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Bates 22: Courting, Marrying, and Trying to not Look Fundie

Coconut Flan

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23 hours ago, llg1234 said:

Remember when Trace was going to try out for the Dixie Stampede? Yeah, me neither.

While Trace is good, he doesn't seem good enough for the Dixie Stampede. He would need a lot more training to be able to join them. 

I suspect a lot of fundies watch a lot more TV than they would want people to know. Jill and David Rod. have a larger television than I do! 

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26 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

I suspect a lot of fundies watch a lot more TV than they would want people to know. Jill and David Rod. have a larger television than I do! 

Wait, what? I don't know why, but I thought the Rods didn't watch tv? Okay I know this is the wrong thread to be asking that.

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6 minutes ago, Eternalbluepearl said:

Wait, what? I don't know why, but I thought the Rods didn't watch tv? Okay I know this is the wrong thread to be asking that.

Amy and Kevin had a huge TV in their house too. Apparently my teen daughter is correct and everyone in the world does have a larger TV than we do. :laughing-jumpingpurple:

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On 10/26/2017 at 7:54 PM, Coconut Flan said:

Our fundies aren't the only ones.  I have an Orthodox Jewish friend who brags about having gotten rid of his TV in the 90s who spends at least 8 hours a day with his laptop or pad watching news, sports, movies, etc.

Yup.  I have hippy friends who are so much above material possessions, and don't have a TV - but are round ours every week when Dr Who is on, and have huge Netflix addictions.

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2 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

Judson looks like a blonde Lawson, I don't know how I'm just realizing this!

I'm just seeing this too! 

Honestly figuring out who looks like who is half the reason I follow the Bates. It seems like there is so much variance until you notice the cloning that is happening!!!

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Alyssa posted a cute pic of Allie Jane rocking a regular bathing suit at the beach. Maybe this was Tori's bachelorette party? Although she isn't getting married until December right?


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I was thinking the same thing. It could be a family friend, but all of them coming down to Florida is pretty suspect. Maybe she's too busy with classes in November, so she's having it this weekend?

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46 minutes ago, VineHeart137 said:

Alyssa posted a cute pic of Allie Jane rocking a regular bathing suit at the beach. Maybe this was Tori's bachelorette party? Although she isn't getting married until December right?


When they first announced the engagement they were saying December, but maybe when they looked into dates and venues it didn't work out.

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I think it’s because the girls are probably in fall break or it was the easiest date they could meet up. Tori and Bobby’s thread had their registry for dec 16th

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I saw that pic yesterday and was happy to see that! I love the Alyssa and Whitney are sitting on the beach like normal people in regular bathing suits having fun with their kids. It makes me wonder if the rest of them are bucking the mold when away from their parents?

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I just have to say how funny it is that their bachelorette party included the kids.  So typical for the Fundies.  Not that they'd be doing anything that wasn't kid friendly, I suppose.  No bars or strippers. LOL

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Fundie Zoolander went as Clark Kent for Halloween because of course he did. It also appears he still has his desk job and works either with or for his sister.


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Here's a question re Fundies and "modest" standards.  It applies to tons of other families, not just the Bateses, but that photo made me think about it: how do they justify hair dye?  It seems like it's body modification, albeit a super-common one, but it's definitely taking the body God has given them and changing it for wordly reasons - literally "God has given me brown hair but I think I look better blonde".

And it's purely about making themselves look good, and drawing attention to themselves.  There's no medical benefits, and unlike make-up it doesn't wash off at the end of the day.  

I am not at all against hair dye, it just seems hypocritical to have all the modesty stuff they are so smug about.  How do they justify it?  And where's the line?  I would bet breast implants aren't allowed, but what about non-surgical things like botox or lip implants?  Fundies are against tattoos, but why are they allowed and hair dye is?  Because dye only lasts as long as the hair does?  And if one of the guys wanted to go blonde, would that be acceptable?

So many questions!

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@Lurky I think fundy opinions are divided with regards to what the bible allows you to do with your hair.
I discussed this with two Dutch fundies (women) a couple of years ago, and they were both of the opinion that one's haircut should be modest as well. They explained that, for them, this means no 'crazy' hairstyles: no non-natural or extremely bright colors, as this can be a sign of vanity, and it will make everyone look at you for wrong reasons (i.e.: they won't look at you because you're such a godly person); gender conforming hairstyles only, so no short haircuts on women and no long hair for men (women are allowed to have short hair if it's a result of an illness or treatment to an illness); updo's are the preferred hairstyle for women, as styling your hair (like the Bateses and Duggars do) can be a sign of vanity and might inspire lust in men. However, they already didn't completely agree on the updo part. While one firmly believed in the updo-only doctrine, the other argued that if you dressed modestly, there was nothing wrong with styling and wearing your hair down, and that updo's being more modest was a non-argument since pretty updo's could be just as lust-inspiring as wearing your hair down. 

I have also read a blog post by a female Oneness Pentecostal adherent, who argued that getting a haircut was completely out of the question for women as the bible strictly and clearly forbade this. 
And then there are also the fundy Christians who believe women should wear a headcovering, and they can be further divided into those that believe a small head covering, like a headband or a small piece of cloth attached to the top of the head, is enough (the seven farmgirl sisters are an example of this), and those that believe all/most of the hair should be covered and who thus wear complete headscarves (as far as I know, these scarves only cover the hair, they leave the face and ears completely free).

This is the blog post I was talking about: https://passionatepentecostal.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/day-10-apostolic-beliefs-our-crowning-glory/ 
I also stumbled upon this website: http://www.headcoveringmovement.com/ . As far as I've read it though, they only advocate for the return of the practice of headcovering during worship services.

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2 hours ago, Lurky said:

It applies to tons of other families, not just the Bateses, but that photo made me think about it: how do they justify hair dye? 

Gothard dyed his hair even thought hair color was supposed to be one of his 10 unchangeables. They all bend the rules when they really want to. 

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I know I’m late to this but I don’t buy for a second that the Webster’s watch Game of Thrones. It’s going to take more than skinny jeans and a fundie group trip on a cruise to believe they’re okay with a show that depicts sex, homosexuality, etc. I hesitate to believe they’re drinking alcohol at all but that seems more likely.

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I feel like Erin and Michaella would be clutching their pearls over normal bathing suits while all the other bates kids would drop modesty swim as soon as they're out the door.

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