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Lori Alexander 17: Pooping on Someone Else's Lawn

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3 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

It has always been hard for me to find any redeeming qualities in Lori. For a long time, I thought Zsu was the worst fundie blogger, but Lori is much worse in some ways imo. I could probably tolerate being around Jill Rodriguez or Super Catholic Abigail more than Lori.


I am certain I could strike common ground with Zsu, as long as we didn't talk about religion or gay people. I don't know much about Jill or Abigail, but I am just as certain that I would be miserable in a one-on-on with Lori. Lori is the most judgmental person I've ever "known." Everything about her bothers me. She's prissy and mean and probably a little racist and definitely classist. She's unable to learn, she's willfully ignorant and absolutely someone who I do not want to talk to in person. 

At least I could maybe have a conversation with Zsu about not using a microwave, ice cream, and privacy rights. 

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On 31.3.2017 at 8:24 PM, AlwaysDiscerning said:

March 31, 2017 at 7:18 am

The verse that comes to my mind with your question is this one:

“But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:3, 4)

I have always found it odd when people share how much and to whom they’ve given money to, therefore, I am not going to do it, since we are told in His Word not to do this. We are each only accountable to the Lord in this area but yes, we absolutely should be generous and give to those in need!

Here AlwaysDiscerning quoted Lori. 


On 31.3.2017 at 8:24 PM, AlwaysDiscerning said:

HAHAH she won't say who she gives charity. Because its no one!

I think you may be right.  

Lori would be right in quoting that verse, except that she has raised herself up as a teacher and is telling others how they should use their time and resources while she shows off her expensive lifestyle. It makes sense that people would ask her just how much she's doing to help people in practical ways.  As a teacher, she's to be held up to a higher standard and people shouldn't be following her teachings without discernment.  

Further, Lori's reply really bothered me because she's given to blowing her own horn. If she truly believed that her left hand should be oblivious of what her right hand gets up to, she wouldn't be bragging about all the marriages her so-called "ministry" has helped, or forever defending the importance of her "ministry". 

Sitting around attacking every woman who follows a different path in life may reassure Lori and her followers that they are doing the right thing by staying at home and caring for their children, but how does that help the many, many women who can't afford to do that?  When Lori is made aware that her lifestyle of staying at home and being provided for by her husband isn't feasible for every woman, her reply is either that somehow that woman brought it on herself through "rebellion", or "how tragic" -if she can't place the blame on the woman-.  She doesn't appear to think she might be part of the solution, however small that part may be.  

Lori could do so much more good if she dedicated her blog to raise awareness to the needs of widows and orphans or victims of abuse and encouraged the more privileged to help, where possible.  But that would be too much hard work and would require some mixing and mingling among less likeminded people. 



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"It's so much easier to ask someone else".  

That's the spirit, Lori.  Never do for yourself, what you can convince someone else to do for you.

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Oh my, I just saw that post on facebook where she has a go at parents sending their children to secular schools. She even considers it "disobedience against God"! 

One commenter says this:


One problem I see with telling all Christian parents to homeschool is that not all parents can afford to have the wife stop working. This is a reality. This cannot be a Biblical command if not every believer can fulfill the command. This must be a matter of personal choice covered by grace, certainly not something to insist on every believer.

And Lori replies:


 Nothing is impossible with God and He tells us that His commands are not burdensome!

Ok.... so what about the one-income family living in a country where children must go to school by law? They can't afford private Christian schooling and  homeschooling isn't an option.  Is that family disobeying God for submitting to the authorities of the country they live in and sending their children to school?

I remember the case of a German family who started homeschooling in Germany, were fined for not sending the kids to school, so they sold some of their stuff and fled to the US. Here you have them: https://www.hslda.org/legal/cases/romeike.asp

I don't agree with the German law that forbids homeschooling, but I don't agree with this family's move either. It seems like they chose to flee to the US to make a statement.  They could have moved to Austria or to the UK, two countries where homeschooling is perfectly legal. Or they could have planned things well and moved normally to the US.  But whatever. It bothered me that homeschooling was elevated to the status of "mandate from God". 


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Just looked over the application for Lori's group.  She allows in "Jewish Believers."  So good to know that she has no problems with Jews, as long as they believe in Jesus.

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8 minutes ago, onemama said:

Oh my, I just saw that post on facebook where she has a go at parents sending their children to secular schools. She even considers it "disobedience against God"! 

One commenter says this:

And Lori replies:


Nothing is impossible with God and He tells us that His commands are not burdensome!

