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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 45


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"Nancy's Replacement"


Nancy Pelosi stepped down from being the leader of House Democrats citing it’s time for younger leadership, and she wasn’t kidding. Yesterday, 52-year-old Hakeem Jeffries, a representative whose district includes parts of Brooklyn and Queens, became the party’s new leader in the House. And if you think 52 is old, get off my blog. Not only is he the first black person to lead any party in Congress, but he’s also the first born after World War II. Jeffries’ next goal is to be Speaker in the next two years.

There was a lot of speculation with Pelosi stepping down that Republicans will struggle to find a booger monster, a new person to vilify, a new person to gaslight and scare their base with. I wasn’t that worried.

Republicans have been using Pelosi as campaign fodder for over two decades, but why should they stop now just because she’s stepping down from leadership? They’re still using Hillary Clinton as a villain. They’re still using President Obama. Hell, they’re still using Michelle Obama. Are they still blaming her for making children eat vegetables?

And keep in mind, they still have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Oh no! She’s gonna ban hamburgers!), Ilhan Omar (Oh no…she hates Jews almost as much as Donald Trump’s lunch companions!), and Kamala Harris (Oh no! She’s a black woman!). But as for the new guy, Republicans may struggle to lie and gaslight the guy.

Sure, they tell their supporters that all Democrats, including President Biden, are in favor of defunding the police despite it not being true, and that Critical Race Theory is being mandated in schools and the Green New Deal is destroying the economy, even though neither CRT nor GND actually exist in any schools or passed legislation. They can always fall back on “woke” again even though not one Republican in the nation can tell you what it is. It’s like Hunter’s laptop.

They’ll also have a difficult time finding a foothold to vilify Jeffries because he’s not their favorite type of target. You know, female. He is black and that’s helpful if your aim is to scare white conservatives, but it’d be so much easier if he had a vagina. They’re gonna have to come up with some shit like they did with President Obama, like pointing out he has a funny name and lie that he’s a Muslim. Avoid gray suits and Dijon mustard on hamburgers, Hakeem. They’ll use anything.

Like with Obama, Republicans are going to have a tough time hitting Jeffries because he’s a genuinely nice guy who’s scandal-free. It’s not like he has five kids with three wives and ran fake charities and universities while claiming he can sexually assault women because he’s famous. He was born in Brooklyn but maybe Republicans can start demanding to see his birth certificate while claiming he was born in Djibouti.

The trick with the GOP base isn’t an actual trick at all. You just have to make an accusation once and after Hannity or Tucker says it, it becomes “fact” to the Yee-Haw base. I mean, how did they manage to sell that Biden liking ice cream means something evil? Bwahahahahaha ice cream. Yeah, I don’t get it.

I think Democrats made a great pick by selecting Hakeem Jeffries to be their next House leader as he’s proven he can count votes and has been for the past several years to attain this position. The other reason he’s a great pick is that he’s clean, as in the GOP will have to make up some serious bullshit to vilify the guy. The liberal faction in the House believes Jeffries is a moderate. How are they going to paint him as being a radical liberal when the radical liberals will reply, “Yeah, we wish”?

Maybe they can make up something about him exposing himself to teenage girls at bowling alleys, oh wait. That’s Lauren Boebert’s husband. Maybe they can say he didn’t graduate high school and never went to college…oh wait, That’s Lauren Boebert.


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"Friends in Low Low Low Low Low Low Places"


Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and his colleague Kelly Meggs were found guilty yesterday of seditious conspiracy by a jury after a two-month federal trial. They were also found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding, along with fellow Oath Keepers Jessica Watkins, Thomas Caldwell, and Kenneth Harrelson. These charges stem from the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, in order to stop Congress from certifying the election of Joe Biden, overthrow the government, and install Donald Trump as an unelected Oompa Loompa Cheeto-stained dictator.

Prosecutors say Rhodes acted as a “battlefield general” during the riots, and was also found guilty of tampering with documents or proceedings.

