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YLCF's recent surge of "single" posts

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I don't know whether to be glad that they're finally addressing the fact that no matter how Godly or devoted to courtship or whatever you are, YOU MIGHT NOT GET MARRIED OR HAVE KIDS.

But I still feel like 90% of the posts are about dealing with the fact that A) getting married and pumping out teh baybeez is the highest calling and B) well of COURSE that's all you ever wanted to do, silly girl and C) wow, it sucks to not be married and having lots of kids so let's pray and ask God to provide a husband/kids.

There's one post by a girl who moved out of her parents house and has a job and is an actual, you know, trufax grownup in her twenties with bills and things, and she seems not particularly bothered by the fact that Prince Charming didn't come sweep her off her feet and into a life of endless housework and diaper-changing and childbearing. But otherwise? It's posts about how hard it is to be single - interspersed with posts about how hard it is to be married and have kids.

Not sure where YLCF is going, at this point. But I know I hate the quote graphics. They're hideous.


I'm not a fan of the YLCF interface makeover, it's completely unreadable and there's simply too much crap going on -- it's hard to even find the real crap underneath all of the other crap if that makes sense. :)

I think most of YLCF's original target readership is now internet-savvy enough to find other resources for what they want to read about, but I might just be assuming that the young ladies are less sheltered than they actually are, who knows.


I hadn't seen the full makeover as I went over to Google Reader. Wow, that's...cursive.

I think stones will melt in the sun before the YLCF leadership (which I think at this point is pretty much Gretchen) puts an positive spin on the single life. The best we'll see is that 'this is as good as it gets (but it isn't that good compared to marriage) but still keep trusting the Lord!'

Meanwhile, on the sidebar, I found this gem:


I just want to find some of the girls (and I mean girls) leaving comments and explain that they don't have to give in to the pressure.


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