Ok.... so what about the one-income family living in a country where children must go to school by law? They can't afford private Christian schooling and  homeschooling isn't an option.  Is that family disobeying God for submitting to the authorities of the country they live in and sending their children to school


What Lori neglects to mention, is exactly where in the Bible parents are "commanded" to homeschool their children.

Lori likes to present "God's her ways" as if they were actually commands from God.

She has made an entire religion out of a couple of verses, and conveniently tossed the parts of the book that tell her that the second greatest command is to love others, and that she should NOT to be a giant gossip.

Look at this bit from today's post:


When women tell you that we are to submit to one another, meaning husbands are to submit to them ask them if they are holding up their end of the verse and submitting to their husbands since they will all be only accountable to the Lord for their actions. 

Lori acknowledges that when women bring up the topic of mutual submission, it is actually a VERSE in the Bible that she claims was inspired by God himself, yet there she sits, essentially telling readers to dismiss women who mention it.

She's something else...

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Lori needs a course in keeping her story straight.



 Let me tell you something, being a fun mother isn’t what I wanted my children to remember me by.


I was just talking to Cassi and asked her if she remembers me as a fun mom. (She hasn’t read this post.) She said, “No, you were too sick but I had a great childhood!”

Lori referring to her kids:


 I was too sick to play with them and no, they never said anything about it to me. 


 Even if I was well, I doubt I would have played with them much


My children definitely feared us growing up.


I think they were actually afraid of me


She remembers several times she got spanked and just remembers me using my leather strap.

Lori today:


I think they would consider me a fun mom even though I was sick and didn't play with them! 

No Lori.  Your daughter has already told you that you weren't a fun mom.  You said as much yourself, a mere 6 months ago in a post you dedicated to the subject.  

Good lord, the children were terrified of you and your leather strap.  You never played with them, and left the nanny to hold them for hours a day while they cried.  You shamed them so relentlessly about food, that you had a son convinced that sugar was a sin.

Why on earth would they consider you a fun mom???

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Of course her children never said anything to Lori not playing with them.  By her own words the children feared LoriKen while growing up, and she thinks they were actually afraid of her.  

Yeah.... Afraid of her and the trusty ol' godly leather strap.

So let's parse this out shall we.

Lori was too sick to play with her children.  Too sick to "cook" anything except big salads.  Too sick to keep house (had a housekeeper). Too sick to actually see to her children's needs (had a nanny, let them scream and cry all night).  Too sick to properly home school (kids did some reading, sent the kids to their rooms 2 hours every afternoon while she rested).

But she wasn't too sick to beat them with a leather strap.  Which even if you are beating a child takes physical exertion.

Add in the (probably constant) weight shaming, haranguing that sugar (and everything else in l,ife) is sinful, the criticism and judgmental attitude toward the children and their friends  -- and the picture of Lori as a mother is complete.

Lori was a physically, mentally and emotionally abusive mother who's only concern was her wants, her needs and her life,   A narcissist.  A monster.

Ken doesn't get a pass because he was complicit in all of this. He purposely ignored what she was doing and didn't even try to stop her. Plus he added his own abuse taking part in the beatings and by making the boys play sports injured to toughen them up and prepare them for war.  

So tell us Ken, all about your military experience.  What war were you in?

Edited to add:  I wonder what the children will do the first time Lori takes the leather strap to the grandchildren?  I'm sure she'll blog about doing so

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Did Lori even homeschool Alyssa at all? I don't recall her mentioning homeschooling Cassi either. I do recall her stating that most, if not all, of her children went to public school at least during their elementary years. As far as she has said, she didn't homeschool her children during high school either. I think they went to a private Christian school. She hasn't said her grandchildren are being homeschooled either. Emma is now school-age so I wonder if she's being homeschooled. Something tells me she's not or Lori would so be bragging that her DIL is homeschooling. Also her thought that Christian schools are better and they won't be exposed to the bad things of the world. HAHAHAHA...I know she never went to a religious school now. The Catholic and Christian schools where I grew up were well-known for being so much worse than the public schools in regards to drinking, drugs, and sexual behaviors and bullying. Lori is so clueless it's almost hilarious. 

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That's the thing.  When it came to cooking, cleaning, playing with her children, Lori was too sick to lift her head off the pillow. 

But take a look at this:


I am the oldest of three girls.  I was bossy and controlling.  Ask my sisters.  They will tell you I always got my way.


When our Homeowners Association wouldn't allow basketball hoops in our driveway, guess who wrote the letter protesting and went around and got all the signatures...Me!  

