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Kelly 2 chicken breasts looking for intelligent folk *snort*


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I recently posted on Facebook, about an interaction I had:

“He says to me, ‘Well, if you can feed them without my tax $$ I guess it’s great if you want to have lots of kids.’ Me, thinking: ‘I appreciate your permission to reproduce on God’s timetable. We have never stolen your tax $ to feed our children. You, on the other hand, don’t mind stealing mine to educate your children. Somehow, I’m not allowed to bring that up though.’ *Inconsistency bugs me*

Because it does. I have much more respect for a person I may disagree with yet who thinks and behaves consistently.

Most of my readers know I’m not a fan of government subsidies, regardless of whether we’re talking post office or cell phones. Yes I understand the convoluted mess we’ve gotten ourselves into that makes these seem necessary. Yes I know people who have felt they had no other option and I don’t judge them. No I don’t agree with people who have children to get more food stamps. The conversation here isn’t about when, where how or if it’s right, so I’ll ask you to stick to the point if you want to comment. The point is the hypocrisy.

What's up with the Post Office? (I'm confused.)

“If we are going to go there…..given the choice I’d rather use government money to feed my children than educate them…..

Doesn’t the assumption that large families are eating off the government just irk you? I cannot seem to understand why THAT of all things bothers people so much. In this country we now have government healthcare, subsidies for driving electric cars and installing energy efficient windows in our own homes. The government pays for education from preschool through high school and sometimes college. Not to mention after school programs, the school lunch programs, etc. There is unemployment “insurance†and bailouts of almost every industry. Investments–whether you’re rich or poor–are insured by our bankrupt government. The government subsidizes genetically modified corn, wheat, and soy, not mention dairy. We could go on and on. And we are going to fuss at anyone who has more than three children if they get food stamps? That’s just….crazy. It really is.†-Daja, The Provision Room

We. need. thinkers.

Well to be perfectly honest after the chicken sludge dinner, I'd be really happy if she took some assistance for her 'God's timetable' kids. I'd also be happy if she was not educating them, but hey ho :lol: I doubt either will happen.

We. need. thinkers.

Unfortunately if one came up and hit her in the face, she would dismiss them I would imagine. Poor Kelly, she is confusing intelligence with people who agree with her.

I see she has quoted or picked only those government subsidised systems she does not use. Convenient.

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I thought the post office didn't get any taxpayer funds and hasn't in a long time?

I would be thrilled beyond all words if she got help from the government so her kids could have proper meals, a good education, and medical care.

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Yeah, here's a real thinker:

I have read the Little House books to my boys and the thought occurred to me that it was more important to them that they be free to fail, to starve, and to make their own way by the sweat of their own brow, than to live sumptuously by the hand of the govt, and under the thumb of the govt…

Smart lady. It's be better for her boys to starve than be on food stamps! She read it in a book ya'll! Too damn bad that the pesky CPS would show up at her door and demand she feed them:

And they were no stranger to hunger and poverty…there were times in their lives when they ate cornbread and salt pork and whatever wild things were growing (like blackberries or plums) for months on end…yet today, CYS would come to your door… There have been times when I say to myself that it would be nice to not have to pay an electric bill or a water bill or gas bill…but in our modern society, it’s like the govt WANTS everyone sucked into the system…no exceptions…

See! If your kids don't have enough food, running water, or heat CPS will show up at your door and demand you get sucked into the system! How is that fair? Children have starved before, and it won't hurt them to starve again. :pull-hair:

I also like this intellectual giant:

Consistency is one of my hubby’s pet peeves. Then again, when discussing things like beliving in God, saving the environment, and evolution, it can be really good thing. There seem to be a lot of people who don’t take things much further than the next step or two. Most of his co-workers get miffed when he reminds them that saving paper is good, but it’s a renewable resource. They also tend to be annoyed when he asks them why they even get out of bed in the morning (or why they don’t just go on random killing sprees when the urge hits them) since ‘nothing’ happens when we die. I guess we tend to repeat what we hear the most without really thinking about it.

If all that's standing in between you and a "random killing spree" is religion, then you've got more problems than Jesus can solve. :evil-eye:


Dear Kelly: Feed your children. Even if you have to go on gov. assistance to do so.

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Damn I should have stopped reading.

