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Trump 5: Coming up trumps


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19 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Oh, @Mecca, I know how you feel. I wish there was a chocolate candy emoji, but I don't see one, so this will have to suffice...


Please keep your chin up!


Not sure this belongs in the Trumpster Fire thread, but here goes...

I used to have respect for John McCain. That has quickly diminished during this election cycle. Now, he's pledging that the Senate won't confirm ANY Supreme Court nominees that Hillary puts forward if she wins on 11/8.  A staff member tried to walk it back, but here we go:


Ginsburg 1933

Kennedy 1936

Breyer 1938

Thomas 1948

Alito 1950 

Sotomayor 1954

Roberts 1955

Kagan 1960

Only three of the eight remaining Justices are younger than 65, and of course people younger than 65 die every day. I know that McCain and his friends are pissy because their party has become the conspiratorial dumpster fire of doom, which makes it hard to win the White House, but I'm tired of them taking it out on the country. It's not just the Supreme Court, they are also leaving vacancies in our lower courts.


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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I used to have respect for John McCain. That has quickly diminished during this election cycle. Now, he's pledging that the Senate won't confirm ANY Supreme Court nominees that Hillary puts forward if she wins on 11/8.  A staff member tried to walk it back, but here we go:

This crap is just unreal. First the Republican argument was, "We can't and won't confirm a nominee during an election cycle because, well, because that is just something we won't do when a general election is involved. Let the new president decide." But what they really mean is, "We won't confirm anyone that is appointed by a Democrat not matter what."

I know these dingbats want to blame everything on the left, but this is the every actions that has caused this shit show of an election cycle. We need term limits. The Republicans can't keep holding up the process to play their games. 

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The Washington Post published an op-ed by Elizabeth Warren this afternoon outlining how the "rigged election" whining started in the GOP long before Agent Orange.  There were many good points, but I love this quote:


Anyone with children knows that whining about imaginary cheating is the last refuge of the sore loser. But GOP leaders have served up such a steady diet of stories about imaginary cheating that an Economist-YouGov poll shows that 45 percent of Republican voters believe voter fraud is a “very serious problem,” and 46 percent have little or no confidence that ballots will be counted accurately. They hold these views even though there is literally no evidence — none, zero, zip — that widespread voter fraud is a factor in modern American elections. A recent study looked at around a billion ballots cast in the United States from 2000 through 2014 and found only 31 instances of impersonation fraud at the polls.


and this



Trump also didn’t invent ominous appeals for partisans to patrol “certain areas” and “go and watch these polling places” where citizens often vote for Democrats. More than three decades ago, the Republican National Committee was caught orchestrating expansive efforts to intimidate individuals at polling places in minority neighborhoods. Federal courts have barred the RNC from engaging in poll-watching activities relating to “ballot integrity, ballot security or other efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud” in minority areas ever since.

I didn't realize that the RNC had already been called out for this.

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The Trumpsters are all excited because James O'Keefe of Project Veritas has released a new video. It seems that even Fox News has learned to be careful of O'Keefe's shenanigans:


GRIFFIN: Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe has been convicted and forced to pay a $100,000 fine in the past. He was caught doctoring videos and Twitter recently blocked him from his own account, preventing him from using the social media platform. The group claims this spliced video shows Democratic operatives feeding the narrative that Trump fans are dangerous and violent. The video shows Foval claiming that he is directly coordinating with the Clinton campaign and DNC. But it is edited in such a way that it is no longer clear whether he is referring to the alleged bird-dogging.


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Good grief. O'Keefe is at it again. This guy is like a bad hemorrhoid. Of course, the Trumpers will cling to this without knowing O'Keefe's background. If they will back a serial sexual assaulter, a serial liar will be right up their street. Deplorables loving other deplorables. 

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2 hours ago, Mecca said:

This crap is just unreal. First the Republican argument was, "We can't and won't confirm a nominee during an election cycle because, well, because that is just something we won't do when a general election is involved. Let the new president decide." But what they really mean is, "We won't confirm anyone that is appointed by a Democrat not matter what."

I know these dingbats want to blame everything on the left, but this is the every actions that has caused this shit show of an election cycle. We need term limits. The Republicans can't keep holding up the process to play their games. 

George Washington must be doing some serious face palming upstairs right now, given how he warned us that excessive party spirit would lead to shit like this;




I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.

This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.


It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.