When the dog below us yapped constantly, guess who called them all the time, left notes on their door, and wrote a letter telling them they better shut that dog up Or Else and got all the neighbors to sign it...Me!  

Ask my children how controlling I was...They had to sneak junk food, so I wouldn't get mad at them.  I think they were actually afraid of me, which I don't necessarily think is bad.  Kids should have a deep respect for authority.  

I am  lion...hear my roar! 

Lori had plenty of energy when she wanted to use it to control others.  She just didn't have any energy for...good.  She's fueled by her own meanness.

31 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Edited to add:  I wonder what the children will do the first time Lori takes the leather strap to the grandchildren?  I'm sure she'll blog about doing so

I can see Lori giving out leather straps as gifts.  Sadly, she seems to remember it very fondly.  

She made the following comment about her grandchildren yesterday....it struck me as really weird:


 I am now "mothering" my precious grandchildren and loving it! 

Why would she be "mothering" her grandchildren?  They all have mothers.

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I guess I just can't let today's post go unchallenged. Her teaching is so off!!! Lori, get yourself some proper teaching in this area! 

She says:


 Are you going to willingly and joyfully submit to your husband and allow him to be the head over you as God designed or are you going to be rebellious and take control instead?

She quotes from the KJV, where it specifically calls the husband "head of" not "head over".  Husband is NOT called head over, ok?


There will always be a leader in the marriage and most marriages today are being led by the woman.

There will always be someone taking initiative in different situations. I don't see why it always has to be the same person.  See, when it comes to getting up in the morning, I lead. I call myself the family alarm clock. When it comes to family devotions, it's usually husband who leads, but on Sundays I'm the one who makes sure we get to church on time.  Kid's school stuff, me.  You get the picture. 


 Women like control and they use their emotions, feelings, and actions to control their husbands instead of the truth of God’s Word.

Most people I know like to have some control over some areas in their lives. I think you'd agree with me, Lori? How would you like to relinquish your control over your diet?  The problems begin when one person wants to control everyone and everything, usually neglecting his/her own responsibilities. The famous Proverbs 31 lady sounds like she kept things under control, wouldn't you say so? 

Of course, women who passive-aggresively control while playing the game of "submitting" to their husbands are deceiving themselves. Those who are straightforward about their feelings, their emotions and their needs are generally pursuing a relationship, not control.  By the way, men do that too.  There are men who control their families with temper tantrums, passivity, passive-aggression, lack of accountability... you name it. The person who doesn't take care of his/her responsibilities is generally the one leading the family down a path of destruction. 


 If you are angry with your husband, remind yourself that anger does not accomplish the righteous life that God desires. If you are being a nag to him, remind yourself that your husband would rather live on the roof top than to hear you nag. If you complain to him, remember that God hates complaining because it proves you don’t trust in His provision. Take every single thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Oh, my, Lori, do you realize that you're actually given permissio to be angry, just as long as you don't sin, and you don't let the sun go down on it?  There is also such a thing as rightful, even righteous, anger. No, being angry over your husband's poor food choices isn't rightful or righteous, but... how about he comes home drunk every night? 

Of course a man would rather avoid a nagging wife! Doh! But I've found that nagging people generally stop nagging when you do what they are asking you to do, and if you don't want to do it, just say so, say you mean it, and to quit asking you. It's called communication. 

Yes, grumbling and complaining are not good habits, but again, like with everything else, what are you complaining about? His comfy chair that doesn't match your furniture, or his habit of smoking pot in diverse rooms of the house and not airing them? Or his habit of ignoring utility bills?  Or his habit of speeding and ignoring his speeding tickets?  You know, real problems.  

Stop abusing the Bible, Lori. 

And you're wrong about the mutual submission thing. If you read the passage,  you'll find that for every command to "submit" or "obey", there's one to love, be responsible for and even "treat as an equal".  You see a chain of command, I see a very subversive message that leads to the conclusion that not one of us has the right or the authority to place him/hersef above anyone else. We have one Lord, Christ Jesus. He should be the leader of every Christian home. Sometimes he'll do that through the wife, sometimes the husband, sometimes the kids.  

