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Papa John's the new Chick-Fil-A


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if your business is only profitable because you underpay your employees and don't pay into their health insurance, maybe your business is the problem. Maybe you are the problem.


Although I'm sure the business of a man who lives in a house with his own golf course will be ok under Obamacare.

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Well so says the Whiner lady..

The stupid just gets worse doesn't it?

Here's another thing I don't get: far-right fundies love to blabber on about "personal responsibility" and "not playing the victim." But then these multi-millionares whine that Obamacare is forcing them to lay off people or cut their hours. No, take some responsibility for your decisions, Papa John. You are not cutting employees' hours and raising pizza costs by a whopping $14 cents because of Obama. You are doing so because you are a greedy a-hole who cares more about your own profit than the people who provide you with labor.

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I come from a country where healthcare is paid for through taxes. It's always seemed really strange to me that the US would go for a system where so many healthcare costs are paid for by the EMPLOYER. That must be a huge disincentive to take on staff.

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I'm not sure why this shocks people. Most CEOs are greedy assholes. Plenty of companies already don't provide insurance or good insurance claiming it's too expensive and all the while taking trips to Vegas and their entire famiy on cruises and owning massive homes, expensive cars and putting up a $75K retaining wall. Most employees in a pizza shop are part time workers who aren't getting any insurance from the company anyway, so he's whining for nothing.

QFT. Not only are most employees in a pizza shop part time, but corporate will often lay people off in order to continue to cut costs.

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I'm sorry, but if it is a BURDEN to add in that extra 15c so that the employee making it can have healthcare, then you shouldn't be buying pizza in th first place. 15 cents isn't even enough of a price hike that I would have noticed. :violin:

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Here is his house, of course you cant see his parking garage and carwash and turntable to move his limos, because they are underground. And yes there a car elevator


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Guest Anonymous

Here is his house, of course you cant see his parking garage and carwash and turntable to move his limos, because they are underground. And yes there a car elevator


Oh, Jesus! :puke-front:

Dear rich folk

Come to England and buy a beautiful, crumbling, Georgian manor. We really wouldn't mind, if means you'll stop building such ugly, utterly tacky, crap.


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I thank God I live in a part of the country where I don't have to debase myself by giving money to PapaJohns or any other franchise for pizza. Sure it's a pain to pick up but there is no comparison to people who actually make their own dough starting with the flour.

In addition to mediocore pizza, this douchecanoe resents having to pay for his employees to have healthcare? Fuck that noise.

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I thank God I live in a part of the country where I don't have to debase myself by giving money to PapaJohns or any other franchise for pizza. Sure it's a pain to pick up but there is no comparison to people who actually make their own dough starting with the flour.

In addition to mediocore pizza, this douchecanoe resents having to pay for his employees to have healthcare? Fuck that noise.

Seriously this^. If I'm too lazy to make a tomato pie, I'll call my local pizza joint, they support liberal causes and shop locally for ingredients. Hell the wheat for the flour (Tom's Red Mill) is even grown locally. My pizza shop owner/operator is just that, he's not kicking down 20% of his gross to a franchiser.

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But think of all the tacky things they would put inside the Georgian manor house. No! No! No! It is an effrontery to history and good taste. At least when they're done with their ugly tacky homes we can rip them apart for materials and forget they ever looked so badly. Them going and leaving the US is not so bad, if you want them, take them. On the other hand, perhaps PJ's will go with this new cession I hear about...

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Bless their hearts. Consuming Chik-fil-A, en masse, in support of the CEO’s homophobic marriage stance netted them what, exactly? The re-election of the first president to openly acknowledge support for gay marriage? The first voter repudiation of an anti-gay marriage ballot measure? The groundbreaking passage by popular vote, in THREE states, of equal marriage rights?

An expanding waistline?

By all means, gorge on pizza in protest of universal healthcare—I’m still hoping for a single-payer system…

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