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Josh Duggar's Instagram (Part 5)


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raywiggins28 I voted absentee! Now I'm praying that our country will make the right decision and bring God back into the whitehouse! 2h

God used to be president? :roll:

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Dumbass posted a photo of a sample ballot, and made this witty remark:

At least a couple of people told him off. :D

I didnt know God was running....

So the fundy Christians think a Mormon will bring God into the White House? (I know Mormons are Christians... but they are generally regarded as the red-headed step children of Christianity...)

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We'll probably never know, but I have a sneaking suspicion that when they actually step into the voting booth, a lot of ultra right wing fundies will ultimately not be able to vote for "that Mormon guy".

Regarding the commercial for the China trip: did it mention when it would air? Next week appears to be the season finale, election night TLC is showing reruns of the Cheapskate show, and the following week the Roloffs are taking over the time slot.

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We'll probably never know, but I have a sneaking suspicion that when they actually step into the voting booth, a lot of ultra right wing fundies will ultimately not be able to vote for "that Mormon guy".

Regarding the commercial for the China trip: did it mention when it would air? Next week appears to be the season finale, election night TLC is showing reruns of the Cheapskate show, and the following week the Roloffs are taking over the time slot.

A lot of them are not being subtle about that, even now. Doug Phillips (is a tool) is urging the VFers not to vote for him just because he's the republican candidate. I think a lot of the really fundie types with either vote third party or not vote.

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[ @ ] joshduggar "Socialism & Liberation Party" should be under Barack Obama & Joe Biden #ballot #sample 12h

[ @ ] alexczarn ^^. Agree. 8h

[ @ ] adriburg Yulp!!! 6h

[ @ ] ellahanes That is idiotic. 6h

[ @ ] starryeyedray Agreed! 6h

[ @ ] thedanisaurus @joshduggar I love Gary Johnson. 6h

[ @ ] ashleyburrell84 Yes 5h

[ @ ] grumpy_cupcake You just sound ignorant when you say stuff like that 4h

[ @ ] raywiggins28 I voted absentee! Now I'm praying that our country will make the right decision and bring God back into the whitehouse! 4h

[ @ ] annaclarkson13 @raywiggins28 it's called separation of church and state....... 3h

[ @ ] americanfamily Agree! Socialism and Liberation the irony in the name. Ha! You gonna watch the other debates? @joshduggar 2h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Maybe we should just have one option....no choices....right? Since a choice that opposses urs or ur party's is wrong and made by us other fools...yes...one "right" party....sounds like freedom! 2h

[ @ ] hestterlady @raywiggins28 guess what. God isn't going to put anyone in office that doesn't belong there. God has put Obama in a position of power which means he is anointed. Every single president, like them or not, has been anointed by God to lead the country or they would not be there. 1h

hestterlady is going to cause steam to come from smugly's ears!

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[ @ ] joshduggar #spam #email #inbox #lol 11h

[ @ ] averagedetenti oh YEAH @iphone_instagram_giveaways 9h

[ @ ] alexczarn Hahahaha!!! 8h

[ @ ] mel_belle_ Lol 8h

[ @ ] jennedward I love the grammar errors also! 7h

[ @ ] aprillyn313 Wow 6h

[ @ ] ofih Wow, FedEx might need to study a little basic grammar next time they contact a customer. Too funny. 5h

[ @ ] raschofield 'we not can deliver your package...' 3h

Apparently that attachment contained a virus. It was a source of amusement at the office this morning. Theres a little part of me that hopes joshie opened the file...

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Handmaiden: What a beautiful story! The only thing missing is the line: "And they lived happily ever after."

This story is more inspiring than the Smuggar and Smugeresse date-night story, that's for sure.

P.S. What a cute dog (or is it "god"?) in your avatar! What is the breed of that cuddly little black creature?

She, the dog in my avatar, is Fanny. She is 3/4 English bulldog, 1/4 boxer and 100% sweetness.

I am not usually one to talk about my marriage because it tends to make me sound too smug, but it is utterly fantastic. My husband is the most romantic, most thoughtful, kindest, sexiest, most well-read hunk that I have ever known. We've been together 12 years and he is my best friend and my most passionate lover.

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She, the dog in my avatar, is Fanny. She is 3/4 English bulldog, 1/4 boxer and 100% sweetness.

I am not usually one to talk about my marriage because it tends to make me sound too smug, but it is utterly fantastic. My husband is the most romantic, most thoughtful, kindest, sexiest, most well-read hunk that I have ever known. We've been together 12 years and he is my best friend and my most passionate lover.

