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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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The military will pay for them to get an undergrad degree (ROTC) then pay their medical school expenses and give them a couple thousand a month to live on while going through medical or dental school, then give them a job for a few years after they are finished. I have known a few military dentists. One went on and became a maxillofacial surgeon and did a lot of reconstructive surgery of the face from the war. His wife was an Army dentist as well. They had all of their training paid for. The Army is the only branch who will do this for vets as well. Our pediatric dentist was an Army dentist for five years, got out, used his GI Bill to go back to get his pediatric dentistry license for free. The military is great for some people. 

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1 hour ago, usmcmom said:

And I am thankful for them. All medical/dental care for Marines comes from the Navy (officially; I'm sure there are acceptions).  The Marines have neither medical personnel nor chaplains. I teased my son that Marines believed they could chew off an injured limb and save their own souls. Kidding, of course; but he did learn how or sever a limb and start and IV in boot camp or combat training. It's been a while but he used the severing lib thing to "threaten" his little sister about dating while he was gone - "Male sure her boyfriends know...." 

I really appreciate your friend's decades of service. 

The Navy totally hooked me up in Japan.  Tubal ligation and IUD removal.  They did a fantastic job, the Corpsman is the one Sailor that  won't get hassled by a Marine, we rely too much on them.  All I remember from boot camp is how to cover a sucking chest wound and put a tourniquet on someone.  I desperately need more dental work, they rushed us through so fast in basic that some of my fillings are not great.  

It really amazes me how Lori and her fella preach all this uber manliness, but I'd put money on the fact that her basketball wielding knight can't even properly use a damn chain saw.  My 1930's born father was proud of the fact that he had a wife who could not only iron his shirts but also help him dig a new pit and sink a septic tank.  Both of those clowns need to catch a clue.   

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41 minutes ago, Imrlgoddess said:


It really amazes me how Lori and her fella preach all this uber manliness, but I'd put money on the fact that her basketball wielding knight can't even properly use a damn chain saw.  My 1930's born father was proud of the fact that he had a wife who could not only iron his shirts but also help him dig a new pit and sink a septic tank.  Both of those clowns need to catch a clue.   

I also have the feeling that Ken can't use a chain saw and probably has very little experience in manual labor at the home. Didn't Lori even once mention that they have landscapers do their yard work? If true, that means Kenny boy ain't taking care of the yard and the lawn. A few times Lori mentioned Ken and the sons doing oil changes, but plenty of women do oil changes too. While Lori constantly preaches about manliness and men being strong, she rarely gives other examples of Ken or her sons doing manly  things. She did a dumb ass post where said if men weren't around women would be vegetarians because men hunt and slaughter animals. She has never mentioned anything about Ken or her sons hunting. I wouldn't surprised if none of them have ever used a gun. 

I get that some men have no desire to hunt, own guns, or do manual labor. Also, as other FJers have mentioned that not all men are strong enough for manual labor something that Lori never acknowledges. Lori is just a fucking idiot about various things. She thinks that women don't hunt or slaughter animals on farms or ranches. She doesn't know that during WWII women took manual labor jobs in factories and with the military. 

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