This makes me mad.


Let me encourage and attest to those of you who have experienced financial struggle…

We have, for many years lived well under the “poverty levelâ€, and probably still do, according to the size of our family, trusting God for our needs. He promises that He knows that we need food and clothing and that we should not worry about those things if we belong to Him. When we take Him at face value, He does not fail.

Tell me Kelly, what about the children who are literally starving to death??? What about the ones who have died of starvation? Tell me how God provided for them.

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Eh just some posts ago she talked about going to the library and museums. Aren't libraries and museums sponsored by the ebil goverment? What about the roads she would have to drive on to get there or anywhere? Low-intellectual idiot *!

Here are some random ideas to get you thinking:

Require personal reading. This one is obvious. But if you have a child who despises reading, perhaps you could encourage him with a contest or trips to the library or even a reward of some sort for meeting a goal.

ake some inexpensive field trips. Museums are a great place to start.

*Note: I do not have anything against people with learning difficulties. I used to work at a home for people with Down's syndrome. Lovely and wonderful people - all of them. I enjoyed my job a lot. But they couldn't help their lot in life. And they functioned at a higher intellectual level than this supposed intellectual giant - Kelly. Something that I can't stand is when reasonably intelligent people make themselves dumber than people with actual learning difficulties.

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I will never understand people who bitch about paying taxes for schools, libraries, roads, and food assistance. It's as if they don't understand that we live in a society, that ignorant, hungry kids and piss poor transportation hurts everyone, not just the people immediately affected. I've lived in countries where only 25% of the roads were paved, public transportation consisted of Soviet-ear prop planes and ancient, claptrap buses shipped in from the EU, where literacy rates for 15-24 year olds was less than 50% and there were two functioning libraries in the whole country and those where hundreds of kilometers away in the capitol. They're often dangerous, frequently chaotic, and usually unhealthy places to make a life in.

One of my deepest wishes is for all of these "don't need no gummit money" types to live for 90 days in a country where there is little to no publically funded anything for anybody except for the thoroughly corrupt .5% elite. Ninety days. I would say six months, but they'd either be dead or would flee in abject terror long before that. After 90 days, then they can return to a functioning society and tell the rest of us about how awful government subsidies are.

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I will never understand people who bitch about paying taxes for schools, libraries, roads, and food assistance. It's as if they don't understand that we live in a society, that ignorant, hungry kids and piss poor transportation hurts everyone, not just the people immediately affected. I've lived in countries where only 25% of the roads were paved, public transportation consisted of Soviet-ear prop planes and ancient, claptrap buses shipped in from the EU, where literacy rates for 15-24 year olds was less than 50% and there were two functioning libraries in the whole country and those where hundreds of kilometers away in the capitol. They're often dangerous, frequently chaotic, and usually unhealthy places to make a life in.

One of my deepest wishes is for all of these "don't need no gummit money" types to live for 90 days in a country where there is little to no publically funded anything for anybody except for the thoroughly corrupt .5% elite. Ninety days. I would say six months, but they'd either be dead or would flee in abject terror long before that. After 90 days, then they can return to a functioning society and tell the rest of us about how awful government subsidies are.

Seconded, so long as they don't get to be a part of that thoroughly corrupt elite.

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Eh just some posts ago she talked about going to the library and museums. Aren't libraries and museums sponsored by the ebil goverment? What about the roads she would have to drive on to get there or anywhere? Low-intellectual idiot *!

*Note: I do not have anything against people with learning difficulties. I used to work at a home for people with Down's syndrome. Lovely and wonderful people - all of them. I enjoyed my job a lot. But they couldn't help their lot in life. And they functioned at a higher intellectual level than this supposed intellectual giant - Kelly. Something that I can't stand is when reasonably intelligent people make themselves dumber than people with actual learning difficulties.

Yes indeed. I was wondering the same.

She avails herself of so many trappings of a government subsidised system without even realising it. I'm assuming she has a septic tank and a windfarm on her property? Fixes all her own roads? There are three things Kelly does not use. Healthcare (well until she needs it, I suppose.) Food stamps. Education. Seriously how much tax does her chap actually pay? Proportionately it would be interesting to see.