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27 minutes ago, dairyfreelife said:

Did Lori even homeschool Alyssa at all? I don't recall her mentioning homeschooling Cassi either. I do recall her stating that most, if not all, of her children went to public school at least during their elementary years. As far as she has said, she didn't homeschool her children during high school either. I think they went to a private Christian school. She hasn't said her grandchildren are being homeschooled either. Emma is now school-age so I wonder if she's being homeschooled. Something tells me she's not or Lori would so be bragging that her DIL is homeschooling. Also her thought that Christian schools are better and they won't be exposed to the bad things of the world. HAHAHAHA...I know she never went to a religious school now. The Catholic and Christian schools where I grew up were well-known for being so much worse than the public schools in regards to drinking, drugs, and sexual behaviors and bullying. Lori is so clueless it's almost hilarious. 

There's a "youtube" about Lori watching her baby granddaughter. In it, she says the baby's mom, Erin, is taking the older two kids to a homeschool group. So it's possible Erin is homeschooling the oldest, who's about 6.

I have long suspected that the Alexanders were reluctant to spend much money on the education of their daughters. There's a lot of evidence supporting that. They started Alyssa, the oldest at public high school as a freshman. They were unhappy with that, so she was homeschooled in high school until she reached senior year (then I'm not sure where she finished). The boys, however, went straight to private Christian HS. 

Similarly, when Cassi wanted to return to school in 8th grade, they put her in public school, even tho her brothers were in a private school that she could've gone to. They again found public unsatisfactory, so they put in her private school with her brothers.

Alyssa received no college education (not sure if she wanted one). The boys were privately educated at BIOLA. Cassie started at BIOLA, then they decided it wasn't worth the money so she finished at a public university (a community college, I think). 

I have no problem with pubic school but it seems like they are always experimenting with the cheaper option for the girls. 


Cassi went to Biola University her freshmen year.  Biola stands for Bible Institute Of Los Angeles.  It is a good university.  It is one of the handful of universities left that still teaches Truth.  She especially loved her Bible classes.  The professors were good teachers.

She went to a community college near home when she was nineteen years old.  It only cost $400 a semester which was much cheaper than Biola.  


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22 minutes ago, Hisey said:

I have no problem with pubic school but it seems like they are always experimenting with the cheaper option for the girls. 

Lori thinks that any higher education a woman gets should be as cheap as possible because she won't be able to pay back the larger debt of a private college since she's not supposed to pursue her career once she's married.  I guess that reasoning explains their choice to send their daughters to cheaper schools. 

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Let's not forget: college is useless for women because Lori didn't learn anything. If something is useless it better be cheap.

As Lori is probably unteachable she perhaps was right when she said she didn't learn anything. That's however a vicious cycle.

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Wonder where Lori found the "woman in bondage" image for today's post.

A Google search? Getty Images? Ken tied her up and took the photo? (Ew)

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58 minutes ago, BlackSheep said:

Wonder where Lori found the "woman in bondage" image for today's post.

A Google search? Getty Images? Ken tied her up and took the photo? (Ew)

Someone's already mentioned it:


The picture you used for today’s blog was disturbing to me since I have sons (and a husband, of course) who are often in the room when I read your blog. I would be very uncomfortable to have them see such a photo. I realize that you write to women, however, men often comment on your posts, so perhaps you could reconsider using such pictures. 



I had no clue that the picture I had used was so provocative, Wendy, until you pointed it out. I am SO sorry! For some reason, I thought it was an innocent picture and didn’t see if for what it was and it was disturbing. Please forgive me. I quickly changed it.

It was (what appeared to be) a naked woman tied up with ropes.  I am guessing Lori Googled "bondage" and that was one of her options.  But hey, it seemed "innocent" to her.  You see women tied up like that all the time, right? :roll:

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

It was (what appeared to be) a naked woman tied up with ropes.  I am guessing Lori Googled "bondage" and that was one of her options.  But hey, it seemed "innocent" to her.  You see women tied up like that all the time, right? :roll:

Eh eh I bet Ken liked the image :evil-laugh:

For an older woman who should mentor and lead her sheeples to Christian modesty and godliness she's so clueless that's embarrassing. 

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I am laughing at this Facebook comment on the "I can't be bothered to play with my kids" notebook doodle:


I always think back to pioneer days, those moms definetly had little to no time to play with their kids.

Now that's the way to do it.  

1) Acknowledge that pioneer women didn't have the luxury of modern appliances, therefore, you have no time to play with your children.

2) Hop on Facebook (like the women of old) and chat with other lazy moms about how you're just too busy guiding the home to waste any of your time playing with your kid. 

3) Look down your nose at working moms and women who use birth control.  There's nothing worse than someone who leaves their children for others to raise, or worse yet, refuses to have children all together.  Baybeez are a blessing!

