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Bambi talks about courtship


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Oh my. On the one hand, this is all very heartfelt and I do think this lady is trying to shield her kids from pain. On the other hand, the punchline seems to be, "Forget about teenage dating. You need to start them on courtship training as children." I hit this stage in the early days of courtship so it was a lot more free-flowing and not such an organized movement. It was still pretty countercultural, but definitely not as weird as, say, training your 4 year old for her future headship. I'm all for teaching kids about relationships and how to handle them, but this was a little weird for me.


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Guest Anonymous

Years before this silly courtship movement I taught my Daughter and her (half) Sister about ethical sluthood. Vital components to that philosophy including honesty, safe sex and direct communication.

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I found this quote from Bambi's bio to be quite snarkworthy:

Bambi is a simultaneous Saint and sinner, undeserving of God's mercy. She's been a helpmeet to her middle-school crush for 17 years now, and together with the Lord's help, they are raising seven arrows (#8 due in March!) for Jesus.

Giving away a piece of your heart in middle school? For shame!

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Bambi is a simultaneous Saint and sinner, undeserving of God's mercy. She's been a helpmeet to her middle-school crush for 17 years now, and together with the Lord's help, they are raising seven arrows (#8 due in March!) for Jesus.

Perhaps one day she might even marry her middle-school crush and raise children! Apparently it's possible to take fundie code too far.

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