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Why get up at 5am?


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Most criminals keep normal hours. They're not exerting themselves. If it's not particularly dangerous to go running at 9 am where you live, it's not likely to be more dangerous to go running at 5 am, or 3 am, or midnight, or whenever you like to run.

Most rapes, most robberies, most crimes are committed by people known to the victim. You're not particularly likely to be raped by some jerk in an alley, no matter *when* you go running.

I had an...unfortunate occurrance...early in the morning, coming back from working overnight. An alleyway was involved. I did not know the person.

I agree though what I would say is if it is dark, people are more likely to not help. I shouted "Help" and people turned away and walked faster.

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I had an...unfortunate occurrance...early in the morning, coming back from working overnight. An alleyway was involved. I did not know the person.

I agree though what I would say is if it is dark, people are more likely to not help. I shouted "Help" and people turned away and walked faster.

Yes there is a difference between saying most crimes happen by family members or people you know and saying all crimes happen like that.

I have two friends who were molested as a child by family members, but I also have two friends who were randomly assaulted by strangers at night. They both managed to escape, but honestly I don't know if I'd had the same cold head that was needed. One of them was told by the guy "I just got out of prison, and tonight I fuck you". It happens too.

Now you do what you're comfortable with. Even though self defense classes always say never walk alone, well that's not how life works out, so I still stay vigilant and choose the path that is most secure. I think it's crazy from the Maxwells to make their kids walk around at 5:30/6:00AM just so that they can avoid contact with real world, when we know perfectly well that 1- the kids are so sheltered, how long would it take for them to realize a situation is wrong? 2- they have never taken a self defense class and lunges won't scare anyone away, how will they defend themselves running away in those super long skirts? I personally think this is not a bright idea.

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Yes there is a difference between saying most crimes happen by family members or people you know and saying all crimes happen like that.

I have two friends who were molested as a child by family members, but I also have two friends who were randomly assaulted by strangers at night. They both managed to escape, but honestly I don't know if I'd had the same cold head that was needed. One of them was told by the guy "I just got out of prison, and tonight I fuck you". It happens too.

Now you do what you're comfortable with. Even though self defense classes always say never walk alone, well that's not how life works out, so I still stay vigilant and choose the path that is most secure. I think it's crazy from the Maxwells to make their kids walk around at 5:30/6:00AM just so that they can avoid contact with real world, when we know perfectly well that 1- the kids are so sheltered, how long would it take for them to realize a situation is wrong? 2- they have never taken a self defense class and lunges won't scare anyone away, how will they defend themselves running away in those super long skirts? I personally think this is not a bright idea.

They still are never alone, it's not like one of them is going out, they either do it as a family or not at all. So there is safety in numbers as well.

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I don't think they are taking particular risks by going out for their morning exercising.

Life is in itself lethal, and never risk-free. I was attacked on my way to the train station, 300m down the street, shortly before six in the morning. Usually, many people are around at that time, with the same destination, but I was unlucky this morning, and my attacker lucky.

Trying to eliminate any risk will limit life to an extent where I wouldn't consider it live-able. Obvious risks should be avoided, but risks are always present, and trying to life a risk-free life is, in my opinion, a foolish attempt.

Modify my work hours, never go out with friends in the evenings because of the way back home, never exercise but on the weekends.... nah. I'd rather take the chance of beig attacked a second time. I also believe that a certain portion of the fear-mongering (You will be attacked! RAPED!!!!!!!!!) is used to keep women under control and has no real base in present danger.

(Btw, I know this is not every person's liking, but I actually like to go exercising in the dead of the night at the park, where nobody is at that time - I consider the chances a potential attacker is lurking there EXTREMELY slim, why would he? No victims ever. But nontheless, I do take care to be not predictable, not ging at the same times, same days, same routes.)

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I live in a town where you have to drive at least half an hour to get to work or school, and probably 10 just to the nearest gas station... and EVERYTHING starts at 7 or 8. I used to get up at 6 every day just to get to school... and then I started driving to my high school 35 minutes away, which meant I could sleep in until.... :o 6:30. The bus came at like 7:15 each morning until my junior year, then it came at 6:45 like it was supposed to, and I had my provisional license then so I drove.

Now it depends on what season it is. Winter and summer breaks, I'll stay up till the wee hours of the morning. School year, I'll go to bed sometime between 10 and midnight and wake up around 7 or 8 am, sometimes earlier if I need to get something done :shhh: My dad has always gotten up at 5 am on weekdays, though that's a holdover from his Navy days. Nobody else in the house uses an alarm clock unless he's not there.