That man knew what the fuck he was talking about.  We see so much of that now with the GOP now, especially with hop-a-long ferret face Senator John McCain spouting off about no Supreme Court justices for us if we vote for Mrs. Clinton. 

My personal message to McCain...McCain, fuck you.  Stick that party spirit up your ass and do your fucking job.  If you're so damn burned up with hatred than do the goddamn universe a fucking favor and retire already.


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Any mention that 6 people have backed up the People Mag's reporter claims against Trump, including her Journalism Prof?





Six friends and co-workers of People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff are corroborating her account of Donald Trump forcing himself upon her as she was doing a story at his Mar-a-Lago estate in 2005.

Trump denies that the incident occurred, and his wife Melania Trump also disputed portions of the story.

On Tuesday, People published a piece in which five people who Stoynoff knew at the time, including editors, friends and her former journalism professor, say that she relayed the story to them shortly after it took place


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In case anyone else is wondering about this Grant Kidney douche that @Mecca referred to, I went over to his fb page. This is his most recent post:



Come on now, where's the Drudge tape showing Hillary having lesbo sex???!!!

Can't wait till this communist cunt is brought down to China town.


So, I left his fb page. 

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11 minutes ago, Fascinated said:

In case anyone else is wondering about this Grant Kidney douche that @Mecca referred to, I went over to his fb page. This is his most recent post:


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So, I left his fb page. 

He is just so gross. He was also making the claim Bill Clinton raped a 13 year old in one of his videos. He is believing a false report from that crazy site WhatDoesItMean.com.

He wears spiffy suits, but he is dump as a lump of poop. 

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Take a look at this post and then the comments. I can't fathom being so loathsome. They have to be souless and empty to be spewing this type of hate.

I am actually surprised Facebook would allow such garbage on their site. I mean, Facebook shits bricks when a woman is shown breastfeeding her child, but people calling for violence and spewing this level is hate is OK. What in the world is happening? 


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This is today on my Grumpy Cat desk calendar.

And sometimes it's how I feel after reading about the latest dumb fuckery of the Orange Anus and his supporters.


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4 hours ago, Mecca said:

This crap is just unreal. First the Republican argument was, "We can't and won't confirm a nominee during an election cycle because, well, because that is just something we won't do when a general election is involved. Let the new president decide." But what they really mean is, "We won't confirm anyone that is appointed by a Democrat not matter what."

I know these dingbats want to blame everything on the left, but this is the every actions that has caused this shit show of an election cycle. We need term limits. The Republicans can't keep holding up the process to play their games. 


2 hours ago, 47of74 said:

George Washington must be doing some serious face palming upstairs right now, given how he warned us that excessive party spirit would lead to shit like this;



That man knew what the fuck he was talking about.  We see so much of that now with the GOP now, especially with hop-a-long ferret face Senator John McCain spouting off about no Supreme Court justices for us if we vote for Mrs. Clinton. 

My personal message to McCain...McCain, fuck you.  Stick that party spirit up your ass and do your fucking job.  If you're so damn burned up with hatred than do the goddamn universe a fucking favor and retire already.


I am so fucking sick of the conservatives.  (And prior to their giant 8+ year hissy fit? I aligned myself as more conservative, although I was registered as an Independent.) 

Of course Obama got nothing done in his term. Because they are more immature than my 8 year old and have to throw a fucking fit everytime something doesn't go their way. So they lost the white house in '08 and so they vowed to never let him get anything done, then blame it on him.) 

Fuck you John McCain. Fuck You Republicans. Stop throwing a goddamn hissy fit and think about WHAT'S BEST FOR THE COUNTRY you fucking assholes. 

(Wow - I got a bit more passionate than I thought.) 

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41 minutes ago, Fascinated said:

In case anyone else is wondering about this Grant Kidney douche that @Mecca referred to, I went over to his fb page. This is his most recent post:


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So, I left his fb page. 

Maybe I almost understand a thing The Arse said during the debate. After reading that shit I feel the irrational need to bleach my mobile. I think I'll clear the cache and then look for  the brain bleach,  I don't want that shit among my thoughts either.

The GOP can't accept the defeat, can't they? Should they lose the Senate majority they  won't be able to oppose Clinton's appointments for SCOTUS right? 

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Mark Cuban says he knows more women that Trump has victimized.



During a telephone interview with CNN”s Don Lemon, billionaire Mark Cuban was asked if he was surprised by all of the women who have come forward to accuse GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump of sexually assaulting them.