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Mrs Two Breasts hasn't read LHOP properly. Not only does 'Uncle Sam' provide the means for farming families to own their land through working it for a certain number of years, the farmers have to abide by government rules of land use, such as living on the land and planting specific crops like trees on a certain amount of acres. Not to mention Ma Ingalls love of education, which she wants the evil public system to provide in the form of public schools and which she taught in herself. Also, Laura Ingalls taught in schools herself and the children in the family all attended them, mainly because their mother valued education so highly.

I don't get the hatred of government. Our system certainly isn't the best but I'm about to avail of my second round of taxpayer funded paid and unpaid maternity leave, my children will get free preschool to third level eduction (with some costs to be bourne by us on top), we have a public healthcare system (which isn't without its flaws but can be brilliant) and no one goes bankrupt because they had to pay for their own surgery. Sure you might have to wait or put up with a chaotic hospital system, but generally people get treated and if they can't afford it, that doesn't mean a death sentence.

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I will never understand people who bitch about paying taxes for schools, libraries, roads, and food assistance. It's as if they don't understand that we live in a society, that ignorant, hungry kids and piss poor transportation hurts everyone, not just the people immediately affected. I've lived in countries where only 25% of the roads were paved, public transportation consisted of Soviet-ear prop planes and ancient, claptrap buses shipped in from the EU, where literacy rates for 15-24 year olds was less than 50% and there were two functioning libraries in the whole country and those where hundreds of kilometers away in the capitol. They're often dangerous, frequently chaotic, and usually unhealthy places to make a life in.

One of my deepest wishes is for all of these "don't need no gummit money" types to live for 90 days in a country where there is little to no publically funded anything for anybody except for the thoroughly corrupt .5% elite. Ninety days. I would say six months, but they'd either be dead or would flee in abject terror long before that. After 90 days, then they can return to a functioning society and tell the rest of us about how awful government subsidies are.

Exactly! If you don't want to pay taxes, then get lost in the forest and create your own kind of life away from socialization. If you want to live in society, you also have to pay for it. Because you share society with other people. You know, sharing is the civilized way of human life. This is not the stone age, when you can take what you want. This is not survival of the fittest (the godliest). As long as you are living in the society, it should also be in your interest that society functions. Otherwise, get lost already...

What is her point anyway? idiot.PNG

I think my old parody post would fit well here: http://generationdinosaur.blogspot.se/2 ... untry.html

For you have the poor always with you; but me you have not always. Matthew 26:11

I don't know about you, but this verse gets to my heart. Too often we forget to prioritize Him before anyone or anything else. Since the poor will always be with us, while Jesus will not, we must not rush to help the poor. The poor aren't going anywhere (that's clear in the verse above).

Edit. to fix typos

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I guess this means Kelly and hubby have not claimed any child tax credits or earned income credits. They must have refused all tax exemptions and rebates for people in disaster areas too, right? Right? I'd guess, like with most things, that the only moral government subsidy is my government subsidy :roll:

Hell, Kelly the 2 breasts family still live on her parents' property, don't they? I love their careful distinctions that allow them to disparage those on government assistance while freeloading the hell off of any private citizen they can bilk.

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Oh, Kelly two chicken breasts, don't be taking the name of Laura Ingalls Wilder in vain! Who the hell is she to say that the family didn't get government assistance? They were freaking homesteaders! Yes, they raised their own cattle, crops, etc., BUT they got the land free from the government after proving they could make it useful. Everything they did was upon land that was GIVEN to them in order for the government to realize its plan of a populated West. And, BTW, Pa also worked for the railroads, which was an project underwritten by government bonds, I believe.

LIW also wrote a book called The Long Winter, which pretty much documented their descent into starvation one particularly harsh winter. These were not fun times. Although they was no government assistance to accept, I believe any help would have been gladly welcome, if their glee at having received a church barrel (charitable donations) was any indication.

So, Kelly two chicken breasts, if you're starving your children over a misplaced sense of solidarity of one Laura Ingalls Wilder and family, you can feel free to go right down to your local welfare office, get some damn food stamps, and feed your kids.

(That said, I actually do agree with her point that it is odd to worry about that one aspect of government involvement, feeding children; more specifically, feeding children from large families. With as many benefits, subsidies, etc., that we have available, why pick on the basic needs of children who happen to be born into large families?)

