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Comments On Youtube Are Depressing Me


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NC is acknowledging that from the early twentieth century until the seventies it practiced forced sterilization on the poor and African Americans. The state is considering giving each surviving victim $20,000. That isn't enough, to me. Any doctor who performed the surgery and is still alive should be brought up on charges but I doubt that will happen. NC was not the only state to perform the procedures, just the only one to acknowledge that it was wrong.

Some of the comments that follow the video are depressing and ignorant.

For example:

First of all, this is just one side of the story. Second, why should today's people have to foot the bill for a tragedy over 40 years ago? It's like blaming white people today for slavery when it's not their fault either. If this truly happened as she said it did, I'm sorry for her pain. But shouldn't we hold off until we know both sides?


@28stads there'e many things in history that has violated people victims of slavery, rape, false imprisonment, ect... they aren't being compensated.


The Incest Laws for Marriage are a form of eugenics , but nobody shouts Hitler to lawmakers . so please abstain from instantly comparing what Hitler did and eugenics.

aronedu 1 hour ago

This is one of the rare times when I think that a comparison to Hitler is appropriate.

This mainly occurred in southern states. I don't know if there is a connection to fundamentalism but the south is pretty religious. It's depressing how hatred and prejudice can trump loving others and turning the other cheek.

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I have a plug-in on my browser that blocks comments. I turn it on when I go to youtube. : )

Most of the time, I like reading the comments but this was depressing. Maybe I am ignorant but I didn't think that anyone would complain about NC admitting wrong doing and paying the survivors.

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Youtube is a depressing place if you read comments. That's why I don't!

I'm incredibly disturbed by the forced sterilisation. I completely agree that they deserve compensation.

This is kind of like the 'Stolen Generation' saga here in Australia.

The government took 'lighter' Aboriginal children away from their families (without consent) and placed them in boarding schools or with white families, forced them to be Christian and to grow up 'white'. It was heinous, and the government is now trying to compensate the victims because of their suffering. There are people here who say they don't deserve it because it happened 'ages ago' (read: from the late 1800's to about the late 1960's).

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