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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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54 minutes ago, EowynW said:

I wish she'd shut up.  A lot everything. Same as I wish every other fundie would shut up. I'm tired of hearing it all. Just like I'm tired of hearing that Trump is fixing the economy when Mr. EW is barely making 8 hours a day and many co workers have been cut down to 4 days a week. When you try to explain this, they ignore you. 

My mom taught me that too. And every fundie woman, man and marriage book I ever read. I got married expecting my husband would be roaming and touching non stop and wanting to make love every day and I needed to make sure I was "tending to his needs and giving myself to him." I FREAKED when it turned out I was the higher drive spouse and he was cool with 1-2 a week tops, even as a newlywed,  and in times of stress and exhaustion, he can go for several weeks without thinking of it. I FREAKED when I realized my man needed mind, heart and soul engaged and connected before he'd go for sex, rather than wanting sex to feel loved, he wanted to be loved and emotionally intimate before having sex. When that seemed so wrong because "only women are like that."  I cried the first year of our marriage, thinking I had married a implore weirdo or something because he wasn't acting like "a real man" like I'd been taught. It sounds so silly now but it was terrible. It hurt me and it hurt him and it hurt us. 

Don't freak out.  A lot of men are like this. Often it's the most caring, sensitive ones who need to feel a connection first. Things like this puzzled me, too, when I became an adult.  I was not raised with any religious indoctrination but I guess the culture sends a similar message. 

Personally, it sounds like Ken uses Lori as a blow up doll. And those books you read, same thing. It's kind of insulting to men to decide that they are all like that. At least my husband was insulted, when I told him about the fundie view of men and sex.

37 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

I think she might be referring to stories about some gas stations watering down the gas.


What is all this talk about not using fancy kitchens? I live in kind of an upscale area and all the people I know use their kitchens every day. You know, to make food. Some have fancy kitchens, most don't, but I don't know anyone who has a kitchen and then uses it "rarely", like it 's a sleeping bag or a fur coat. Life must be really weird in So Cal.

Also, what is so hard about what she is doing? A pot of cut up veggies is not hard work. is this why she can't get a job, because she has to make a pot of cut up veggies?

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2 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

Here you go koala, it's from her book.



I always got a kick out of this story.  I'm picturing Ken letting out a little scream when he realizes Lori right behind him!

I figure he gave her the ironing to do just to get rid of her.

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I know I have written this before so I apologize. 

When Lori asked Ken what she could do for him "right now," I find it odd that he did not say "You can stop being so mean to me. Stop monitoring my food and criticizing everything I do. Stop being cruel to our children and start fixing them food they enjoy. Stop demanding a nanny when you are the one who sabotaged your birth control to have more kids. Take care of our children yourself." 

But, no. He had her iron his shirts. Maybe he knew the other stuff was not possible so he went with something she might actually do. I'm sure Lori quickly handed Ken's shirts to the housekeeper and said "Done.  What else?"  

Or maybe Ken is so lazy and self centered he doesn't care how his wife treats him just so she gives him sex and makes sure the housekeeper does all the work. Maybe he didn't care that his children were so unhappy and probably went to bed hungry each night because their big salads did not fill their tummies. 

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36 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

I'm sure Lori quickly handed Ken's shirts to the housekeeper and said "Done.  What else?"  

Pretty damn close.


With that she headed off to iron some shirts and ten minutes later she came back tired and said, “You know ironing is awfully tiring.


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5 hours ago, Koala said:

Omg, all of the carrying on she's done about cooking nutritious meals for our families, and working hard in our kitchens, and then this:

(Instagram picture of Lori's food...again)


Well, duh!  One of her main messages is that wives should be cooking for their families.  She talks endlessly about husband's coming home to a hot meal.  Right?? 


Funny that he usually just wants a big salad, because in his guest post on Lori's blog, he talks about cooking his own meals because salad was the only thing Lori served.

So: Ken makes his own breakfast, and Lori provides a salad for dinner.  Boy it must be exhausting for her to have to work so hard in the kitchen!

I'm thinking that the current round of nutrition bragging is aimed at Ken, who doesn't appreciate how hard she works at those salt-cured veggies and boring soups and keeps sneaking off to have a burger and fries.  She says he's a picky eater, but since he likes spray cheese and pizza, I'm guessing that's not the whole true story. And even if he is hard to please, shouldn't it be her privilege and her joy to serve him exactly what he wants, preferably grown in her yard, watered with her own godly sweat, and cooked in the kitchen he paid for?

