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We're all miserable and Kelly knows why


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Today's little gem from Generation Starvation........ Feminists are restless and unhappy because we wont submit. I know this is nothing new I just don't get it. She acts like no fundie could ever be unhappy and no feminist could ever be happy. I personally have a great marriage I am super happy and I find it offensive that she says this shit. I'm ranting sorry, I just really don't get the logic that says the only way to be happy is to give up all your wants and dreams.

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Well, I'm pretty unhappy today because I've got a nasty stomach bug. Though what I've been upchucking probably has more intelligence than Kelly...

People like Kelly will never learn that just because an ancient book of fairy tales says that all women think/feel/want/believe X and all men think/feel/want/believe Y doesn't mean any of that shit is true. Some women are more comfortable with someone making decisions for them. But some men feel the same way. She needs to learn that not everyone fits in a neat, tidy box based on whatever is between their legs. But that would involve the exhausting task of treating people like actual individuals, and stepping away from stereotypes and black-and-white thinking, so she's never going to do it.

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Im a feminist and I am happy because I dont submit to anyone. Marrying a dominating fundie dickhead man who thinks he is God would really suck.

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I seriously doubt that Kelly 'submits' to her husband. She is full of pointless hyperbole to justify a lifestyle choice she has made that she perceives to be the 'Only' way. Everybody else is inferior in Kellyworld. She just fails to mention she lives on her parents land and built her house from donations amongst many other things. Mr Kelly is no charismatic alpha fundie. Kelly is the driving force in that charade. In my view :D

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She acts like no fundie could ever be unhappy and no feminist could ever be happy.

If someone's not a fundie and not a feminist then how are they supposed to feel?

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Oh good grief! There is ONE chapter in the whole Bible that talks about marital submission. ONE. And, that whole section is preceded by the verse: "submit to one another". The Bible talks about poor people almost 200 times. But, the entire grasp of fundie-dom is submission (by the woman, never the man) - and the verses about caring for the poor are largely ignored - unless the poor person happens to be fundie in question who is wondering why no one is paying for them to live cushy lives.

Kelly, I am a feminist. My husband and I have a wonderful relationship where we both talk things through and make decisions together. We are genuinely happy. If all you see is misery in the world, then maybe, just maybe, the problem isn't us ebil feminists. Perhaps, Kelly, the problem is you.

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Yes, of course she knows better than us. :O That's why she advocates criminalizing immodesty, since we ebil liberals aren't ashamed of our nakedness - as we should be. We also murder our babies, but hey - Kelly doesn't think you should spend too many years in prison, if it turns out you were fooled by the pro-choice-people to think that a fetus isn't an actual baby (but baby it is -Kelly said so). Such a good-hearted and godly soul! No wonder God gave her the gift of prophecy...

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I seriously doubt that Kelly 'submits' to her husband. She is full of pointless hyperbole to justify a lifestyle choice she has made that she perceives to be the 'Only' way. Everybody else is inferior in Kellyworld. She just fails to mention she lives on her parents land and built her house from donations amongst many other things. Mr Kelly is no charismatic alpha fundie. Kelly is the driving force in that charade. In my view :D

Those things are what bugs me about Kelly. I have known rural couples who are in a similar situations. They inherit property from one set of parents and build houses or put pre-fab homes on the property. They are straight up honest about it. Kelly isn't and I agree she and her parents are the driving forces. Her husband isn't really a Jim Bob Duggar or Ken Alexander type.

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Oh, I didn't realize I was miserable. Glad someone told me.

I have a gorgeous house, an awesome career in the making, and a fiance who treats me like a Queen. Hmm, yeah. I must need to submit.

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I'm so much happier since I've embraced my inner feminist, demanded that I be treated with respect (the real kind, not the "you're so weak and precious" kind) and stopped putting up with the patriarchal bullshit I was raised with.

Kelly, I tried submission to my husband. It made me the opposite of happy. It made me, literally, want to die. See, submission only works if everything else is lined up perfectly, like when you're being pressed into the bed by the hot, hot man you're in love with. Yeah, that kind of submission can be awesome. But only if you feel totally secure, understood and attended to otherwise.

And FYI, that kind of submission can exist very nicely with feminism. It's only submission if you truly believe it was yours to surrender, anyway.

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Oh, I didn't realize I was miserable. Glad someone told me.

I have a gorgeous house, an awesome career in the making, and a fiance who treats me like a Queen. Hmm, yeah. I must need to submit.

And this is why Kelly feels the need to spew ignorant venom all day long.

IMHO, she comes across as bitterly jealous - because other women have made "sinful" choices, but they don't feel the all-encompassing guilt that she does.

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Ugh. This reminds me of when fundies and ignorant Christians ask people when they point out the harm that organized religion does to society in general and why are feminists so angry all the time if they have the right tov vote? It sounds like they're the bitter 1s because I don't have the same robotic beliefs as them. They need to fucking grow up and understand that not everybody has an implanted cult chip on their shoulder.

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I'm a feminist and for the most part I'm a optimistic and generally happy person.

Today I'm a bit displeased as I was passed over for a job but this, too, shall pass.

