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Sparkling Adventures in Child Neglect: Whee! Polyamory

happy atheist

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I discovered the Sparkling One yesterday, and have binge read this thread and bits of the previous ones. Jesus fuck.

It gets lost in the melange of awful, but I wonder if anybody has tried pulling her up on using a racist slur (gypsy) all over her shit.

People with dreads can't be racist. She only uses the word gypsy because she too is scorned by polite society for standing up for ... fuck, I'm too pissed about that prickle to be funny.

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Bet if Sparkles got an eye prickle there would be intervention pretty damn quick. Can't see her letting her own eye be torn to shreds and using it as an educational tool for the girls while it festered.

Of all the monstrosities she has inflicted on those girls - the swimming unattended, the playing with fire, the barefoot farmyard nonsense - it is the paralysis tick and this eye prickle that get to me the most. All the other stuff was potential (serious) danger but these were real, serious conditions. And she ignored them. There are no words harsh enough for this narcissistic bitch.

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Narcissistic, but also so fucking STUPID. Who fucks with eyes and/or doesn't imagine/know that a doc has numbing drops to get it out without trauma.

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Narcissistic, but also so fucking STUPID. Who fucks with eyes and/or doesn't imagine/know that a doc has numbing drops to get it out without trauma.

Someone who really hates her kids, but can't admit it.

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Someone who really hates her kids, but can't admit it.

God that's depressing. As I was bathing my kids I got to wondering about a sprain or broken bone. If a honking great sharp thing stuck under an eyelid doesn't prompt a doctor visit, why would a broken bone? I hope none of them have had one or ever have one.

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Yeah I didn't like getting my hair brushed either. So I made a hole in the wall and hid all my hairbrushes there.....my mom just bought new ones.

She wants her daughters to love her so much that she's not doing what they need. All children get mad/hate their parents at some point. She just needs to accept it.

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She wants her daughters to love her so much that she's not doing what they need. All children get mad/hate their parents at some point. She just needs to accept it.

Three seconds of screaming and hating for almost instant relief and gratitude vs days of agony and maybe the kid realises how loved they are because Sparkles is letting them have their own choice?

I know what every decent (normal) parent would choose.

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Yeah I didn't like getting my hair brushed either. So I made a hole in the wall and hid all my hairbrushes there.....my mom just bought new ones.

She wants her daughters to love her so much that she's not doing what they need. All children get mad/hate their parents at some point. She just needs to accept it.

It's not nearly so bad if you do it every day (in the case of these girls, who have straight hair). I imagine Lauren lets them go and it gets terribly matted and tangled and icky--of course it's going to hurt to try to brush that out! Just brush your kids hair every day like a normal mother, Lauren, and they'll be good to go.

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God that's depressing. As I was bathing my kids I got to wondering about a sprain or broken bone. If a honking great sharp thing stuck under an eyelid doesn't prompt a doctor visit, why would a broken bone? I hope none of them have had one or ever have one.

I can't get out of my head that that little girl either had that prickle in her eye for days and was crying in pain and being ignored....or, she was able to bottle up her discomfort and not show outward signs of distress because she has learned there is no point. Both are horrible scenarios, but I don't believe she was in that condition and not in pain.

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Adults are made to be adults & make the hard choices for the kids - not let them "choose pain for days". BTW its call detangler or conditioner, heifer use it and comb your kids hair.

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I just had to check Lauren's blog to make sure she isn't in FNQ because TC Ita is getting so serious. Thankfully she's in Tasmania.

She's went to Reverse Art last month. Which is a shop that sells factory offcuts & is really directed at primary school art teachers who need to stretch a tight budget. Not people looking to decorate tents on the cheap for cockfest.

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Yeah I didn't like getting my hair brushed either. So I made a hole in the wall and hid all my hairbrushes there.....my mom just bought new ones.

Kinda wish I'd known you all those years ago. I would have been eternally thankful for the idea of hiding hairbrushes in the wall.

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I discovered the Sparkling One yesterday, and have binge read this thread and bits of the previous ones. Jesus fuck.

