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Where would Lori go?

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In a recent post, Lori again quotes Michael Pearl (and throws in a gratuitous Nazi reference):

God commands that we not grumble and complain. We are to trust Him completely in everything. If gas, food, and health care prices rise, He will provide. If our leaders continue to become more against the things of God, He will take care of us. {Although Michael Pearl believes believers should always keep their passports up to date in case we have to flee...Take Nazi Germany for instance. We must be wise!}

My question is where would the "believers" go? Of all the "Christian" nations in the developed world, the US is easily the most conservative. They simply wouldn't get away with half the stuff they currently do in Europe, Canada, Australia etc. The Middle East is out, Asians are heathens and South America is full of godless Catholics. I guess that leaves Africa. Somehow I can't see Lori doing too well in Uganda (which is a beautiful country and not deserving, in general, of Lori and the Pearls). Maybe the moon??

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Where will Lori go? Lori will go straight to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Oh, geographically? Lori will go nowhere. Lori is afraid of the world and secure where she is.

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Lori will go nowhere. Lori is afraid of the world and secure where she is.


"Out to lunch with friends" is the first thing that popped into my mind. I think Lori lives a pretty posh little suburban life. She's happiest with a glass of wine in her hand and some sleazy daytime talk show to watch (for education purposes of course). There is no way in hell she's going to go off somewhere and rough it like some of these nutters that don't have as much to lose.

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Lori will always stay put in the U.S. no matter how much things change. Maybe she would be ok in some South American country. I don't think Lori has ever had spoke out against Catholics. I could easily see her being friends with some hardcore Catholics. There was a family that attended the same parish I attended with my family years ago. This family was anti-birth control, anti-working moms, and very conservative.

I also think Lori will never leave the U.S. because she is too used to her upper middle class status here and I get the sense that she really doesn't care for other cultures.

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Not to mention the sheer logistics of trying to move to another country. It's not as easy as having an up-to-date passport and a desire to move. If it was I would be living in Europe by now. I can't imagine that a lot of these people have either the ability to move elsewhere long-term (e.g. skills that are in demand enough that they could get a job and thus an appropriate visa somewhere else) or the desire to even understand the process.

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Not to mention the sheer logistics of trying to move to another country. It's not as easy as having an up-to-date passport and a desire to move. If it was I would be living in Europe by now. I can't imagine that a lot of these people have either the ability to move elsewhere long-term (e.g. skills that are in demand enough that they could get a job and thus an appropriate visa somewhere else) or the desire to even understand the process.

Yup, those things can be difficult. I remember after Obama was re-elected there were people saying how they were going to move to other countries and a lot of them were people that ouldn't be able to go through visa and other processes.

Age is another factor that would keep Lori and Ken in the U.S.. Lori has said time and time again how Ken is the leader and makes the major decisions. I know many men and women who wouldn't move to another country in their 50s or 60s for long term and I can see Ken being that type.

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This Cracked list nicely sums up the problems with people's half-baked ideas to leave the US.


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. I remember after Obama was re-elected there were people saying how they were going to move to other countries ...

Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh didn't follow through on his promise to leave. I would have helped him with any red tape and passport issues. :D

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"Screw this I'm moving to (insert country here)" is the ultimate in empty threats made by Americans. 99.9% of them aren't going to move. Even Jocelyn's family eventually moved back home from Costa Rica.

Conservatives have it pretty rough because it's harder to find a more conservative country than the US that is also highly developed and full of protestants. And it was pretty hilarious in the wake of Obamacare when you had all these conservative idiots claiming they'd move to Canada, the Uk or other countries that also had universal health care.

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If Lori ever thinks of moving to Ontario she is going to have a bad time. We legalized same sex marriages years ago. We have a provincial leader who is a lesbian. We have socialized medicine. Most importantly - I live in Ontario and really would prefer that Lori keeps her misogyny and patriarchy far away from me.

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I remember when Obama was re-elected there were screencaps from FB & Twitter going around where people said they were going to move to Australia. However at that time we had a female, atheist, socialist PM.... Now we have an extremely Catholic PM.

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In a recent post, Lori again quotes Michael Pearl (and throws in a gratuitous Nazi reference):

My question is where would the "believers" go? Of all the "Christian" nations in the developed world, the US is easily the most conservative. They simply wouldn't get away with half the stuff they currently do in Europe, Canada, Australia etc. The Middle East is out, Asians are heathens and South America is full of godless Catholics. I guess that leaves Africa. Somehow I can't see Lori doing too well in Uganda (which is a beautiful country and not deserving, in general, of Lori and the Pearls). Maybe the moon??

Aren't the Pearls the ones whose kids don't have birth certifcates/SSNs? Don't you have to have those things to get a passport?

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Yup, those things can be difficult. I remember after Obama was re-elected there were people saying how they were going to move to other countries and a lot of them were people that ouldn't be able to go through visa and other processes.

Age is another factor that would keep Lori and Ken in the U.S.. Lori has said time and time again how Ken is the leader and makes the major decisions. I know many men and women who wouldn't move to another country in their 50s or 60s for long term and I can see Ken being that type.

I'd say for me (in my 50s) my ability to move to another country is wholly based on how much money I have as I go. If I have enough to have a nice apartment in London or Paris, or a cute little house near a vineyard in Italy, or a coastal hideaway in Australia--or some nice home in Victoria BC or Montreal-- sure, why not. But, if I'm looking at a place with a few bare lightbulbs a few blocks from a slum in Belize, or looking at a hotel maid job in oh... anywhere, then no, thanks. I have zero interest in being a refugee, which is what she'd be if she had to flee the USA.

