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Introduce Yourself - Part 2

happy atheist

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Hi everyone, coming out of lurkdom finally :)

I'm a student from Denmark, who really has no particular religious background (other than having to say some morning prayers etc. when I was in primary school in England). I really only came across the Duggars because my sister had been binge-watching the show on Netflix, and told me about it.. And after I started watching it I became rather interested in their extreme religious views, something which is very rare in Denmark. I think another reason why they interest me is that one of my oldest friends also became a Christian around 6-7 years ago, after going through a breakup. She suddenly started going to church, and when I met up with her she told me what a mistake having sex before marriage was, that I should save myself, blablablah. She has become more fundamental in her views over time and regularly posts sermons and anti-abortion messages on her FB (so I've hidden her from my feed). She's engaged now (Before that she even described her relationship as a 'courtship' :shifty: ) Her parents are 100% secular, and not too keen on it, I don't think. I wonder if I'll get to go to the wedding, and see some real Danish fundies! - I didn't even know they existed before.

That was a bit longer than I intended. Anyway, hi :greetings-waveyellow:

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Like almost everyone else, I'm a long-time lurker who came out of the shadows recently. I haven't really watched 19KAC, but I became interested in fundies a few years ago because the extremism factor grabbed my attention. I'm not especially religious, but I do have a few rad-trad Catholic acquaintances (Latin Mass, headcoverings in church, skirts-mostly, sometimes courtship), most of whom seem to have become so strict on their own instead of being raised in it.

Well anyway, hey everyone! :)

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Hi everyone!

I've been lurking for a bit and decided to join because I've been lurking for a bit and decided that it's time I share my stupid opinions. Snarking at fundies (esp. the Duggars) is a guilty pleasure of mine. I also like cosplaying, dance (ballet, Irish, used to do ballroom too), and beer.

The end.

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Hi! Longtime (5+ years) lurker, former traditional catholic/almost teenage nun, now defrauded lesbian (oh no!). Snarking on fundies is a distraction from grad school and teaching. My gateway fundies were Jocelyn, Anna D, the Plain Catholics (was even a forum member for a bit), FLDS, and the Duggars. Thought it was finally time to join and stop lurking anonymously.

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Hello everyone, so my name is Anne and I'm currently a college student majoring Behavioral Sciences (though we won't actually get into the major subjects until the second term, our school runs on a trimester system).

Reasons for joining this forum: Well, I've heard of 19 Kids and Counting but I've never watched the show despite having TLC on our cable TV. I've read up about the show though and found out how shocking the premise is (and so is every TLC show like that one episode of My Strange Addiction about "Living Dolls"). I found the Duggars even more shocking after the news of a Duggar child molesting his sister came out and I decided to dig up more information about how messed up the Duggars are and then I found this forum (and yes, I'm perfectly aware that this isn't a Duggar fan forum or a forum that only focuses on them) and from there, I found out how messed up fundies are, apparently using God to justify any horrible things they'd do even if it's contrary to God's teachings.

And as someone who is interested in the whole Behavioral Sciences thing, maybe I could learn a thing or two here about decoding the fundies we're talking about here and their way of life in general. Example: Like finding out why Jana Duggar hasn't tried asserting her sort-of-independence yet (because you can never be really independent in the Duggar household) when she is perfectly of age to undergo the whole courtship and marriage thing. I hope I didn't get this part wrong.

And yes, I hope that one day, many people will be fearless enough to free the Duggar children who are still under the clutches of their parents because no child deserves to be subjected to those kinds of living conditions that JimBob and Michelle make their children experience.

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Hi all! For the past few years I've been super fascinated about (and quite disturbed by) fundie life and their values. I've watched a handful of documentaries/TV specials about the FLDS, and I have also been watching 19KAC for quite a while now too. Despite my fascination, I have never really read up on the subject and now that I've got quite a bit of free time I decided to take some time to learn some more. I have heard of FJ before, but I only decided recently to check it out and I think it will be a great source of info and hopefully some laughs!

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I'm another one who has been lurking for years, on and off... But only just joined up.

I'm a Westerner living in Japan - and don't even have TLC or any fundies around ... But gradually became fascinated with what I learned on FJ.

I have been meaning to join for years - and every now and then there are things I want to post - like when I was sketching in my local park and had a funny encounter with a large group of young Mormon women on their mission year.

I knew exactly who they were - but pretended I didn't - and happily lead the conversation about life in Japan and how they were finding it. And sympathise with difficulties and culture shock.