It gets lost in the melange of awful, but I wonder if anybody has tried pulling her up on using a racist slur (gypsy) all over her shit.

It's a huge blog isn't it? There are stories within stories, too.

As far as the gypsy thing goes it is rather ignorant. But in Laurens defense (not a phrase I use much!) she may be totally unwittingly be being disrespectful.

There aren't any gypsies or Roma in Australia as far as I know. Could be wrong guys, I've lived in mainly rural areas.

As I grew up I think I had the impression "gypsy" as in pop culture was more or less a Grimm Fairytale creation. Interestingly I did spend some time in Greece and someone pointed out some "Roma" which didn't mean a thing to me and I never equated it with gypsy. Later I read Steven King's novel Thinner and there were some gypsy characters in a caravan and then I though, "oh so it's a real thing". Now of course I know better but that is thanks in part to the wonderful world of the internet and TV shows.

I just think maybe Lauren sees herself as Stevie Nick's Fleetwood Mac gypsy. I don't think she gets the whole ethnicity part of it at all. Its kind of a cute catchphrase to her. It is a bit woeful at her age.

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Kinda wish I'd known you all those years ago. I would have been eternally thankful for the idea of hiding hairbrushes in the wall.

Unfortunately, the joke was on me when my hamster escaped and decided to live in the hole in the wall for a week. :)

My mom, being a responsible parent, lured the hamster out with an open faced peanut butter sandwich that it got stuck on. As opposed to deciding it was the hamster's "will" and letting it be as I imagine Lauren would.

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Kinda wish I'd known you all those years ago. I would have been eternally thankful for the idea of hiding hairbrushes in the wall.

I remember my hair being an absolute pain as a kid. It hurt so much to comb out, I would cry and yank away. So my parents just gave up.

I suspect the fact that I was an only and my mom was neglected as a kid were strong influences in my upbringing. We used lots of braids to make the problem manageable.

I hate to see it here. Sparkles provides no stability and isn't being responsible for the kids.

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As many others have said, she can't brush their hair because the hair is filthy.

Lauren, if you read here, listen. I have a daughter with hair that is very fine and tends to tangle. (She's 11) She has to keep it very, very clean. What helped the most (besides washing daily, she is entering puberty and it's oily) is taking a wide toothed comb in the shower, and she combs the conditioner through her hair before she rinses it out. She's also careful to not pile her hair on top of her head when she washes it. We haven't had any further problems - and she is a kid that would rather go around looking scraggly than go through pulling out her tangles. She has a really tender scalp. Anyway - it helped us. I guess you would have to have access to a bath or shower to make this work, but regardless of lifestyle, most children do like to be clean when they go to bed and when they get up in the morning.

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Oh she did NOT just quote Dr Martin Luther King Jr!!! Oh, wait, she did. Christ on a bike Lauren, self-important much?

So your daughter had an interesting name for a doll. When I was her age I had a goldfish named Abraham because I thought Lincoln was cool with his beard and hat. I also thought my parents were going to name my new sister Bacon.* Big deal. Kids say creative funny things all the damn time. You aren't some sort of civil rights martyr for letting them name their dolls whatever the hell they want Lauren. People do it all over the world every single day you sanctimonious twat.

God I loathe that woman with her self egrandization and her shitty, shitty parenting.

*Because Megan equaled Bacon in my mind. Also my new sister turned out to be a brother. I tried to pay a woman in the elevator to take him away. It didn't work.

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As a mother of teenagers, I can say with absolute certainty that her children are going to hate her at some point, no matter how perfect a parent she thinks she is. I'd rather my kids hate me for things I did do (like refuse to buy GTA5) than the things I didn't do (like neglect).

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As many others have said, she can't brush their hair because the hair is filthy.

