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Lori Alexander high fives Pat Robinson

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If ever there were two of a kind...

“Males have a tendency to wander a little bit, and what you want to do it make the home so wonderful that he doesn’t want to wander,†Pat Robertson said.

Wow! Mr. Robertson is getting pounded for saying these words. He was responding to a woman whose husband had cheated and she just can't forgive him. Mr. Robertson told her to forgive him, dwell on all his positive qualities, and make a wonderful home.

I agree with him. Many will say that men are not made to be monogamous. They just weren't built that way. So I guess women weren't made to not allow their emotions to control them. We are just made that way!

The man has to take responsibility for the affair and ask for forgiveness, but then the wife needs to do everything she can to keep her husband happy.

Women do set the tone in the home and most homes have ugly tones.

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So...I don't know enough about this Lori hag, but apparently her husband can't keep his dick in his pants? That's what I keep getting from all her posts.

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Guest Anonymous
The man has to take responsibility for the affair and ask for forgiveness, but then the wife needs to do everything she can to keep her husband happy.

I wonder what taking responsibility looks like to Lori and Pat Robertson. It seems like 'responsibility' is code for "expect immediate forgiveness and make your wife feel bad that she caused you to have an affair".

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After reading Lori's blog for almost a year, I've gotten some kind of vibe that Ken has cheated on her in the past.

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I had to say something, though I'm sure it will never see the murky light of day on her blog.

Pat's not getting pounded for those words, but for some of the other words he said in that segment. And for words he's said on other occasions that fit into this subject. It's a constant, never-ending litany of woman-blaming. She's not attractive enough. Her home isn't Martha-Stewart flawless. She's not giving him sex six times a day. So it's only to be expected that he's going to stray. Oddly, it never seems to occur to him--or to you, Lori, apparently--that sometimes the husband is just a jerk and would behave this way no matter how perfect his wife is.

Pat's spokespeople have had to explain and smooth over his offensive comments more and more in recent years. It's way past time for him to retire.

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I can imagine Ken following Pat's previous advice and divorcing Lori if she ever got dementia, because it's "like she's dead already."

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I can imagine Ken following Pat's previous advice and divorcing Lori if she ever got dementia, because it's "like she's dead already."

I live in hope.

I know, that was mean.

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I can imagine Ken following Pat's previous advice and divorcing Lori if she ever got dementia, because it's "like she's dead already."

I agree. I remember last year when Ken did a posting on Lori's blog about her neck pain and he said something like "Heaven can't get here soon enough and something about Lori's pain not ending. I'll try to find that posting. I agree, Ken would totally divorce Lori if she got dementia. If he doesn't I predict she will end up in a nursing home. I'm not knocking on nursing homes, I know that people have good reasons to put demenita or Alzheimers patients in a nursing homes. I just don't see Lori's husband or her kids taking care of her in those situations. She is already somewhat abusive to the daughter who still lives at home. She bitched about the daughter not making soups the way she wanted them to be made during an illness. I can Lori being worse if she had dementia.

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So...I don't know enough about this Lori hag, but apparently her husband can't keep his dick in his pants? That's what I keep getting from all her posts.


This Lori hag is a bitter, misogynistic, pretentious, extremely dumb, mean ass woman. I left a trollish and sarcastic message on her site, Lori the Hag has approved it onto her blog and thanked me for the testimony. So besides extremely mean and ill-willed... she is really stupid, too. :music-tool:

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When I read or hear this "It's all the women's fault," I can't help but think these mean-spirited accusers are projecting. I wouldn't be surprised if Ken cheated on Lori. I wouldn't be surprised if Pat was a man whore. Some men are just assholes, as are some women.

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I can imagine Ken following Pat's previous advice and divorcing Lori if she ever got dementia, because it's "like she's dead already."

From all outside appearances, it looks like it's time for Pat's wife to divorce him. I'd say the dementia is well advanced in him.

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If we’ve learned anything from the last 30 years or so of televangelism, God is responsible for nothing. The responsibility for all of the world’s tragedies lie squarely in the laps of gays, non-Christians, people who have sex, abortion, feminism and birth control. Pat Robertson is a tool, and he continues to play the blame game on every single issue, so it doesn't surprise me to see him claiming that it's always the wife and never the husband who is at fault.

I don't know if Robertson has commented on the Moore, Oklahoma tornado, but as recently as two years ago when asked why God lets tornado happen, Robertson’s answer was that God created weather patterns (or something like that) and that the blame should be placed on the people that chose to live in the weather’s way. He also said that Jesus would have stopped the tornado if only people had prayed enough.

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I found the post where Ken talks about Lori's pain


Suffering is all around us and it is a strong reminder that we are not of this world, but instead destined to walk eternally in the glory of our Lord Jesus. Heaven is coming soon, and for some, not soon enough!

These past three weeks have been very difficult for Lori as she has had severe neck pain and burning return with a vengeance. She has been experiencing pain on a scale of 3 to 9 and one night even a 10. Much of her days are spent with hollowed out eyes and peas on her neck every 30 minutes. She moves around, but cannot do much, and especially cannot write. Fortunately, she has been prolific in her writing and most of her recent posts were previously written.

