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We're all miserable and Kelly knows why


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I love her answer about how many feminists she's known:

Chris says:

February 27, 2013 at 11:26 am

How many feminists have you known? The feminists you describe don’t sound like the ones I know.

Word Warrior says:

February 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

Chris–approximately 324.

Joking. I know feminists everywhere. In my personal life, I’ve certainly got to meet quite a few through this blog (the most hostile ones, probably) and then there are those I’ve read about, whom I don’t know personally.

Even a cursory look at the media reveals discontent, confused feminists, still clamoring for “satisfaction and fulfillmentâ€, always fighting, never at peace.

In short, lots of them.

Or you know, NONE. None in person. :lol:

Actually I think Kelly (like other LAF-types) defines feminist so broadly that it covers every single woman ever. Feminism = having a flicker of independent thought or occasionally feeling dissatisfied with your pre-ordained status in life.

I can't remember who wrote the article, but I distinctly remember something about the "Feminist in the Mirror" -- some SAHD/M claiming that she struggled with the sin of feminism because sometimes she felt discontent, and that was totes Eve's problem, too.

Essentially feminism = original sin. I wish I were joking.

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I'm both happy and unhappy. Everyone is, with the exception of those with a medical condition such as depression. There are good days and bad days. I'm happy because I like where I am now: I'm in college, I have good grades, great friends, etc. I'm unhappy, because, like all college students, I'm at a crossroads in my life. I want a fulfilling life and there is so much I want to pursue, but I don't know what's possible for me or how to do it. My mother (a working mom, who is also one of my best friends--so there, fundies) says that all people feel like this at some point and I'll eventually find what I was meant to do. I absolutely know that "wife and mother" isn't what I was meant to do. I know it in my bones. I want to travel, I want adventure, I want to dye my hair different colors and live in a tiny apartment in Brooklyn with artsy friends.

I absolutely hate how fundies treat all women as if they should be the same person, and that their way is the only way for anyone to be happy. Their way of life sounds incredibly stifling to me, and I would honestly fall into a terrible unhappiness if I was forced to live like them.

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I don't get why fundies can spout the idea of God calling them to do this or that, but vehemently denying that God could call someone else to do something more than be a wife or mother. Does he personally call each one of them and tell them all of OUR life stories and plans?

Right now I work as a Guardian ad litem for legally incapacitated persons. I help them to have a voice. Why can't God have called me to do that?

Oh, right. I have a vagina. My mistake.

I wonder if the logistics ever occur to them. If women dropped out of the workforce, there would be a nation wide shortage of workers.

But I guess they could just be filled up by men and then the job market would be all better.

Kelly posted a while back about how happy she was that Bria didn't want to go to college blah blah blah. There was a response along the lines of "How do you know that God isn't planning for her to become a surgeon ? Don't you think that they are serving God thru their work?" And Kelly said something like "I'm not going to address that but bless you anyway." No ability to debate or use logic or considering another viewpoint. When you consider that scientists at Ohio State taught Koko the gorilla 400 words in sign language, Kelly's blog and "wisdom" aren't that extraordinary at all.

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I don't get why fundies can spout the idea of God calling them to do this or that, but vehemently denying that God could call someone else to do something more than be a wife or mother. Does he personally call each one of them and tell them all of OUR life stories and plans?

Right now I work as a Guardian ad litem for legally incapacitated persons. I help them to have a voice. Why can't God have called me to do that?

Oh, right. I have a vagina. My mistake.

Kelly's answers:

SO if you are a Mother and a wife, and you are feeling a “desire†or a “calling†AWAY from your home and children, you can be pretty sure that it is born of a selfish, sinful heart.

Paul was very specific in who the church was to “take into the number†of widows to be cared for. He actually said a woman was not to be considered eligible for church help unless she had “brought up children, washed the feet of the saints and was known for her good deedsâ€â€¦
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Kelly's answers:

Again with Paul!! Fuck Paul! What would Jesus have said/done???? You are Christian? Serving Jesus Christ, yes? :doh:

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Well I am not happier as a feminist, but I am more worried about integrity than happiness anyway.

I'm sure people are happier when they take drugs than when sober too, it isn't a compelling argument for getting high all the time.

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Kelly projects more than a movie theater on a blockbuster weekend. She is miserably unhappy. Generation Starvation reeks of desperation.

