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Crazy Janis (littlepeasinmypodfromgod) is pregnant


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with #8! She is a lot like Brandy. She was an athiest, then a Mormon, then a fundy xian, then a Mormon again, then she was fundy xtian, then a freethinker, back to fundy skirtwearing homeschooler. Now all her kids are back in public school, she is a bisexual freethinker. There is a link to her new blog on www.lilpeasinmypodfromgod.blogspot.com

she is not happy about the pregnancy

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She was an athiest, then a Mormon, then a fundy xian, then a Mormon again, then she was fundy xtian, then a freethinker, back to fundy skirtwearing homeschooler. Now all her kids are back in public school, she is a bisexual freethinker.

I wonder what all this bouncing around from one religion to another does to kids? :?: It certainly must make it confusing.


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All the switching around makes me wonder if she's bipolar or something. Another forum I once frequented had a LOT of members who would go from seemingly happy atheism to depressed and angry fundamentalism. Many of these members were bipolar (a surprising amount, actually), but were raised fundie. During their highs, they'd keep saying they were happy but wrote a lot of hateful posts about religion, and during their lows they'd disappear from the forum or post about considering re-converting. I don't read lilpeasinmypodfromgod much, but that's the impression I get- that she's mentally ill, and it manifests itself in religious practice. Just a thought.

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I knew a guy who's parents went from Catholic to Protestant to Jewish. The family seems to be split down the middle, with the older children considering themselves Christian and the younger children considering themselves Jewish.

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All of the bikini shots crack me up on her blog. I don't have any children and am not exactly happy with my stomach, but I don't go around posting pictures of it on the internet!

It's just the "Look at me and my fake boobs Wow I'm sooooo skinny!" and then you see 3 kids pawing at her in the background.... I would be disturbed if I saw my mom doing this as a kid.

"Leave mommy alone sweetie, she's taking bikini pictures for her ever changing religious blog!"

Honestly excited about this. Her blog is my version of Days of Our Lives...but with more plot twists.

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And really...Why do people act so damn surprised when they aren't doing anything to prevent babies! Not on birth control + Being 25 + Having sex = Baby. Hmmmm shocking!

And as someone who would (ok almost) kill to have a baby.... Shut up.

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And really...Why do people act so damn surprised when they aren't doing anything to prevent babies! Not on birth control + Being 25 + Having sex = Baby. Hmmmm shocking!

And as someone who would (ok almost) kill to have a baby.... Shut up.

she's 25 and have 8 kids? I just shudder... i'm hitting 25 in december... and I am happy not to have 8 kids!!! O_o

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she's 25 and have 8 kids? I just shudder... i'm hitting 25 in december... and I am happy not to have 8 kids!!! O_o

Yup! She started when she was 16. I don't recall seeing a post that explains how she met her husband or their story.

There was one post that I found particularily funny though...She lists the questions that shock her off. Such as "Are they all from the same dad?" "Were they all planned?"

While these questions are tacky, they don't sound all that surpising for someone who has 7 current children (and a few miscarriages along the way). She answered that yes, they are all from the same dad and planned.

I'm 25 too, and the thought of this makes me a bit queasy. I have just reached a point where I am considering the thought of 1 kid...but already having 7!?

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she's 25 and have 8 kids? I just shudder... i'm hitting 25 in december... and I am happy not to have 8 kids!!! O_o

I got married 3 days after my 25th birthday. And as much as we hoped for one pregnancy no way would I have wanted 8! As it was we adopted when I was 32.


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Her mom looks very young to have a 25 year old. I have met "girls" (refusing to say women) who had young moms so they think it's a good idea to have kids in high school because "Hey! My parents did it with me."

The picture of her on her blog holding her first child (at 16) looks like she had her breast implants back then...Yeah....Classy.

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I'm confused by the pregnancy post. The first test said pregnant, but the second one seemed to indicate not pregnant. I've never read one before, but It's not rocket science.

I'm kind of sad that she apparently has never even considered abortion. She is clearly unhappy with this pregnancy and had 7 other kids that her need her attention. Of course the decision is only hers, but it's sad that it never even seems to cross her mind.

She's only 25 and there will be more accidental pregnancies like this one. Despite all the fears of teen pregnancy, teens are actually less fertile than women in their early 20s. So if she was fertile enough to get pregnant several times as a teenager, then she'll remain pretty fertile for a long time. I don't know if her BC failed or if she didn't use any, but at this rate she's gonna beat Michelle Duggar and while that would be supremely ironic, it wouldn't be good for her mental health and for the kids she already has.

It's funny that she's kind of living the life that the Quiverfull daughters all wish they had: married at 16, super fertile, and having a full quiver by her mid 20s. I wonder what the Botkin sisters would think of this.

I'm glad her kids get to go to school though, even if it is unstable. At least they have the chance to reach out to friends and teachers while they are there, and they have a better chance of getting diagnosed if any of them has a learning disability or other problem. If the mom has bipolar, some of the kids will probably get it too because it's partly hereditary. But where is the father in all this? Why doesn't he try to get some stability for his own kids? He's just as bad as the mother in this case. If I were him I'd get a secret vasectomy.

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I'm confused by the pregnancy post. The first test said pregnant, but the second one seemed to indicate not pregnant. I've never read one before, but It's not rocket science.

I think the second one actually had a very faint second line on it. It may not be rocket science, but it can be a little hard to tell sometimes depending on the hormone levels. Most tests do contain some kind of disclaimer about faint lines, I think.

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I'm confused by the pregnancy post. The first test said pregnant, but the second one seemed to indicate not pregnant. I've never read one before, but It's not rocket science.

I'm kind of sad that she apparently has never even considered abortion. She is clearly unhappy with this pregnancy and had 7 other kids that her need her attention. Of course the decision is only hers, but it's sad that it never even seems to cross her mind.

She's only 25 and there will be more accidental pregnancies like this one. Despite all the fears of teen pregnancy, teens are actually less fertile than women in their early 20s. So if she was fertile enough to get pregnant several times as a teenager, then she'll remain pretty fertile for a long time. I don't know if her BC failed or if she didn't use any, but at this rate she's gonna beat Michelle Duggar and while that would be supremely ironic, it wouldn't be good for her mental health and for the kids she already has.

It's funny that she's kind of living the life that the Quiverfull daughters all wish they had: married at 16, super fertile, and having a full quiver by her mid 20s. I wonder what the Botkin sisters would think of this..

Yeah, I thought to myself how Sarah Maxwell might be a tad jealous to know that this woman who is only 27 has 7 children with another on the way. I'm sure the Maxwells never get jealous, though.

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Did she really say "pretty little mind"? Oy vey.

And the announcement cake they made for the kids makes me glad they're going to public school again. "Pink or Blue, May 25 is when were due" Calling CakeWrecks....

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She also has girlfriends on the side, with her husband's knowledge and approval. He does not participate.

They brag that they do nothing to "prevent birth". And here she is miserable. She just got all the kids out of the house and into school, and she is going to be tied to the home again (which is what she wanted a month ago - she was a homeschooling, skirts only, submissive fundy) Now that she is trying to "mainstream" she is unhappy with the pregnancy

Give it a month or so, she will view this latest pregnancy as a sign from Jesus that she should be a good xian mom, all the kids will be pulled out of school again for the umpteenth time, and she will be a fundy again.

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She also has girlfriends on the side, with her husband's knowledge and approval. He does not participate.

When does she have the time?


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