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Anyone heard of Summit Ministries?


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I stumbled onto this "Worldview Chart" on their website:




It's really unbelievable. For instance, under Biblical Christianity, for Psychology, it states that "Christianity starts off by saying we aren't okay the way we are. There is something wrong with us - a twist in our natures. And this twist is not removed by liking ourselves, but by starting to live in Christ." How incredibly fucked up is that? Would you tell that to your child who's suffering from depression? "Of course you're depressed my dear. You're an aberration of God's perfect creation. No, you can't fix this by starting to like yourself. In fact, you should never like yourself, you're a worthless, filthy sinner. But maybe Jesus will love you if you pray hard enough." I know about depression firsthand, and I don't need a world view that tells me that every horrible thing I think about myself is in fact true. That seems counterproductive.


And I love the Christian listing for politics: "Justice, Freedom, and Order". Pretty much every other world view has some sort of -ism attached to their politics, but only Christianity supports justice, freedom, and order. Right.


I'm gonna wander around the site more, but I thought you all would have fun with this chart for now.

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Oh yes, I know them. I had to go through their "World view" curriculum in high school in which I learned the evils of Marxism, Islam, Secular humanism, and Post modernism. :lol:

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Yikes! I know someone who's gone to their conference thing in Tennessee, and I'm stunned at what he apparently learned there. He seems so reasonable, but the thought that he probably swallowed this stuff no problem makes me question that.

Did you use their homeschool curriculum or what?

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They wrote the curriculum used in my worldview and philosophy class (homeschool co-op). It was painfully snarkworthy.

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Yeah, I went through the entire "Understanding the Times" course.

It's typical fundie fare, but with some logic, some fancy videos, and select quotes from different perspectives.

Examples of stuff I learned:

The Kalam Cosmological argument- even though it's from Islamic philosophers it was somehow okay.

Why there is evil in the world if God is good and could destroy it.

Why Allah is actually amoral (yes, seriously)

Oh, and it had anti-gay propaganda including how it was Satan's attack on the family and on the pure human line to Jesus and how unnatural it was.

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I will have to Google them.....I know that I used something from them for either schoolwork, church youth group, or something!

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