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Joy and Austin 19: 273 Days After the Wedding Gideon Arrived

Coconut Flan

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1 hour ago, HarleyQuinn said:

On http://duggars.tumblr.com, they have a screenshot of one of Austin's friends, Andrew Patton's IG. (I'm assuming it's private so I didn't repost here) but there's a hospital bed in the background so it definitely doesn't look like a birthing center. 

Yes that IG is private. I'm curious if there's any chance she actually had the baby at home but ended up in the hospital afterwards like Jessa? Either way it seems like whatever happened she and baby Gideon are doing well so that's good. Hope she's happy with that outcome.

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My godmother had four babies.. the smallest weighed 12 pounds. She delivered each vaginally. Later in her life, she developed type 2 diabetes.

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8 hours ago, luv2laugh said:

Also @feministxtian has been through hell and back and is a warrior. She has a right to tell it like it is when someone’s being a complete asshole. 

Oh, okay then. Because you (and she) have determined she has been through so much, she can hop onto the internet and tell everyone how things should be. Got it. :pb_confused:

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27 minutes ago, nst said:

and pickles says the kid was born in hospital via c section and that the duggars are hiding it.

This is what I was thinking after reading this thread. I wonder why they would hide a c-section. Jill wasn’t criticized for having c-sections. She was criticized for laboring too long before going to the hospital. If Joy attempted a home birth and, after reaching the maximum length of time deemed safe, decided to go to a hospital, that would be applauded, not criticized. I hope the Duggars aren’t so misguided that they think it is c-sections in general that are frowned upon. 

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17 minutes ago, LimeKitty said:

Oh, okay then. Because you (and she) have determined she has been through so much, she can hop onto the internet and tell everyone how things should be. Got it. :pb_confused:

Well yeah, she can. Just like you can. Unless you’re breaking forum rules, you can say whatever you want, whether other people like it or not.

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The Duggar girls don't have a very good track record with home births, do they? Out of 5 births, 4 necessitated hospitalization for the baby and/or mother. 

I wonder if they'll accept that maybe home births just aren't for them.

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Large babies in past eras....probably because they didn't routinely test for GD- and I'm not sure how many people who do not get routine prenatal care get tested for GD or anything beyond a boutique sex test. My GGM (and I'm a 60  YO GM myself, so this lady was born in the 1800s) is purported to have had 12 lbers at home-

I truly believe that in the case of the Duggars the reason they seem to gestate such large infants is because they do not get routine prenatal care throughout their pregnancies, and more importantly, education.

Michelle was not pushing out near 10 lbers every year!

I think better education for these women would be beneficial. Something along the lines of you want to be like your mom in the reproductive dept? Better prenatal care and control is key.

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@singsingsing and other Canadians- may I have permission to start the shit disturber movement in the US? I have a certain cheeto-in-chief in mind, but seeing as I've only been to Canada once (and it was Montreal), I can refrain as to not appropriate Canadian culture :pb_lol:

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That Pickles speculation is just ridiculous:


Gideon was born in the hospital and the Duggars are keeping this quiet for some reason. They removed a hospital photo from People Mag yesterday. Joy was wearing a ton of foundation hoping to cover up paleness, I assume, such as what we saw in Jill's hospital photos. Duggars are not being honest for some reason. I suspect Joy endangered her baby's life by attempting to have him at home and she bled out. No purposeful hospital birth here.

Even if they are not sharing the details of the birth, so what? It's not like they owe anybody the truth. Mama and baby are doing well, what else do we really need to know? Do we wonder how things went? Yes. Should all hell break loose because he seems to have been born in a hospital and they didn't spell that out? Uhm, no?!

I might understand if people were genuinely concerned but accusing "the Duggars" of telling lies and endangering the baby's life... :naughty:

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9 minutes ago, front hugs > duggs said:

@singsingsing and other Canadians- may I have permission to start the shit disturber movement in the US? I have a certain cheeto-in-chief in mind, but seeing as I've only been to Canada once (and it was Montreal), I can refrain as to not appropriate Canadian culture :pb_lol:

Also, can you send some poutine south of the border? I had some at a state fair last summer and it was incredible, so I imagine poutine made in Canada must be absolutely mind blowing.