I love my vegetables, including the trendy pickles, and when Mr. Allosaur is out of town I gorge on my homegrown chard like it's ice cream. The rest of the time I make meals we both like. Sometimes I work hard at it, sometimes I throw it together, sometimes he makes us both a sandwich, sometimes we walk to the taco truck. Even for a foodie and one-time restaurant reviewer such as myself, it's not the only thing in life.


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3 hours ago, Koala said:

 I definitely try to please Ken in this area as long as I am not dying from a brain tumor or something like that.

"Sorry honey, not tonight. I'm dying from a brain tumor."

What kind of selfish asshole is asking for sex when his wife has a brain tumor!?  A man like that would turn any woman bitter. Geez, Ken. 

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40 minutes ago, Koala said:

Pretty damn close.


Ironing is tedious, but tiring? That's like saying folding some clothes is tiring. Boring maybe, but tiring? Lori is so lazy. Her whole bs about being too sick all the time (with what she never really says besides a sore neck). I have mental health issues and endometriosis. Some days I am in so much pain I can hardly move. I didn't whine about it, didn't act like I couldn't attend events or work or clean or anything. She just doesn't want to do anything, wants everyone and everything to revolve around her and do it for her. Spoiled, lazy brat. 

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12 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

"Sorry honey, not tonight. I'm dying from a brain tumor."

What kind of selfish asshole is asking for sex when his wife has a brain tumor!?  A man like that would turn any woman bitter. Geez, Ken. 

That same kind of selfish assholes that expect their wives to have sex when they are vomiting from morning sickness. Lori has told her readers that they can suffer through that so, frankly, Lori should have shut up and put out.

Actually, orgasm can bring temporary pain relief but that is assuming Ken knows what he's doing so never mind.

Still - brain tumor or not - you have ten minutes and a smile; right, Lori??

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Lori 2/23/2016 (and repeated many other times):


 ...if you are a godly woman, you were created to be your husband's help meet in all of these areas. You are the one created to fix him food and clean his clothes. Find out the food he wants to eat and prepare it for him. The majority of men alive today would LOVE a wife who fixed them delicious food.

Do as I say, not as I do, again.

I believe Lori suffers from orthorexia.

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It hit me that Lori's post today isn't about prayers for families, but its another show off of godliness. This time its not who is the most poor or who wakes up the earliest, but who will take a bullet to prove their godliness. 

Lori says:


Persecution will quickly separate the wheat from the chaff since the lukewarm "believers" will not want to suffer for Christ.


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I noticed that wheat from the chaff stuff , gosh darn she likes to judge people. It's so hard to know what one will say in a moment like that with a gun to your head. I don't think we should heap guilt onto them but offer them comfort. And yes no condolences, no mourning about the precious lives lost. Is that woman's story one to listen? Perhaps . Is it the best times? No i don't think so 


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Lori (referring to a washing machine):


I never want a front loader!

Make it easy on yourself, Ken.  Buy the front loader now.  It'll be easier than listening to her prattle on about how she doesn't want one, and then watching as she slowly (accidentally) destroys your top loader.

Think of the kitchen counters.  She absolutely DID NOT want granite!  Never, ever, ever.  Until, oops! She totally forgot that a steaming hot pot would burn formica.  That one cost you a new kitchen.  Be smart this time.  Lowe's is only a click away.  Your maid could probably be washing your clothes in the new machine by this time tomorrow!

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Factual problem with today"s blog post: (apart from the lack of compassion for those suffering in the wake of the church shooting)

There were multiple several school shootings which had preceded Columbine.  There's a list of shootings by decade on wikipedia - and it starts with one in 1764 which had 10 deaths.

The scale of and media coverage of Columbine was different; and by that time the FBI had developed it's psychological department enough that they began to create profiles for those who might be school shooters. . . 

What really sets me off though is the cavalier way someone comments that those with mental health problems "need Jesus".  They may already have Jesus but lack adequate mental health care!!!!!  


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4 minutes ago, Celtic Rose said:

My oh my Steve Anderson is too radical for Lori but she loves Jason Conley.  Figure that one out!!! 

ooh! Where is it? I wanna read!

