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Special Request -- Wave to Al Mohler


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It was the year anniversary of the Seneca Falls 2 Evangelical Women's Rights Convention on Sunday.

For those who don't know about it, I got together with several different Christians (fundie lite), and we fed exed a letter demanding an apology from CBMW for the untold and inestimable harm the teachings that their complementarian teachings have done. (I've attended churches where men are permitted to have affairs and to beat their wives, and it is all blamed on the wife and told to put up with it. She must "let love cover the multitude of her husband's sins" (a quote from the NT).

We videoed the conference, and you can watch the whole thing online if you're interested.

Anyway, the only response we heard was a "tweet" from Al Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. I think that Christianity Today or some other magazine called Mohler the smartest evangelical alive. (I don't think he is when it comes to this gender stuff!) I copied the tweet from last year and put it in the blog post, along with a link to Al Mohler's blog.

I don't know if he reads his blog stats, but could any available FJers go to my blog and click on Al Mohler's name, just so he might have reason to check to see what the hubbub is? In a small way, it would be like sending the letter to at least one member of the group all over again. I want him to know that we heard his "tweet."

The link is found just after the word "tweet", and I highlighted his name (Al Mohler) in blue to help you figure out what to click on. It will take you to his website, and hopefully, it will give him cause to come to my blog to read my comment.

Here's what it looks like in my blog post ( http://undermuchgrace.blogspot.com/2011 ... m-for.html )

I would say that we haven't heard a peep from them, but we did hear a single "tweet" from Al Mohler, a Council Member:

Then the copied tweet follows. Just click on his name, the part that is highlighed in periwinkle blue.

Someone already wrote me back and told me that she sent an Email to Al, too. We didn't send the letter to him, but he sits on the counsel. (We sent the demand for an apology to Ligon Duncan and Randy Stinson of CBMW, but they never contacted us with a comment or statement. We only have that single tweet, though I think that this means that we succeeded in hitting our target. If we were not noticed, there would have been no response at all, or a "Meh.")

Thanks a bunch!

And FUNDIE ALERT: The essay I posted that follows the copied tweet was written by a Christian and for Christians. It's not meant to be preachy to people here. Feel free to skip it. (It was written for a collaborative book project that was scrapped, and I was the one who recruited this woman to write, so I thought I'd make good use of her work.)

And much thanks to Austin who already clicked over there to wave at the Big Dog Calvinista.


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BTW: In honor of our first anniversary of the Seneca Falls 2 convention, Jocelyn Anderson is offering a free download of her whole book "Woman This is War: Gender, Slavery and the Evangelical Caste System." It is a review of Christian women in history who fought for emancipation and emancipation for women, letting them preach. (Women in Christian ministry was not a concept cooked up in Marxism or a product of third wave feminism.)

So if you're interested, you can download the whole book for free for about the next month:


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Zoot, thank you for all you do! And thank you for alerting us to the free download of WTIW -- I intend to devour it! and make it known as widely as I can.

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Guest Anonymous


Christianity Today or some other magazine called Mohler the smartest evangelical alive. (I don't think he is when it comes to this gender stuff!)

Isn't this the same yahoo who thinks people shouldn't do yoga because it's Eeeeeevil? I damn sure hope he isn't the smartest evangelical alive, for all of our sakes. Gender isn't the only subject he's failing on. :shifty:

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Isn't this the same yahoo who thinks people shouldn't do yoga because it's Eeeeeevil? I damn sure hope he isn't the smartest evangelical alive, for all of our sakes. Gender isn't the only subject he's failing on. :shifty:

Yeah, It's the same guy. I made a comment on the Assoc. Baptist Press site about the benefits of yoga as an exercise practice that can be done apart from religious whatever, even though it does effect one's level of consciousness. But so does color, fluorescent lighting, or the rhythmic sound of running the vacuum or driving on the highway. Are those things inherently evil? Some Mohler defender got online and said I made a strawman out of Mohler. I didn't even mention Mohler (though the article did), but someone had to jump in to say something derogatory about me, but it didn't even make any sense. Still, I'm sure that there were Baptists cheering somewhere because I was "proven wrong" and "exposed" or some stupid thing.

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