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13 minutes ago, front hugs > duggs said:

@singsingsing and other Canadians- may I have permission to start the shit disturber movement in the US? I have a certain cheeto-in-chief in mind, but seeing as I've only been to Canada once (and it was Montreal), I can refrain as to not appropriate Canadian culture :pb_lol:

all i know is I am Canadian and the people who bought my parents previous place in whistler specifically said that they did to get out of the us. 

so there you go. 

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11 minutes ago, front hugs > duggs said:

@singsingsing and other Canadians- may I have permission to start the shit disturber movement in the US? I have a certain cheeto-in-chief in mind, but seeing as I've only been to Canada once (and it was Montreal), I can refrain as to not appropriate Canadian culture :pb_lol:

Go forth with my blessing! :pb_lol:


2 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

Also, can you send some poutine south of the border? I had some at a state fair last summer and it was incredible, so I imagine poutine made in Canada must be absolutely mind blowing.

I (whispers) don’t like poutine... so please, take as much as you want! Haha. If you ever get a chance to travel to Quebec, do it! Poutine, maple syrup, and Montreal has the best bagels in the world. So good.

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Just now, Satan'sFortress said:

I must have less of a life than you do, because I actually have an edit to this---the largest gap is between Josh & Jana/John David, not between Johannah and Jordyn!

You're so right! My dumb ass just realized a few hours ago, lol - sorry everyone!

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16 hours ago, ThunderRolls said:


Unless visitors are coming over to wipe asses, feed the parents, and clean the house, they just need to stay away for a couple of months.


Thank you for confirming what I already suspected. I don‘t have kids yet but lots of coworkers had babies in the last year or are about to have one. When one invited me and another childless coworker over, the latter suggested bringing flowers and I was like: „What she needs is food and diapers“. So that‘s what I brought. For some reason I keep getting invited by the new moms :kitty-wink:

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Pickles should teach yoga with all that stretching she's doing. How did she jump to Joy bleeding out and endangering the baby's life just from seeing a couple photos of a seemingly healthy Gideon in a hospital room? In the few pictures we've seen he hasn't been hooked up to wires or have much monitoring going on so there isn't much evidence that Gideon was ever in any distress. And unless I've missed it we haven't even seen a full photo of Joy in the hospital room. She just had the baby on Friday for goodness' sake, calm down Pickles.

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They don't owe us any information, their baby is THEIR business. Jill was stupid and reckless and I'm wondering if Austin didn't realize this and told Joy 1st hint of trouble we are heading to the hospital. Or hell she was like me, I had plans for a natural birth, calm and relaxing, no drugs, just husband and I, well not one lick of that happened, I started having contractions and was like FUCKING HELL! GIVE ME ALL THE DRUGS!!!  Maybe she planned the home birth, but when labor started and she was all "hell nah I'm going to the hospital and getting numb".  But we won't know unless they tell us.

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I love the conspiratorial note questioning why she looks so tired and pale. The woman just went through 9 months of pregnancy and gave birth to a 10 pound infant! 

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2 minutes ago, VineHeart137 said:

Pickles should teach yoga with all that stretching she's doing. How did she jump to Joy bleeding out and endangering the baby's life just from seeing a couple photos of a seemingly healthy Gideon in a hospital room? In the few pictures we've seen he hasn't been hooked up to wires or have much monitoring going on so there isn't much evidence that Gideon was ever in any distress. And unless I've missed it we haven't even seen a full photo of Joy in the hospital room. She just had the baby on Friday for goodness' sake, calm down Pickles.

Yeah, she had him on Friday, and we don't know if h was c/section or not just he was born in the hospital, and if there had ben ANY complications they wouldn't have been home Monday Morning to pose for photos.

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As a rule, if I visit Pickles' fb page, I ignore her captions if I can help it. She's so extra and dramatic.

On baby spacing. My husband, sister, and his two first cousins all grew up together because his grandfather was a farmer that used his land for his adult children to build themselves houses. So they were always a field away from a playmate.  Anyway, my SIL and their oldest were born within 2 mos of each other, Boy cousin in August, SIL in October. Second round female cousin was born 12mos 2 days after her brother. Husband came 14 mos after his sister in December. 