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9 hours ago, Hisey said:

There's a "youtube" about Lori watching her baby granddaughter. In it, she says the baby's mom, Erin, is taking the older two kids to a homeschool group. So it's possible Erin is homeschooling the oldest, who's about 6.

I have long suspected that the Alexanders were reluctant to spend much money on the education of their daughters. There's a lot of evidence supporting that. They started Alyssa, the oldest at public high school as a freshman. They were unhappy with that, so she was homeschooled in high school until she reached senior year (then I'm not sure where she finished). The boys, however, went straight to private Christian HS. 

Similarly, when Cassi wanted to return to school in 8th grade, they put her in public school, even tho her brothers were in a private school that she could've gone to. They again found public unsatisfactory, so they put in her private school with her brothers.

Alyssa received no college education (not sure if she wanted one). The boys were privately educated at BIOLA. Cassie started at BIOLA, then they decided it wasn't worth the money so she finished at a public university (a community college, I think). 

I have no problem with pubic school but it seems like they are always experimenting with the cheaper option for the girls. 


Didn't Lori say somewhere that it was Ken who was upset with having to pay BIOLA tuition for Cassi and that she disagreed with him?

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I had no clue that the picture I had used was so provocative, Wendy, until you pointed it out. I am SO sorry! For some reason, I thought it was an innocent picture and didn’t see if for what it was and it was disturbing. Please forgive me. I quickly changed it.

Lori needed this reality check. She uses exaggeration and shock value to deliver her message. She self-aggrandizes. She deletes criticism. She's out of control.

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11 hours ago, BlackSheep said:

Lori needed this reality check. She uses exaggeration and shock value to deliver her message. She self-aggrandizes. She deletes criticism. She's out of control.

Lori's readers needed it too.  When a self described "godly woman" such as Lori looks at a picture of (what appears to be) a naked woman tied up with ropes and her first reaction is, "this looks innocent", there's a problem.  Either a brain problem, or an "I hate women" problem.

She's telling them that submission doesn't lead to bondage, but it's clear that she doesn't even recognize (literal) bondage when she sees it.  

Think about it...under what context could that picture be "innocent"?


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Today we have another "my marriage was miserable and my life sucked then I became a submitting homeschooling SAHM and now everything is perfect' story.

Does Lori write them herself?

This one was a nurse. It would just be fantastic for healthcare in this country if all the female nurses decided not to work!

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13 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

Didn't Lori say somewhere that it was Ken who was upset with having to pay BIOLA tuition for Cassi and that she disagreed with him?

Actually, I think Lori said she wanted Cassi home because Lori was sick so much, she needed Cassi's help.

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23 hours ago, Hisey said:

There's a "youtube" about Lori watching her baby granddaughter. In it, she says the baby's mom, Erin, is taking the older two kids to a homeschool group. So it's possible Erin is homeschooling the oldest, who's about 6.

I have long suspected that the Alexanders were reluctant to spend much money on the education of their daughters. There's a lot of evidence supporting that. They started Alyssa, the oldest at public high school as a freshman. They were unhappy with that, so she was homeschooled in high school until she reached senior year (then I'm not sure where she finished). The boys, however, went straight to private Christian HS. 

Similarly, when Cassi wanted to return to school in 8th grade, they put her in public school, even tho her brothers were in a private school that she could've gone to. They again found public unsatisfactory, so they put in her private school with her brothers.

Alyssa received no college education (not sure if she wanted one). The boys were privately educated at BIOLA. Cassie started at BIOLA, then they decided it wasn't worth the money so she finished at a public university (a community college, I think). 

I have no problem with pubic school but it seems like they are always experimenting with the cheaper option for the girls. 


I don't watch her YT videos, but Alyssa went to a Christian high school for a time as she mentions having gone to them on her FB. Alyssa also studied at Ballet Magnificant (sp?) in Mississippi. While she didn't go to college, she received an education in dance and seems to continue to teach dance and fitness. The boys were educated at BIOLA, but I believe Steven went to a non-Christian medical school for his dental education. Ryan works for Ken, so, yeah. Or he did, haven't bothered to see if that's still the case. 

I am not sure where she mentions homeschooling Alyssa, but I think she did homeschool Cassi briefly, but how long I haven't been able to confirm. I know she mentioned homeschooling the boys, at least during middle school. Before that time is unclear and she did say she sent them to a Christian high school. However, we know that all her children, at some point, for at least a time, went to public school. That's she's adamantly so opposed to them is actually funny. Just more hypocrisy from Lori as usual. 

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