When they started talking religion I sympathized with them about how different attitudes are here ... But that isn't it wonderful how peaceful

and loving the Buddhist attitudes are and how wonderfully safe the country is ... And then told them what a fabulous church my family belonged to in my home country - very open and accepting of everyone - and how I thought all churches should be like that.

I had a lot of fun and they didn't get a chance to try and convert me....as soon as I finished I thought "I have to put this on FJ!" And then realised I was only a member in my own mind:D

Every time I read something about the Duggers or any other fundy group etc I always head straight here to see what is being said. So when I read the bombshell the other day I came here and after spending all day here reading page after page I finally took my membership from an imaginary one to a real one.

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Hello to all!!

I'm new and actually have NOT been lurking, even for a few days. Had no idea this type of forum existed. I've watched the Duggers on an off for years, recently more faithfully as the older kids came into adulthood and we saw more of them and less of JB and M. Think I was hoping to see rebellion and departures. (Although I am charmed by much of what I see -- especially the little kids' confessionals -- I also disagree with so many of the lifestyle choices and philosophies. I actually didn't know about how HARD I disagreed until the Josh news came out and I learned more about the things TLC doesn't reveal.) Guess I really didn't follow the family outside of the show.

I was surprised about the Josh secret until I thought for a few minutes about the person I know best in real life who went to a fundie school. This is my daughter's girlfriend. (Yes, that kind of girlfriend. :)) She was molested by one of the boys at this school and tells of other kinds of barely concealed abuse seemingly perpetuated by these mysogynistic philosophies.

Anyway, I've been wondering around these posts for days and know I could be lost here for a year, catching up. Hopefully someday soon I'll feel comfortable posting in the discussion forums. I've already been wondering if there's an "A-ha" type forum for things that have stuck in my head as odd, that now make sense in a sickening way. Josh talking about how he has a hard place in his heart for any guy wanting to date his sisters? :pink-shock:

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Hi everyone,

Long-time lurker and new member here. I grew up in a French fundie Catholic family of 9. Everything changed for me when we moved to the US for my father's job and we kids started to have a life outside the family.

Now I'm a 27 year-old atheist public school teacher in New Orleans, living with my boyfriend of 3 years.

My family is torn down the middle between a few unmarried progressive kids and the married, fundie ones (including my parents). To this day, our relationships are tense and it feels like a constant battle to try to be "a good person" as I see it, while knowing that my parents think I'm neck deep in sin and must be miserable.

I'm FASCINATED to an unhealthy degree :embarrassed: with the Duggars, Bates, Rodrigues', Szu Anderson, Priscilla and David Waller... that's about it I think. I'm especially interested in education and purity culture in the fundie circles. My mom was an abstinence sex-ed instructor in Catholic schools, so I can relate to a lot of the discourse.

I'm looking forward to taking part in the conversation!

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Hello :)

Been looking at "free Jinger" for a while and decided I needed to register after the recent Josh incident.

I'm a mother of two girls and as any mother, they mean the world to me. My first encounter with Fundies was about 10 years ago. We were driving through Utah (going on a houseboat trip). Having to stop for gas in what seemed like a place with beautiful scenery, it quickly changed. I could see girls walking with dresses with the same pattern, long sleeves etc. but what troubled me the most were the "houses". Not ONE HAD ANY WINDOWS. it was the strangest thing, straight outta a "twilight zone" episode. It gave me the creepiest feeling and I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

The Duggars. Sweet Fancy Moses, what can I say that hasn't been said here. Jim Bob is a self righteous, creep and Michelle is a horrible excuse for a Mother. Josh has ALWAYS given me an uneasy feeling. What he did and his parents covering it up is reprehensible and a crime. There are 5 victims that we know of. There are sadly more. Josh, you are scum.

I was raised Catholic. The God I believe in loves ALL people. With that said, you can not hide behind the bible for ANY crime. Mormon, Christian, Catholic. It infuriates me to actually read people dismissing what he did and defending him just because he is Christian. It's sickening. I too was a victim of sexual assault (not by family) but by a co-worker and unfortunately I saw no justice as many do not, even when they report it. This forum has given me a voice and I thank you for that.


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I've lurked for several years and only just recently joined.

My name is Megan. I'm 20, turning 21 in August. I'm looking for a job and thinking about possibly going back to school, even just one or two classes. I grew up Catholic and still identify as one, but I haven't been to church regularly in years. I have a lot of questions about religion and the afterlife, so that's mainly why I don't go. I'm a writer, currently working on a novel that involves a religious cult that follows the rules of Leviticus in the Bible (which, let me tell you, is kind of a bore to read).

