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Lori Alexander on no fault divorce

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She begins:

Here is some more backlash from a post I wrote about our nation being a better place to live 50 years ago ~

It's nice to see Lori finally admit that she was indeed claiming our nation was a better place to live 50 years ago...despite all of the horrific things that were going on in the world. They didn't happen to her, so you know...BETTER!

I'd like to see just one fundie come right out and say, "Gee, it was easier to be a bigot 50 years ago! I sure do miss the good ol' days!"

So couples didn't get divorced years ago as often since it was harder to get divorced even though women were unhappy in their marriages, but guess what, the children were much happier and our nation was a much safer place! Women being happy is the most important goal in a nation?

Raise your hand if you'd like to see statistics for Lori's assertions. Too bad, Lori doesn't do statistics...oh well, believe her because Jesus.

Our nation was a much better place when divorce was rare, when mothers were raising their children, and fathers worked hard to provide for their family. God's ways always work. His Word is very clear that divorce should be rare, children should be raised by their mothers, and fathers should provide.

I don't know where Lori lived 50 years ago, but my grandmother worked and divorced her first husband.

My mother saw the schools integrated (in the south no less) and she would be first first to tell you that our nation wasn't such a great place for those poor kids. They were horribly mistreated and my mom still tells the story of one of the young women being literally put into a trashcan.

Teenage moms just disappeared, and then reappeared without their babies - this was not always by choice.

A blind eye was often turned to spousal and child abuse and fair wages could not be insured for women.

And that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg...

No fault divorce has led to the destruction of our nation. Couples are no longer covenant keepers. If marriage gets difficult, if personalities clash, if one is unhappy, simply get divorced. As a result, children suffer, extended family members suffer, and ultimately, our nation suffers.

My mom was like that. Her marriage got "difficult" when her face "clashed" with my father's fist one too many times, so she had to divorce him. I would have suffered greatly if she had stayed. She probably wouldn't be here to speak of it.

Let me ask you, are women really happier? Studies show that those couples who stay together during the rough patches are much happier in the long run than those who get divorced. Are women happier since they are able to have careers and work 40 hours a week? I hear from many women how exhausted they are as depression, autoimmune and heart diseases, etc. rise among women.

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Women getting divorces have brought about the destruction of our nation? That makes perfect sense. I got a divorce and that one guy did say women have a "way of shutting that all down," and now just LOOK at the government!

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My great-grandmother was still abused and still had her husband kidnap their other children out of the country and she still needed to work in a factory to support my grandmother because she received no support and he still lived with another woman and had more children. With more liberal divorce laws, she could have gotten divorced and been able to legally remarry.

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Yeah, my daughter would have been much happier growing up in a home with a mentally ill alcoholic father who refused to comply with his treatment and a bitter, stressed, depressed mother.

Fuck you, Lori.

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Women getting divorces have brought about the destruction of our nation? That makes perfect sense. I got a divorce and that one guy did say women have a "way of shutting that all down," and now just LOOK at the government!

I knew it was you and not the tea party, I knew it!

Oh and women have always had higher rates of autoimmune disease than men. Heart disease may well be on the rise in women (smoking, diet, etc being to blame) but we are also detecting more heart disease in women because we are realizing that it presents differently in women than in men. Women are less likely to have classic chest pain with angina or heart attacks for example. To blame these on no-fault divorce is ludicrous, but then Lori does ludicrous well.

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Women getting divorces have brought about the destruction of our nation? That makes perfect sense. I got a divorce and that one guy did say women have a "way of shutting that all down," and now just LOOK at the government!

Bet you didn't know you had that kind of power, did you??

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Yeah, my daughter would have been much happier growing up in a home with a mentally ill alcoholic father who refused to comply with his treatment and a bitter, stressed, depressed mother.

Fuck you, Lori.

I sometimes wonder who I would have become if my mother hadn't had the strength to get us the hell away from my father. Good for you for saving your daughter and yourself.

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I sometimes wonder who I would have become if my mother hadn't had the strength to get us the hell away from my father. Good for you for saving your daughter and yourself.

You are very lucky. My mother didn't leave till I was long grown, and it had huge, life-altering repercussions on me and my siblings. We are definitely different people because of the violence and fear in our childhoods. I envy those whose mothers were able to leave. And thank goodness my mother eventually did leave, or she might have died at my father's hands.

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Isn't this just another one of Lori's "I'm miserable, but not divorced, and other women should be too!" posts?

You all are stronger or more masochistic than I am, because I can't read 90+% of these blogs.... I wish Ken would just forbid her to blog....

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I think this is the 2nd post where she has directly reacted to the "Life was better when it was like a Hallmark movie" post. She must have gotten a LOT more negative comments on that than usual, but instead of apologizing, she just keeps digging herself deeper.