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Question in chatroom "Is your husband the lord of your home" Then quotes 1Peter 3:6.  When people mention they would be uncomfortable calling their husband lord she can only quote this verse.  As if that is going to fly in the Lorken household 

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2 minutes ago, Celtic Rose said:

Question in chatroom "Is your husband the lord of your home" Then quotes 1Peter 3:6.  When people mention they would be uncomfortable calling their husband lord she can only quote this verse.  As if that is going to fly in the Lorken household 

Is anybody daring enough to say "No.  Jesus is Lord of our home." ?

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Another problem with today's post is that, unless I've missed something in the news reporting, the shooting in Sutherland Springs was not a case of 'Christian persecution.' The shooter didn't kill these people because they were Christians, did he? I've been under the impression that there was some sort of family dispute and other factors at play, but not persecution. Yet to read Lori and her minions on this post, that's exactly what he was up to. 

*turns on TV to catch up on the latest* :(



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12 minutes ago, Celtic Rose said:

Question in chatroom "Is your husband the lord of your home" Then quotes 1Peter 3:6.  When people mention they would be uncomfortable calling their husband lord she can only quote this verse.  As if that is going to fly in the Lorken household 

In my egalitarian group one of the preachers there says that Sarah calling Abraham "Lord" was a term of affection and other people use it in other places of the Bible. Not literally LORD of the home. 

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It seems there was some conflict in the family, but more significantly, a history of mental illness.

An article I'll link to specifically says: "Texas officials have only said that unlike some other massacres at houses of worship, neither religious nor racial animus was the motivation."


So all I have seen has specifically refuted religious persecution and talked about mental illness.

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6 hours ago, EowynW said:

I wish she'd shut up.  A lot everything. Same as I wish every other fundie would shut up. I'm tired of hearing it all. Just like I'm tired of hearing that Trump is fixing the economy when Mr. EW is barely making 8 hours a day and many co workers have been cut down to 4 days a week. When you try to explain this, they ignore you. 

My mom taught me that too. And every fundie woman, man and marriage book I ever read. I got married expecting my husband would be roaming and touching non stop and wanting to make love every day and I needed to make sure I was "tending to his needs and giving myself to him." I FREAKED when it turned out I was the higher drive spouse and he was cool with 1-2 a week tops, even as a newlywed,  and in times of stress and exhaustion, he can go for several weeks without thinking of it. I FREAKED when I realized my man needed mind, heart and soul engaged and connected before he'd go for sex, rather than wanting sex to feel loved, he wanted to be loved and emotionally intimate before having sex. When that seemed so wrong because "only women are like that."  I cried the first year of our marriage, thinking I had married a implore weirdo or something because he wasn't acting like "a real man" like I'd been taught. It sounds so silly now but it was terrible. It hurt me and it hurt him and it hurt us. 

This.  I didn't grow up fundie but, I grew up being told that men are horn dogs.  Look good, put out after marraige to HIS satisfaction or he will stray.  It would be my bad.  No one mentioned my high sex drive ( not that anyone but my close girl friends, partner, and now you would know), no mention of my needs.  Just man provides money, I spread.....in marriage.  Oh, and cook great food. Have a male child first ( not even kiddig!) Luckily, I had a 2 serious boyfiends to work that out with before marriage.  I had to learn that men are sensitive, that It's ok to give some direction to my sexual pleasure ( thanks 90's Cosmo!).  Luckily, when I met my husband we had individually worked some stuff out.  So we could come together somewhat knowing who we are.  I say somewhat because a marriage of almost 2 decades deep, well, you change, of course.  But, we learned some skills, unlike the one and only, never been kissed fundie group. Not that that can't work.  It has helped our marriage in the long run to start off with both of us knowing basically who we are, then going the distance.  Turns out sex is NOT the glue. I can tell you that much.  Cheaters will cheat. Life will happen.  Sexy time will adjust/flux.  No need to put a number on it.  Marriage is so much more.

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I think he went after the family primarily and just for kicks wanted to take others down too because he is evil and mentally ill. That was probably the one reliable place he could find the family altogether. 

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On Lori's IG story she shows us how to roast a chicken. Oh, I'm sorry...an ORGANIC chicken. And by that she means, "one...out...not in cages and stuffed with a bunch of garbage."

So there you have it. Finally, an intelligent, succinct and cohesive definition of "organic."  

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2 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

The focus was taken off the real families hurting and put on this random woman in the chatroom. 

Yes! It read more like gossip. It was the chance to tell a juicy story, not to convey sympathy and compassion as evidenced by the lack of any personal message for those suffering. 

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