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John Shrader 16: Flying Away in That No-Engine Plane


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@Palimpsest I love your poetry, but you're nowhere near the class of John - you make the elementary errors of choosing to use scansion and words that actually rhyme, rather than torturing poor words that kindsorta might rhyme if you pronounced them weirdly.  You're writing poems rather than pomes!  Now John would take the same theme and throw in a 20 syllable line in there, just for funsies!

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@Lurky, it is that evil B.A. in Eng. Lit. from an accredited university that sadly ruined me as a real poet.

It did make me quite good at writing parodies though. :)

I'm off to cringe at John's latest video now.

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And I did cringe.

Oh, Johnny.  If you are going to claim to be KJV only then for goodness sake get your quotations right. 

It is "For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth. "   Zechariah 4:10 (King James Version) 

Not:  "Do not despise the day of small things. "

The missionary John keeps quoting, Ben David Sinclair, is the guy who was driving the car when Charles Wesco was shot.  He has been in Cameroon for a while, is aware of the violence, shows no sign of getting out, and feels no guilt or responsibility for the part he played. 

Instead he is making fake missionary hay while the sun shines over the body of his "martyred" pal.  As, of course, is Shrader.

Sinclair has had one bright idea.  He exhorts his Born Again Christian friends to pray for the conversion of  SCOTUS. 


Do you know who they are or what they believe? (4 are Roman Catholic, 3 are Jewish, and 1 is an Episcopalian - btw Kavanaugh is also Roman Catholic) I hear many Christians talking about what we "must do" to elect a president who will appoint justices to the SCOTUS. The argument usually concludes by saying something like, "We must put conservatives on the supreme court in order to reverse Roe v. Wade and so we can maintain our historic conservative values in America." I submit that there is another way to see a transformation of the supreme court - the conversion of the current justices to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! America does not necessarily need new leaders and new judges as much as we need leaders who have experienced the new birth (John 3:3-16). 

The horrors!  Episcopalians, Catholics and Jewish people.  We must convert them.

To be fair, he's also praying for the conversion of Trump.  Good luck with that, mate.

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17 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

The horrors!  Episcopalians, Catholics and Jewish people.  We must convert them.

The Justice who goes to an Episcopal church grew up Catholic and originally went to school to become a priest. I’m sure he’d love someone trying to convert him again. 

ETA: Acutally it appears old Ben and I are talking about two seperate Justices. I was referring to Thomas while it seems he might have meant Gorsuch? Either way, neither of them publicly trumpet their personal religious beliefs so I’m not sure how he knows definitely what they are. 

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Also, Ben: I am shocked, shocked I tell you that a religious tradition that doesn’t value education has no representatives on the highest court in the country. 

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John is flying high still. He has a Thanksgiving post up or also why he hates Christmas. 


A Thanksgiving like none before...or, why I chose to spend my first Thanksgiving away from my beloved family.

(Spoiler Alert! Islands, dugout canoes, and a report about how our first church plant, Truth Biblical Baptist, finances a traditional meeting house for our third church plant, Freedom Biblical Baptist in Mongu!!! Unbelievable! True Macedonian sacrificial giving!)

Also spoiler alert, none of the sacrificial giving came from John. Sharing isn't really his thing. 


n our family, my family, meaning Esther, the children and I,Thanksgiving is the biggest "Holiday" of the year, even bigger than "Christ-mas," which we choose to eschew, leaving the tradition of the tree, which Jeremiah 10:1-5 warns us about as a "vain custom", and yes, I know those of you who have one are not worshipping your tree, but it's still a "vain" or empty "custom" that God told us to "learn not" from "the heathen." You should read that passage and see if it convicts your heart like it convicted mine, as Jeremiah exactly describes cutting the tree, fixing it to stand upright, and decorating it with gold and silver! Tinsel anyone? No thanks, we'll pass! Also, December 25th was a date chosen by a Catholic "Pope" to give the "converted" heathen an alternative for their winter solstice celebrations...check it out sometime! We personally take the entire month of December to remember Christ's miraculous birth and coming to die for our sins, and seek to look to others needs, instead of the commercialized "what gift should we get this year for...?, or "What am I getting this year?" In short, our family does a gift exchange at Thanksgiving instead! (Please, respect our position and don't make this post a place to argue your point. Christ-MASS is inarguably a Catholic holiday, and so we, by conviction, don't celebrate it. We do celebrate Jesus' coming and birth with a birthday party for Jesus, held one of the Sundays in December, but please respect my request to not try and denigrate our conviction-based Scriptural admonition and rejection of Catholic tradition, and for that I would be very grateful. I am simply sharing our convictions, and briefly why, for your thoughtful consideration, not seeking heated argumentation, thanks!)