Yeah, I don't get why fundies have so much pride in waking up early, or anyone else for that matter. Here in Hometown it's yet another event in the Hometown Dick-Waving Olympics, sooooo... "I get up at 6 am to get on the bus! Ugh! I hate waking up so early!" "OH YEAH?! I live on the beach, so I get on the bus at 4:30 am! Pwnt!" I guess the fundie Dick-Waving Olympics are similar. I also don't think it's a bad idea to be outdoors in the morning in a safe enough area. The Maxwells live kind of out there, don't they? (Or are they the rare non-rural fundies?) If you're in the middle of nowhere you're far more likely to be mauled by a bear than mugged by some punk from down the street.

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There's a 5 am now???? Holy shit!

I am not a morning person, and the last time I saw 5 am, I was pulling an all-nighter to finish a BIG paper.

That's what I used to think too! Until I realized unless I got up at "stupid o'clock" (my term for 5 am) I was wasting my money on a gym membership. I would say I was going to the gym after work and then conveniently find a reason to skip. So, going before work was my only option. Six years later, I'm still getting up at stupid o'clock. It is a good way to start my day. I have more energy. I'm actually awake by the time I get to work. It takes me a long time to "wake up" in the morning... I'm up walking around, doing stuff, but I'm not awake. I can't deal with people and their shenanigans until 8:30-9:00.... good thing most of the people don't get to the office until that time. LOL! I do, however, sleep in whenever given the opportunity.... especially on Saturdays!!!

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I physically CANNOT get up that early. My husband does. I have no idea how.

I worked an early shift job right out of college- 6am -3pm shift. I'd wake up at 5:30, crawl into my clothes, grab a granola bar and tea, slog into work, work, head home from work, nap immediately as soon as i got home til 7 pm stay up til midnight. Lather, rinse repeat for 2 years. Youd' think i'd get used to it? but no. At one point I begged my boss to let me switch to an HOUR later schedule. No dice. :(

I"m one of those lucky moms too that my kid gets up at 8/8:30 every morning. I do my best sewing from 12-2am.

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That implies an organic settling into eventual routine. Every single aspect of these kids' lives are regimented. Previously posted schedules show that the kids were told what time to change their underwear.

I'm actually basing this idea on Terri's original schedule in MOTH. The kids had a set time to get up, but I don't think they got up at 5am with her. She had an hour or more to herself, I think. Most homeschool moms don't want the small kids up that early and the 5am wake up is a way to get a few hours alone in the morning. I do something similar, but my kids are late risers so I don't have to haul out of bed at 5am to get a few hours alone. I really know a ton of people who do, though.

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I have to get up at 5am to stand on a picket line. I am also feeling very sorry for myself as my throat feels like someone has stuffed newspaper down it and set it alight. I have one heck of a temperature, I can't speak and I get dizzy when I stand up.

Did sleep for a few hours, but my throat hurt so much it woke me up. I have no purpose in sharing this with FJ except sulking. Sometimes duty is a fucker.

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I have to get up at 5am to stand on a picket line. I am also feeling very sorry for myself as my throat feels like someone has stuffed newspaper down it and set it alight. I have one heck of a temperature, I can't speak and I get dizzy when I stand up.

Did sleep for a few hours, but my throat hurt so much it woke me up. I have no purpose in sharing this with FJ except sulking. Sometimes duty is a fucker.

((((JFC)))) I'm sorry your sick. Get well soon or else! :naughty:

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I get up between 4-6 a.m. depending on when I wake up but usually it's between these times every day. :shock: I haven't slept soundly or very well for over 20 years. I wake up every 2 hours until I finally say screw it & just get up. I find my mind racing & can't relax to go back to sleep. OR I am too stressed & depressed to go back to sleep. But everyday I wake up with the same feelings. Dread. I usually either shower right away or do yoga then shower. After that an hour has passed & I do my everyday things like throw my laundry in or house clean. :lol: I get a lot done I tell ya but I wish I didn't wake up so early. I go to bed at about the same time every night which is 10-10:30. I take melatonin & do yoga around 7 p.m. I usually have no probs falling asleep but I find that the melatonin doesn't always work. When I was a little kid I would wake up around 3-4 every morning as well. Interesting.

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