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Bachmann leaves church that calls Pope Anti-Christ


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I can't say I was very surprised at this. If memory serves, Luther called the Pope the anti-Christ in some of his writings. It's not so much a new idea. It's not exactly surprising with Bachmann either because she's nuts. I guess now she's just doing damage control.

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luther definitely called the pope the anti-christ (some awesome woodcarvings of the devil defecating out the pope and bishops), but mainstream lutherans don't seem to preach that anymore. of course, bachmann would be a member of a church that preached that.

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What's always surprised me is that a member of the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Church could ever get elected in her congressional district in the first place, since central MN is heavily Catholic.

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What's always surprised me is that a member of the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Church could ever get elected in her congressional district in the first place, since central MN is heavily Catholic.

I went to a WELS church school in the late eighties and they absolutely taught that Jews and Catholics were of the debbil. I can't see voting for one of them! But I would vote for MamaJuneBug and happily put religious differences aside. I don't think most Americans are too hung up on religion when it comes to voting although I wonder why we Jews (who control everything I am told by anti-Semites) are so underrepresented in the government.

Disclaimer: Like I have said before, I do not consider this to be representative of all Lutherans and this church was practically run by the John Birch Society which surely colored their philosophies.

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As an ELCA Lutheran, my first thought was that this is giving the appearance to all her reactionary fans that she's leaving a papist liberal church to go to one more in keeping with her/their rightwing views. People who hear the term Lutheran, at least around here, don't know that there are at least three different groups in the US and that two of them (Wisconsin and Missouri Synods) are WAY conservative. Those of us who know better know she's just exchanging one borderline fundy group for another (I don't know for a fact that's the kind of church she's left for, but I wouldn't doubt it.)

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Guys: Please!!

CNN got it right, let's do the same:

The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod has come under criticism from some Catholics for its views on the papacy, an institution that the denomination calls the Antichrist.

“We identify the Antichrist as the Papacy,†the denomination’s website says. “This is an historical judgment based on Scripture.â€

Luther may/ not have called a sitting pope the ac, Luther enjoyed a beer.

No Lutheran church body from least to most orthodox calls the person of the pope the Antichrist.

The office of the Papacy, an institution that claims infallibility in Doctrinal matters, is what Lutheranism claims as the Antichrist.

Thank you for your kind attention to my words.

My usual X's & O's,


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Guys: Please!!

CNN got it right, let's do the same:

Luther may/ not have called a sitting pope the ac, Luther enjoyed a beer.

No Lutheran church body from least to most orthodox calls the person of the pope the Antichrist.

The office of the Papacy, an institution that claims infallibility in Doctrinal matters, is what Lutheranism claims as the Antichrist.

Thank you for your kind attention to my words.

My usual X's & O's,


True, all dat. But my point is the opposite, based on the perception people in my area have of Lutherans. In areas eat up with the Fundamentalist Church of This and That, many "mainstream" denominations are going to seem high church and therefore papist. Luther was a monk and never wanted to leave the Church of Rome, and that may be all the bible-thumpers need to hear. They hear Lutheran, they think, the next thing over from Catholic, and they are thrilled to hear she's outta there. Perception is reality. But your points are valid and well-taken.

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as a lapsed catholic, my first thought was, "wow, bachmann was a member of a lutheran church? how not hateful." then, i read the article. so I agree with dara and mamajunebug that reading the article is key.

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