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Atheists Should Be Kicked Out of this Country!


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Sad part is though, the particular "freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom FROM religion, you need to believe in God in some way or else you'll have no restraints on your behavior and be dangerous!" meme is alive and well in the letters to the editor of my local paper (though we've got a variety of readers - the letters section can get heated). "The problem was taking prayer out of the schools" is a common theme too, which gets interesting as one of the big cases against mandatory prayer started here, and people are STILL pissed about that.

A few years ago the evolution debate went on long enough that the paper called a halt on it, said they wouldn't take any more letters either way on the topic for a while.

Still usually when I see a really out there "wow, just look at the spittle flying off this guy" type letter, the name will be recognizable. There are recurrent well known players. Letters are limited to one per month per person, so several of them now just send in what amounts to a bullet list of rants against all their favorite opponents who got them riled up since their last missive. It's the most entertaining part of the paper, usually! :)

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Even though that letter was hoax. There are some people who do feel that atheists should be kicked out of the country. In the recent Jessica Ahlquist/ prayer banner controversy, Jessica's family received a letter in which the writer blamed atheists for the things that are wrong in America.

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only little comfort, though, considering there's probably a lot of fundies that read that, nodded, and said, "yep, sounds about right. hallelujah!"

This is basically a defining example of Poe's Law!

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I've actually been told that as a non-believer, I should get the helll out of their country. I have also been told my children should be taken away from me and given to a good god fearing family. (these were told to my face by the way)

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Ugh. This attitude is definitely alive and well. Just look at the national political scene - you have to profess SOMETHING (and that something really has to be mainstream, protestant Christianity in most local & national offices). People with competing but similar illogical belief systems, particularly of the Abrahamic tradition, kind of trust each other and have a shared sense of individual superiority (my beliefs are correct) while being simultaneously bolstered by those with similarly illogical beliefs. Atheists don't by into the system of "I'm right and you're wrong but we can at least all believe in the big sky fairy while feeling superior" and thus subvert the whole system. I won't have a theological argument anymore, which absolutely KILLS the "believers" I know; sorry - I don't care about your pre-trib/post-trib or free will/predestination argument any more than I care about how Santa gets the presents to all the children in one night. I think that it what really bothers them... they can't suck us into their circular, non-fact-based arguments.

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My two cents about prayer in schools: why is it such a big deal? I am a Christian and think this is kinda silly to get worked up about. If someone wants to pray, they still have that choice. No one is going to kill them or anything. Plus Christians can still organize and pray, if they want. Then on the other hand, if there was prayer in school no one could force someone to pray if they refused. So either way I don't see the problem.

p.s. don't tell any of my Christian friends, relatives or other churchgoers I said this.

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Plus Christians can still organize and pray, if they want.

i know, what do they think "see you at the pole" is?

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