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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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20? Really? :roll: You'd think that she'd be able to look at her 19 kids, particularly her former micropreemie, and decide to stop while she's ahead.

If she's due in April that means her LMP was in July and she's 15ish-19ish weeks along by now. At 45 the risk of miscarriage is so very high that I'm sure they weren't going to announce it until she was into her second trimester.

I've suspected that Michelle had HELLP with Josie, not "just" preeclampsia. With run of the mill preeclampsia at 25 weeks, doctors will try to keep the mom stable to let the baby gestate longer and give steroids for lung maturation. Women can go for weeks on bed rest with medications and monitoring to get the baby to a safer gestational age for delivery. If the preeclampsia is life threatening or progresses to HELLP then there's not as much of a window to wait if any; the baby must be delivered to save the mom's life.

I would really hope that Michelle actually talked to her doctors about whether or not this was a good idea. I had moderate preeclampsia with Little Bug, but the onset was after the baby was full term so I was induced at 39 weeks - the baby and I were both fine but it was frightening to know that something could have happened to me or the baby, and it did make my delivery high risk. Mr. Bug and I were hoping to have three kids and I asked my OB if I should be concerned about risking another pregnancy - he has indicated there's absolutely no reason for me to not have more babies, and if it recurs it will likely be less severe and we'll manage it. It's still a little scary but at least I feel comfortable that my doctor will be watching me closely next time and that wouldn't have given the OK for me to have more kids if it was really risky. Unfortunately I doubt that Michelle has had these conversations, or that she's taken her doctors' concerns seriously if she has.

I hope for the love of God that they stop after this one. I'm no Michelle fan but I'm seriously praying that both she and the baby come through this safe and healthy and full term.

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Another thought: I'm stunned that Michelle could get pregnant at her age with her history of c sections. I'm even more stunned that JB can still get it on at his age without prescribed pharmaceuticals... :o

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I just threw up a little in my mouth. Apparently I'm the victim of the useless school system and the ebil radical left media, because world overpopulation is a myth. Didn't you know that the population of the entire world could all fit in Jacksonville, Fl?

Maybe they could fit, but would they survive? There is plenty of space left on this planet, but much of it can not sustain large numbers of people. They'd freeze to death or die of either starvation or dehydration. The fundies among them would get an up-close-and-personal lesson in Darwinism.

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Another thought: I'm stunned that Michelle could get pregnant at her age with her history of c sections. I'm even more stunned that JB can still get it on at his age without prescribed pharmaceuticals... :o

"And lo, when the headship's headship became unable to bear fruit, The Lord descended, in the form of a little blue pill, and, like Lazarus from the dead, it has risen! Praise be unto The Lord."--Book of Patriarch, Botkin 11:15

edited for proper verb tense

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That episode...I... :doh: :doh: ...yeah. Now I remember why I wait for the FJ recap instead of watching it myself. I end up arguing with the TV through the entire thing! :cry:

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Maybe they could fit, but would they survive? There is plenty of space left on this planet, but much of it can not sustain large numbers of people. They'd freeze to death or die of either starvation or dehydration. The fundies among them would get an up-close-and-personal lesson in Darwinism.

Heck, we have tons of space for people in the middle of the ocean! If they don't need food, water, or sanitation then they certainly don't need air to breathe either! We could easily cram the entire world population in the Mariana trench.

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I actually think this will hurt their relationship with TLC. TLC knows that there will be an enormous backlash, and they won't wan to be blamed for the irresponsible behavior. The Gosselins only lasted about one season after the divorce because everyone started hating them. Now everyone will hate the Duggars and TLC will drop them like a brick. We will see the birth, but not much after.

This is why I'm actually very surprised by this pregnancy. Jim Bob surely knows how the public will respond to this, and how their gravy train will respond to the public. He's greedy first and foremost, so I thought he would hold off on a another pregnancy to keep the TLC money coming in. I didn't expect them to stop completely, but I expected them to wait a few years until everyone stopped caring about them. I figured they'd have one more in about 3 years to round it out to 20 and pretend that it was just an accident. Now I know that they've been actively trying ever since Josie was born, and they will keep trying even after this one.

I think the show will see a slight bump in viewers, followed by a complete drop-off. This is the shark jump that will finally kill the show.

I think this might hurt their relationship with TLC like you mentioned. TLC is somewhat aware of the fact that many dislike the Duggars for different reasons. Today on several sites, there were tons of comments even from people who said they liked the Duggars, but they think Michelle should have stopped after Josie.

I think people may watch the show up until the birth of #20. But if Michelle has another preemie or the baby has special needs, the backlash will be upped and TLC might can the show.