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The Long Winter, even though heavily fictionalised, is a good account of what happens when a town is starving. As I recall, the man with the most money was able to buy up whatever timber was available to burn, meaning if you couldn't afford it you went cold. Also, the townspeople got together to ration out the grain two men were able to purchase from a homesteader, on what every family needed - does that sound like socialism or is it just me?

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These people are so far removed from the country they live in, it's pathetic.

Who is she to say that subsides are bad? Does she know the people who use them? Has she ever been in a position where a lifeline $1 cell phone saved her life? Has she ever been unemployed, with no transportation? Why is she such a terrible person that she has no empathy for anyone who isn't her?

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God, this woman's mind is a clusterfuck. Is she really saying starvation builds character in children? I cannot believe she actually tried to go there with Laura Ingalls Wilder. Wilder definitely did not find the long winter character building, and even her children's books went into its lasting consequences, such as its impact on her sister Carrie's health. News for you Kelly, no one is going to give you a medal for half assing your childrens' education for the sake of saying you took no "government aid".

Christianity built its early reputation in the pagan world because it pooled money to take care of the poor and the weak in the community. It pooled money to ensure everyone, not just the rich, would have a decent burial and not just get dumped into a river because they were of no social consequence. It did NOT build its reputation by starving its children and taking pride in ignorance. From Basil the Great and Gregory Nyssa to Kelly. How far the mighty have fallen.

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From the comments.

First of all, you are being inconsistent by only choosing the subsidies you do not use to speak about. Come on now Kelly, let’s think consistently!

If it woud ensure that your children would actually receive proper nutrition, then I think you should take foodstamps or WIC. I know your children lack an education that could help them get by in the real world, and I wish you allowed them the best chance instead of denying them of it. Back in the days of Little House on the Prarie, children died all the time from lack of nurishment or medical care. I do not have kids, nor do I want them, but I do want all of the children in my community to be given the best opportunities. I want them to be vaccinated to ward off the diseases that could kill them and recievd the medical attention they need as they need. I also want them to receive a good education. I want these things for the sake of my community now, and for it’s future. I am happy to work hard and pay my fair share to contribute to these goals and I feel lucky that I am able to do so, as many are not.

For people who call your children blessings, you don’t seem to treat them as such.

She will either delete or talk some nonsense. Talking of which...

Word Warrior says:

June 19, 2013 at 10:08 am

Let me encourage and attest to those of you who have experienced financial struggle…

We have, for many years lived well under the “poverty levelâ€, and probably still do, according to the size of our family, trusting God for our needs. He promises that He knows that we need food and clothing and that we should not worry about those things if we belong to Him. When we take Him at face value, He does not fail.

On a practical note, when we first slipped into financial distress, we depended on credit cards much the same way one might apply for food stamps. Looking back, once we got out of that, we realized that had the credit cards not been an option, we would still have survived. How? You do something else, as in our case, my husband picked up some extra work and we truly scaled back to necessities.

Just a word of encouragement…

R...IGHT! How does that work then. Mana from heaven? GAP from God?

I would just love to drop Kelly in the middle of Glasgow or Berlin or London or Beirut or Moscow and see how she would translate her very rarified situation. I have a feeling she would then see what is blatantly obvious to the 'thinker's of this 'WORLD,' which is that Kelly is as naive as most people who take for granted their lives without actually taking the time to 'THINK,' outside their own tiny box.

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I thought the post office didn't get any taxpayer funds and hasn't in a long time?


The post office has not received tax payer funds since the 1980's. It operates as a independent federal office so it's on it's own but has to answer to congress. They are having financial issues right now because congress in all their wisdom decided that the post office needs to set aside retirement benefits for employees not even born yet. Not that the post office is perfect because they probably do have waste but they are currently held to a standard that private businesses would not have to meet. Little known fact the Post Office is in part of the Constitution.

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Kelly will never find intelligent people to talk to, because she is so stupid that anything they say will go over her head, or be seen as sinful and evil.

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I don't see food stamps, wic, and so on as handouts or as people taking advantage. I always want to ask those, that scream how it should be given to local churches and programs to deal with, if they donate locally and if so how much and how often. My guess is they don't donate at all to help their fellow man but when they need it by God someone better help them out. I see federal programs as this: we all pay into them in some form of fashion and when we need them they are there for us and we when don't need them then we are funding them back up. It's strange to me that some people are okay accepting money from their church friends, for example, but they wont accept federal help paid for by those same people, other average citizens and businesses big and small.