In order to be convicted of seditious conspiracy, prosecutors must prove that two or more people conspired to “overthrow, put down or to destroy by force” the US government, or that they planned to use force to oppose US authority. There were definitely more than two people involved in this conspiracy. A third person tweeted for them to come to Washington on January 6, 2021, promising it was “going to be wild.” That same person also gave them a speech before the riot, instructing them to “walk” to the Capitol.

The charge of seditious conspiracy was first created during the Civil War era to stop southerners from fighting against the U.S. government. It’s an extremely rare charge and the Justice Department is reluctant to use it. This was the first conviction of seditious conspiracy in the United States since 1995 when 10 Islamist militants were convicted for trying to plant bombs at New York City landmarks.

These five Oath Keepers are just a few of the over 900 MAGAts who have been arrested in connection to the insurrection on January 6, 2021.

The Oath Keepers were looking for trouble on January 6. They stashed weapons in a Virginia hotel room with plans to retrieve them in the event of massive disorder. Defense attorneys argued that the Oath Keepers were only there to preserve the peace and protect people inside and outside the Capitol from the riot they help start.

In multiple encrypted chat conversations before the riot, Rhodes expressed hope that Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act, which he believed would “nullify” D.C. gun laws and all other restrictions on violent behavior.

The jury got to see a text sent from Rhodes to his followers during the riot saying, “Rise up in insurrection”. In case you’re a Republican, the text did not say “rise up in tourism.”

These were not tourists as some Congressmen, who ran for their lives on January 6, have claimed. These were terrorists encouraged, invited, and instigated by Donald Trump, who told them to be in the capital on January 6 to stop the certification, tweeting that it was “going to be wild.” Twitter banned Trump for using their platform to coordinate a terrorist attack but after purchasing it, Elon reinstated Trump in the belief that rounding up white nationalist terrorists to overthrow the government is free speech.

This verdict is vindication for the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland as it shows these investigations are NOT political or designed to go after people merely for being conservatives or Trump supporters. It also shows that it’s not a political attack against President Biden’s potential opponent in 2024. These goons were found guilty by a jury of their peers.

Just as the Shoe Bomber wasn’t charged and prosecuted because he’s Muslim, January 6 insurrectionists are not being persecuted because they’re Trump supporters. They’re terrorsists.

Now, as the newly-appointed Special Counsel investigates Donald Trump’s involvement in the coup, among other things, the event on January 6, and the attempts to steal the election in the days and weeks before the attack, can now be described in court as sedition.

Donald Trump knew he lost the election. Members of his staff have testified he was told this. There was no way Donald Trump honestly believed he won the election. He’s just a liar. He knew he lost and he knew his attempts to reverse the outcome were illegal. Donald Trump knew he was committing sedition.

Like he did with Holocaust-denying white supremacist Nick Fuentes who was Kanye West’s companion for dinner at Mar-a-Lago, I’m sure Trump will claim he doesn’t know who the Oath Keepers were, even though Rhodes was in contact with the Secret Service at least before January 6, and also with Trump pal and pardon recipient Roger Stone on the day of the attack. Rhodes may have been passing messages to Trump through Stone.

Rhodes and Kelly can receive sentences of up to 20 years after being convicted of seditious conspiracy. I hope Trump receives the same. And then Trump can have lunches every day with white supremacists and Holocaust deniers.


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"Guess What's Coming To Dinner"


I’m writing this from Chicago in the Midway Airport where I’m enjoying a $12.00 Blue Moon.

I’m calling bullshit on Donald Trump’s explanation for having dinner with noted white supremacist Nick Fuentes. And what’s up with a guy of Mexican heritage being a white supremacist? That’d be like me hating white people. Come to think of it, white people can be very annoying. Just this morning at one of the cafes in the Memphis airport, a white blond Karen was stepping in front of people waiting for their names to be called to pick up their orders, to see why hers wasn’t ready yet. “You haven’t called my name yet and I have a plane to catch,” like everyone else was in the terminal just for the cuisine.

