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Church's graphic Easter invite


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http://www.wmbfnews.com/story/17343100/ ... ice-invite


A church in South Carolina mass mailed out a bunch of postcards depicting a dead bunny (looks like it has been hit by a car) with a bunch of eggs scattered around it with the message " Bunnies stay dead, Jesus didn't " as aninvitation to their Easter services.


From the pastor



"We hope to get people's attention," Childs said during an interview. "It was a calculated risk. Are we willing to offend some to get the attention of other folks who have no regard for Jesus, the church, the gospel or Easter? That's a risk a we're always willing to take


Definitely not a church I would ever want to attend......

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No kidding. That pastor is a moron.

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I seriously have no words. That's seriously.... just wrong on so many levels.

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It's...it's...road kill and insane Xian advertising! I MUST have this! Do you think they'll mail to the UK? It would go perfectly with my Chick Tract collection and animal skulls.

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It's...it's...road kill and insane Xian advertising! I MUST have this! Do you think they'll mail to the UK? It would go perfectly with my Chick Tract collection and animal skulls.

ZOMG I thought I was the only one who collected those things out of pure puckishness....

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Wow! That would actually be the way to get me to NOT visit your church! Great job, there! Blech.

(I am Christian. We "do" the Easter Bunny and Santa and stuff... who cares? LOL! Yes, a dang bunny will stay dead when you hit it though. But that graphic image... not my cup of tea.)

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My church doesn't send out invites, it's a waste of money to mail them to everyone and hope to get a few converts. Instead, they leave flyers to events in the back of the church, and ask us to personally invite people to events like the Halloween party, Easter egg hunts, Christmas parties, ect.

A dead bunny advertizement tells me all I need to know about that church.

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I saw this on another site and I thought it was stupid and tasteless. I would be pissed if something like that came in the mail and my kid saw it, especially if he believed the whole Easter Bunny thing.

Also, that pic has been around for at least a couple years so it's probably a copyright violation, too.

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That's horrible. Almost as bad at the people who come to my door every week prior to Easter and ask me if I'd like an invitation to the crucifiction. Invites - what a party, huh?

I don't answer the door anymore, mainly because I don't want my kids getting an eyeful of the graphic pictures on those pamphlets.

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I saw this on another site and I thought it was stupid and tasteless. I would be pissed if something like that came in the mail and my kid saw it, especially if he believed the whole Easter Bunny thing.

I didn't believe in the Easter Bunny as a child, but I was (and still am) extremely sensitive when it came to seeing animals harmed, be it in RL, photos, films, descriptions in books, etc. I remember having epic meltdowns over pictures of hunters posing with kills, or animals getting hurt in movies.

So if that postcard had shown up at our house (and one of my childhood jobs was to get the mail from the box and sort it, so I would have seen it), my reaction would not have been a desire to go to church or find Jesus. And I frankly can't think of any kind, decent, thoughtful person who would.

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That's just so dumb.

I agree with Jezebel - getting a creepy vibe from a church as a kid turned me off for years. This could be pretty traumatizing for a smaller child let alone most normal people thinking they are loopy.

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This hit very close to home for me for several reasons. I as a child could not tolerate any form of violence and this would have triggered me to have a full blown episode that may have landed me in the hospital. that and it was Easter when my dad pulled his ashole trick of showing us kids that our old lab had killed a jack rabbit. He said look girls, Shadow killed the Easter Bunny. I was only 3 when careless words destroyed my happy fantasy of fantasy. Great that people choose to not tell or share in fantasy like Santa, the tooth fairy or the Easter Bunny but to cruely destroy it in a sick fashion when said child is a toddler? I still can remember the event vividly and I'm 41.

Now with this said, Easter is still a sore subject with me and my children get the mail. If my children had seen such a thing I would have come unglued and been in jail with sore throat from screaming at this pastor until my voice gave out. Never mind my children don't have these kind of triggers. But they can't watch abuse either or even the ASPA commericals of abused animals without freaking out. Those things are banned in our house.

You know that there was no way on earth that not a single child didn't get the mail that day. At least one small fry was upset because of this dickwad and his dickwad move. Fine for him to decide how he wants his children to believe and celebrate holidays and what to expose his kids to but he does not get that choice with my children or anyone elses.

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I seriously have no words. That's seriously.... just wrong on so many levels.


I won't even go look at the picture.

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I almost admire their chutzpah. ;)

Sure, it's sick and twisted, but at least they're not hiding their ideology. I think it's better than the bait-and-switch of sending out Easter invites with pretty flowers or cute bunnies when the sermon is actually about ritualized murder and blood sacrifice.

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I saw this elsewhere and thought someone had done it as a joke. I'm baffled to find out it was intended seriously.

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That wasn't the only church that sent out post cards like that. One of my 92 yo residents got a similar post card. Maybe not as graphic but still, the message was the same. Easter bunny dies, blah blah blah, eternal life with Christ, blah blah blah. Thing is, it took us several hours to convince this resident (who is a drama queen to begin with) that SHE wasn't going to die. Some pastors have NO common sense. I think maybe it's a SC thing?

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The only people who would attend their church are those who already have a similar belief system. Anyone who isn't a Christian-or not their type of Christian- will be disgusted.

An evil part of me would love to create some equally offensive card to send back to them, but that is wrong. Besides,I am not clever enough to invent one.

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