I am married to the perfect wife! Yes, Lori is everything she teaches and more. She is the perfect picture of one who wants only to please Jesus and in so doing, wants to joyfully please her husband. I am one blessed man, and no, I did not force any of this on her, as some of her detractors might say.

We had a rough, yet probably average marriage until she read Created to Be His Help Meet. That is by far the best book I have never read. When Lori started to want to please me and seek my leadership in her life, our marriage was unlocked and deep intimacy filled with respect was the result. Who would have guessed that doing things God’s way in even the things that are hard to understand could lead to abundant and unimaginable blessings?

When just one spouse is willing to give up self and selfishness to seek the best interest of the one they said they “will love til death do you part,” then a marriage has a fighting chance at success. And when God takes two who both seek to please the other, that is when a marriage develops the deep and abiding intimacy that God designed and makes growing old together a dream, instead of a nightmare.

So Lori is perfect for me, and perfected by Jesus in so many ways, even in suffering. I ask that you all pray with me that God would miraculously heal her after 25 years of on and off pain, and that we might be able to go on vacation this year together. I believe in the power of prayer, even though I do not pray as I should, and I know that some of you friends out there have a special gift and calling of the Lord to minister through prayer, and I beg your intercession on Lori’s behalf.

I love my wife dearly and hate seeing her in pain. If I could take some or all of it from her I would, but I could never hold up under its strain like Lori does… with such deep joy and the struggle to make her family’s life pleasant and enjoyable, even when she is in pain. When I ask her how she does it she will say, “My life is so hard, why should I make everyone around me miserable?”

Lori really does practice what she teaches and believes every word of her Bible. She knows that her joy comes not from circumstances, but from the One who lives inside of her. When Jesus lives in us, he never gives us more than we can handle and uses our suffering for his glory. Is that not his promise?

May God continue to use Lori to minister in many ways and may I not get in too much trouble for posting this while she sleeps tonight. Your thoughts and prayers for Lori are all greatly appreciated.

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I found the post where Ken talks about Lori's pain


:shock: Well. That's...ambiguous, isn't it? :?

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I wonder if these people are aware that Jesus said that divorce was a terrible awful thing that should never be done because of the promise made to god and such....

But said that cheating was pretty much the one exception?

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Ken says this;

" And when God takes two who both seek to please the other, that is when a marriage develops the deep and abiding intimacy that God designed and makes growing old together a dream, instead of a nightmare."

but, I don't recall reading anything on Lori's blog about Ken sacrificing for Lori. Did I miss it?

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Many will say that men are not made to be monogamous. They just weren't built that way. So I guess women weren't made to not allow their emotions to control them. We are just made that way!

If she saying this, that men are not made to be monogamous, then that's how G-d made them, right? So then how can she believe faithful marriage is a good thing if its not natural?

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What would have floored me would have been if Lori'd took issue with Robertson's attitudes about cheating husbands.

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Lori likes defending well known fundie types. I'm not surprised she is defending Pat. Her favorite fundie to defend is Michael Pearl. She also defends Mark Driscoll and I thought her posting on Dr. Ben Carson was ridiculous. I've been doing research on Dr. Carson and I can see why Lori wets her panties over him. He seems to have some extremist beliefs and Lori's claims about how Dr. Carson hasn't be helped are bullshit.

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So.. if Pat Robertson is right, why do all the fundies, fundie-lites, and even mainstream Christians spew the whole "Marriage is between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN" agenda when God didn't create them to become "one flesh" but in reality, he created men to go screw around? Pat Robertson is such an idiot. I wonder about his intelligence every time I catch a glimpse of 700 club, and sometimes I think that his female co-host (whoever she is) has to stop herself from saying something too every so often. Like one of those looks that just says "WTF did you just say on national television?!'

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This is going a bit off topic, but Brianna Heldt one of the Catholic fundie bloggers wrote about Pat Robertson last week. I occasionally check out her blog and she recently moved her blog out of blogspot. I like her response to Pat more than Lori's. I will also add that Brianna seems more intelligent than Lori Nitwit. I don't agree with Brianna on everything, but I find her to be much less annoying than Lori.


Of all the things I’ve seen around the interwebz recently, this video clip might just be the most troubling.

Basically, a woman wrote to notorious evangelical Pat Robertson and expressed that she was struggling to forgive her husband for cheating on her. Then Pat essentially equivocated cheating with being a man, shared some semi-decent advice about attempting to fall in love with him all over again, and went on to say that “like it or not, men have a tendency to wander.”

While there is obviously truth to the idea that pornography and temptation lurk most everywhere and that men, generally more visually stimulated than women, are particularly vulnerable to it, Pat’s words represent a worldview where men are nothing more than helpless and pitiable victims, while women are left to play the supporting and passive-aggressive role of making home a place from where men don’t want to wander. (Incidentally, of the several women I know whose husbands have at some point been unfaithful, not ONE had “let herself go” physically–straw-man argument, anyone? The perpetuation of this ridiculous myth does nothing but make women feel safe and in control, and men feel exonerated. End of story.)