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Another thought: I'm stunned that Michelle could get pregnant at her age with her history of c sections. I'm even more stunned that JB can still get it on at his age without prescribed pharmaceuticals... :o

He's only 45/46, non smoker, probably no heart condition, I doubt he's a professional cyclist... Not that strange that he can get it up without a little blue pill, about the only risk he has right now is being overweight.

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Our friend Taryn has officially weighed in on the matter. From Zsuzsu's comments: "Praise the Lord-did you hear the Duggars are expecting? She's 45 and about 3-4 months "with child"(Matthew 1 KJ)."

YES! She's back!

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That episode...I... :doh: :doh: ...yeah. Now I remember why I wait for the FJ recap instead of watching it myself. I end up arguing with the TV through the entire thing! :cry:

After JimBob said "I tell you wut" for about the fifth time I realized why it sounded really familiar... he says it in exactly the accent of Hank Hill.

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I can't think of anything to say that hasn't been said yet, so count me as one of the horrified crowd. I honestly thought Josie was going to be it. I want to grab her and shake her and scream "You're not just a walking uterus!" at her. Repeatedly.

I hope nothing bad happens, I really do, but after Josie? :(

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Guest Anonymous
I have had a blast today reading all the comments. It's so funny reading all the Duggar apologists. Really? Yes, Michelle takes care of ALL the kids. She teaches ALL the kids. She does ALL the work.

Ha ha ha ha... Ah well, let people think what they want to think.

I want to see a spin off where the four girls go into the city, have their own apartment and work in the real world. Make it happen TLC! We know the producers read here.

Oh, and have Jana or Jill sue for legal guardianship of Joy Anna, so she can escape with them.

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They rely WAY to heavily on God to the point where every little decision they want to make in life is up to Him to decide. We were given free will for a reason; to figure out stuff on our own and learn from our mistakes. Michelle becoming pregnant is not because God decided for them--it was all JB and Michelle. For them to say that they're willing to take that risk again is beyond stupid of them. When you're sitting by death's door, it's time to reevaluate things in your life and not continue to take on risky things in life. If eating peanut butter, for example, could possibly land me in the hospital, I don't care how delicious peanut butter is and how much I crave it, I'm not going to take that risk that could probably kill me in the end. That's exactly what Michelle and JB have done. They're being selfish with this, not thinking about what could happen if this pregnancy takes a turn for the worst. They're not young, both are in their mid 40s, riskier pregnancies increase drastically. It would not surprise me if doctors advised her to not get pregnant again but ignored it and left it up to God to decide for them. I can't think of a doctor who would be completely okay with this pregnancy and allowing her to go through with it, except for maybe those crazy Christian doctors.

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JimBob is SUCH A DOUCHE. :evil:

"overpopulation is a myth"

"people impostor us"

"I tell you wut" (x10)

But the phrase "Jessa is the master packer" out of one of the J'slaves mouths did make me laugh. :D

The moment that question was asked, I yelled out "Jacksonville!" My husband looked at me like I'd grown a 3rd head but Boob spewed the Comfort (IIRC) crap, right on cue.

That Q&A had people clutching the FIRST book as questioners and some of the stock footage was ANCIENT. Same episode of non-answers, different day.

Love how Boob and Jill parroted the EXACT SAME WORDS when talking about the (non)possibility of a Duggar joining the military. Of course, the Duggar apologists aren't bright enough to pick up the nuances, or even the big ass boulder of scripted answers.

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They rely WAY to heavily on God to the point where every little decision they want to make in life is up to Him to decide. We were given free will for a reason; to figure out stuff on our own and learn from our mistakes. Michelle becoming pregnant is not because God decided for them--it was all JB and Michelle. For them to say that they're willing to take that risk again is beyond stupid of them. When you're sitting by death's door, it's time to reevaluate things in your life and not continue to take on risky things in life. If eating peanut butter, for example, could possibly land me in the hospital, I don't care how delicious peanut butter is and how much I crave it, I'm not going to take that risk that could probably kill me in the end. That's exactly what Michelle and JB have done. They're being selfish with this, not thinking about what could happen if this pregnancy takes a turn for the worst. They're not young, both are in their mid 40s, riskier pregnancies increase drastically. It would not surprise me if doctors advised her to not get pregnant again but ignored it and left it up to God to decide for them. I can't think of a doctor who would be completely okay with this pregnancy and allowing her to go through with it, except for maybe those crazy Christian doctors.

