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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 45


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Course they forgot the COVID expert badge. 

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We need to work hard to get so many hard and pipe hitting libs into office at  2024 that it renders the likes of Sinema and her milquetoast enablers fucking impotent.   I honestly think if Obama and the democrats had said fuck you to idiots like those fucks Sinema and Manchin and charged full goddamn fucking speed ahead we wouldn’t have these problems now. Mrs. Clinton would be in the middle of her second term while Orange fuck stick would be busy trying to figure out how to dodge investigators for another day. 

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"The Best Gaslighter"


Merriam-Webster has announced that “gaslighting” is its word of the year. After six years of conspiracy theories, online trolling, deep fakes, and just bold outright lying, why did it take so long?

2022 saw a 1740% increase in lookups for “gaslighting.” What is “gaslighting?” It’s “the act or practice of grossly misleading someone, especially for one’s own advantage.” Merriam-Webster writes, ” the term comes from the title of a 1938 play and the movie based on that play, the plot of which involves a man attempting to make his wife believe that she is going insane. His mysterious activities in the attic cause the house’s gas lights to dim, but he insists to his wife that the lights are not dimming and that she can’t trust her own perceptions.”

For years, the best examples came from domestic abuse. I think a more modern example is the song “It Wasn’t Me” by Shaggy where the singer tries to tell his girlfriend that it wasn’t him despite the fact she saw him “creeping with the girl next door” and he continues to tell her it wasn’t him even though she saw them both “butt-naked banging on the bathroom floor, and on the counter, the sofa, the shower, seeing the marks on his shoulder, hearing the screams getting louder, and even catching them on camera. The singer even admits, probably just to Shaggy, that his reasoning doesn’t make sense.

Several years ago while walking my dog late at night, I heard a guy and his girlfriend having an argument outside. She was accusing him of cheating and he kept denying it. Then, she pulled out his cell phone and showed him a photo he took of his mistress giving him oral pleasure. I had to pause to hear this and told the dog to at least pretend to be pooping so I could eavesdrop. The guy claimed it wasn’t him and eventually his girlfriend, “Well maybe it’s not you.” Even my dog wanted to scream out, “Why would he have another guy’s penis on his cell phone? Leave him!”

That is gaslighting. It’s not just lying, but telling someone that reality isn’t real. It’s telling a person they didn’t see or experience what they lived through.

Love can make people stupid which means MAGAts must really love Trump.

In politics, it’s not just Donald Trump lying that he created a great economy, but telling people it was terrible before he walked into the White House. This was seriously gaslighting, telling an entire nation that they didn’t live through what they lived through. Remember that entire “American Carnage” speech?

Last week, I had Twitter trolls parsing and explaining that Donald Trump didn’t say “terminate” the Constitution despite his very words saying, “terminate the Constitution.” They even combine gaslightings saying articles in the Constitution should be terminated only because the election was stolen. That’s double gaslighting.

Republicans have successfully gaslighted Hunter’s laptop to the point that people aren’t noticing that there’s nothing on it. Elon Musk is gaslighting the Twitter Files, telling people it’s huge and reveals so much corruption even though the files don’t show anything like that. Republicans are now saying that Democrats and Twitter conspired together to suppress the laptop story…and the FBI was in on it too. People are convinced that if the nation knew Hunter Biden owned a laptop, Trump would have won the 2020 election. Gaslighting doesn’t have to make sense.

Donald Trump even tried to tell people it wasn’t his voice on the Hollywood Access tape even though we’ve all heard it and he previously admitted it was him. You can just imagine the gaslighting he’s done to Melania.

Donald, I heard you on the Hollywood Access tape bragging about “grabbing them by the pussy” and that you can do it because you’re famous.

It wasn’t me.

But I heard your voice on it.

It wasn’t me.

And then you came out of the bus with Billy Bush and…

It wasn’t me.

And then that porn star said he had sex with you in a Las Vegas hotel room.

