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What about diapers? I'm not sure if paper diapers are cheaper or not, they certainly aren't good for the environment.

Pretty sure cloth diapering is cheaper in the long run - especially when you plan on having 4000000 babies - you can reuse them until they start falling apart.

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Ugh, no 8 week old should be actively sleep trained. I admit this is a hulk smashy kind of issue for me but newborns are biologically meant to wake often to feed regardless of whether they're getting formula or breast milk.

And yes, breastfed babies on average gain weight differently. For the first 3-4 months a breastfed baby gains more rapidly than a formula fed baby, and then slows down in comparison. Formula fed babies tend to gain at a more steady rate. By 12 months on average, breastfed babies weigh a bit less than those that are formula fed (which is not a bad thing). This usually only poses a problem if the baby's doctor is using the old CDC growth charts, which were based on a sample of formula fed children and thus reflected that growth pattern. By now peds should be using the new charts (they were released in 2006).

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Some babies are just good sleepers. I slept through the night the first time when I was 3 days old. My mom just about had a heart attack. The doctor said to wake me up to feed me, but I wouldn't take any food: I wanted my beauty sleep! So my parents gave up on that idea. I've always been on the skinny side, but never underweight.

I have another friend that slept his first night at only a few days old as well, only in that case, he would take food when woken up.

It depends on the baby.

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Guest Anonymous
Maybe she just lucked out in the baby sleep draw, but that seems like way too much. 12 hours without food? omg, my youngest still wakes up to eat at least once and he is almost a year old. He is on the small side, like in the 20th percentile for BMI, but he still was plumper than that when he was 3 mos.

My doctor and I are really watching his food intake because Eamon is barely in a healthy range. A thin baby should be fed whenever they are hungry, not trained to lay in their crib with hunger pangs. grrr, I hate Ezzo. I recently somewhat alienated an in-law who was spouting that garbage.

Good for you, your in-law had it coming.

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