Chances are that if a doctor advised her against further pregnancies, she would find a crazy Christian doctor who would be okay with her continuing to get pregnant until menopause. Just as an addict will doctor shop to find someone to prescribe the drug they're addicted to, I would say that she would find a doctor who wouldn't have an issue with her being pregnant after a high risk pregnancy and repeated C-sections.

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Chances are that if a doctor advised her against further pregnancies, she would find a crazy Christian doctor who would be okay with her continuing to get pregnant until menopause. Just as an addict will doctor shop to find someone to prescribe the drug they're addicted to, I would say that she would find a doctor who wouldn't have an issue with her being pregnant after a high risk pregnancy and repeated C-sections.

There have been rumors of Michelle doctor shopping and I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

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Their doctor could have said, "There are pretty significant risks to getting pregnant again," and meant, "I'm not going to force-tie your tubes, because then I'd have to go to jail," and the Duggars could have heard, "You won't definitely die, so it's totes OK."

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I wrote a kickin' post and I don't know what happened to it.....

Anyhow, I almost threw up all over my desk when I saw the news about #20 in my FB feed.

We know why J'Boob and J'Mullet had to start knockin' boot and get #20 in the oven-- Kelly Bates is pregnant with #19. Those Bates' can't get ahead of the Duggars!! NEVER!!

I think we need to warm up the bus and go free Jinger, JoyAnna, Hannie, Jennifer, Jordyn... proper tennis shoes for all!! And pants!!!

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I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts, but you know Jboob and J'Mullet had to knock boots and work on #20-- Kelly Bates is prego again with #19. J'Boob and J'Mullet couldn't let the Bates family catch up and possibly surpass them. I nearly barfed all over my desk at the office when I read the headlines and saw the posts on my FB feed. I was really hoping they were going to tell us the clown car was broken and no more J'Slaves would be driving out delivering some TTC, sporting some wholesome swimwear and flip flops.

Let's warm up the party bus and go free Jinger and take Hannie, Jennifer and Jordyn along with us-- ok, we will also take JoyAnna. It seems like she and I would be able to share our love of purses. I'd buy her some cool jeans and pink Chuck Taylors! Then, I'd take her for a big girl hair cut-- some soft layers that would hit around her shoulders. Hannie, well, she's get some proper tennis shoes and pants she could wear outside to play. Jennifer and Jordyn- well, again, pants and tennis shoes- and none of those stupid bows! Jinger would be ditching the dumb denim Mennonite skirts for some fabulous dress pants and boots. We'd ban TTC and listen to rock music!!!

Who's ready for our trip?? I'll bring the Ro-Tel and the crockpot-- who's bringing the chips and Velveeta??

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My thoughts:

- I hate odd numbers

- Despite my hatred of odd numbers, I would only go this far to avoid them if my life were a Disney film

- WHY did they announce it on a day when I have an intestinal virus??? My poor gut has been churning on overtime since I heard this.

- Holy fuck, Josh. Lay off the chickenetti. For reals, dude.

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Oh, and have Jana or Jill sue for legal guardianship of Joy Anna, so she can escape with them.

How do we know the TLC producers read here?

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I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts, but you know Jboob and J'Mullet had to knock boots and work on #20-- Kelly Bates is prego again with #19. J'Boob and J'Mullet couldn't let the Bates family catch up and possibly surpass them. I nearly barfed all over my desk at the office when I read the headlines and saw the posts on my FB feed. I was really hoping they were going to tell us the clown car was broken and no more J'Slaves would be driving out delivering some TTC, sporting some wholesome swimwear and flip flops.

Let's warm up the party bus and go free Jinger and take Hannie, Jennifer and Jordyn along with us-- ok, we will also take JoyAnna. It seems like she and I would be able to share our love of purses. I'd buy her some cool jeans and pink Chuck Taylors! Then, I'd take her for a big girl hair cut-- some soft layers that would hit around her shoulders. Hannie, well, she's get some proper tennis shoes and pants she could wear outside to play. Jennifer and Jordyn- well, again, pants and tennis shoes- and none of those stupid bows! Jinger would be ditching the dumb denim Mennonite skirts for some fabulous dress pants and boots. We'd ban TTC and listen to rock music!!!

Who's ready for our trip?? I'll bring the Ro-Tel and the crockpot-- who's bringing the chips and Velveeta??

Don't forget Jackson! He should be free too!

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Josh looked really bad at the end of tonight's show. If I didn't know I'd peg him as being at least 35 years old.

I think the comment Josh made about Josiah being the Duggar most likely to marry because he's so good at charming the ladies is proof positive that he reads out here. :greetings-waveyellow:

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