My guess was part boxer and part some-other-mastiff-or-bulldog-type. So I guess I was right!

Your husband also has good breeding, apparently. :D

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However, there are lots of things to do in Northwest Arkansas - including one of the best art museums in America.
But...but...there are NEKKID PEEPULS in that museum!! And...cleavage! And a painting of Rosie the Riveter! The girlies might see that and gets the ideaz they can do something other than housework and birthin'!!!!!

No art museum for you!!! Although...admission IS free... :lol: :lol:

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I commented "What a Cunning Linguist!" ... wondering if the fundie will realize! :D

Lol I doubt they will understand it because that's for sinners doncha know

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cpennylane wrote:

I don't get why the ad is funny.

Maybe "urine" sounds like "you're in" in some accents. Other than that I'm lost.

I think it's more along the lines of "Are you in?" can be construed in a sexual way.

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I think it's more along the lines of "Are you in?" can be construed in a sexual way.

"Join Michelle and tell Barack you're in" can be understood as "Have sex with Michelle and tell Barack you're banging his wife" because "you're in" could be a euphemism for "you're inside her" and "Join" could mean "get with".

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"Join Michelle and tell Barack you're in" can be understood as "Have sex with Michelle and tell Barack you're banging his wife" because "you're in" could be a euphemism for "you're inside her" and "Join" could mean "get with".

I'd bang Michelle Obama. Hell, I'd have a threesome with her and Barack. :D

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joshduggarOur tax dollars at work! #528million #lost #Solyndra #stimulus @BarackObama 7h.

[ @ ] lindsayhileman Do your homework. The Reps put this in action long before Obama. 7h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 Obama is an idiot! #Romney#2012 6h

[ @ ] veganforlife82 I love it when just because someone disagrees with ones opinion, people resort to calling names. The only person you should be voting for and following is God, not a rep or dem! 5h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 #veganforlife82 I'm a Christian. Unfortanately God is not on the ballot. We have to choose Romney or Obama. I am voting for the most Godly of the 2. Romney opposes homosexual marriage and abortion. My vote goes to him. 5h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Well.... so long as ur vote is going to "save" our country from homosexual marriage and abortion....u must be the Godly one....Glad to know u place an educated vote on what issues really count. 4h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Ps: Gay marriage IS happening and will continue to do so forever......eventually everywhere in this country.... Get used to it. 4h

[ @ ] kellymac81 And....I'm a Christian woman who loves my wife! BOO!! 4h

[ @ ] kaylahhmay Yes. Because being "Godly" must equate to the oppression of humans. You certainly chose right! #obamaftw #twats. 4h

[ @ ] charlenegriffin @kellymac81 Murder is also happening everywhere and will continue to. Does that mean we should get rid of all of the laws concerning murder? 4h

[ @ ] charlenegriffin My point is that just because we find different issues important that others don't find as important doesn't make our view "stupid" or wrong. 3h

[ @ ] kaschroed3 Romans 1....nuff said 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 I think most people would agree murder is wrong....and I don't think murder laws are up for a vote. Are you equating my loving and committed relationship to murder? If so...I think you are wrong. I did not call anyone stupid. I find the "issue" of equal rights important. If u do not...I suggest we find a way to take a few less of my tax dollars. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 @charlenegriffin ...let's take a vote on YOUR sins...I mean...sins are equal...right? What rights are u willing to give up as a sinner who will always sin? M 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Because I don't agree with YOU. So expect me to vote that way. 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 Romans 1:26 Leviticus 18:22...murder laws are indeed up for a vote its called abortion. 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 #Charlenegriffin and #kaschroed3 thank you. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 @rockyred2007 fine...abortion. It doesn't apply to me bc I wouldn't have one. That is why I am pro choice. I believe in freedom to choose. I believe we answer to our choices. Judgment and control are not mine to give out. 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 #Kellymac81 explain somthing to me. Democrats say its not right for the goverment to decide if a baby lives or dies,but its ok for the goverment to decide that you HAVE to have health insurance and they will decide what insurance you have.they are forcing my family to come up with $800 a month that we dnt have. I guess thats just liberal logic for u. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 @rockyred2007 hey...great to see u are against gay marriage. I'm for it. I'm winning. I guess that wouldn't be God's will...huh? I happen to believe that what is happening...no matter what it is...is God's will...whether or not I agree...I do not feel I am in control of that. Good Luck. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 FREE WILL. 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 #Kellymac81 gay marriage Gods will?? God does not contradict himself if he said it is wrong then it is wrong! 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 #Kellymac81 gay marriage is legal in what? 2 or 3 sates out of 50? Ya not winning 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 @rockyred2007 I'm not going to explain anything to you. First...I never brought up healthcare. Second, educate yourself and vote how u want. My differing opinion on gay marriage and abortion does not make me responsible for justifying anything to you. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Nice insult though. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 My suggestion to you would be: HAVE FAITH. 3h

