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Ms. Graveyard Dirt (Naked Roast Sitter)


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I was inspired by a post in Chatter about Pagans preparing for Eostre, so I went and checked out our favorite Naked Roast Sitter's blog! You guys need to check out her post from Feb 21st...

I will put it under a spoiler tag since, being the Naked Roast Sitter, it is slightly NSFW.




Three days before celibacy I’m sprinting barefoot across the recently swept March-cold patio, past the just-planted tobacco, the sleeping fruit trees and crowning foxgloves, past stainless steel offering bowls, buried remnants of roadkill animals and Stone Cock’s vacant throne.


Naked and flushed from sex I run from the comfortable heat of the house into the cold of the night; wild, full and fertile holding-gripping-cupping the precious fluids trickling warmly out of my well-loved cunt to bless and consecrate the King’s divine seed lovingly sowed over the shrouded remains of a long dead crow.



Uhh... did I just read what I think I just read?


Link is graveyarddirt.tumblr.com/

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My pagan to English dictionary appears to need updating and I can't possibly have interpreted that correctly. Did she really say she ran outside postcoitally nekkid to kegel some spooge out while squatting over some gamy roadkill?

I can't even figure out what the symbolism behind that would be.

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Umm....well...uh....what the hell did I just read? Scratch that I don't want to know. It doesn't sound like what I would do after sex....even great sex.

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There's really nothing I can say to her except "Er, fair play to you, go on with yersel'"


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My pagan to English dictionary appears to need updating and I can't possibly have interpreted that correctly. Did she really say she ran outside postcoitally nekkid to kegel some spooge out while squatting over some gamy roadkill?

I can't even figure out what the symbolism behind that would be.

I think that is what I read, but I wasn't sure if the road kill was symbolic or literal. Or at least I hope that it is symbolic!

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I think that is what I read, but I wasn't sure if the road kill was symbolic or literal. Or at least I hope that it is symbolic!

No. Ms Graveyard Dirt "rescues" road kill, ritually buries it, then sells the remains as spirit guides. Really.

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She needs to get with exgay g and dede to start a permanently pregnant raising the road kill with precious seed road tour. She coul dance naked and dripping across the stage while dede sings of greasy fingers and keeping your panties on.

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The images I'm getting in my head right now are just not something I wanted to deal with this morning.

I'm not familiar with this Naked Roast Sitter you guys speak of, but she sounds awfully spechul!

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Um, well, that was interesting. I was hoping the road kill was symbolic, but holy hell, she actually did this?

She is one super speshul one for sure.

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Well...at least there's no evidence she cooked the crow and served it to unknowing houseguests :?

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No. Ms Graveyard Dirt "rescues" road kill, ritually buries it, then sells the remains as spirit guides. Really.


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I just knew I shouldn't have opened this thread. :shock: BRAIN BLEACH!

Dear Self,

Never EVER go to this woman's blog. Ever. TIA.


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Why am I not surprised she's on Tumblr??? hahahaha :lol:

I remember some epic threads about her on LiveJournal a few years back... ah, never change!

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Does it still count as bestiality if the animal is dead? Barf. :angry-screaming:

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Ms GD believes she is the personification of the goddess on earth. Her blend of religions gives and takes from various earth based religions, voodoo and a smattering of Catholicism. She is ritually celibate during Lent. Of course, this only means P in V celibate, as they are free to otherwise romp. On Easter, she becomes The Bride (I think, I might have her deities confused) and she and Italics commence non-stop fucking to bring fertility back into the world. Mind you, she and her husband aren't self sufficient, and they depend on his parents to keep a roof over their heads, but that doesn't stop her from romping naked in the backyard, smearing bodily fluids all over everything, and burying dead animals everywhere (oh, PS, sometimes, she'll SELL you a dead animal or something she's made from the dead animals).

I have to admit, I've been working on a Who Is page about Ms GD for a few weeks now, but there's just so much, information to get through. For example, a few years back, she started claiming that her grandfather was a Lakota Medicine Man.

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Ms GD believes she is the personification of the goddess on earth. Her blend of religions gives and takes from various earth based religions, voodoo and a smattering of Catholicism. She is ritually celibate during Lent. Of course, this only means P in V celibate, as they are free to otherwise romp. On Easter, she becomes The Bride (I think, I might have her deities confused) and she and Italics commence non-stop fucking to bring fertility back into the world. Mind you, she and her husband aren't self sufficient, and they depend on his parents to keep a roof over their heads, but that doesn't stop her from romping naked in the backyard, smearing bodily fluids all over everything, and burying dead animals everywhere (oh, PS, sometimes, she'll SELL you a dead animal or something she's made from the dead animals).

I have to admit, I've been working on a Who Is page about Ms GD for a few weeks now, but there's just so much, information to get through. For example, a few years back, she started claiming that her grandfather was a Lakota Medicine Man.

Screencap and contact someone at one of these links:

http://www.dlncoalition.org/ More about territorial integrity and human rights, but might be interested.

http://www.aics.org/aboutus.html Posted a pungent letter from an elders' summit regarding appropriation of Lakota culture.

http://nativeappropriations.com/ If you think contacting either of the above two groups would be like using an anvil to squash a roach, try this one, which is one person's blog about dumb things non-Natives do with Native cultural signifiers. The blog owner is busy in graduate school right now, but she might make time for a post about the Naked Roast Sitter Medicine Woman!

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