Sadly, this lax and backwards approach to men and infidelity is not limited to the mind of Pat Robertson–this view is common among Christians, period. And that is why I’m writing about it here today.

Now I will say that in a world where people are all too ready to call it quits altogether, I applaud Pat’s desire to see marriage restored–even in the face of infidelity–and his ideas about proactively remembering what made you fall in love in the first place aren’t all bad either. But what Pat gets wrong is this idea that grave sexual sin is completely, 100% inevitable, and to be expected, simply on account of gender. He is wrong to ignore the hurting wife because when he casually dismisses her pain, claiming that it’s just the way it’s going to be when you’re married to a man, he is also casually dismissing the root problem with adultery and every other social ill: human sin. He is dismissing God’s call to be holy, as He is holy. And without acknowledging any of that, how can Pat properly address the situation?

Clearly, he cannot.

Human sexuality is central to existence and, to put it in modern terms, kind of a big deal. In one of his general audiences, Blessed John Paul II taught that in each conjugal union “there is renewed, in a way, the mystery of creation in all its original depth and vital power.” In other words, the act of having sex with someone says something. Something huge. It reflects far deeper realities than a mere “this feels good so it must be a good thing to do” or, more common among Christians, ”this feels good and we’re married and this is the appropriate outlet for sexual fulfillment.” As if feeling fulfilled is a complete end in and of itself.

No, sexuality is far nobler and greater and more beautiful than that. It is in fact a rather powerful thing, this ability to be fully united with someone and to bring forth new life. God could certainly have continued creating people the way he created Adam and Eve–but no, He instead shares His creative power with us. And that should lead us to regard the expression of sexuality in the highest regard, something to be approached with reverence and with awe. It should lead us to protect the sacredness of this act with everything that is in us, and when we stumble, to stand back up and keep fighting.

And in addition to all of that, human beings, given dignity by God in whose image we are made, are created free. We have the freedom to choose, to do the right thing and also the wrong. Remember Eve in the garden? Or Mary’s fiat? The first an example of abusing one’s freedom, the other an example of surrendering–with abandon–to God’s will. This is not to say that in the face of temptation the choice always feels crystal clear (oftentimes it is quite the opposite), or that we will always be in a good place mentally or emotionally to discern the proper course of action in the heat of the moment. It is often a struggle to do right, and following God in the little things is the best way to be sure we are following God in the big things. Pat Robertson’s seeming excusal of marital infidelity because, well, men are born this way, is problematic because it denies human dignity and, subsequently, the possibility for men to make the right choice.

So as unfortunate as it is that little to no compassion was shown to the woman writing in, it was also her husband being thrown under the bus, who is thought to be so completely subhuman that he is incapable of exhibiting any sort of self-control or mastery over his passions. It is the man who is excused from accountability and from the very thing that distinguishes us from animals: the ability to reason and to choose. All of this certainly hurts the woman and the marriage itself, but is perhaps ultimately most damaging to the soul of the man because it assumes he will remain mired, to some degree, in serious sexual sin. Which drives a wedge between him and God, in addition to fracturing the relationship between him and his wife. This paradigm ignores Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and the beauty and power of redemption. It trivializes the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which Mr. Robertson does not believe in. And it deprives the man of a healthy and whole partner when it relegates the wife’s role in the marriage to making sure everything is just-so–for fear that otherwise, her husband will stray. As if walking on eggshells in pearls and high-heels will somehow appease a partner’s lack of self-control or proclivity towards sexual sin.

So no, Pat, men are not born to cheat. They are instead born with dignity for the very reason women are: to live in friendship with God and spend forever with Him in Heaven. Ignoring wrong behavior and winking at sin sadly works against that aim, and we must encourage men and women (married or not) to recover a true and holistic understanding of sexuality, chastity, human nature, and sin. Because I fear that without that, we cannot even begin to combat temptation in this area (which of course we do through the grace and mercy of God).

Perhaps it would have been better to offer this dear wife a simple and sincere I’m sorry. To encourage her to pray, to continue pursuing forgiveness (for her own good as much as her husband’s), and to look to Jesus for the strength and grace to love her husband. To gently affirm that marriage requires fortitude in taking the long view, and is a catalyst for growing in virtue that will indeed sometimes be hard. To give voice to the very right idea that loving someone does not mean that you allow yourself to be a doormat, to be abused emotionally or physically, and that it may occasionally require saying “It is because I love you that I cannot allow you to treat me in this way.” It would have been better to firmly and clearly state that it is not her fault that her husband was unfaithful, because each of us is ultimately responsible for our own respective sin.

And above all, to remind her that she is deeply loved and known by a God who will never leave her nor forsake her, and who knows first-hand what it is to suffer betrayal and loneliness.

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I find her to be much less annoying than Lori.

Well that's not difficult, to be fair.

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