When I'm not writing or browsing through FJ, I'm an avid reader. Harry Potter is my favorite series, which I'm hoping to reread soon. I'm also a very, very big fan of musicals (Les Mis, Hedwig, GGLAM, to name a few). I have 3 cats and currently live with my parents in Connecticut.

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Hello friends,

I've probably been lurking for about 5 years and I figured it was time for me to join!

28 year old woman, married, atheist, no kids. Businesswoman by day, cocktail sipper by night.

I first started becoming fascinated with evangelical Christians after watching Jesus Camp way back the day. I followed that by reading Quiverfull, and I've since fallen down the rabbit hole. I'm a born-and-bred Bostonian who grew up in an agnostic house. My grandparents were Catholic, so religion outside of Catholicism has always been foreign to me.

I'm a voracious reader who has consumed pretty much every expose on fundies of all stripes, including FLDS and Chasidim. Currently enraptured with the Almightest Grifters Jill & David Rodrigues. I'm also fascinated by child collectors like Jean and Adeye.

Last book I read on the subject was Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism. I probably have too much time on my hands!



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Hello, I just joined.

I'm not a religious person in anyway shape or form, although I have nothing against anyone who practices any faith in a kind and responsible manor. I do not like those who use TV as a platform talking down to those who do not share their same faith or use it as a vehicle for hate speech either directly or indirectly.

On a personal note, I live in Canada and work as a freelance graphic designer in the film and TV industry. I love the occasional beer and am a former professional cyclist (100% clean I can assure you, yup you know who tried to sue me once). You can probably figure out why I'm not a fan of hypocrites.

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Hi, everyone!!! I found out about FJ when I started Googling some things about the Duggars, when Jill/Jessa where getting married...

I kinda knew about the Duggars but never really watched the Show until about a year or two when TLC ran a marathon. I'm ALWAYS CURIOUS about people with deeply religious views..

I hope that the old post still remain cuz there a lot of good info that shocked me! It's kinda hard for me to find the posts tho, unless I use Google. Thats the main reason I joined FJ, there is so much info on here and not just abt the Duggars. Somehow I found out about The site recovering Grace, and its crazy about what really goes on in these so called "Perfect American Families" I'm really surprised that the media only covered the Duggars in a flattering light until now. GAWKER is the only one that a long time ago straight out called them a cult & even criticized them, and rightly so!

When I was younger I was religious mostly cuz everyone was, but Honestly I'm not even sure what denomination I was since there was only one church in the town and I didn't even know other Religions existed. I didn't find out abt other Religions until I moved to NY, but by then we had stoped going to church. Now that we are Adults my mom is knee deep in the Latin evangelical church, but some how learned to accept our gay relatives. For the most part anyway... I think she turned to Jesus to deal with my Parents divorce, cuz to her Divorce is the worst thing a woman can go tru [emoji79] Not one of the Worst, but THE worst single thing a woman can endure, yep she is nuts [emoji79] [emoji47] [emoji30]

My dad isn't really religious, infact I think he might burst into flames if he ever entered a church or Temple, but both of my Grandmothers are deeply religious.. so someone is always trying to get me to go to church or Talking about Jesus and etc...

I usually like watching reality TV shows of people whose lives are drastically different than mines... but I also watch a lot of Scripted TV, Cartoons and movies... Im also starting to garden!

For some reason I cant start a new thread tho, not sure cuz I'm usually on a mobile device or what...

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Hi all!

I ended up here to read about Josh Duggar, but was instead sucked into a 99 page thread about Lauren's Sparkling Adventures - I'm still trying to wade through that.

I'm a stay at home mom with one toddler. My background is in college admissions, and I still work on the side reading applications and doing college counseling with teenagers. I suppose you could say my side hobby is reading obsessively about folks with fringe beliefs, so here I am.

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Hi! I've been watching the Duggars on TV since almost the beginning, maybe 15 kids onward. I have always been fascinated by them, and am ashamed to admit I kind of bought their whole act. I mean, I thought they were weird for having so many kids but I didn't pick up on the fundie piece - or at least not the full extent of it - until maybe a year or so ago. I've lurked on FJ and DWOP for a while but finally decided to register so I could post some of my thoughts in the wake of the Josh scandal.

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Another lurker finally coming forward and wanting to become a snarker.

I'm from one of the least religious countries in the world, so i'm at the same time intrigued and baffled by religious extremism. My headship (am I doing this right?) studies theology at university, which only fuels my curiosity. (Realized I am NOT doing this right, since we live in sin).