John gets to smugly tell people they are wrong but don't dare try to tell him that or try to explain your convictions to him. 


This year, the first time ever, I left my precious family and our house of refuge early Thanksgiving morning (for that is what our home is, a place of protection and refuge from the wicked world around us, one major reason why we don't watch television in our family)

Couldn't miss an opportunity to brag about not having television!


What I share with you next thrills my soul. I deeply desire to see N.T. methods and ministry employed here in Zambia, as one of my heroes of the Faith, Bro. Milton Martin, did among the Chiapas Indians in Mexico, which more than 50 years later are going strong, planting more Baptist churches, supporting missionaries, financing their own buildings and pastors...long after Bro. Martin had to leave the field. 

Well, let us hope John will be leaving the field soon. 


t would be very easy to quickly raise the funds of several hundred dollars from America for this new meeting house. Unlike our second church plant in the rural Bush, Faith Biblical Baptist (which had 26 in attendance there a few weeks ago, an incredible increase for that small area), there is no readily available natural building materials here, so everything must be bought in Mongu. I presented the need to the little body of saved, scripturally immersed church members of Truth Biblical Baptist church in Kafue, and they unanimously voted to send about 20% of their total funds from over four years of giving, about two hundred dollars, to finance this meeting house here. This is remarkable, because not one of our church members has a full time job, and they are saving to build their own walls (we did put a pavilion over the existing slab in Kafue, as we started the church with nothing and no-one there, but we want the churches going forward to prove God even in their property and buildings, just like in Chiapas, Mexico, also mostly poor substance farmers from what I understand). This is true Macedonian sacrificial giving dear friends, an unbelievable joy to my heart!!

Yes, John could have helped these people who don't even have full time jobs out, but he didn't because he doesn't share. 


There are no Independent or Biblical Baptist churches here in Mongu, or Sioma or Shangombo districts, where our Chief is, and where we are headed today after working some more this morning on the meeting house here in Mongu.

And if there were, they wouldn't be independent or biblical baptist enough for John. 


Africans do not have the same concept of "personal space" as Americans (which explains how we were able to stuff 37 in our small bus, really more of a van, for just the local bus route last Sunday in Kafue!)

That still almost certainly isn't safe. 


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John says: “please respect my request to not try and denigrate our conviction-based Scriptural admonition and rejection of Catholic tradition, and for that I would be very grateful. I am simply sharing our convictions, and briefly why, for your thoughtful consideration, not seeking heated argumentation, thanks!”

Argh, I hate when people do this! One friend on Facebook, who I normally really like, posted a rant one day criticizing a friend’s parenting and drawing a line in the sand about her parenting choices. Which made sense to her, I guess, but when it popped up in the newsfeed of everyone she knew, people understandably explained why actually they also parent like the friend she’s criticizing and here’s why. Instead of it being a respectful back and forth, she was just like “No disagreeing on my page!” And it just hadn’t occurred to her that what she’d posted wasn’t just on her page; it was in everyone’s newsfeed, attacking the parenting of every friend who doesn’t follow her one extreme way. But she felt she was being attacked by other people’s self-defense.

I think a discussion in which people share their personal choices about how they celebrate (or not) a central holiday could be interesting. Shame John won’t allow that to happen.

(I do appreciate that, while he’s encouraging people to share his Christmas views, he’s not damning them to hell for thinking/practicing otherwise.)

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14 minutes ago, Petronella said:

he’s not damning them to hell for thinking/practicing otherwise.)

Probably because he has enough sense to know it would cost him a hell of a lot of money. I bet most of Daddy's church members celebrate Christmas and wouldn't be thrilled tossing money towards a man who says they are going to hell for celebrating Christmas. 

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John is so rude. Africans do have concept of personal space. When public transport  sometimes isn't reliable people have to squash onto the available buses to get to their destinations .

John has persuaded people to go to his crap colonialist church. I bet he wasn't offering to do extra trips to get everyone there safely? No of course not. His ' my natives will squash in because I say so, they are my playthings, I can do/say whatever I want and invent fancy titles for MY church cos it's MY playhouse' doesn't sit well with me at all.

Why couldn't he hire another van for the day?

He just spouts crap then moans. No John you don't get to tell folk not to disagree with you. You John, are not God. 

