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Feminists have penis envy!


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We have nothing to thank the feminist movement for. .. our identity as women has been trampled on and we who wish to stay at home have had that dream sullied by strident women who have penis envy!


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How very Fraudian. The entire concept of penis envy is wierd to me. A vagina is much more complex.

How very Fraudian. The entire concept of penis envy is wierd to me. A vagina is much more complex.

The only reason I would ever envy a penis is if (more like when) I'm hiking and I need to go to the bathroom. Havving the ability to pee standing would be so much easier! Aside from that particular situation, penis envy is pretty stupid.


The only reason I would ever envy a penis is if (more like when) I'm hiking and I need to go to the bathroom. Havving the ability to pee standing would be so much easier! Aside from that particular situation, penis envy is pretty stupid.

Same with off roading. I can't squat to pee, so it can be really uncomfy when going over bumps!

Guest Anonymous

I don't think that penis envy is a woman wanting to have a penis. IIRC, it is the psychological effects of a very young girl realising that boys have penises and she does not and therefore feeling that she has been castrated.

our identity as women has been trampled on and we who wish to stay at home have had that dream sullied by strident women who have penis envy!

My normal response is "Of that?". It's not the penis that women envy - it's all the privileges that our society gives to the people who have them.

Now the feminists try to tell us that we are responsible for training our daughters to become servile, and meek and weak, forcing them into a life of subservience that thwarts their potential both personally and financially.

If you have prevented your daughters from getting an adequate education and having skills that would enable themselves to support themselves in case everything does not go well in the perfect little-stay-at-home-world you have envisioned for them, then yes I do believe that you are thwarting their future happiness and well-being.


The role of homemaker has been completely undervalued here, and I do think that is to our detriment.

However, the role of home maker is not what being a woman is about. And as far as valuing genders equally, Christian Patriarchy is a huge step backwards- not forwards.

I've seen this logic a lot from anti-feminist homemakers, and I do sincerely hope that at some point they see how flawed the logic is. They are hurting homemakers and not helping them.

I don't think that penis envy is a woman wanting to have a penis. IIRC, it is the psychological effects of a very young girl realising that boys have penises and she does not and therefore feeling that she has been castrated.

But little girls should be taught that while they don't have penises, what they have is special and wonderful, and that being a girl is wonderful. My daughter never questioned why she didn't have one, she questioned why boys did (she saw her body as "correct" and boys as weird).


Personally; I think it's the reverse with misogynists. They know women can be able to get pregnant; whereas men can. So they fear women because they think that women will try and take over men because they can have babies; and they can't; and that somehow women'll use this to control men. So they want to put women in their place so that they can't control men. :roll: I'm tired of the penis envy argument; anyway. Isn't that so 1950's?


The only reason I would ever envy a penis is if (more like when) I'm hiking and I need to go to the bathroom. Havving the ability to pee standing would be so much easier! Aside from that particular situation, penis envy is pretty stupid.

+1 I'm really jealous that when we're hiking or cycling, my fiancé can just step aside and pee while I have to swat and balance. Otherwise I'm fine lacking a penis.


The only reason I would ever envy a penis is if (more like when) I'm hiking and I need to go to the bathroom. Havving the ability to pee standing would be so much easier! Aside from that particular situation, penis envy is pretty stupid.

You too can learn to pee standing up like a man!


Wonder how the PP would feel about that?

The role of homemaker has been completely undervalued here, and I do think that is to our detriment.

I agree that the WORK done in the household, primarily by women, is completely undervalued - as is the care of children. I've never viewed "homemaker" as a standalone role for myself, but I definitely agree that the work needed to keep a household running should receive some value.

Guest Anonymous

pixydust, I truly doubt that penis envy is a real thing. Your daughter's reaction is probably the most usual one. For the most part Freudian theory is just random spit-balling, 'I reckon this happens...'. And it all protected by the wonderful lock out 'you've repressed the memory'.


Nah, I've never wanted one of those things. And my existing equipment is a lot more fun and so much more versatile. they're welcome to those delicate, injury-prone, embarassing, uncomfortable pieces of kit.

Penis envy - not here, thanks!


I much prefer my vagina, thank you very much. I love vaginas:) I'm not convinced penis envy is a real thing.


I agree that the WORK done in the household, primarily by women, is completely undervalued - as is the care of children. I've never viewed "homemaker" as a standalone role for myself, but I definitely agree that the work needed to keep a household running should receive some value.

You're right. "Role" was not the right word to use. I think I just hear it so often I used it without thinking. :oops:

I think that part of the problem is that the work is associated with women, and women are inferior, therefore the work they do is inferior. Christian Patriarchy is the opposite of helpful for getting rid of that idea. And besides that, home making is not exclusively the job of women and has been only since the industrial revolution, which is to say fairly recently.

pixydust, I truly doubt that penis envy is a real thing. Your daughter's reaction is probably the most usual one. For the most part Freudian theory is just random spit-balling, 'I reckon this happens...'. And it all protected by the wonderful lock out 'you've repressed the memory'.

Haha, I think that Freud had some serious issues and decided that everyone else had the same issues! He probably thought that little girls wondered why they didn't have penises, because as a little boy HE wondered why little girls didn't have them (normal, my youngest walked in on his female cousin-same age-getting dressed, he asked me why she didn't have one). But most girls, used to their own bodies, think boys shouldn't have a penis.


+1 I'm really jealous that when we're hiking or cycling, my fiancé can just step aside and pee while I have to swat and balance. Otherwise I'm fine lacking a penis.

There is also the concern of a breeze coming up and shifting thr direction of your stream onto your leg, clothing or any object you may be carrying with you. I've had that happen and peed on my leg....ewww.

Except for thr convenience factor when going to the bathroom in places with no easy toilet access, I'm pretty happy with what I have. I always thought it must be weird having something swinging between your legs.


In all of my 61 years I've never had penis envy. Go figure.


What is it with these 'traditional' types and male genitalia, Serously, ever time I get into an argument with one this comes up.


I can't even come up with a smart ass response. The stupidity is blinding.

In all of my 61 years I've never had penis envy. Go figure.

It would clash with your bacon bra!

What is it with these 'traditional' types and male genitalia, Serously, ever time I get into an argument with one this comes up.

Hehehehe, hahaha! OMG, I think like a 12 year old!


Just read it.

What on earth does 'ashes in their mouth' mean?


It would clash with your bacon bra!

I figure with the bacon bra I can have as many penises as I want 8-)


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