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Isn't this just another one of Lori's "I'm miserable, but not divorced, and other women should be too!" posts?


According to Lori, talking about happy marriages is bad, because it will just make a woman married to a guy who isn't great even more depressed. She doesn't think marriage counseling does any good, nor does she think that you can ever expect a man to change. You should just shut up and submit, while telling yourself that you are "heaping coal on your enemy's head" (yes, think of your husband as your enemy, that's a GREAT strategy for a happy home life) and that God may teach him a lesson if he screws up his leadership.

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I think Lori should revise her "50 Years Ago" to 80 or 100 years - 50 years ago the evil pill was coming on the scene, more women were getting higher education etc....

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My great-mother divorced her dead beat, lazy, alcoholic husband in the very early 1920's. She worked as the county teacher and post mistress for years as a single mom. She never remarried and did just fine with out a man. She lived be over 90 years old.

So again Lori STFU about things you know nothing about.

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In today's posting, Lori again talks about her God hates divorce and working women.


Women frequently write to me or comment that they work full-time and/or their mothers worked full-time and they are very happy. Their marriages are happy and their children are turning out great. Does their experience mean I am not suppose to teach young women to be "keepers at home" as God has commanded me to do?

Whenever I write about submission, there are women who tell me they have great marriages and their marriages are one of equals. They both have equal say, not one is the leader, and not one is submissive. So does this mean I should not teach that women are to be submissive to their husbands and the husbands are the head of the wife even though Scripture is very clear about this?

Some of you never were spanked and you never spanked your children and you all grew up to be law abiding, self-disciplined adults. Does this mean I never teach about using the rod as Scripture clearly teaches? Should I not teach that God hates divorce and so you must do everything to save your marriage? That those who don't work, shouldn't eat? That husbands are to be the providers? etc.

All of you are free to live your lives the way you feel led. I am simply here to teach God's Word and His ways. You get to decide whether you want to live by them or not. Some will use hermeneutical gymnastics to try and show me where I am wrong.

I may not be right and I am sure I am not right all the time but I am only trying to teach Scripture as I interpret it and what has worked beautifully for my family and me. I loved having my mom home full-time and I am happy I was able to be home full-time with my children. I am learning to be submissive to my husband and our marriage is better than ever. We spanked our children, very infrequently, and only when they openly disobeyed us and they all grew up walking in Truth.

So, I am teaching out of God's Word and my experience. I wasn't submissive for many years and our marriage was not good. I know some of you aren't submissive and have great marriages but I will continue to teach God's Word as I read and understand it, instead of trying to make it say what I want it to say.

God is our Creator. He made us. His Word is our instruction manual. He knows what is best for us. I trust Him and I see that His ways truly do work, over and over again. I love and seek His wisdom. He knows everything. I love His ways.

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In today's posting, Lori again talks about her God hates divorce and working women.


One, so those in poor health shouldn't be allowed to eat because they can't work. Those who are unemployed and cannot find another job shouldn't eat? Children do not have jobs, should they not be allowed to eat either? Where does Jesus say that people who do not work should not eat? Did I miss that verse or is it only Lori the Monster is Always Right bible?

As for the latter bolded, that's really passive-aggressive and almost, almost admitted she is wrong sometimes, but then she spins it back that it worked for her and therefore she is right and it will work for almost everyone else too and she will "teach" her thoughts on things as fact anyway and pretend it is what her "god" says.

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Thanks to the miracle of Google, I was able to find the Bible quotes on feeding the hungry. In short, there are a whole slew of commandments throughout both the Old and New Testaments about the importance of caring for the poor and feeding the hungry. In fact, there is also condemnation of those who claim to have faith or be religious, yet fail to care for those in need.

Lori is misquoting 2 Thessalonians 3:10, which says that he who WOULD not work, neither should he eat. It doesn't say if you DON'T work, you don't eat. It's only talking about a situation where someone is capable of working and work is available, but someone deliberately refuses to work.

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Thanks to the miracle of Google, I was able to find the Bible quotes on feeding the hungry. In short, there are a whole slew of commandments throughout both the Old and New Testaments about the importance of caring for the poor and feeding the hungry. In fact, there is also condemnation of those who claim to have faith or be religious, yet fail to care for those in need.

Lori is misquoting 2 Thessalonians 3:10, which says that he who WOULD not work, neither should he eat. It doesn't say if you DON'T work, you don't eat. It's only talking about a situation where someone is capable of working and work is available, but someone deliberately refuses to work.

I am too lazy/busy to look it up but wasnt' this also referring to a communal group of Christians....

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She reminds me of a bitch on a diet. If she can't have cake she will tell us all how evil cake is and that it will destroy us! We must all eat the raw kale and spinach salad without dressing! (Can you tell I missed lunch today?)

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