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On 11/23/2018 at 12:52 PM, Palimpsest said:


Sinclair has had one bright idea.  He exhorts his Born Again Christian friends to pray for the conversion of  SCOTUS. 


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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:23 AM, Palimpsest said:

The whole Wesco family is claiming that Charles Wesco was martyred for his beliefs and specifically "targeted."  Officials in Cameroon are saying he was caught in crossfire as they were suppressing a riot.  Wrong place at the wrong time.  

John is just jumping on the same bandwagon as the family.  In their world view all missionaries are potential martyrs.

But -


His brother is a State Rep in Indiana, and I suspect this has caused more media coverage than usual.  https://www.southbendtribune.com/news/local/mishawaka-missionary-killed-in-cameroon-remembered-fondly/

And widow and children are all back.   The Go Fund Me raised $112,998.00 as of today and is still trending. 

Another bit of information on this: Mrs. Wesco is a granddaughter of Ron Williams, the guy who runs Hephzibah House.

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John got in a dug out canoe! Much excitement over that. 


You have to remove your shoes when going in a traditional dugout canoe so as to be better able to swim if, and sounds like when, they go over! They are not very stable! I've been told the Islanders were surprised that a white man (me) came over on one! This was my FIRST TIME in a dugout canoe!!!

The Islanders were less excited about John's god.


There was not a great response, but many Seeds were sown, and one dear man, whose name means "Promise" (pictured standing together with me), listened very carefully then asked some direct questions about how he could have the Righteousness of God!

Someone prayed and thanked God for John and it brought tears to his eyes. 


Talk about a melt-your-heart and bring tears to your eyes moment.

He thanked God first for sending Jesus to die for him, and then he thanked God for sending us missionaries to show him the Truth that he could not be saved by the good works that he had been trusting in, but only by God's Grace!




John having crazy eyes in a canoe. 



A little girl who looks like she is thinking "WTF am I supposed to do with this tract?"



John with his new batch of converts. They may or may not last as long as his last converts. It will be interesting to see how he explains it away when these guys inevitable figure out John is a selfish grifter who is just using them as props in his missionary fantasy and dump him. 




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11 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

One of them seems to agree with his taste in hats -- that may be as far as it goes.

I'm wondering if John let him borrow clothes and a hot because that shirt looks a lot like a shirt John has been seen wearing. 

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And we have a new video.  John is so excited his nostrils are flaring - and I do wish he wouldn't video himself driving.

This time it is a guided tour of Freedom Biblical Church in Mongu.  Or is it a meeting house.  John can't decide.  And all built with African money.  John is emphatic that not a cent of American money has gone into this church because that would make the Africans dependent and they must be self-sufficient.  And John needs all the American money for himself.   John goes on at unnecessary length and repetitively about the church having a loo - he calls it a necessity room.  The video is only memorable for:

  • The gigantic bolt and padlock on the door of "Freedom" Church.  I wonder whether he trusts the locals with a key.  Never mind though, you could easily chop through the mat walls with a machete if you wanted to steal the pulpit, the 5 pews, or the battery lights.  Especially the battery lights.
  • The battery lights are needed because there are no windows.
  • The above mentioned loo a few yards from the church.
  • And a rare sighting of the magic accordion!

John is preaching there in 5 minutes to inaugurate the building.  It is pouring with rain so that might deter the mobs of converts who will hang on his every word.

I hope he ends up preaching to empty pews.

I have to hand it to John.  He is completely unsquashable.

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1 hour ago, Palimpsest said:

.  Or is it a meeting house.  John can't decide. 

He was all over the place on this video. "This is a church." "This isn't a church, this is a meeting house." Is it possible it wasn't just built to be his church, but was instead built as a general meeting house where his church plant can also meet? 

1 hour ago, Palimpsest said:

he calls it a necessity room.

He keeps struggling to pronounce necessity. 

He wants the Zambians to realize they don't need missionaries. There is a good chance that if they spend enough time around John they very well might come to that realization. 

I love how he ends it, but then realizes that he didn't give himself a title and had only mentioned one time he is in Zambia, so after a brief pause he "signs off" with a rambling thing about where he is located. 

In the past he made it seem like this meeting house was way off in "deep, dark Africa" where there is no hint of modern life, but this shows it is directly off a paved road. 

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1 hour ago, formergothardite said:

He wants the Zambians to realize they don't need missionaries. There is a good chance that if they spend enough time around John they very well might come to that realization. 