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I would just love to drop Kelly in the middle of Glasgow or Berlin or London or Beirut or Moscow and see how she would translate her very rarified situation. I have a feeling she would then see what is blatantly obvious to the 'thinker's of this 'WORLD,' which is that Kelly is as naive as most people who take for granted their lives without actually taking the time to 'THINK,' outside their own tiny box.

Kelly's a dim-bulb with delusions of intellectual adequacy: Most parents with starving children would exchange virtually anything, including freedom, for food.

Kelly is the sort of hypocrite who can use the roads and would likely call the fire department if her home were burning, and yet castigates those who take food stamps for daring to suck at the government teat. Witless, petty, grasping...

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Lots of interesting comments over there now (unless Kelly is busy deleting them at this second). Lyssa, whoever you are, I'm a big fan.

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It's as if they don't understand that we live in a society, that ignorant, hungry kids and piss poor transportation hurts everyone, not just the people immediately affected.

Considering the fact we now know that 1 in 5 kids in the USA (richest country on the planet) go to bed hungry each night, it's tough to learn on an empty stomach. Those who can't learn have no hope of advancing in life. Of course, I'm sure the smug dumbasses that base their lives on Laura Ingalls Wilder's fictional accounts of family life in the 1800's believe they can eke out a living for themselves and any children they may have by farming or selling eggs at the market, hm? Maybe they can "live off the land". Right.

We live in a farming community. We KNOW how hard it is to make a buck at the profession. It's not possible to live on the minimum wage (or less!) field workers are paid.

I am so, so, SO sick of reading people like Kelly spewing their bullshit and the leghumpers treating it as fact. One thing's for sure: Kelly should be thankful there's such a backlog at the local CPS office. One of the sadder things about homeschooling is that their kids aren't observed on a daily basis by mandatory reporters. Two chicken breasts for 11 people for dinner should have brought a lot more attention than she'd like. If she's got too many kids to adequately feed, house, clothe and educate them, she should stop having them or accept help. The kids didn't ask for their circumstance. Why should they endure the punishment?

If people think it's bad now, wait till they're dealing with an entire generation of kids like the Duggars and this Kelly's who don't have even a basic education, can't find work, and can't support themselves. One wonders if they can overcome their parental programming enough to enroll in night school to pick up what they've missed.

Those who rail about the "ebil government" have shown repeatedly they're more than happy to belly up to the trough when it's THEIR turn for a disaster or other coffers-draining event. Ask the senators of Oklahoma, for instance.

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It shows how ridiculously socialist I am. I actually thought this was sarcasm..

You make food from scratch. Eat lots of soups, beans and fruits and veggies that are in season. Stretch your meat mixing it with cheap veggies like cabbage, squash and others. You plant a garden. You stop eating convenient food like packaged frozen dinners, breakfast cereal, American cheese, fast food and other junk food.

You drink water instead of soda, milk and other sugary drinks. You raise chickens for eggs.

Instead of buying clothes, toys and books for your kids, you receive donations from friends. Or you shop at the thrifty store or at your local library. And then that money you saved you use for food.

You stop eating out or eat once a week on the day that children eat free.

You pray and ask God for wisdom and follow His plans not yours.

We do the above and more at our house. So far, God has been faithful and everyone is healthy and fed. Ah, another thing… take your health care seriously and do your own research instead of running to the doctor or ER for every little situation.

We haven’t spent more than a couple hundred dollars a year for healthcare since my last child was born 3 years ago. WE don’t have insurance. We pay cash for whatever we need. Praise the Lord!

Sounds like an existence. Not a life. Even Jesus liked a good glass of wine you know.

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Hey, I eat lots of beans, soups, fruits and veggies that are in season. I come from a culture that knows and practices all the meat streching tricks in the book, as well as periodically inventing new ones for kicks. Know what? I still need a fucking JOB. And if I couldn't work, I would damn well avail myself of the evil "socialism" in this country to keep food on my table.

Does she expect a pat on the back for inadequately feeding her children? Jesus Christ!

P.S: I'm not giving up my soda or my wine.

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