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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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Continued from here: 

Public breastfeeding is bad y'all. This is my first time creating a new thread in a series so I hope it's worked OK!!


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Great job, @mango_fandango, and your thread title is perfect. And it’s funny because it’s true!  Well, apparently for Ken it is, at least.

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As soon as I saw someone suggesting the thread title be something to do with boobs and boners I thought “ooh that’s a good one”. And begat is good old KJV speak. 

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Haha the new title gave me a good laugh. I'm pondering what they would do if they saw Mary breastfeeding Jesus? 

Edit: apparently this is a fairly popular art subject. So I guess the historical church really doesn't have a problem with it? Looks sooooo immodest right? *shrugs* 


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I have a teenage son.   We were sitting very close to a woman from another country and, not knowing how strange Americans can sometimes be, she breastfed her baby without attempting to cover up.  My son, knowing that breastfeeding is a completely normal method of feeding a baby,  acted like it was entirely normal and insignificant.    It's odd that a typical teenage boy managed this, when apparently God makes it so difficult for the average adult man. 


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1 minute ago, LizzieDawn said:

I have a teenage son.   We were sitting very close to a woman from another country and, not knowing how strange Americans can sometimes be, she breastfed her baby without attempting to cover up.  My son, knowing that breastfeeding is a completely normal method of feeding a baby,  acted like it was entirely normal and insignificant.    It's odd that a typical teenage boy managed this, when apparently God makes it so difficult for the average adult man. 


Which stands in contrast with the Woman from the comment section whose 17 year old son basically ran away when he saw a women breastfeeding and now won't look her in the eye. I doubt it's because of lust, its probably because he was taught that it's embarrassing or immodest. If I was his mother I'd probably have a talk with him about his rude behavior. But nope it's all the lady's fault for showing 1/4 of her boob. 

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I think the only person who believes that breastfeeding  begats boners is Lori.  I would bet cash money not Ken or either of her sons or her SILs gets turned on by a woman breastfeeding.  But I do believe that Lori is positive that is their reaction.

Lori is convicted that the sight of any female flesh/ tiniest part of female anatomy instantly gives a man a  raging erection and fills him with uncontrollable lust.

Why does she think this?  Well ........ I'm wildly speculating here but I think Lori as a young fresh pretty teenager/ college girl was a bit of a tease and a flirt  who gave a little come on and would then protest 'Oh how could you, you nasty man.  I am a good Christian girl.  How dare you think I would ever do anything like that."

Lori admits she she wore bikinis and shorts as a teenager, so she was obviously showing a bit of flesh. She also admits she dated and was on the homecoming court, so she wasn't the shunned, friendless girl she likes to pretend she was.  A teenage boy is going to be turned on by a teenage girl in a bikini.  So any boy that saw Lori that way probably had those thoughts. 

Fast forward 40 years to Lori's current fundie weirdness and obsession with modesty and she's warped the normal "Teenage boy was turned on by me in a bikini being a tease" into the extreme "Every man in the world is a lust filled horn dog who cannot control his peen and becomes a raging sex machine maniac at the sight of a woman breastfeeding."  

Lori -- taking it to the extreme limit Every. Damn. Time,

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I'm a gay woman, and I love breasts!  But whenever I've seen my friends and total strangers breast-feeding, it's always the opposite of erotic - it's functional!  In the same way, I can walk around beaches (including those where gasp! women go topless!) and also not be turned on!!!1!!!111!!!  I know, shocking!

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8 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Edit: apparently this is a fairly popular art subject. So I guess the historical church really doesn't have a problem with it? Looks sooooo immodest right? *shrugs* 


Weird how baby Jesus is looking out you, like, "Hey, check this out!" but that seems to be a typical format for the hundred's of Lactating Virgin Mary paintings brought up by a quick google search. 

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1 hour ago, Howl said:

Weird how baby Jesus is looking out you, like, "Hey, check this out!" but that seems to be a typical format for the hundred's of Lactating Virgin Mary paintings brought up by a quick google search. 

Anyone who has breastfed a child past the very first months of its life will know that pose. Baby sees something interesting and bites into the nipple and turns around to take a better look while not losing grip of the beloved boob. 

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Excellent tittle...errrr, title! :pb_lol:

Can someone sic the Pissing Preacher AKA Steven Anderson on Lori? He's all in favor of women breastfeeding publicly. Lori should listen to him since he's a man...right?  

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@elliha,  I was just going to say the same thing about distractable babies.  Around 4 months, many babies get distracted by things going on around them and some are so distractible that mom needs to go into a quiet, boring place to nurse.

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14 minutes ago, delphinium65 said:

Excellent tittle...errrr, title! :pb_lol:

Can someone sic the Pissing Preacher AKA Steven Anderson on Lori? He's all in favor of women breastfeeding publicly. Lori should listen to him since he's a man...right?  

Lori linked to one of his video sermons on birth control a year or two ago. I don't know if she follows him all the time or somehow stumbled to the video.  I doubt Lori would listen to PP on the breastfeeding thing. She recently had issues with a male pastor who disagreed with her on Facebook. As much as I dislike both PP and Lori, I would pay money to see PP and Lori debate and we all know he would tear her to shreds. Lori needs to have another smackdown by a male pastor.

