBA), some have experience working in orthodontal practices, and many have something to say about technology in practice management and marketing. Maybe they also offer services that don't come with the attitude that women (who make up the bulk of support staff and an increasing percentage of orthodontists) are incapable of logic.

http://www.ortho2.com/Resources/Consult ... fault.aspx

Yeesh. How many orthodontic consultants does southern California need?

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Scheduling success at over 99%!

The Ken Alexander School of Statistical Analysis, FTW!

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Did anyone notice they deleted a comment from today's post that was there most of the day? lorialexander.blogspot.com/2014/12/what-is-your-parenting-style.html?m=1

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Did anyone notice they deleted a comment from today's post that was there most of the day? lorialexander.blogspot.com/2014/12/what-is-your-parenting-style.html?m=1

I remember reading it but damned if I can remember what it said. :?

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It started out with "I'm a combination of all the types"

Oh, yeah. Thanks. Don't remember what was so wrong with it, but then it's Lori we're talking about here. :roll:

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I don't follow them, but I'm saddened that they are Californians. Take your crazy elsewhere people!

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It seems pretty old-school to me.

I realize that nobody wants to give away trade secrets online, but if I were looking for those services (and while I'm not an orthodontist, my husband is a physician, my BIL is a dentist, and Girl 2 has braces), I would want to know some specifics. Exactly what services are offered? How do I build a new practice? How do I incorporate an EMR system? How do I deal with HR issues? How do I market my practice? And mostly - how do I know that an expensive consultant knows what they are doing? The education doesn't seem to have anything to do with their services.

Ken probably goes have extensive experience. That's worth something, but how do I know that he's kept up to date? He talks about transitions, but does he have the business background to thoroughly go through financial statements and value a practice?

Lots of consultants use a lot of words that really mean nothing. I see a lot of that here (and on some of the other websites, to be fair). It looks like fluff without substance.

Fluff without substance? From Ken? I'm shocked I tell you - shocked!

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After reading this thread, I sat down at breakfast with Mr. No and told him that I was a Whore of Babylon because afterward I would be marching off to work. He was like "oh, which nutcase from the snark site said this one?"

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