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If I'm miserable, upset or depressed it's not because of feminism. It is because we as a nation has allowed the extreme Christian right and corporate overlords take over, which has devastated our families, companies, workers, media, religion, politics, etc.

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Generation Starvation is the perfect name for Kelly's blog, and I'm not just talking about the 2 Breast Chicken Surprise she "feeds" her kids. Starvation could also allude to the lack of healthy brain food she feeds her leghumpers.

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Im pretty sure Paul was a royal asshole. His letters are the only place the new testament says anything about gays, women, or any other asshattery. I think he may have been the original Christian fundie. Maybe they should call themselves paulians.

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I don't get why fundies can spout the idea of God calling them to do this or that, but vehemently denying that God could call someone else to do something more than be a wife or mother. Does he personally call each one of them and tell them all of OUR life stories and plans?

Right now I work as a Guardian ad litem for legally incapacitated persons. I help them to have a voice. Why can't God have called me to do that?

Oh, right. I have a vagina. My mistake.

I wonder if the logistics ever occur to them. If women dropped out of the workforce, there would be a nation wide shortage of workers.

But I guess they could just be filled up by men and then the job market would be all better.

Interesting you should say that - according to Lillian Faderman, that is precisely the argument people used during the Depression - if the women (who, by the way, were hired because employers could pay them tuppence rather than the living wage that a man would demand) who were in work would just leave, their places could be taken by unemployed men, thus reducing the number of unemployed people, and alleviating the Depression.

Boom, done.

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I am beginning to think along with all the other nonsense she spouts she actually is not the sharpest tool. Word Warrior my arse.

Yeah, I would say you are spot on. The combination of ignorance and lack of empathy makes her quite dangerous. If her ideas were more wide-spread, I would be scared - really scared. Not to mention that she has a post titled "True love hates" (generationcedar.com/main/2009/07/love-must-hate.html). What she is referring to is not my idea of love...to say the least.

She has called people immoral and subhuman. Yet, she has some very questionable morals:

...just a few decades ago, this girl’s dress would have warranted her public arrest…I’m not joking. It would have been a clear case of indecent exposure, and all of society agreed thus. Now, I’m pressured to coax my daughter into being “tolerant†and “loving†and seemingly oblivious to what was once considered criminal activity. - generationcedar.com/main/2008/03/tolerance-taken-too-far.html#comments

However, do I believe abortion should be a crime? Yes. Scores of women are in jail right now because they took the life of a newborn, still attached to the cord. - generationcedar.com/main/2009/04/kathy-irelands-pro-life-stand.html
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Kelly knows I'm miserable because my stupid ass neighbor decided to blast his shitty bass thumping music at Midnight and wake me from a very deep sleep? And she also knows I'm miserable because I have PMS, eleventy millions projects due at my evil job, the lady who sits near me at the office is a loud ass complainer who is begging me to hit her with my shillelagh, that the Adobe fillable forms I use are uncooperative and the lady who sold me some pink Beats on eBay has taken her own sweet time to ship them to me. Damn, Kelly must be a genius. Or she's really miserable because she's hungry. Actually, maybe she's hangry like this pillow says. The Bible does say "No one lives on bread alone...." I think you could substitute two chicken breasts for bread....


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I really cannot understand her uppity attitude. And we all wonder why things did not work out between Zach and Sarah? Could you imagine her son's, what kind of egotistical attitudes are pumped into their brains?!?!

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I really cannot understand her uppity attitude. And we all wonder why things did not work out between Zach and Sarah? Could you imagine her son's, what kind of egotistical attitudes are pumped into their brains?!?!

HUH? This isn't Kelly Bates... different Kelly. This is Kelly I use a stalk of celery, two chicken breasts and some cream of yuck soup to feed my eleventy kids.

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Kelly doesn't seem happy at all to me. And some of the SAHM fundie bloggers do seem happy! Maybe not a lot of them, and I'm not as up on all the names as I used to be, but I've definitely come across a few where I was like, 'dang, there is a happy woman/family.' The Unless the Lord clan comes to mind (although they de-fundified something fierce after that shit went down). And then there's Kelly. I don't envy anything she has. She is a remarkably cold person.

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Miserable is a strong word... but I am pretty damn irritated by stupid women with dangerous, backwards ways of thinking, yes. Reading them definitely irks me. My second graders could educate her on self respect... both the boys and the girls.

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