It wasn’t me.

And that she spanked you with a rolled-up magazine with Ivanka on the cover.

It wasn’t me.

It’s the same rolled-up magazine you keep on your side of the bed.

It wasn’t me.

And over 20 women accused you of sexually assaulting them.

It wasn’t me.

And the porn star described your penis as looking like a tiny cartoon mushroom.

It wasn’t me.

But your penis does look like a tiny cartoon mushroom.

It wasn’t me.

Gaslighting works because in case you haven’t noticed, Melania is still with Donald Trump.


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3 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

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And how would MTG know this? I didn't know that, even though it probably is just an exaggeration and throwing red meat to her Christian nationalist conservatives.

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"Which Corruption?"


Last week, a Manhattan jury found the Trump Organization guilty on 17 criminal counts stemming from a tax-dodging executive-compensation scheme. The company would pay executives with apartments, cars, tuition, etc, and not pay taxes on the lavish gifts. Former chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, the scheme’s chief beneficiary, pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against the business. This is a criminal conviction but you can’t throw a company into prison. Instead, the Trump Organization will probably have to pay over $1.5 million in fines which will be a small pittance if the company is actually worth billions. We don’t know the true value of the company since it’s something Trump hides, like his own finances.

Naturally, this doesn’t touch Donald Trump personally and probably only hurts his feelings. He has called it a “witch hunt.”

The Trump Organization, which Trump inherited from his racist father, and headquartered on 5th Avenue, is the head that controls Trump’s businesses that includes real estate, golf courses, hotels, marketing, licensing his name, the TV show The Apprentice, and a lot of the stuff that doesn’t exist anymore, like the casinos, wine, steaks, airline, board games, fashion (you too can look like a chump, I mean Trump), magazines, etc. But talking about Trump corruption is like talking about a woman he sexually assaulted. You have to ask, “Which one?”

Sure, the Trump Organization is corrupt, and a jury said so. But what about all the other incidents of Trump corruption? They’re too numerous to mention, but let’s take a little stab at it, which you can do with a Trump Steak Knife for only $79.99, which can also come in handy for stabbing former friends in the back.

There’s that time in 1990 when one of Trump’s failing Atlantic City casinos couldn’t make a bond payment, so Fred Trump, taking time away from being a scumlord and refusing to rent apartments to black people, bought over $3 million in chips from that casino without placing a bet. That could be an unreported loan or gift.

There’s the Trump Foundation which was Trump’s charity that he never contributed money to. Instead, he used it to purchase gifts for himself and to coordinate donations with presidential campaign events. A New York court later put it out of operation and banned Trump, Dumbass Jr, Eric, and Ivanka from ever operating a charity in the state again.

Trump University was a fake university that was sued by several of Trump’s students. A New York court put that one out of business too. Donald Trump paid $25 million to settle lawsuits against the “university.”

When Greg Abbott was Texas’ Attorney General, he investigated Trump University’s operation in the Lone Star state but eventually dropped the case. When he ran for governor four years later, Trump gave his campaign $35,000. In 2013, Florida’s Attorney General, Pam Bondi, announced she was considering joining a lawsuit against Trump U, but dropped it after receiving a $25,000 campaign contribution from Trump four days after her announcement (women do make less than me). It was later revealed that she personally solicited the donation before she spoke publicly about investigating the sham university. Later, she joined the Trump presidential (sic) administration.

There’s Trump’s campaign for president which would take donations and then hold campaign events at Trump’s golf resorts. Thus putting political donations into Trump’s pockets, which you can also buy versions of yourself because there is or was a brand of Trump suits for people who wish to look like corrupt racist assholes. Bleached skunk toupee not included.

Trump also made unreported donations to his campaign by paying hush money to centerfold models and porn stars that he had raw dogged in Las Vegas hotel rooms after being spanked by them with magazines featuring Ivanka on the cover.

