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Lori Alexander Fangirls Taylor Swift

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Lori posted about an interview in which Taylor Swift said that if she wasn't a singer she would be a full-time mom. Lori goes on to say how she thinks it is good that Taylor wants to be full time mom and then of course she says what Taylor has to do when it comes to love and marriage.


I like Taylor Swift. She seems to be keeping her gentleness and kindness through her fame. I saw one interview with her recently and she admitted that she didn't know how to do love. I think the most important thing she needs to focus on is choosing the right man. A solid man who loves God, works hard, and keeps his commitments.

Then she needs to learn that love is commitment. It has nothing to do with feelings because feelings will come and go. Love is a lot of work. It takes a lot of forgetting about yourself and learning to love and serve your husband. I pray she will learn that lesson soon so she can have the desires of her heart.

She would be a great role model to society if she found an amazing husband, had an incredible marriage, and lots of children. Now that would be fun to watch!

In the comments section one person posted a link to a Christian radio show that Taylor's new album

Stephanie · 2 hours ago

I just linked to this through Growing Home and thought you might be interested to hear Kevin Swanson's radio show from yesterday which was on Taylor Swift: https://generationswithvision.com


Lori's response

Lori Alexander · 1 hour ago

Thank you for the link, Stephanie. I am sorry to hear the lyrics to her new album are so bad. I had heard she wanted to save her virginity until marriage but if her lyrics are true, I am not so sure it is important to her. I was just writing on her statement of wanting to be a full-time mother. We do need to be very careful what we allow our children to listen to.

Other comments about Taylor

Karenshireman · 17 hours ago

Thank you for sharing this. I haven't really listened to mainstream music in 20 years. I recently heard Angie Smith raving about her new album, so I purchased it. There are so few mainstream role models these days for girls.

Tiffany · 16 hours ago

That WOULD be fun to watch! She is such a talented, beautiful girl and such a good example for younger girls compared to the other choices out there. I hadn't heard that quote before but that just makes me love her even more. :)

I get the feeling that Lori has never really listened to Taylor's music. I haven't listened to Taylor's new album, in some of her previous albums some of her songs are about standing up to men. We all know Lori is against stuff like that. I don't see Taylor having a bunch of kids either. It is good thing that Lori and her fangirls don't read dataounge.

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Taylor has said she wants lots of kids but I don't think that is equivalent to what QFers mean when they say "lots of kids". In one interview she said she wants 4 so, a lot compared to many mainstream families. And Lori needs to read some other interviews from this album release... she talks in a few about how she wants to eventually be a mom but in another interview she said if she hadn't been a singer she would be an interior designer. She has also said in past interviews that she thought she might have gone into advertising. She does want to be a SAHM, but she wants/wanted to have a career first. So, she is not the fundy dream girl Lori is making her out to be ;)

I do kind-of agree with Lori's comment about commitment. Taylor has made some dumb comments this interview cycle about how she can fall in love with someone just seeing them across the room and how she ends relationships when she doesn't feel the "spark" anymore. I'm her age and I have never had a boyfriend but even I know that I am not going to be feeling the "spark" 24/7 with whoever I end up with, that's not all there is to a relationship. I also think sometimes you just know with someone (seeing them across the room) but she made it sounds like she is like that every time, and either she is falling too fast or is equating lust with love? Anyway her comments do make her sound like she has commitment problems (and when she released her third album she said she did have a problem of running when things got serious) and like she is stuck in the puppy love, I AM GOING TO MARRY EVERY GUY I DATE!!!1! stage in middle/high school. Honestly it sounds like her view of love is the same as a lot of fundy girls so hey, maybe Lori should pick up on that.

Another comment Lori would love on whether she is a feminist: “I don’t really think about things as guys versus girls. I never have. I was raised by parents who brought me up to think if you work as hard as guys, you can go far in life.†Oh and she is not out to empower women either. “When people say things about me empowering women, that’s an amazing compliment. It’s not necessarily what I thought I was doing, because I write songs about what I feel. I think there’s strength when you’re baring your emotions.†http://www.celebitchy.com/260401/does_t ... d_sheeran/

I'm a fan but she hasn't been winning me over this interview cycle at all :/ I also believe a lot of the innocent/naive persona is just that, a persona she created for the media. I don't think she is nearly as innocent as she comes off.