His answer: not at all.



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About Melania Trump's valiant efforts to protect Donald:



That’s not much of a defense. Donald Trump didn’t want to brag about sexual misconduct, but he fell sway to the persuasive powers of the host of an entertainment-news show? For all the talk about Trump’s persona as a tough guy, he succumbed to pressure from Billy Bush?

Not only is this unpersuasive, it’s not even true – there’s nothing on the recording to suggest Trump was reluctant to boast about his exploits.

As for the “boy talk,” let’s not forget that Trump was 59 at the time of the interview.

Reminded of this detail by Anderson Cooper, Melania Trump responded, “Correct, and sometimes I said I have two boys at home. I have my young son and I have my husband.”

It was intended as a lighthearted joke, but given that she was talking about her husband’s rhetoric about sexual misconduct, this also wasn’t flattering. Donald Trump’s wife, reflecting on the presidential candidate’s maturity, apparently thinks of him as a child.


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“Everything Donald Trump does—he frames though the lens of reality TV because that’s the world he’s from,” Noah said.

“If you understand reality TV, you understand why Trump’s world is falling apart,” Noah added. “Think of it: In his mind, he should be winning. He knows he’s the ultimate contestant, and if he’s not winning, then the contest must be rigged, because that’s how reality TV works. Trump knows this, because he’s the one who did the rigging. When Trump made The Apprentice, he would just fire whoever he felt like, and his editors would have to go back and re-edit the show just to make it look like his judgment had some basis in reality.”




How Donald Trump Changed the Meaning of Gaffes


Like every other politician in the 2016 cycle, Trump has made his fair share of gaffes. But his most well-known and outlandish remarks this year weren’t off-script. They were the script.



The meaninglessness of Melania’s denials isn’t lost on accusers like Harth, who in my interview with her back in July said it was the insistence of Ivanka Trump that her dad is “not a groper” that pushed her over the edge. After staying silent on the matter for almost 20 years – her initial lawsuit was filed in 1997 – she felt driven to defend her story and herself. “She was 10 years old at the time,” she told me of Ivanka. “She didn’t know what her father was about, what he was doing, how he was acting.” (In response to Melania’s insistence Monday night that the Trump described by accusers is “not the man I know”, Harth tweeted: “Dream on, Melania.”)



Donald Trump Lashes Out at Foreign-Lobbyist Donations, Despite Accepting Them

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9 hours ago, Fascinated said:

In case anyone else is wondering about this Grant Kidney douche that @Mecca referred to, I went over to his fb page. This is his most recent post:


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So, I left his fb page. 

Just an FYI: You can report Facebook posts.  I just reported that one as "shouldn't be on FB." 

FB probably won't do anything about it but it made me feel better.

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12 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I didn't realize that the RNC had already been called out for this.

I want to think that was during the era of George Wallace and desegregation. Previously, though -- not any recent elections that I remember.

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2 minutes ago, Palimpsest said:

Just an FYI: You can report Facebook posts.  I just reported that one as "shouldn't be on FB." 

FB probably won't do anything about it but it made me feel better.

You rock, @Palimpsest!  It did not occur to me to do that (obviously). One would think that this guy must have been reported in the past - it will be interesting to see if FB removes the post. Thank you!

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Screw that.  John McCain shouldn't assume that the Republicans will continue to control the Senate.  Or the House for that matter.  And Paul Ryan accidentally encourages progressives and liberals to turn out in large numbers to knock out all those down-ticket Republicans up for reelection. 


These may have been posted before, but as others have the main stream press covered (that ebil left-wing conspiracy against the Farting Orange Monster) I've been looking at the  Christian Evangelical press.

Even Christianity Today doesn't want to get soiled by Trump's moral failings.  King David isn't a good enough excuse this time per this opinion piece.  Ouch. 


And the Christian Century (I see it as quite mainstream Protestant) tries to explain the strange phenomenon of the Christian Right staying loyal to Trump.   http://www.christiancentury.org/blogs/archive/2016-10/why-christian-right-still-supports-trump

World says Trump is unfit: https://world.wng.org/2016/10/unfit_for_power

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8 hours ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

The GOP can't accept the defeat, can't they? Should they lose the Senate majority they  won't be able to oppose Clinton's appointments for SCOTUS right? 

A Senate minority can insist on hearings, filibuster and try to block nominees.  They are less likely to succeed, that's all.

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