But last week, Donald Trump hosted Kanye West, or Ye, at Mar-a-Lago where they had dinner. Coming along for the ride and possibly Mar-a-Lago hater tots was Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist who has denied the Holocaust. Reportedly, Ye wanted advice from Donald Trump on handling his business after several corporations dumped him for antisemitic comments.

Hey, Ye… I have some business advice for you. After losing sponsorships over antisemitism, don’t hang out with white supremacist Holocaust deniers.

Trump claimed he didn’t know who Nick Fuentes was and issued a statement last Friday after it became public and even some Republicans issued statements saying it wasn’t a good idea. Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson said, “I don’t think it’s a good idea for a leader that’s setting an example for the country or the party to meet with an avowed racist or antisemite.” It’s normal now for Republicans to have to issue statements saying chowing down with white supremacists in your house isn’t a good idea. Do you know why Democrats never issue statements saying don’t hang out and have dinner with racists? Because Democrats don’t have dinner with racists.

Trump said, “Kanye West (It’s Ye, motherfucker) very much wanted to visit Mar-a-Lago. Our dinner meeting was intended to be Kanye and me only, but he arrived with a guest whom I had never met and knew nothing about.”

After more scorn was heaped on him, Trump issued another statement saying, “So I help a seriously troubled man, who just happens to be black, Ye (so now it’s Ye, who Trump had to tell us is black), who has been decimated in his business and virtually everything else and who has always been good to me, by allowing his request for a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, alone, so that I can give him very much needed ‘advice.” That’s how you know Ye is troubled because he wants business advice from the guy who’s destroyed every business he’s ever started. You know what they didn’t eat at that dinner? Trump Steaks.

But Trump elaborated. “He shows up with three people, two of which I didn’t know, the other a political person who I haven’t seen in years. I told him “don’t run for office, a total waste of time, can’t win.” Fake News went CRAZY!”

Apparently, Ye missed Trump’s announcement that he’s running for president because Ye is also running and asked Trump to be his running mate. Yes, Ye is troubled.

But again, how did this white supremacist get inside Mar-a-Lago with all the other white supremacists?

Here’s where I call bullshit on Trump claiming he didn’t know who Fuentes was and that Ye just showed up with unexpected guests. Trump has Secret Service protection. I guess it’s possible for surprise visitors to show up at Mar-a-Lago but these guys are extremely particular about who former presidents (sic) spend time with. And sure, it may be hard to police everyone who walks into Mar-a-Lago since it’s a country club and even stolen classified documents have been stored there, but it just seems bizarre that the Secret Service was unaware a holocaust white supremacist was coming for dinner.

Also, Trump claims he didn’t know the guy and we all know Trump is a liar.

Goodbye from, Chicago.


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23 hours ago, thoughtful said:


He shot out his own eye? Wait… off to fact check.

“According to Sky News, in 1993, Rhodes accidentally dropped his .22 caliber pistol and shot himself in the eye.” - This blurb came from the first article that popped up but multiple media sources report the same story. So I’m gonna guess this guy is a 2A nut who apparently lacks gun safety awareness and thankfully didn’t harm anyone else. (He’s the guy whose son- in what I can only imagine was the most difficult decision in his young life- turned him in. A follow up story showed his mother and sisters are angry with him and are backing Patch McOneEye. He’s the gem who told the kids if they turn him in they are traitors and traitors get shot and the son said he’s seen his dad hold a gun to his mother’s head.) I am going to go with Karma on this one. Accidents happen and happen to good people but I think in this case Karma saw this jackass screwing around with his gun and, knowing how he had terrorized his family even before Jan. 6, looked at Fate and said, “I got this one.”

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2 hours ago, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

He shot out his own eye? Wait… off to fact check.

I think of him as the auto-Cheney (daddy Dick, not daughter Liz).

No need for a second person when you can shoot yourself in the face!

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Talk about creepy…


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