Oh and here is a song from her latest album, I'm sure Lori would eat it up ;)


"I'll do anything you say if you say it with your hands"

She also has a reference to "nights when you made me your own" in another song.

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Taylor has said she wants lots of kids but I don't think that is equivalent to what QFers mean when they say "lots of kids". In one interview she said she wants 4 so, a lot compared to many mainstream families. And Lori needs to read some other interviews from this album release... she talks in a few about how she wants to eventually be a mom but in another interview she said if she hadn't been a singer she would be an interior designer. She has also said in past interviews that she thought she might have gone into advertising. She does want to be a SAHM, but she wants/wanted to have a career first. So, she is not the fundy dream girl Lori is making her out to be ;)

I do kind-of agree with Lori's comment about commitment. Taylor has made some dumb comments this interview cycle about how she can fall in love with someone just seeing them across the room and how she ends relationships when she doesn't feel the "spark" anymore. I'm her age and I have never had a boyfriend but even I know that I am not going to be feeling the "spark" 24/7 with whoever I end up with, that's not all there is to a relationship. I also think sometimes you just know with someone (seeing them across the room) but she made it sounds like she is like that every time, and either she is falling too fast or is equating lust with love? Anyway her comments do make her sound like she has commitment problems (and when she released her third album she said she did have a problem of running when things got serious) and like she is stuck in the puppy love, I AM GOING TO MARRY EVERY GUY I DATE!!!1! stage in middle/high school. Honestly it sounds like her view of love is the same as a lot of fundy girls so hey, maybe Lori should pick up on that.

Another comment Lori would love on whether she is a feminist: “I don’t really think about things as guys versus girls. I never have. I was raised by parents who brought me up to think if you work as hard as guys, you can go far in life.” Oh and she is not out to empower women either. “When people say things about me empowering women, that’s an amazing compliment. It’s not necessarily what I thought I was doing, because I write songs about what I feel. I think there’s strength when you’re baring your emotions.” http://www.celebitchy.com/260401/does_taylor_s]wift_already_have_a_new_boyfriend_with_ginger_ed_sheeran/

I'm a fan but she hasn't been winning me over this interview cycle at all :/ I also believe a lot of the innocent/naive persona is just that, a persona she created for the media. I don't think she is nearly as innocent as she comes off.

Oh and here is a song from her latest album, I'm sure Lori would eat it up ;)


"I'll do anything you say if you say it with your hands"

She also has a reference to "nights when you made me your own" in another song.

I also don't think she is innocent as she comes off.

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Since, aside from "Ronan", every TS song I've ever heard is about love (crushes, thrilling relationships, ending relationships, pining over ended relationships), is Lori telling her kids that it's all about Jesus? Except for "We are never ever getting back together", that's about TS and Satan. ;)

Like in the South Park episode where Cartman substituted "Jesus" for "Girl" in love songs and became a triple myrrh recording artist.

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I guess she hasn't heard the rumors about how much Taylor actually sleeps around in real life. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but her innocent little good girl image that she projects annoys me when she's running around with a new guy every other week. Wasn't she linked to John Mayer awhile back? I'd say that makes it pretty much a given that she's not a virgin.

Plus I'm surprised a fundie would approve of her for the way she dresses too. She wears some SHORT little dresses frequently. Again, not that I have a problem with it (show off those long legs!), but it's hardly "modest."

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Some girls are able to convey a sense of innocence even though they are definitely NOT innocent. As far as I know, Swift doesn't claim to be virginal so I can't fault her for being dishonest.

However, it is silly to judge a woman's level of sexual experience by her outward mannerisms or dress. I think that a lot of people assume that a very sexually active young woman won't be sweet or modest. That isn't true.

My problem with Taylor Swift is that her lyrics seem very young for someone in their early twenties. But, I don't think that she is bad for having had several boyfriends.

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My problem with Taylor Swift is that her lyrics seem very young for someone in their early twenties.

Yeah, that. Four albums into her career, and if I didn't know any better, I wouldn't think she's ever had an adult relationship. Or ever will. But again: Mayer.

I'm not a fan, but isn't she relatively progressive politically for a country star? Maybe not as openly left-leaning as Carrie Underwood, but hardly a Confederate flag-waver either.

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I think Taylor likely supports gay rights since she hangs with a TV actress who is a huge supporter of gay rights and is rumored to be bisexual and also rumored to have had an affair with a female co-star.