Lauren, if you read here, listen. I have a daughter with hair that is very fine and tends to tangle. (She's 11) She has to keep it very, very clean. What helped the most (besides washing daily, she is entering puberty and it's oily) is taking a wide toothed comb in the shower, and she combs the conditioner through her hair before she rinses it out. She's also careful to not pile her hair on top of her head when she washes it. We haven't had any further problems - and she is a kid that would rather go around looking scraggly than go through pulling out her tangles. She has a really tender scalp. Anyway - it helped us. I guess you would have to have access to a bath or shower to make this work, but regardless of lifestyle, most children do like to be clean when they go to bed and when they get up in the morning.

My hair is the same. Very fine, tangles easily, oily. Anyway, I found some keratin shampoo and conditioner at WalGreens on sale, and now I can go every other day washing it. My hair oils pretty bad if I use anything else, halfway through the day, it starts looking greasy. It also makes it easier to comb. Don't know if that would help your daughters hair, but its a suggestion. Its seven dollars a bottle, but sometimes WalGreens has it buy one get one free.

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My hair is the same. Very fine, tangles easily, oily. Anyway, I found some keratin shampoo and conditioner at WalGreens on sale, and now I can go every other day washing it. My hair oils pretty bad if I use anything else, halfway through the day, it starts looking greasy. It also makes it easier to comb. Don't know if that would help your daughters hair, but its a suggestion. Its seven dollars a bottle, but sometimes WalGreens has it buy one get one free.

Thanks FMJ! I will look for some!

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Oh she did NOT just quote Dr Martin Luther King Jr!!! Oh, wait, she did. Christ on a bike Lauren, self-important much?

So your daughter had an interesting name for a doll. When I was her age I had a goldfish named Abraham because I thought Lincoln was cool with his beard and hat. I also thought my parents were going to name my new sister Bacon.* Big deal. Kids say creative funny things all the damn time. You aren't some sort of civil rights martyr for letting them name their dolls whatever the hell they want Lauren. People do it all over the world every single day you sanctimonious twat.

God I loathe that woman with her self egrandization and her shitty, shitty parenting.

*Because Megan equaled Bacon in my mind. Also my new sister turned out to be a brother. I tried to pay a woman in the elevator to take him away. It didn't work.

I suggested the name "Donald Duck" for my little sister before she was born. For some reason my parents weren't keen. I guess they just failed to appreciate my sparkliness.

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My hair is the same. Very fine, tangles easily, oily. Anyway, I found some keratin shampoo and conditioner at WalGreens on sale, and now I can go every other day washing it. My hair oils pretty bad if I use anything else, halfway through the day, it starts looking greasy. It also makes it easier to comb. Don't know if that would help your daughters hair, but its a suggestion. Its seven dollars a bottle, but sometimes WalGreens has it buy one get one free.

FMJ, if you don't mind me asking, what brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use? I also have fine hair that becomes tangled up easily.

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FMJ, if you don't mind me asking, what brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use? I also have fine hair that becomes tangled up easily.

Organix anti breakage keratin oil. It claims to make your hair stronger. I was intrigued when I saw it because I had just learned in Anatomy about Keratin and the effect it has in our body. My ends also stopped splitting, so I guess it works that way too.

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Organix anti breakage keratin oil. It claims to make your hair stronger. I was intrigued when I saw it because I had just learned in Anatomy about Keratin and the effect it has in our body. My ends also stopped splitting, so I guess it works that way too.

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Well, Lauren is her typical sanctimonious self, but HOW did I miss that Hellena is being her usual deliciously real self on Lauren's FB?

Lauren's diatribe:

Since last year, I've been experimenting with letting my body hair grow... I wanted to see if I could learn to love my body in its natural, hirsute condition, and I wanted to give my daughters an alternative to the hairless women that stare down at them from so many advertisements. Basically I've discovered that "people that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind!"

Hellena's response:

My man wouldn't like me half as much without my body hair. Especially under my armpits. Delicious little scent pots that spread my good news everyday We've converted many a person over the years to stop shaving and using soap after they've sniffed our pits, and the heady aphrodisiac that is our unique signature smells, that everyone can have if they leave their bodies alone. And leg hair is just sexy. The more hair the better as far as we're concerned at least!

Delightful little description to take with me to the free clinic to work today :lol:

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