I have friends who are convinced they can find a fabulous place to live like kings in some tropical paradise for next to nothing. But I've seen what it cost a relative to rent a house for a few years in a "good" neighborhood Guadalajara--it was more than my current mortgage for less house.

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I know a few people who have moved to Mexico or Costa Rica to retire. They mostly are retiring from some sort of civil job that gives a pension....teacher, court reporter, social worker. They say its much cheaper, but they are coming from a very high cost area of the U.S., so I guess that would be the difference.

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Americans said the same thing after Bush was elected (both times). I live in Canada, in a border city, and I have never met or even heard of an American who actually immigrated here to get away from Bush. I think any who seriously considered it were put off when they realized how much time, effort, and money it would take. I don't know what it is with some people assuming that immigrating to another country is just a matter of finding a place to live and doing some paperwork. We have a points system based on education, work experience, language skills, etc. I would not qualify to immigrate to Canada, so it's a good thing I was born here.

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I told my husband in 2012 that if Santorum became president, we would be leaving the country. The trouble is that the only country where we wouldn't have to jump through hoops to move there is Israel, and that's not exactly the best place to go if you are fleeing from fundies.

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I told my husband in 2012 that if Santorum became president, we would be leaving the country. The trouble is that the only country where we wouldn't have to jump through hoops to move there is Israel, and that's not exactly the best place to go if you are fleeing from fundies.

Surely at that point you'd have qualified for refugee status elsewhere? :grin:

I did once come across a person up in arms about the outrageous socialist taxes imposed on hardworking Americans, yada yada yada, who threatened to move back to the country which his great grandparents had come from. Which was Denmark. I don't know who would have been more disappointed had that actually happened - him, or the Danes he threatened to inflict himself on.

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Yup, those things can be difficult. I remember after Obama was re-elected there were people saying how they were going to move to other countries and a lot of them were people that ouldn't be able to go through visa and other processes.

Age is another factor that would keep Lori and Ken in the U.S.. Lori has said time and time again how Ken is the leader and makes the major decisions. I know many men and women who wouldn't move to another country in their 50s or 60s for long term and I can see Ken being that type.

Tell me about it. I'm trying to find a job overseas (Japan to be exact) and it's a pain in the butt because in Japan at least you need to have your work visa in line BEFORE you leave for Japan. But many jobs, at least in my field, want you to already be in Japan with a valid visa so they don't have to go through the cost and hassle of sponsoring your visa. And I don't even want to become a citizen or live there forever, I just want to work there for a couple more years to enjoy the culture before moving on to some other place.

These folks just don't seem to consider much of anything, even beyond the visa processes and such. For example, if your family lives in Country A and you move to Country B without them (would the fundies even do that or would they drag their adult children and any grandchildren along for the ride?) it's really going to limit the amount of time you get to spend with them. I was reading a blog about teaching English in Korea the other day and they had this huge post about all the things you have to be prepared to deal with if you move overseas, and one of the things they mentioned was missing out on big family events like weddings, births, and funerals. I remember living in Japan and wondering what would happen if my grandmother died while I was there -- we didn't even get that much time off to deal with the deaths in our immediate families. I'm sure my school would have let me take vacation time or something to go to my grandmother's funeral if I had had (I didn't, fortunately) but it wouldn't have been much time and it wouldn't have been part of the official time we were given in addition to vacations for dealing with sch things. And this isn't even getting into differences in living standards, which exist even in countries that are comparable to the US. You could be dealing with all kinds of things, like certain appliances being rare in certain living situations, having a difficult time finding familiar good at the grocery store, different costs of living, maybe even differences in the availability of basic products like tampons or certain medicines.

So it's probably a good thing that these peoples' plans never get off the ground. Moving abroad is tough and not something everyone can handle. It would just be nice to see some acknowledgement of this fact from the "I'm gonna move if X happens" crowd.

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I would really like to know what exactly people like Lori think they will need to flee from. Michael Pearl, sure, he is partly responsible for the deaths of at least three children, but sheesh, isn't she being way paranoid. What does she think is going to happen to make her need to seek refugee status in another country.

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I would really like to know what exactly people like Lori think they will need to flee from. Michael Pearl, sure, he is partly responsible for the deaths of at least three children, but sheesh, isn't she being way paranoid. What does she think is going to happen to make her need to seek refugee status in another country.

Obama will take away all your guns, outlaw homeschooling, and outlaw the bible for hate speech.

No, that's really what they foresee happening.

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I have heard of a wealthy American convinced that Obama was going to turn this county into Nazi Germany (and how would that even WORK?) who proceeded to immigrate to a South American country for realsies after Obama was re-elected.

Paraguey, If I remember correctly.

Because Socialism.

That's the only person I know of who has actually left the country. And he was just a really rich nutcase, not even a fundie.

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In a recent post, Lori again quotes Michael Pearl (and throws in a gratuitous Nazi reference):

My question is where would the "believers" go? Of all the "Christian" nations in the developed world, the US is easily the most conservative. They simply wouldn't get away with half the stuff they currently do in Europe, Canada, Australia etc. The Middle East is out, Asians are heathens and South America is full of godless Catholics. I guess that leaves Africa. Somehow I can't see Lori doing too well in Uganda (which is a beautiful country and not deserving, in general, of Lori and the Pearls). Maybe the moon??

Liberia. Or maybe CAR is more to their liking these days. Somewhere with no laws, where a few hired gunmen can keep them safe without them having to chip in for anyone else's security.

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Liberia. Or maybe CAR is more to their liking these days. Somewhere with no laws, where a few hired gunmen can keep them safe without them having to chip in for anyone else's security.

Or Somalia, Free Market Paradise!


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