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Romney's Message Is Changing/Romney Secret Tape (merged)


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They are thinking of unleashing Ryan-which does sound dirty, doesn't it?

On Friday at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., Ryan offered a new gambit on offense, attacking Obama on social issues and income inequality in one fell swoop.“’We’re all in this together’ – it has a nice ring,†Ryan said, quoting a frequent Obama line. “For everyone who loves this country, it is not only true but obvious,†he said. “Yet how hollow it sounds coming from a politician who has never once lifted a hand to defend the most helpless and innocent of all human beings, the child waiting to be born

This didn't work for Santorum, I have no idea why Ryan thinks he will work for Romney. How exactly does he want Obama to protect a mass of cells without a brain? Even if Obama was radically prolife, there isn't anything legally that he can do to prevent abortions.

They have taken Obama to task for allegedly cutting more than $700 billion from Medicare to pay for Obamacare. (The claim is complicated by Ryan's own support for the cuts in his budget, but that hasn't slowed a barrage of Republican attacks.)

Yes, please continue these types of attack, Ryan. Really, why would he want to draw attention to his own history in voting for the cuts? Is he that stupid?

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Criticizing Obama for doing something Ryan approved and supported is the worst move ever. I think he is just hoping that the Republicans are so rabidly crazy with their hatred of Obama that they won't stop and look at his past.

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I think he is just hoping that the Republicans are so rabidly crazy with their hatred of Obama that they won't stop and look at his past.

I think you are right, but it's a terribly (wonderfully?) misguided political move. Romney and Ryan don't need to court the rabid crazies. They aren't going to vote for Obama, and are rabid enough they will vote for Romney just to get Obama out of office. Romney/Ryan need to temper their message and reach out to the undecided moderates, the ones who will just sit out the election or cast a protest vote if they don't like either choice. Those voters will look at past records and inconsistencies in the campaign message.

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Yeah, I think trying to hard to make the loud, Tea Party, extremist happy will cost them the election. At least I hope it will.

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On Friday at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., Ryan offered a new gambit on offense, attacking Obama on social issues and income inequality in one fell swoop.“’We’re all in this together’ – it has a nice ring,†Ryan said, quoting a frequent Obama line. “For everyone who loves this country, it is not only true but obvious,†he said. “Yet how hollow it sounds coming from a politician who has never once lifted a hand to defend the most helpless and innocent of all human beings, the child waiting to be born

Bolding mine. I was wondering when Romney's campaign was going to trot out the rabid pro-birth message. It happened a lot sooner than I thought. They must be running scared. (Of course this means nothing if the people that don't habitually vote yet express support for Obama stay home from the polls again.)

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Honestly aren't most of the crazies leaning third party? Sure you'll have flippers like Josh, but they already made up their minds. I have no idea why politicians, especially the right, want to court the small angry fringe instead of the sane moderates, who are honestly sick of all the stupid. But I guess many of us are annoyed at their decision to be dicks to the POTUS during his run, and too late for them to change that.

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On Friday at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., Ryan offered a new gambit on offense, attacking Obama on social issues and income inequality in one fell swoop.“’We’re all in this together’ – it has a nice ring,†Ryan said, quoting a frequent Obama line. “For everyone who loves this country, it is not only true but obvious,†he said. “Yet how hollow it sounds coming from a politician who has never once lifted a hand to defend the most helpless and innocent of all human beings, the child waiting to be born.â€

*snerk* Because defending the child waiting to be born is more important than defending the child who has already been born by supporting programs like food stamps, assistance to single mothers, education, etc.

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Honestly aren't most of the crazies leaning third party? Sure you'll have flippers like Josh, but they already made up their minds. I have no idea why politicians, especially the right, want to court the small angry fringe instead of the sane moderates, who are honestly sick of all the stupid. But I guess many of us are annoyed at their decision to be dicks to the POTUS during his run, and too late for them to change that.

Some moderate such as myself are leaning toward Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party. I know he doesn't have a chance in hell, but I really do not want to vote for "the lesser of two evils." Plus I live in a blue strong hold state so I'm not worried about screwing up the electorate.

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Despite my best efforts I've been following the presidential race since the conventions and Romney is in troubles. There is infighting within his campaign and last week conservative writers and radio host were turning on him. Right now Obama leads the RCP(Real Clear Politics) by 3.1%. Romney has never held the lead(Kerry and McCain lead or tied RCP at some point during their campaigns). If Obama maintains his lead for the next two week many are predicting he'll be the winner.

eta: Romney has the lead in only one swing state(North Carolina)and the only national poll he leads is Rasmussen(2%).

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I'm linking to the latest leak from the Romney campaign. In it he jokes about his father being born in Mexico should make it easier for him to get elected. He also admits to being born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

"All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

It's Huffpo so I'm not breaking the link.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/1 ... 29455.html

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Some moderate such as myself are leaning toward Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party. I know he doesn't have a chance in hell, but I really do not want to vote for "the lesser of two evils." Plus I live in a blue strong hold state so I'm not worried about screwing up the electorate.

How is Obama evil in any way? He is very moderate. Sure, a lot of liberals like me get frustrated with him :lol: for not being liberal and I would love to vote for the Green party candidate but won't, because the third parties are adored by both major parties, since they siphon off votes from the opposition. Plus, I live in a state where literally one vote could count.

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I'm linking to the latest leak from the Romney campaign. In it he jokes about his father being born in Mexico should make it easier for him to get elected. He also admits to being born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

It's Huffpo so I'm not breaking the link.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/1 ... 29455.html

:shock: :shock: :shock: HFC

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How is Obama evil in any way? He is very moderate. Sure, a lot of liberals like me get frustrated with him :lol: for not being liberal and I would love to vote for the Green party candidate but won't, because the third parties are adored by both major parties, since they siphon off votes from the opposition. Plus, I live in a state where literally one vote could count.

