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Someone didn't think this one through... Courtney's Baby


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Thank you.

As a teacher who has taught for 13 years in schools of every income level, I've never run into these names that everybody claims. They are urban legends, and if not racist, at the minimum making fun of people who have less education.

(I have run into doozies of names, but not the ones that are repeatedly mentioned.)

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I used to work in a hospital. One day, they paged a Dr. Harry Saks. We actually looked him up in the staff directory to see if he was real, or if it was a joke. He was real. WTF were the parents thinking?

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What's wrong with "Joe Average" names? Why does it always have to be some crazy unpronounceable name with some odd connotation? I read somewhere that someone named their child "Female" (pronounces FEE MONLY.) What's wrong with Betty?

Even worse IMO is when they take a normal name and just misspell it: such as McKynzie (why not MacKenzie? Sounds the bloody same!) or Michaella (who will spend 80 years having her name mispronounced in every public arena)

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Even worse IMO is when they take a normal name and just misspell it: such as McKynzie (why not MacKenzie? Sounds the bloody same!) or Michaella (who will spend 80 years having her name mispronounced in every public arena)

Yes, that too. I think some need to just put a spin on something when no spin is needed. When my son was born, I named him a nice, normal masculine name. I figured he'd have enough hassles in life with-out deliberately adding to the stress.

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Eh, Clay Mason is alright, but not my kind of name. I did know of a family with the last name of Head, but luckily they avoided the "dangerous" names with the exception of one of their older family members, which i guess would be a given, since I have noticed more of those names with older people, idk why.

The name spelling issue was one we ran into with Sevy. I'm kind of glad hubby brought up that issue, I think we would have had a lot of trouble with her name if we had gone my way. :)

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My sister went to school with a Mike Hunt, son of Mrs. Hunt who was a teacher at our high school. Full name only over the school intercom as this was the same time as Porky's came out.

Same sister and I both had classmates/siblings who had a dad named Harry Beaver.

My husband worked with a Jennifer Brennifer.

My grade school librarian was Robert Roberts.

A man I delivered papers to was named Dick Little and his next door neighbor was Red Dick.

My sister worked at DQ with John Doe back in high school.

My best friend in high school worked in a nursing home with Jessie James, Bill Hickok, Bella Starr and John Wayne.

And dont forget the race car driver of Dick Trickle. ;)

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My husband had a student once named Mike Hunt.

Staff tried to refer to him as Michael as much as possible.

My family name on my dad's side is Hunt. He has a cousin named Mike. And the poor guy's parents didn't even name him Michael. Just Mike. So he can't even hide behind Michael :?

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I know someone who isn't named Cassandra, but CaSondra. I've also met an Abbey-Gale... God knows their mothers must still have been high on the childbirth drugs when they went with those!

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I also think that Clay Mason sounds too much like Claymation, although I don't have a problem with either name, otherwise.

I have a cousin who always said she wanted to name her future daughter Kimberly.

Then she married a man whose last name was Clark.

I'm glad to say she only had boys.

She did name one of them Scott, which might have been a nod to the toilet-paper-named girl she never had.


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