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Man Arrested After Beating Child of Fellow Church MERGED


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I remember that there were kids in my high school who were abused - but they came from families where there were drinking problems, etc. Hell, my own family got pretty interesting there for a while, if sibling abuse counts for anything ( and I have the scar on my head to prove it.. I was quite a bit younger than the perp, who denies remembering anything about all that happened between us) I also am well aware that sexual abuse happens in those areas - again, my high school, and my church as well ... but something like this? I can't imagine it having been covered up and perpetrated for any lengt

h of time. I'm really very interested to see which church it was.

Everyone practically worships the middle-class here. I mean, I'm middle class, but I don't see what the big fucking deal is. Middle-class families have fewer financial problems than poor families, sure, but everything else? Absolutely not. There was only one high school in my county, so people of all socioeconomic classes went there. It's more about the parents' attitudes, really, it takes a rather narcissistic attitude which could conceivably also explain the drug use. All about self-gratification, and a culture that permits it or looks the other way. I was raised in the South after all, where if you replaced the metal pipe with a tree branch nobody would give a fuck.

I think the real reason the church is getting away with it, and was able to hide it, was precisely because it was a church. Nobody messes with churches, because we're so0o0o0o0 afraid to look like anti-religious liberals or some shit. I have a feeling quite a few people knew about this outside the church as well, but just shrugged and said "well, that's what they believe, what can you do?" Call CPS anyway is what you* can do, jackass!

*General 'you', just to be clear.

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Trust me, "lily white middle class" people do PLENTY of shit that is right on par with this.

Like whipping their child for hours, locking her in a closet, making her sleep in the barn, starving her, and making her take showers with the garden hose. This kind of jackassery does not care about race.

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I am disgusted, but sadly not amazed that this sort of thing has happened. We read about this kind of crazy religious BS all the time here. FJ has really opened my eyes to the extent of crazy out there, I thought I knew, but I had no idea. I really wish these religious nut jobs would realize that God is going to be angry with their abuse and twisting of religion, I honestly don't believe he would care that much about athiests, etc. The acts of hatred, violence and cruelty in His name, that is going to get you "raptured" straight to hell.

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Abuse happens in all classes, but while I am not great at remembering stats, I believe rates of child abuse are 25 times higher among children who live in poverty. Poverty causes a lot of stress in families and while parents have different "reasons" for abuse (poor parenting skills, previous family history of abuse, etc) the reason of just plain stress and limited opportunities seems to be a biggie.

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