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This made me cringe


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Right now, I'm so proud of my 1 year old daughter because she loves to watch airplanes and dance to rock music. I'm constantly getting crap from my family because I don't make her wear dresses for every. little. thing. If my sons get to wear pants, so does she.

I feel really bad for that little girl. She's at an age where she wants to please her parents, but what they're asking of her is really damaging.

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I would have to sit down and have a Talk with my 91-year-old grandma if I got married and she addressed mail to me as Mr. and Mrs. Husband's Name. I barely put up with her addressing mail to me as Miss as I'm nearly 35 and all and IRL use Ms if I have to use a title at all. (Technically I guess it's accurate, but I wouldn't address anybody in the double digits as Miss!) But wiping out my very name and identity? No way, Grandma, that ain't happening. I don't know if she'd do it; she's actually the polar opposite of fundie, but given her age, she can still be pretty old-fashioned sometimes.

When I was little, around the ages of four to seven, I absolutely horrified my poor mother by more or less refusing to wear pants. I outgrew that phase, but I think I scarred her for life with that one!

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My son's favorite color is pink, and my 10 year old nephew has an easy bake oven. I'm doing my part to bring up the next generation!

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When Her Maj's best friend (a boy) turned 4, we gave him a tea set since he liked to have tea parties at our house. His favorite color was pink and his mom and dad mostly let him make his own choices without worrying about it.

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I use the hyphenate occasionally,after we got married I used it all the time, but after all these years it's easier to be Ann XXXXX rather than Ann XXXXXX XXXXX. And Lord, when I went to work for the govt., they had enough trouble getting one name right, much less two. These are the people who in filling out paper work insisted that you write NMN (no middle name) instead of leaving it blank. And since my signature now is a scribble I only use the short name.

My husband & I are in agreement, when the child turns 18, they can then use whatever form of the last name they want to use, or change it entirely. As for length, our hyphenated last name is still shorter than some other surnames in our family. And both names are ethnic, so no one can pronounce either one correctly anyway.

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I would speak right up, but I'm a bitch like that.

We got a Christmas card addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (Husband's first and last name). I almost hit the fan.

We got one of those, from my cousin. We got married LAST WEDNESDAY and nobody in that side of the family knows about it, so it was pure assholery.

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I would speak right up, but I'm a bitch like that.

We got a Christmas card addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (Husband's first and last name). I almost hit the fan.

I use my maiden name, and not my husband's. Round the village, because I'm there more often than he is in the daytime, people address him as Mr My Last Name. We find it funny. Even funnier when we're on holiday, and because I speak French and German and book all the stuff, he's addressed as Monsieur My Last Name or Herr My Last Name. He never bothers to correct them - it isn't an issue for him as his self esteem doesn't depend on it :)

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My hubby insisted on taking my name as a part of his as well, so we both have 2, though officially it's a middle name. His is unofficial, but commonly used (we haven't ponied up the $500 to legally change it.) Our kids have 2 middle names, one being my original last name. I don't sweat being called by his last name, though. My whole name is a lot to remember, having a weird first and 2 ethnic lasts. I guess I have bigger fish to fry. ;)

My step mother complained when we named our kids though, because "it will be so hard for them with all those names!" I told her MY kids would be smart enough to pronounce and spell their names, thank you very much. (I like her, but her family is very blue collar and struggles academically, where mine would be considered white collar and somewhat gifted. And my husband is a professor. We really don't have to worry.)

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