Speaking of Ivanka, there’s the corruption of her receiving trademarks from China while she was working as an “advisor” to her father in the White House. She even received some trademarks the same day Daddy Dumbucks was sitting down for cake with Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago…which is more corruption.

Ivanka’s skinny husband, Jared received foreign bailouts of his properties WHILE he was serving in the Trump (sic) White House. He also received $2 billion from his good buddy Mohammad bin Salman, who he negotiated military contracts and “peace” treaties with, after leaving the White House. Javanka reportedly made over $640 million while working in the Trump (sic) White House as “advisors.” And the goons want to investigate Hunter’s laptop.

Donald Trump spent 307 days of his presidency (sic) golfing at his resorts. These outings cost taxpayers at least $144,000,000. He spent more than 307 days at his resorts which meant the taxpayers had to pay room and board for the government officials who were burdened by having to go with him. He even charged the Secret Service to rent golf carts to follow him on the course. Trump literally made money off his Secret Service detail, and he’s still making off them today.

I still want to know if Trump charged taxpayers for his room and board at his properties.

Trump hosted the leaders of China and Japan (two separate outings) at Mar-a-Lago, which means those nations had to pay Trump for room and board.

Trump continued to rake in payments from foreign governments while he was president (sic) as they would stay at his hotels to curry his favor. Some nations would rent rooms at Trump’s hotels and not even use them. You can’t blame them because who wants to sleep with bed bugs?

Speaking of bed bugs, there was the time Donald Trump tried to host an international summit at Doral, which was teeming with bed bugs. Trump put together a “special” committee to find the best location for the G7 Summit and wouldn’t you know it, they picked one of his properties. The Covid pandemic canceled the summit and a huge payday for Trump. Bedbugs looking forward to chewing on some Euro cuisine were greatly disappointed.

There was the incident when the website for the White House posted links to Ivanka’s merchandise. Just click “add to cart.” Then, Kellyanne Conway went on a news show and used her position as a paid counselor to the president to pitch Ivanka’s products, which is illegal.

During the 2020 Republican Convention, Donald Trump issued pardons, which was using the presidency for personal gain. He also hosted a portion of the convention at the White House, which is another violation. He also used the Washington Monument for a fireworks presentation. Why he was never fined for this, I don’t know.

Trump’s inauguration committee raked in over $107 million for his inauguration which did not attract the largest crowd ever, and then brought in tractors, cloggers, and Three Doors Down (who was happy it wasn’t another county fair gig) for entertainment. Despite lawsuits and congressional hearings, we still don’t know where all that money went.

Trump pardoned criminals who were friends and officials who worked on his campaign. This could be looked at as buying someone’s silence. Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Paul Manafort are all cheaper than Stormy Daniels. Did any of them have to spank Donald with an Ivanka magazine?

During the 2016 campaign, Trump was trying to win approval from Vladimir Putin to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and even tried to bribe him with a penthouse.

Donald Trump tried to extort Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by withholding congressionally-approved military equipment (for defense in case Russia ever attacked them) in exchange for a pubic statement that he was investigating Joe Biden’s son. This was the reasoning for Trump’s first impeachment.

And then there’s the attempt to steal the election through lies, courts, and an insurrection, which was the reason for his second impeachment. He never conceded he lost and started raising money for his “reinstatement.” Of course, all the official “stop the steal” events are hosted at Trump resorts.

Trump is so corrupt that he was impeached…twice.

Donald Trump is under several investigations, and one of them is in Georgia where he called to threaten and intimidate a state official to “find him the votes.”

His announcement as a candidate in the 2024 election was hosted at Mar-a-Lago, which is another campaign expense that goes into his pocket.

And then we have Trump stealing classified documents. Trump still hasn’t answered the question that no Republican has asked: Why did you take government documents?

Everything about Donald Trump is corrupt. There’s no way I can mention all the examples in a Saturday blog (I wanna move on with my life and do something else today). One guarantee I can make is his next presidential campaign will create new opportunities and examples of Trump’s corruption.


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