I, myself, am a linguist in training. Rather young. No children. No pets. Not religious.

Fun fact: I made an Instagram account only to follow some fundies and be up to date with their life. I follow no one else and never post. (Though I guess I'm definitely not the only one here doing this.)

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Heya! I'm a 21 year old SAHD (joke! but kind of true too) from Croatia. I was a journalism major but due to poor health and a pretty severe mental breakdown (here I am, sharing my life story with complete strangers to give y'all a clear picture), I stayed at home for most of this year, and I've been lucky enough to have the unconditional support of my family. I'm slightly agoraphobic, but I've been working on it for a year and I'm getting better by the day. I'm also a writer and I'm hoping to finish my first book (has nothing to do with fundies) by the end of this summer. Even though this is my second language, I am writing in English to practice my language skills and broaden my vocabulary. I'm an avid reader and since I am an only child (my mom's only child at least), big families fascinate me. The other side of my family is highly religious and really hypocritical about it, which they have in common with a lot of the people in these shows. And anyway, that's more or less everything about me. Looking forward to chatting with you lot :wink-kitty:

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I joined a few months ago, after I wanted to learn more about the Duggar/ Bates families. Then I ventured over to Quiverfull of Snark, and fell down the rabbit hole of Lauren's Sparkling Adventures, Doug Philips is a Tool, the Maxwells, the Arndts and so many more.

I grew up in a Christian family- I have some fundie-lite relatives, and know a lot of people who take on certain aspects of fundie culture- homeschooling in order to keep kids safe from evil influences for example, but the whole concept of Patriarchy is completely mind-blowing to me. I really can't fathom why more kids of this culture haven't left it...

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hello! I'm a 32 yr old mom to 3 boys and married.. I've watched the duggars, kellers, bates and ect for a few years now. I'm not what you'd call a fan more of waiting on the train wreck to occur. I've been to fj off and on for a few years lurking in the dark reading what I can. I don't believe in the prefect family and mines a complete hodge podge.

It's also not just the funding families I follow. I also follow fdls families and any other family that shows some type of extremest mindset. I'm huge history buff and read til my eyes cross. I don't consider myself any religion at all.. and maybe that's what draws me to these families.

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I'll be 50 this fall, SAHM (due to medical disability) with six daughters, age spans 29-11. I live in the South, grew up Old Fashioned Missionary Baptist (all about the Patriarchy, purity, women folk submitting without that annoying clothing modesty stuff) but I broke free after my divorce and enrolling in college at age of 30 for sociology bachelors.

I'm really enjoying 'meeting' all the different people with such wildly, widely different backgrounds, lifestyles and beliefs.

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Just thought I would do the polite thing and introduce myself. I am a 41 year old disabled woman (epilepsy and a broken back) and my husband is my primary carer. I am a SAHM to one girl (who is 3 weeks off having her first baby) and 3 boys. Yes, they all still live at home. I am prone to over sharing my life too so if it gets annoying shoot me an arrow across the bow and I will stop.

I was a lurker here ages ago then completely forgot about the site. It was the Josh Duggar business that reminded me of it and considering I am now married to an ex fundie (he is one of 16 kids in a staunchly Catholic daily mass kind of family) I thought I could enjoy the snark and share some of the funny *I do have my better half's permission to do this" stuff that he is now enjoying for the first time. Buying him new shoes is a drama in itself that could probably have its own thread. :angry-banghead:

Looking forwards to getting to know some of you :D

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I'm a 30 year old woman with no kids, originally from the UK. I really knew nothing of fundies until I met my partner, who was raised in a fundamentalist evangelical background in Brazil. He left the lifestyle and "escaped" to the UK to gain some control over his own life (his parents were pushing him towards ministry, but he didn't feel "the calling" and had always smelled BS). I fell down the fundie "rabbit hole" 5 years ago, in an effort to try and understand a little bit of what his childhood was like.

I've being lurking here on and off for a few years, but never really had the time to join in.

I'm now living a fabulously heathen lifestyle here in Brazil, with my partner, and I'd secretly love to see a fundie families reaction to beachwear here! :o

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Hi everyone! I am a retired 65 year old mom of three and Nana of 6. I was told about FJ by a friend who loves the site, and she was right, as usual! I detest the Duggar parents, like most of the kids, except for Josh, whom I detested long before the scandal broke. My fave couple is the Dillard's and precious little Israel. I pretty much can't stand Jessa and the azzclown she is married to. I enjoy the snark and the on point posts by people that know so much about the fundie lifestyle. :worship:

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