Eh.  That little speech and his emphasis that the Kafue church paid for the walls of this meeting house with their tithes make me genuinely think he is having big funding problems back home.  And if he says one more time that the flock in Kafue voted unanimously to give the Mungo plant $200 I will scream.  As John undoubtedly has control of the cash I suspect he gave them no choice.  If he even bothered to ask them.

The donors must be noticing, finally, the humungous gap between what he promised on Deputation and what he has delivered.  Or rather not delivered.


  • He was going to make Zambians build their own churches because buildings aren't important.  But he bought the land in Kafue and put a roof on the church with donor funds.
  • He was going to build on the work of IAM's 25 years in Zambia!  But he has no contact with the IAM missionaries.
  • The plane ministry.  Say no more.
  • He was going to start a Bible institute and train Zambians to pastor themselves and start new churches.  He has Bro. Boyd (for the moment) but he's wet behind the ears.  He doesn't even trust Bro. David at the Hope church plant, and Bro. Phellion has done a runner.

He did finally start printing waste paper after shillyshallying about it for a couple of years, but the donors have now been supporting him for 6+ years now (including deputation).  They must be tired of it and wanting to see more results, not endless attacks by Satan.

And I think Daddy wants John home because funds are drying up.  And perhaps so that he can retire.  Except John is resisting mightily.  Katy will be so dull compared to Zambia.

And after all, why not take a video of the new congregation happily worshiping instead of  just the building.  I also wonder whether the meeting house is used for other things.

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Rufus help us! What is his obsession with the toilet?!


Today we started working on the "facilities" at the small church plot, some call it "the necessary room," or the good old American name, "The Outhouse."

The sand here would just collapse, so they put a woven wooden "liner" surrounded by sacks to keep the sand from "seeping" back and filling up the pit latrine.


We finished the toilet, a very very nice one by Zambian standards here in Mongu, a roof, solid construction, complete privacy, which, trust me, is a blessing in such a situation, especially for the "Muzungu!"

Why do I get the feeling from the last line that this was built only because John demanded it?


The Chief placed an envelope in my hand as we said goodbye yesterday leaving Kaanja Village heading back to Mongu, and the offering was more sweet knowing that he not yet started receiving his official salary, yet he is giving of what God is providing him through others means, and his offering completely paid the additional funds the building required! 

Am I reading this correctly that the man gave John money? John is saying he is using it for the building but I wouldn't be surprised if he skimmed some. 


All five pews were filled, we had many first time visitors, and Mr. Bruce was very very interested, as well as his friend Samuel. They want to hear more. We also had some precious children from the area attend!!

I was able to use the building tools (The traditional Adz and knife) we used in constructing the building as sermon illustrations on the "companion in labor" point, which Bro. Humphrey had given me after the construction was finished before service.

The Lord is working here, don't stop praying! I drive almost ten hours back to Kafue tomorrow, then return in roughly three weeks.

Is John's church in Kafue actually doing much anymore? He seems to spend a great deal of time away from the church he founded and pastors. 

A lot of bored looking children in this picture. 



Picture of the outhouse John is so obsessed with. 



Seriously oversharing with this outhouse. 



This guy doesn't seem to be hugging John back. 



And there are way too many pictures of the outhouse. 

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20 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

This guy doesn't seem to be hugging John back. 

  Hide contents



Hmmm...interesting picture with a possible clue--axe on the back of the man he is attacking  missionary-posing with  trying to drag into the church hugging.

Note:  I am so glad John is wearing a shirt with African safari wildlife print.  How else would we be able to guess that he is a white missionary?

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I want to know who paid for the John's personal outhouse and the corrugated iron roofing for the meeting house and the outhouse.  The Kafue church?  John obviously bought the outhouse roof on the Troupie.

Way too many pictures of the pit.  The only interesting one would have been of John demonstrating the correct squatting position over the bog.  Trousers up, though.  I don't ever want to see his backside.

And surely he should have left a stack of tracts in there for their most appropriate purpose.


57 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

Am I reading this correctly that the man gave John money? John is saying he is using it for the building but I wouldn't be surprised if he skimmed some. 

Oh, mystery solved.  I should have read more carefully.  The chief obviously provided the roofs and the loo.

Yes, John is glad to take offerings whenever he can get them.

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1716313747_ScreenShot2018-11-30at12_19_06AM.png.fc7d2b31b640617d305bb7226b67c4a9.pngI'm pretty sure John had been decapitated shortly before this picture was taken.  I think they just leaned his body up against this guy and put his head ...wherever.  He is still holding the axe(in rigor mortis) that he tried to fight them off with.

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