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Taylor has said she wants lots of kids but I don't think that is equivalent to what QFers mean when they say "lots of kids". In one interview she said she wants 4 so, a lot compared to many mainstream families. And Lori needs to read some other interviews from this album release... she talks in a few about how she wants to eventually be a mom but in another interview she said if she hadn't been a singer she would be an interior designer. She has also said in past interviews that she thought she might have gone into advertising. She does want to be a SAHM, but she wants/wanted to have a career first. So, she is not the fundy dream girl Lori is making her out to be ;)

I do kind-of agree with Lori's comment about commitment. Taylor has made some dumb comments this interview cycle about how she can fall in love with someone just seeing them across the room and how she ends relationships when she doesn't feel the "spark" anymore. I'm her age and I have never had a boyfriend but even I know that I am not going to be feeling the "spark" 24/7 with whoever I end up with, that's not all there is to a relationship. I also think sometimes you just know with someone (seeing them across the room) but she made it sounds like she is like that every time, and either she is falling too fast or is equating lust with love? Anyway her comments do make her sound like she has commitment problems (and when she released her third album she said she did have a problem of running when things got serious) and like she is stuck in the puppy love, I AM GOING TO MARRY EVERY GUY I DATE!!!1! stage in middle/high school. Honestly it sounds like her view of love is the same as a lot of fundy girls so hey, maybe Lori should pick up on that.

I can't fault Taylor for her commitment issues. When I was her age (a whole 2 wars ago) I broke up with people for not feeling sparks and thought I was going to marry every guy I dated

The other thing to keep in mind is that she has spent 2 years writing this album. She might have written them at age 20.

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Plus I'm surprised a fundie would approve of her for the way she dresses too. She wears some SHORT little dresses frequently. Again, not that I have a problem with it (show off those long legs!), but it's hardly "modest."

At a bunch of recent performances she has been wearing really short shorts. They look great on her with her long legs but yeah not modest either, I was actually surprised she went there since she has tended to stay pretty conservative during her performances in the past.

I agree you shouldn't assume whether someone is sexually active by how they dress or act and I think she is probably someone who generally does give off a sweet vibe in real life. I do think that has been convoluted into a media strategy for her though. For example she got more famous she was quoted multiple times saying she would never swear on an album and that is a huge selling point - so much that she rewrote two of the songs on her first album to get rid of offensive language and has performed them that way since. I was really, really surprised there was a "damn" on this album because of those quotes.

In terms of maturity I think she generally has better lyrics content-wise for the songs that don't get released as singles. Besides thinking she has commitment problems I don't really feel like I can judge because I am her age and like her songs haha. I like her conversational style and actually felt like she lost it a lot on this album. This is probably my least favorite album she has put out. I did appreciate that she had a song saying shame on her for getting with guys she knows will hurt her - hmm I don't want to come off as victim-blaming. Anything a guy does to her is not her fault even if she agreed to date him. Just saying that she seems to have a history of picking the wrong guy so maybe this means she has figured out some traits to avoid now. She has a song about being 22 (and talks about "being 22" in interviews all the time) that I cannot relate to at all. It sounds like how I felt when I first started college, celebrating independence and not caring about deadlines, etc. I and most of my friends now are entering the stage of life where we HAVE to care. If I were to blow off a test now I could risk my entire career. But, Taylor didn't move out until she was 20 and she probably had to grow up very quickly doing business things and seems to spend most of her time touring so actually having time to do fun, stupid things with friends might be where she is at now. So I don't know if I would consider that song immature or just reflecting a totally different lifestyle than I have. I guess she never really has to care about deadlines anymore either since she is set for life. ;)

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May I be the one to tell her that, until recently, TS was banging a Kennedy?

Yup that probably happened. There were tons of pictures of Taylor around Martha's Vineyard.

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I kind think Lori did an entry on TS as a way of trying to be kind of hip and praise a celebrity. When it comes to movies, music, and TV, there aren't a whole lot of celebs that would meet all of the fundie standards. One singer I can see meeting fundie standards is maybe Jordin Sparks and maybe some country singers.

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I wouldn't call myself a fan of TS but I do like some of her songs. I don't think she live up to the fundie standard, honestly. I don't even think she's even fundie-lite, but pretends to be. I too think she put on a persona of an innocent country girl, but is moving away as her music becomes more pop'ish.

I don't pay attention to her though beyond what I hear on the radio. I have seen a few tabloid covers at the grocery store and I think she may have two-timed her last beau.

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