When I was younger I could have supported the libertarian POV, but I've seen first hand what free markets do when it comes to medical care, I do not want SS to go away and I certainly want a political party that supports SS marriage and abortion. The libs are wishy washy on these points and don't want to legislate a woman's right of choice or a persons right to marriage regardless of gender.

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That's so offensive. He's implying that 47% of the American public is dependent upon the government for survival (a lie) and that's why Obama has so much support.

Well, Mitt, you piece of shit, I am a middle class Obama supporter and I pay DOUBLE the highest tax rate you think you might have paid one year (although every other year probably paid little to nothing which is why you won't release your tax records.)

This guy is just unbelievable.

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“’We’re all in this together’

Sounds like they've pinched that from our delightful conservative government here in the UK. That was their buzz line when they first got voted in and started making devastating cuts; 'We're all in this together' they said at every opportunity.

Fast forward two years and yeah sure, we're all in this together. That's why there isn't a public service that hasn't seen devastating cuts, why the people on welfare are getting their payments cut, why housing benefit is being done away with and being replaced with something that will cause countless thousands to lose their homes, why pensioners have been taxed more, why VAT has been increased, why the NHS is facing the worst budget cuts in decades, why the disabled are facing being stripped of welfare payments and why the recession is officially a double dip and unemployment is rising due to so many people being laid off from public service jobs.

Oh and the richest 1% of the country have had a rather nice tax cut too.

So yeah, we're all in this together. And if you believe that, then you're even more stupid than the people of the UK were two years ago.

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"Both my dad and [wife] Ann's dad did quite well in their lives. But when they came to the end of their lives and passed along the inheritance to Ann and me, we both decided to give it all away. So I have inherited nothing. Everything that Ann and I have, we earned the old-fashioned way."

Romney's parents did pay for his boarding school, his college, his graduate school and his first home.

Ah, yes, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps with a college education and a free house is rough.

If only all of us inherited "nothing".

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I think the guy should spam the internet with the original video. It wouldn't take much- put it on reddit and a couple of other active forums.

From the article it has been spammed, but I don't know if if it made it to Reddit. This really shows what the folks of wealth and privilege think about us on the bottom of the barrel.


"My dad, as you probably, know was the governor of Michigan and was the head of a car company. But he was born in Mexico ... and, uh, had he been born of, uh, Mexican parents, I'd have a better shot at winning this," Romney said. "But he was unfortunately born to Americans living in Mexico. ... I mean I say that jokingly, but it would be helpful to be Latino."
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From the article it has been spammed, but I don't know if if it made it to Reddit. This really shows what the folks of wealth and privilege think about us on the bottom of the barrel.

I know the article is being spammed but I want the original video footage to be spammed. All over world. Like one of those movie montages where it goes on every TV on display at Best Buy, on every channel and on every internet website, lol. I know that won't happen, though but it's fun to think about.

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I live in a very red part of a very red state, and yeah, I know bumperstickers don't vote, but I've seen only one measly sticker for Mitt. It was a small oval on the back window. I've seen way more Obama stickers than ones supporting Mitt. I have seen a few anti-Obama stickers, but the same car doesn't have a pro-Romney sticker on it. Here in the Buckle of the Bible Belt, many fundies and evangelicals are going to have a hard time voting for a Mormon.

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From the article it has been spammed, but I don't know if if it made it to Reddit. This really shows what the folks of wealth and privilege think about us on the bottom of the barrel.


Oh FFS :doh: Yes, Mitt, please try trading your enormously privileged life for that of a child of latino illegal immigrants. We're waiting. Why is it always the rich white assholes who say shit like this? They don't have a fucking clue.

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Bolding mine. I was wondering when Romney's campaign was going to trot out the rabid pro-birth message.

I think even the term "pro-birth" is too kind. They are anti-choice. If they were pro-birth they would at least support pre-natal care, including ready availability of drug-abuse-treatment programs for pregnant women. As it is, even bumping pregnant women to the head of the waiting list isn't enough for them to get clean before the baby is born, let alone in time to improve the odds of a good outcome for the baby.

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Oh FFS :doh: Yes, Mitt, please try trading your enormously privileged life for that of a child of latino illegal immigrants. We're waiting. Why is it always the rich white assholes who say shit like this? They don't have a fucking clue.

Just one of his very many "jokes" that are in extremely poor taste. Is this really the sort of guy we want as a president?! I don't see how anyone short of the Tea Party crazies can support him.

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You know what I really hate election year it's like all the stupid, ugly, meanspirited completely batshit people come crawling out of the woodwork. I can't say Obama has done a stellar job, but then again considering the mess Bush left him he hasn't done a bad job either. Romney and the Republicans are scaring the everloving hell out of me and I not rabidly pro-choice. I really only want three things from a candidate and I'm not picky about what party they belong to just protect the rights and liberties of everyone regardless or race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, the ability to balance a damned budget, and someone smart enough to crack open a history book and start a new deal type program fixing our countries infrastructure and switching us over to green energy by setting up windfarms and solar panels doing that would put allot of unemployed people back to work.

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Despite my best efforts I've been following the presidential race since the conventions and Romney is in troubles. There is infighting within his campaign and last week conservative writers and radio host were turning on him. Right now Obama leads the RCP(Real Clear Politics) by 3.1%. Romney has never held the lead(Kerry and McCain lead or tied RCP at some point during their campaigns). If Obama maintains his lead for the next two week many are predicting he'll be the winner.

I am very, very concerned that the GOP is going to prevent thousands of people voting in swing states like Florida and Ohio with lawsuits claiming voter fraud, purging records, and limiting times to vote.

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