My favorite part of the story is that my husband's mother very loudly judged her sister-in-law for getting  pregnant again so quickly. "I would never let that happen! You're crazy!" Famous last words. :pb_lol:

Unless this one is also born early, our two are going to be about 19 mos in spacing, so 1 yr 5mos. I had an undiagnosed thyroid issue and it took me almost four years to get pregnant the first time. I wasn't anticipating (but I didn't mind it happening) such a quick turn around myself. 

That said, my husband's family has no obvious issues with procreating. My FIL is one of six children and H has so many first cousins that I can't keep up with them, much less all of their kids. My dad is an only child and I have only one much younger sibling. It's kind of nice to be love bombed with all my H's aunts, uncles, and cousins when we come around.

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35 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

I (whispers) don’t like poutine... 

Everyone always says I'm so un-Canadian because I like my poutine with melted mozza cheese instead of traditional cheese curds. 

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40 minutes ago, DillyDally said:

That Pickles speculation is just ridiculous:

Even if they are not sharing the details of the birth, so what? It's not like they owe anybody the truth. Mama and baby are doing well, what else do we really need to know? Do we wonder how things went? Yes. Should all hell break loose because he seems to have been born in a hospital and they didn't spell that out? Uhm, no?!

I might understand if people were genuinely concerned but accusing "the Duggars" of telling lies and endangering the baby's life... :naughty:

I'm conflicted on this. Initially, the Duggars billed their show as their mission. They are the folks who sold their private moments (and their kids' private moments) and anonymity away as a commodity in exchange for easy cash. They made their family's private moments their job. WE did not demand it, they willing offered it to multiple sources for easy money. SO... I was a nurse for 35 years. I made that choice. Now while working as I a nurse, I couldn't expect to pick and choose what part of the job that I was willing to do while I was getting paid.

The Duggars seemingly want to have the attention when it suites them. Their choices in a profession may not allow them what they want at all times.

They are not that special.

Perhaps, like Derick has decided, the juice is not worth the squeeze. That's life in the REAL world.


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Idk if I've ever asked this before, but is there some religious/biblical/Gothard reason for homebirths? The Amish tend to do homebirths or birthing centers for less medical/English intervention. Are fundies the same? Do they believe the whole sin of Eve and that a mother should suffer the pains of birth?

Honestly curious. 

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36 minutes ago, prayawaythefundie said:

Thank you for confirming what I already suspected. I don‘t have kids yet but lots of coworkers had babies in the last year or are about to have one. When one invited me and another childless coworker over, the latter suggested bringing flowers and I was like: „What she needs is food and diapers“. So that‘s what I brought. For some reason I keep getting invited by the new moms :kitty-wink:

I kid you not, my mom came and cleaned my oven- she never cooked a meal, but she manually cleaned a self cleaning oven, in the heat of the Summer. Next child, she stayed home....Yes, she got the hint.

My daughter ended up in the hospital with a strep infection after her first. She had like 100 people (with kids) visiting her during baby's FWOL (it was Easter break), and Latin America. Ah, hell no. I told her from the onset, I'll come at week 4 when your hubs goes back to work. I basically stayed on and off for 3 months. My poor daughter was so sick after she had that baby, and I am sure that is why said nearly 4 YO is an only child. Her Inlaws brought their neighbors, and maybe people off the street too. Having a new baby is not entertainment!

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2 hours ago, Satan'sFortress said:

I must have less of a life than you do, because I actually have an edit to this---the largest gap is between Josh & Jana/John David, not between Johannah and Jordyn!

Although we know that's with J'Caleb in between, and that JB&M were still using birth control. I guess Johannah and Jordyn have the longest 'natural' gap between conceptions.

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What a cute baby!  There are things in fundie-dom I find snarkworthy, but I still get squishy about babies and birth stories. I'm glad Joy seems to be doing well. I tend to have tiny babies, so even average-sized ones sound enormous to me. I've known a few friends who had healthy 10 pounders, though. Some families just seem genetically inclined that way.

I've noticed the name Gideon getting more popular both in religious and non-religious circles. I like the name, but I know my DH would never go for it.

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