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Hmm I notice Kelly's brother Chris has started commenting on her blog. I don't think he is fundie like Kelly, possibly fundie-lite. I find this comment of him interesting though:

"How many feminists have you known? The feminists you describe don’t sound like the ones I know." :P

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Hmm I notice Kelly's brother Chris has started commenting on her blog. I don't think he is fundie like Kelly, possibly fundie-lite. I find this comment of him interesting though:

"How many feminists have you known? The feminists you describe don’t sound like the ones I know." :P

Yeah, I'd love to see her name three - hell, even ONE - feminist that she actually knows. And not just heard about, saw at a supermarket checkout, or heard about on the news.

I suspect for Kelly, feminist just means noisy shrew, not someone who is actually educated about gender rights and history and works for equality.

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Like speshul snowflakes, no two feminists are alike. Of the many I know, we all share one trait in common. We believe that women are just as good as men, no better, no worse, and that we deserve the same rights and considerations as men. We don't want special privileges, just the power to direct our own lives, and make our own choices. Including the right to choose to be a sah wife or mother if you so choose. Kelly should thank a feminist for the fact that she can choose her role as a submissive wife.

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Well, I'm pretty unhappy today because I've got a nasty stomach bug. Though what I've been upchucking probably has more intelligence than Kelly...

People like Kelly will never learn that just because an ancient book of fairy tales says that all women think/feel/want/believe X and all men think/feel/want/believe Y doesn't mean any of that shit is true. Some women are more comfortable with someone making decisions for them. But some men feel the same way. She needs to learn that not everyone fits in a neat, tidy box based on whatever is between their legs. But that would involve the exhausting task of treating people like actual individuals, and stepping away from stereotypes and black-and-white thinking, so she's never going to do it.

Would that be Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?

Because there is nothing like that in the Bible. The closest passage I can find is Paul's recommendation that husband and wives think of the other spouse's needs before their own. But he was also the guy who regarded marriage as suboptimal, so.

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I am a feminist and I submit. But only when it involves being tied up and having sexy funtimes.

The rest of the time, my partner actually likes me to be the way I am, shockingly.

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I love her answer about how many feminists she's known:

Chris says:

February 27, 2013 at 11:26 am

How many feminists have you known? The feminists you describe don’t sound like the ones I know.

Word Warrior says:

February 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

Chris–approximately 324.

Joking. I know feminists everywhere. In my personal life, I’ve certainly got to meet quite a few through this blog (the most hostile ones, probably) and then there are those I’ve read about, whom I don’t know personally.

Even a cursory look at the media reveals discontent, confused feminists, still clamoring for “satisfaction and fulfillmentâ€, always fighting, never at peace.

In short, lots of them.

Or you know, NONE. None in person. :lol:

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I love her answer about how many feminists she's known:

Chris says:

February 27, 2013 at 11:26 am

How many feminists have you known? The feminists you describe don’t sound like the ones I know.

Word Warrior says:

February 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

Chris–approximately 324.

Joking. I know feminists everywhere. In my personal life, I’ve certainly got to meet quite a few through this blog (the most hostile ones, probably) and then there are those I’ve read about, whom I don’t know personally.

Even a cursory look at the media reveals discontent, confused feminists, still clamoring for “satisfaction and fulfillmentâ€, always fighting, never at peace.

In short, lots of them.

Or you know, NONE. None in person. :lol:

:lol: I think she might have touched a car that somebody who knows a feminist once brushed against.

Chris is her brother? Interesting.

I love how Kelly 2 Chicken breasts basically calls all woman who do not live like she does 'feminist' it is so convenient to have a label and makes as much sense in regards to individuality as calling ALL other woman something random like 'People who are wrong because they do not live like me' :lol:

I am beginning to think along with all the other nonsense she spouts she actually is not the sharpest tool. Word Warrior my arse.

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Chris is her brother? Interesting.

Yup, I noticed that he left a comment two days earlier, where Kelly called him her little brother. Generationcedar.com/main/2013/02/biblical-datingcourtship-marriage.html/comment-page-1
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I don't get why fundies can spout the idea of God calling them to do this or that, but vehemently denying that God could call someone else to do something more than be a wife or mother. Does he personally call each one of them and tell them all of OUR life stories and plans?

Right now I work as a Guardian ad litem for legally incapacitated persons. I help them to have a voice. Why can't God have called me to do that?

Oh, right. I have a vagina. My mistake.

I wonder if the logistics ever occur to them. If women dropped out of the workforce, there would be a nation wide shortage of workers.

But I guess they could just be filled up by men and then the job market would be all better.

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For some bizarre reason, I want to invite Kelly to come spend a day or two with me. I'm a SAHM homeschooler, but I'm also a staunch feminist, and I'm raising my son to be one as well. If she doesn't know any feminists, she can start with me. Wonder if she'd be afraid of me though-- I don't fit in *any* of her little self-centered mental categories

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Oh, would you people stop being so logical and rational?

All feminists are miserable because . . . um . . . well . . . because . . . because KELLY SAYS SO, DAMMIT!


FTR -- I'm a feminist. I'm also not married, have no children, have worked since I was 16 at several professions I adore, don't believe in anything supernatural, and am one of the happiest people I know.

Kelly, if you're reading here, life is full of variety, including human beings who find their happiness in countless ways. I'm open to the idea that your joy is not the same as mine -- I'd appreciate the same courtesy.

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