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Just now, lilwriter85 said:

Lori linked to one of his video sermons on birth control a year or two ago. I don't know if she follows him all the time or somehow stumbled to the video.  I doubt Lori would listen to PP on the breastfeeding thing. She recently had issues with a male pastor who disagreed with her on Facebook. As much as I dislike both PP and Lori, I would pay money to see PP and Lori debate and we all know he would tear her to shreds. Lori needs to have another smackdown by a male pastor.

Ah, I missed that somehow, thank you for the info!  I seriously dislike both of them, and I'd pay admission to that debate too. Good times, although I'd feel a great sadness when the winner started yammering on about his/her 'victory," no matter who won! 

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Is it just me, or does she seem to be getting more and more incoherent by the day?


Women supposedly burned their bras in the 1960s. This happened during the years when I was a young child since I was born in 1958 and I sure remember hearing about it. In discussing the topic of openly breastfeeding in public last week (women unashamedly showing their breasts while breastfeeding), it was shocking how many women, even Christian women, believe this is okay. In pondering this, I remembered the time when women burned their bras and wondered if there was any correlation so I looked it up.

Why does she say that they "supposedly" burned their bras, and then go on to refer to it as something that most definitely happened (and she knows exactly why)?  

Also, how on earth is she linking women burning their bras with breastfeeding??  She doesn't really say whether she found a link or not.  The rest of the post is just a compilation of comments she's received from godly ladies who (naturally) agree with her.

The whole post was poorly written, and seemed very disjointed.  

The (very strange) highlights:


Has our culture somehow “sexualized” breasts as some believe? No! God is the One who sexualized them

:pb_confused: kay...


 I am equating bare breasts with bare bottoms. 

Have another, Lori.  :obscene-drinkingbuddies:Seriously, though, what the hell?

Is it just me, or does she seem to use the term "bare bottom" an awful lot for such a Modest Mentor?

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This morning's post sounds like it was mostly written by a fifth grader who was assigned the topic in history class, except I don't think bra-burning comes up much in the fifth grade. :pb_lol:


Women burned their bras because they felt that it proved a statement or made a stand for Women’s Rights. Another reason they burned their bras was because it was a symbol that showed independence of men at the time. The women that didn’t burn their bras often walked around wearing no bra at all. This was also meant to show independence of men.

*Lori didn't write the above, she just copied it from someone else. But the rest of the post sounds pretty much the same.

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SOTDRT strikes again!!!  From the Nancy Campbell family life is fragmenting doodle.

"I  fallow several blogs.... "
"don't waist money ...."

And why yes they homeschool  -- as part of being frugal.

Today's blog -- Why is Lori talking about burning bras?  She is completely totally obsessed lately with the boobs. Was Ken staring too long and too openly at the young things on the beach or at a waitress somewhere? 

Lori has repeatedly said the best boobs are the flat little ones, because the big ones get saggy and ugly as we age. Of course I think this is Lori's sour grapes at being flat chested.  Since neither of her daughters are flat chested, she's actually insulting them,  But I guess that never stopped Lori.

The blog is trying to draw a parallel between wearing a bra and following God's only plan for women -- to be a SAH wife and mother. Does Lori know that bras aren't Biblical because they didn't exist then (along with blogging and the interwebz)?  They weren't invented until 1889 -- by a woman.


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The whole "bra-burning' thing is maybe more of a myth than history.  Women did through feminine products including bras in a trash barrel outside the 1968 Miss America pageant, but they did not burn their bras.  Germaine Greer, the author of The Female Eunuch, and others wrote about how bras were a symbol of female oppression and objectified the woman.  

Bra    scroll down to the section on Feminist Opinion

Feminist scholar Iris Marion Young brings up a good point: why do we call those bras for tween girls "training bras"?  What are we training them for?


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9 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Lori has repeatedly said the best boobs are the flat little ones, because the big ones get saggy and ugly as we age. 

If you're new here, you're probably thinking that @Red Hair, Black Dress is exaggerating.  After all, Lori is a discrete, godly woman.  She would never say such a thing!  Wrong.

Lori Alexander, it turns out, once considered getting implants:


 I was thinking of getting them many years ago after having four children but I am so glad I didn't get them.  

Thank goodness she didn't, because:


Actually it is much more comfortable and as you age, large ones just hang down and start not looking so pretty.  

If you find yourself feeling sorry for Lori right about now, not to worry, because:


I have always been fairly small, except when I was pregnant and nursing, and you know what, I have had an awesome life.  I never had problems getting boyfriends or a wonderful husband.  It doesn't affect our sex life in any way.


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13 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Haha the new title gave me a good laugh. I'm pondering what they would do if they saw Mary breastfeeding Jesus? 

Edit: apparently this is a fairly popular art subject. So I guess the historical church really doesn't have a problem with it? Looks sooooo immodest right? *shrugs* 


That's an ebil Catholic image.


Please wait for an admin or an helpmeet to start a new thread of a series so that the previous one can be properly locked and linked to the new one. If you have brilliant ideas for new titles we will  be happy to oblige. Thank you!

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