[ @ ] veganforlife82 We are not to judge anyone it's not our place in life. We all have to live with the choices we make . Hatred gets us know where in life. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.†(John 13:34, 35 NKJV) 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 If u can't afford to insure ur family....why do u have one? Isn't personal responsibility one of the shared opinions of the Republican Party? 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 Thanx..im very educated in polotics. I was never trying to change ur vote i was defending mine. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Weird that u feel the need to defend yourself. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Here's how you spell it: Politics. 3h

[ @ ] smoodog121 High five @kellymac81 . The people clearly think gay marriage will actually affect them. Maybe all the heterosexual married people should stop having gay children then? As that would sort the problem out. But instead they don't want abortion to be legal so more gay babies will be born so they can vote on equal marriage right for all. 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 You do not get to choose what is or is not God's will. It is not God's will if it only falls in line with what you believe. Accept the fact that sometimes God's will isn't going to give you what you want. 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 I've never met a gay baby. Lol 3h

[ @ ] kellymac81 @rockyred2007. Ur so funny. I am going to pray for you everyday for the next year without fail. I need to make dinner for my family now. See you in heaven. 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 Did i spell that good enough for you?? 3h

[ @ ] rockyred2007 #Kellymac81 ill pray for u 2. Have a nice dinner. See ya 2h

[ @ ] kellymac81 @rockyred2007 lol....nope. 2h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Ps.....I think ur comment was erased @rockyred2007 ....if not....not sure what u spelled for me that time. You are welcome in my home anytime...I'm a great cook. You can call me whatever you want...no frustrating typos! 2h

[ @ ] kellymac81 Gotta go! My gay chicken is ready! 2h

[ @ ] haleyhaunted @kellymac81 you're awesome haha Christianity shouldn't involve outcasting anyone, regardless of choices or preferences. If something goes against your beliefs, don't do it. Your God will judge you as you believe and He won't appreciate intolerance. If you don't believe in gay relationships, don't be in one. If you don't believe in abortions, don't get one. But you're not going to get any closer to heaven through hatred. That being said, I respect everyone's right to vote for who they want and understand emotions are very high in this election. Just don't be offensive to people who share differing beliefs. 58min

[ @ ] veganforlife82 Well said #haleyhaunted :-) 29min

Somehow this pic turned into an argument about gay chicken?

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I know he fancies himself a sage politician-to-be, but Josh is nothing but a shit stirring troll on his own instagram.

He takes and posts a photo of a couple of out-of-context paragraphs in an unknown newspaper and then sits back and watches while his underage and/or undereducated fangirls bicker about it.

Get a life, Josh. Go help Anna with something for a change.

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Smuggar's knowledge of politics is that of a 3 year old. He also likes to stir up controversy on his twitter and Instagram for the sake of attention. He should spend more time on focusing on his family and his so called used car lot than acting like a politics know it all.

As for his latest Instagram pic, I completely agree with HaleyHaunted. It's so stupid how these conservatives bash others for being in a homosexual or having an abortion yet they're taught to not judge others. If you have certain convictions then just don't do them but don't force your beliefs down others throats who aren't following what you think is right. I don't go around shoving the Bhagavad Gita down your throat, therefore, I would love it if you don't throw Bible verses at me.

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I know he fancies himself a sage politician-to-be, but Josh is nothing but a shit stirring troll on his own instagram.

He takes and posts a photo of a couple of out-of-context paragraphs in an unknown newspaper and then sits back and watches while his underage and/or undereducated fangirls bicker about it.

Get a life, Josh. Go help Anna with something for a change.

That's one way to bask in the attention of a bunch of twelve-year-old girls. There's a reason even Google agrees that Josh is a creep.

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I'd bang Michelle Obama. Hell, I'd have a threesome with her and Barack

True Dat ! :lol:

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God is Mitt Romney?!

I feel like a Gilmore Girls quote belongs in here somewhere...

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