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Josh Carter's (Kristina's headship) Facebook Page

0 kids n not countin

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I find it funny that he's so virulently against Obama's health care law given the fact that he and Kristina accepted WIC while she was pregnant with her first kid (and I'd assume with the twins too). Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't WIC a government funded program? So, it's ok for the government to help them, but not anyone else. I see how it works.

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I only "knew" Kristina from when she posted on the yuku board, I never followed her blog other than to keep asking, "is she the Arby's girl?" From his public facebook, he protests a little too often and a little too loudly about gays. :roll:

^^ This! (I am sure he would be considered hot among the bear lovers!)


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Christianinity, he is doing it wrong. So, so wrong. He is as hate filled as Zsu Zsu. All you see on that page is hate, no love, no caring for those who need help, just hate. Those poor children, all they are learning is hate.

I wonder when Kristina is going to get pregnant again. Should be soon.

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I hope she doesn't get pregnant soon, but I agree it probably isn't too far off. The reason I hope she doesn't is because she seems to be so sickly all the time; she has fibromyalgia and is always getting sick on top of that with strep, mono, etc. Plus, I get the impression that her wonderful, perfect, godly husband isn't all that helpful with childcare. When Kristina still blogged, she mentioned the twins having RSV and she and her mother staying up through several nights with the babies, calming them and giving breathing treatments. Where was Josh in all of that?

I remain fascinated by Kristina and her life. I don't know why. I guess because I can't fathom living like that - never getting a job, a lightning-fast courtship to a near stranger (with a six-inch no touch rule!) and having all those babies in rapid succession while being in poor health.

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I only "knew" Kristina from when she posted on the yuku board, I never followed her blog other than to keep asking, "is she the Arby's girl?" From his public facebook, he protests a little too often and a little too loudly about gays. :roll:

He not only pings my gaydar, he sets it off at DEFCON 4.

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I knew this dude was nuts the first time I saw the crazy eyes in the Arby's.

This is why I cannot get on board when people want to pet the fundies. No. This is what they believe. Not all of them are so nutballs, but intrinsically, this is what they believe, whether they have a television show or a fancy pink blog with a mililon followers, they are weaning their children on this mala leche. I cannot get on board with any of them, no matter how "nice" they seem, they hate like people like me. And probably people like you.

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I knew this dude was nuts the first time I saw the crazy eyes in the Arby's.

This is why I cannot get on board when people want to pet the fundies. No. This is what they believe. Not all of them are so nutballs, but intrinsically, this is what they believe, whether they have a television show or a fancy pink blog with a mililon followers, they are weaning their children on this mala leche. I cannot get on board with any of them, no matter how "nice" they seem, they hate like people like me. And probably people like you.

There have been a few fundie blogs I have been sucked in by- I originally went there to snark, but was slowly sucked in to the natural living/everybody's happy all the time/my life is so full of joy façade. And then, seemingly out of the blue, they write a hate-filled post about guns or teh gayz or SOCIALISM!!! that takes me by such surprise and reminds me what it is I'm really reading the rest of the time: carefully-crafted "keeping sweet" posts designed to uphold the "godly" image.

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I knew he was an idiot when he asked K to marry him in a freaking ARBY's for fuck's sake.

I gotta call your father and make other arrangements...

Her father put on the ring, and I still get so creeped when I think of it. I cannot imagine my husband doing that for our kid when the time comes.

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Josh is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person. In a way, he's more disturbing than PP, because I think PP is mentally ill. I don't think Josh is. He's just angry, hateful, bigoted, and mean.

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Ahhhh, the good old days! Kristina and Josh inspired my avatar. The Arby's engagement also inspired this beautiful work of art compliments of brista:


Then his disciples therefore saith to one another, "Lord hast forgotten the Arby's sauce thrice times this fortnight."

And as they sat and did eat, Jesus saith unto them, "Verily I say unto you, one of you which eateth this Beef 'n Cheddar will betray me."

(Spoiler Alert -- Judas was not happy that he got a small Jamocha shake and Jesus got a large...)

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:D Wok Chop!

I wonder what is on Josh's to-do list on a normal week:

Read the Bible

Impregnate my sick wife

Kill deer or small furry animals

Hate the gays


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:D Wok Chop!

I wonder what is on Josh's to-do list on a normal week:

Read the Bible

Impregnate my sick wife

Kill deer or small furry animals

Hate the gays


I don't think it's deer season.... but hating those gays seems to be a full time job for him.

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I don't think it's deer season.... but hating those gays seems to be a full time job for him.

Plus hating Obama, he's an ebul black muslim foreigner!

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They scare me because of their belief that "If I [Kristina] die, I die" and... gee, oh well! Too bad! If I knew someone felt that way about women I would avoid them like the sick F--- that they are.

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What does Josh work with? Is Kristina still knitting blankets to sell and what was it she came here to promote? Cleaning products from a MLM company?

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Yes it is expensive but you can buy used materials or get hand me downs, we did alot of that. But also alot of people who say it costs too much somehow have money for cable TV, cigarettes, fancy cars and other unnecessary expenses


Yep, between soak and wet, alot and the old teaching materials they are probably going to use, these two are going to provide a great education for their children.

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